Ejemplo n.º 1
def cdb_add_book(ctx, rd, job_id, add_duplicates, filename, library_id):
    Add a file as a new book. The file contents must be in the body of the request.

    The response will also have the title/authors/languages read from the
    metadata of the file/filename. It will contain a `book_id` field specifying the id of the newly added book,
    or if add_duplicates is not specified and a duplicate was found, no book_id will be present. It will also
    return the value of `job_id` as the `id` field and `filename` as the `filename` field.
    db = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot use the add book interface with a user who has per library restrictions')
    if not filename:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('An empty filename is not allowed')
    sfilename = sanitize_file_name_unicode(filename)
    fmt = os.path.splitext(sfilename)[1]
    fmt = fmt[1:] if fmt else None
    if not fmt:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('An filename with no extension is not allowed')
    if isinstance(rd.request_body_file, BytesIO):
        raise HTTPBadRequest('A request body containing the file data must be specified')
    add_duplicates = add_duplicates in ('y', '1')
    path = os.path.join(rd.tdir, sfilename)
    rd.request_body_file.name = path
    mi = get_metadata(rd.request_body_file, stream_type=fmt, use_libprs_metadata=True)
    ids, duplicates = db.add_books([(mi, {fmt: rd.request_body_file})], add_duplicates=add_duplicates)
    ans = {'title': mi.title, 'authors': mi.authors, 'languages': mi.languages, 'filename': filename, 'id': job_id}
    if ids:
        ans['book_id'] = ids[0]
    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cdb_set_fields(ctx, rd, book_id, library_id):
    db = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot use the set fields interface with a user who has per library restrictions')
    data = load_payload_data(rd)
        changes, loaded_book_ids = data['changes'], frozenset(map(int, data.get('loaded_book_ids', ())))
        all_dirtied = bool(data.get('all_dirtied'))
        if not isinstance(changes, dict):
            raise TypeError('changes must be a dict')
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
        '''Data must be of the form {'changes': {'title': 'New Title', ...}, 'loaded_book_ids':[book_id1, book_id2, ...]'}''')
    dirtied = set()
    cdata = changes.pop('cover', False)
    if cdata is not False:
        if cdata is not None:
                cdata = standard_b64decode(cdata.split(',', 1)[-1].encode('ascii'))
            except Exception:
                raise HTTPBadRequest('Cover data is not valid base64 encoded data')
                fmt = what(None, cdata)
            except Exception:
                fmt = None
            if fmt not in ('jpeg', 'png'):
                raise HTTPBadRequest('Cover data must be either JPEG or PNG')
        dirtied |= db.set_cover({book_id: cdata})

    for field, value in iteritems(changes):
        dirtied |= db.set_field(field, {book_id: value})
    ctx.notify_changes(db.backend.library_path, metadata(dirtied))
    all_ids = dirtied if all_dirtied else (dirtied & loaded_book_ids)
    all_ids |= {book_id}
    return {bid: book_as_json(db, bid) for bid in all_ids}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def cdb_run(ctx, rd, which, version):
        m = module_for_cmd(which)
    except ImportError:
        raise HTTPNotFound('No module named: {}'.format(which))
    if not getattr(m, 'readonly', False):
    if getattr(m, 'version', 0) != int(version):
        raise HTTPNotFound(('The module {} is not available in version: {}.'
                           'Make sure the version of calibre used for the'
                            ' server and calibredb match').format(which, version))
    db = get_library_data(ctx, rd, strict_library_id=True)[0]
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot use the command-line db interface with a user who has per library restrictions')
    raw = rd.read()
    ct = rd.inheaders.get('Content-Type', all=True)
        if MSGPACK_MIME in ct:
            args = msgpack_loads(raw)
        elif 'application/json' in ct:
            args = json_loads(raw)
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Only JSON or msgpack requests are supported')
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('args are not valid encoded data')
    if getattr(m, 'needs_srv_ctx', False):
        args = [ctx] + list(args)
        result = m.implementation(db, partial(ctx.notify_changes, db.backend.library_path), *args)
    except Exception as err:
        import traceback
        return {'err': as_unicode(err), 'tb': traceback.format_exc()}
    return {'result': result}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def more_books(ctx, rd):
    Get more results from the specified search-query, which must
    be specified as JSON in the request body.

