Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __compile_expressions(self):
     SIMPLE_RPL = {
         "\\\\": "\\backslash ",
         "\\~": "\\~ ",
         "\\;": "\\; ",
         "&": "&",
         "<": "&lt;",
         ">": "&gt;",
         "\\~": "\\~ ",
         "\\_": "\\_ ",
         "\\:": "\\: ",
         "\\-": "\\- ",
         # turn into a generic token to eliminate special
         # cases and make processing easier
         "\\{": "\\ob ",
         # turn into a generic token to eliminate special
         # cases and make processing easier
         "\\}": "\\cb ",
         # put a backslash in front of to eliminate special cases and
         # make processing easier
         "{": "\\{",
         # put a backslash in front of to eliminate special cases and
         # make processing easier
         "}": "\\}",
     self.__replace_spchar = MReplace(SIMPLE_RPL)
     # add ;? in case of char following \u
     self.__ms_hex_exp = re.compile(r"\\\'([0-9a-fA-F]{2})")
     self.__utf_exp = re.compile(r"\\u(-?\d{3,6}) ?")
     self.__bin_exp = re.compile(r"(?:\\bin(-?\d{0,10})[\n ]+)[01\n]+")
     # manage upr/ud situations
     self.__utf_ud = re.compile(
         r"\\{[\n ]?\\upr[\n ]?(?:\\{.*?\\})[\n ]?" +
         r"\\{[\n ]?\\*[\n ]?\\ud[\n ]?(\\{.*?\\})[\n ]?\\}[\n ]?\\}")
     # add \n in split for whole file reading
     # why keep backslash whereas \is replaced before?
     # remove \n from endline char
     self.__splitexp = re.compile(
         r"(\\[{}]|\n|\\[^\s\\{}&]+(?:[ \t\r\f\v])?)")
     # this is for old RTF
     self.__par_exp = re.compile(r'(\\\n+|\\ )')
     # handle improper cs char-style with \* before without {
     self.__cs_ast = re.compile(r'\\\*([\n ]*\\cs\d+[\n \\]+)')
     # handle cw using a digit as argument and without space as delimiter
     self.__cwdigit_exp = re.compile(r"(\\[a-zA-Z]+[\-0-9]+)([^0-9 \\]+)")
Ejemplo n.º 2
_mreplace = MReplace({
        '&#8211;': '--',
        '&ndash;': '--',
        '–': '--',
        '&#8212;': '---',
        '&mdash;': '---',
        '—': '---',
        '&#8230;': '...',
        '&hellip;': '...',
        '…': '...',
        '&#8220;': '"',
        '&#8221;': '"',
        '&#8222;': '"',
        '&#8243;': '"',
        '&ldquo;': '"',
        '&rdquo;': '"',
        '&bdquo;': '"',
        '&Prime;': '"',
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, html, remove_special_chars=None,
        if remove_special_chars is not None:
            html = remove_special_chars.sub('', html)
        html = html.replace('\0', '')
        is_pdftohtml = self.is_pdftohtml(html)
        if self.is_baen(html):
            rules = []
        elif self.is_book_designer(html):
            rules = self.BOOK_DESIGNER
        elif is_pdftohtml:
            rules = self.PDFTOHTML
            rules = []

        start_rules = []

        if not getattr(self.extra_opts, 'keep_ligatures', False):
            html = _ligpat.sub(lambda m:LIGATURES[m.group()], html)

        user_sr_rules = {}
        # Function for processing search and replace

        def do_search_replace(search_pattern, replace_txt):
            from calibre.ebooks.conversion.search_replace import compile_regular_expression
                search_re = compile_regular_expression(search_pattern)
                if not replace_txt:
                    replace_txt = ''
                rules.insert(0, (search_re, replace_txt))
                user_sr_rules[(search_re, replace_txt)] = search_pattern
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.error('Failed to parse %r regexp because %s' %
                        (search, as_unicode(e)))

        # search / replace using the sr?_search / sr?_replace options
        for i in range(1, 4):
            search, replace = 'sr%d_search'%i, 'sr%d_replace'%i
            search_pattern = getattr(self.extra_opts, search, '')
            replace_txt = getattr(self.extra_opts, replace, '')
            if search_pattern:
                do_search_replace(search_pattern, replace_txt)