    Optional: ?num=50&library_id=<default library>
    db, library_id = get_library_data(ctx, rd.query)[:2]

        num = int(rd.query.get('num', DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BOOKS))
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPNotFound('Invalid number of books: %r' % rd.query.get('num'))
        search_query = load_json_file(rd.request_body_file)
        query, offset, sorts, orders = search_query['query'], search_query['offset'], search_query['sort'], search_query['sort_order']
    except KeyError as err:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('Search query missing key: %s' % as_unicode(err))
    except Exception as err:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid query: %s' % as_unicode(err))
    ans = {}
    with db.safe_read_lock:
        ans['search_result'] = search_result(ctx, rd, db, query, num, offset, sorts, orders)
        mdata = ans['metadata'] = {}
        for book_id in ans['search_result']['book_ids']:
            data = book_as_json(db, book_id)
            if data is not None:
                mdata[book_id] = data

    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mobile(ctx, rd):
    db, library_id, library_map, default_library = get_library_data(ctx, rd)
        start = max(1, int(rd.query.get('start', 1)))
    except ValueError:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('start is not an integer')
        num = max(0, int(rd.query.get('num', 25)))
    except ValueError:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('num is not an integer')
    search = rd.query.get('search') or ''
    with db.safe_read_lock:
        book_ids = ctx.search(rd, db, search)
        total = len(book_ids)
        ascending = rd.query.get('order', '').lower().strip() == 'ascending'
        sort_by = sanitize_sort_field_name(db.field_metadata, rd.query.get('sort') or 'date')
            book_ids = db.multisort([(sort_by, ascending)], book_ids)
        except Exception:
            sort_by = 'date'
            book_ids = db.multisort([(sort_by, ascending)], book_ids)
        books = [db.get_metadata(book_id) for book_id in book_ids[(start-1):(start-1)+num]]
    rd.outheaders['Last-Modified'] = http_date(timestampfromdt(db.last_modified()))
    order = 'ascending' if ascending else 'descending'
    q = {b'search':search.encode('utf-8'), b'order':bytes(order), b'sort':sort_by.encode('utf-8'), b'num':bytes(num), 'library_id':library_id}
    url_base = ctx.url_for('/mobile') + '?' + urlencode(q)
    lm = {k:v for k, v in iteritems(library_map) if k != library_id}
    return build_index(rd, books, num, search, sort_by, order, start, total, url_base, db.field_metadata, ctx, lm, library_id)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def cdb_copy_to_library(ctx, rd, target_library_id, library_id):
    db_src = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    db_dest = get_db(ctx, rd, target_library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db_src) or ctx.restriction_for(rd, db_dest):
        raise HTTPForbidden(
            'Cannot use the copy to library interface with a user who has per library restrictions'
    data = load_payload_data(rd)
        book_ids = {int(x) for x in data['book_ids']}
        move_books = bool(data.get('move', False))
        preserve_date = bool(data.get('preserve_date', True))
        duplicate_action = data.get('duplicate_action') or 'add'
        automerge_action = data.get('automerge_action') or 'overwrite'
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
            'Invalid encoded data, must be of the form: {book_ids: [id1, id2, ..]}'
    if duplicate_action not in ('add', 'add_formats_to_existing', 'ignore'):
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
            'duplicate_action must be one of: add, add_formats_to_existing, ignore'
    if automerge_action not in ('overwrite', 'ignore', 'new record'):
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
            'automerge_action must be one of: overwrite, ignore, new record')
    response = {}
    identical_books_data = None
    if duplicate_action != 'add':
        identical_books_data = db_dest.data_for_find_identical_books()
    to_remove = set()
    from calibre.db.copy_to_library import copy_one_book
    for book_id in book_ids:
            rdata = copy_one_book(book_id,
            if move_books:
            response[book_id] = {'ok': True, 'payload': rdata}
        except Exception:
            import traceback
            response[book_id] = {
                'ok': False,
                'payload': traceback.format_exc()

    if to_remove:
        db_src.remove_books(to_remove, permanent=True)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
def cdb_set_fields(ctx, rd, book_id, library_id):
    db = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden(
            'Cannot use the set fields interface with a user who has per library restrictions'
    raw = rd.read()
    ct = rd.inheaders.get('Content-Type', all=True)
    ct = {x.lower().partition(';')[0] for x in ct}
        if MSGPACK_MIME in ct:
            data = msgpack_loads(raw)
        elif 'application/json' in ct:
            data = json_loads(raw)
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Only JSON or msgpack requests are supported')
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid encoded data')
        changes, loaded_book_ids = data['changes'], frozenset(
            map(int, data.get('loaded_book_ids', ())))
        all_dirtied = bool(data.get('all_dirtied'))
        if not isinstance(changes, dict):
            raise TypeError('changes must be a dict')
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
            '''Data must be of the form {'changes': {'title': 'New Title', ...}, 'loaded_book_ids':[book_id1, book_id2, ...]'}'''
    dirtied = set()
    cdata = changes.pop('cover', False)
    if cdata is not False:
        if cdata is not None:
                cdata = standard_b64decode(
                    cdata.split(',', 1)[-1].encode('ascii'))
            except Exception:
                raise HTTPBadRequest(
                    'Cover data is not valid base64 encoded data')
                fmt = what(None, cdata)
            except Exception:
                fmt = None
            if fmt not in ('jpeg', 'png'):
                raise HTTPBadRequest('Cover data must be either JPEG or PNG')
        dirtied |= db.set_cover({book_id: cdata})