        # multi-search / replace using the search_replace option
        search_replace = getattr(self.extra_opts, 'search_replace', None)
        if search_replace:
            search_replace = json.loads(search_replace)
            for search_pattern, replace_txt in reversed(search_replace):
                do_search_replace(search_pattern, replace_txt)

        end_rules = []
        # delete soft hyphens - moved here so it's executed after header/footer removal
        if is_pdftohtml:
            # unwrap/delete soft hyphens
            end_rules.append((re.compile(u'[­](</p>\s*<p>\s*)+\s*(?=[[a-z\d])'), lambda match: ''))
            # unwrap/delete soft hyphens with formatting
            end_rules.append((re.compile(u'[­]\s*(</(i|u|b)>)+(</p>\s*<p>\s*)+\s*(<(i|u|b)>)+\s*(?=[[a-z\d])'), lambda match: ''))

        length = -1
        if getattr(self.extra_opts, 'unwrap_factor', 0.0) > 0.01:
            docanalysis = DocAnalysis('pdf', html)
            length = docanalysis.line_length(getattr(self.extra_opts, 'unwrap_factor'))
            if length:
                # print "The pdf line length returned is " + str(length)
                # unwrap em/en dashes
                end_rules.append((re.compile(u'(?<=.{%i}[–—])\s*<p>\s*(?=[[a-z\d])' % length), lambda match: ''))
                    # Un wrap using punctuation
                    (re.compile(u'(?<=.{%i}([a-zäëïöüàèìòùáćéíĺóŕńśúýâêîôûçąężıãõñæøþðßěľščťžňďřů,:)\IA\u00DF]|(?<!\&\w{4});))\s*(?P<ital></(i|b|u)>)?\s*(</p>\s*<p>\s*)+\s*(?=(<(i|b|u)>)?\s*[\w\d$(])' % length, re.UNICODE), wrap_lines),  # noqa

        for rule in self.PREPROCESS + start_rules:
            html = rule[0].sub(rule[1], html)

        if self.regex_wizard_callback is not None:
            self.regex_wizard_callback(self.current_href, html)

        if get_preprocess_html:
            return html

        def dump(raw, where):
            import os
            dp = getattr(self.extra_opts, 'debug_pipeline', None)
            if dp and os.path.exists(dp):
                odir = os.path.join(dp, 'input')
                if os.path.exists(odir):
                    odir = os.path.join(odir, where)
                    if not os.path.exists(odir):
                    name, i = None, 0
                    while not name or os.path.exists(os.path.join(odir, name)):
                        i += 1
                        name = '%04d.html'%i
                    with open(os.path.join(odir, name), 'wb') as f:

        # dump(html, 'pre-preprocess')

        for rule in rules + end_rules:
                html = rule[0].sub(rule[1], html)
            except Exception as e:
                if rule in user_sr_rules:
                        'User supplied search & replace rule: %s -> %s '
                        'failed with error: %s, ignoring.'%(
                            user_sr_rules[rule], rule[1], e))

        if is_pdftohtml and length > -1:
            # Dehyphenate
            dehyphenator = Dehyphenator(self.extra_opts.verbose, self.log)
            html = dehyphenator(html,'html', length)

        if is_pdftohtml:
            from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
            pdf_markup = HeuristicProcessor(self.extra_opts, None)
            totalwords = 0
            if pdf_markup.get_word_count(html) > 7000:
                html = pdf_markup.markup_chapters(html, totalwords, True)

        # dump(html, 'post-preprocess')

        # Handle broken XHTML w/ SVG (ugh)
        if 'svg:' in html and SVG_NS not in html:
            html = html.replace(
                '<html', '<html xmlns:svg="%s"' % SVG_NS, 1)
        if 'xlink:' in html and XLINK_NS not in html:
            html = html.replace(
                '<html', '<html xmlns:xlink="%s"' % XLINK_NS, 1)

        html = XMLDECL_RE.sub('', html)

        if getattr(self.extra_opts, 'asciiize', False):
            from calibre.utils.localization import get_udc
            from calibre.utils.mreplace import MReplace
            unihandecoder = get_udc()
            mr = MReplace(data={u'«':u'&lt;'*3, u'»':u'&gt;'*3})
            html = mr.mreplace(html)
            html = unihandecoder.decode(html)

        if getattr(self.extra_opts, 'enable_heuristics', False):
            from calibre.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
            preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(self.extra_opts, self.log)
            html = preprocessor(html)

        if is_pdftohtml:
            html = html.replace('<!-- created by calibre\'s pdftohtml -->', '')

        if getattr(self.extra_opts, 'smarten_punctuation', False):
            html = smarten_punctuation(html, self.log)

            unsupported_unicode_chars = self.extra_opts.output_profile.unsupported_unicode_chars
        except AttributeError:
            unsupported_unicode_chars = u''
        if unsupported_unicode_chars:
            from calibre.utils.localization import get_udc
            unihandecoder = get_udc()
            for char in unsupported_unicode_chars:
                asciichar = unihandecoder.decode(char)
                html = html.replace(char, asciichar)

        return html