    for field, value in changes.iteritems():
        dirtied |= db.set_field(field, {book_id: value})
    ctx.notify_changes(db.backend.library_path, metadata(dirtied))
    all_ids = dirtied if all_dirtied else (dirtied & loaded_book_ids)
    all_ids |= {book_id}
    return {bid: book_as_json(db, book_id) for bid in all_ids}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load_payload_data(rd):
    raw = rd.read()
    ct = rd.inheaders.get('Content-Type', all=True)
    ct = {x.lower().partition(';')[0] for x in ct}
        if MSGPACK_MIME in ct:
            return msgpack_loads(raw)
        elif 'application/json' in ct:
            return json_loads(raw)
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Only JSON or msgpack requests are supported')
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid encoded data')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_books(ctx, rd):
    Get books for the specified query

    Optional: ?library_id=<default library>&num=50&sort=timestamp.desc&search=''
    library_id, db, sorts, orders = get_basic_query_data(ctx, rd.query)
        num = int(rd.query.get('num', DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BOOKS))
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPNotFound('Invalid number of books: %r' % rd.query.get('num'))
    searchq = rd.query.get('search', '')
    db = get_library_data(ctx, rd.query)[0]
    ans = {}
    mdata = ans['metadata'] = {}
    with db.safe_read_lock:
            ans['search_result'] = search_result(ctx, rd, db, searchq, num, 0, ','.join(sorts), ','.join(orders))
        except ParseException as err:
            # This must not be translated as it is used by the front end to
            # detect invalid search expressions
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid search expression: %s' % as_unicode(err))
        for book_id in ans['search_result']['book_ids']:
            data = book_as_json(db, book_id)
            if data is not None:
                mdata[book_id] = data
    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 10
def cdb_delete_book(ctx, rd, book_ids, library_id):
    db = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot use the delete book interface with a user who has per library restrictions')
        ids = {int(x) for x in book_ids.split(',')}
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('invalid book_ids: {}'.format(book_ids))
    return {}
Ejemplo n.º 11
def change_pw(ctx, rd):
    user = rd.username or None
    if user is None:
        raise HTTPForbidden(
            'Anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords')
        pw = json.loads(rd.request_body_file.read())
        oldpw, newpw = pw['oldpw'], pw['newpw']
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('No decodable password found')
    if oldpw != ctx.user_manager.get(user):
        raise HTTPBadRequest(_('Existing password is incorrect'))
    err = validate_password(newpw)
    if err:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(err)
        ctx.user_manager.change_password(user, newpw)
    except Exception as err:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(as_unicode(err))
    ctx.log.warn('Changed password for user', user)
    return 'password for {} changed'.format(user)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def cdb_set_fields(ctx, rd, book_id, library_id):
    db = get_db(ctx, rd, library_id)
    if ctx.restriction_for(rd, db):
        raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot use the set fields interface with a user who has per library restrictions')
    raw = rd.read()
    ct = rd.inheaders.get('Content-Type', all=True)
    ct = {x.lower().partition(';')[0] for x in ct}
        if MSGPACK_MIME in ct:
            data = msgpack_loads(raw)
        elif 'application/json' in ct:
            data = json_loads(raw)
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Only JSON or msgpack requests are supported')
        changes, loaded_book_ids = data['changes'], frozenset(map(int, data['loaded_book_ids']))
    except Exception:
        raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid encoded data')
    dirtied = set()
    for field, value in changes.iteritems():
        dirtied |= db.set_field(field, {book_id: value})
    return {bid: book_as_json(db, book_id) for bid in (dirtied & loaded_book_ids) | {book_id}}
Ejemplo n.º 13
def set_session_data(ctx, rd):
    Store session data persistently so that it is propagated automatically to
    new logged in clients
    if rd.username:
            new_data = load_json_file(rd.request_body_file)
            if not isinstance(new_data, dict):
                raise Exception('session data must be a dict')
        except Exception as err:
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid data: %s' % as_unicode(err))
        ud = ctx.user_manager.get_session_data(rd.username)
        ctx.user_manager.set_session_data(rd.username, ud)