Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parse_exported_highlights(self, raw, log_failure=True):
        Extract highlights from pasted Annotation summary email
        Return True if no problems
        Return False if error
        # Create the annotations, books table as needed
        self.annotations_db = "%s_imported_annotations" % self.app_name_
        self.books_db = "%s_imported_books" % self.app_name_

        self.annotated_book_list = []
        self.selected_books = None

        # Generate the book metadata from the selected book
        row = self.opts.gui.library_view.currentIndex()
        book_id = self.opts.gui.library_view.model().id(row)
        db = self.opts.gui.current_db
        mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)

        # Grab the title from the front of raw
            title = re.match(r'(?m)File: (?P<title>.*)$', raw).group('title')

            # Populate a BookStruct
            book_mi = BookStruct()
            book_mi.active = True
            book_mi.author = 'Unknown'
            book_mi.book_id = mi.id
            book_mi.title = title
            book_mi.uuid = None
            book_mi.last_update = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            book_mi.reader_app = self.app_name
            book_mi.cid = mi.id

            gr_annotations = raw.split('\n')
            num_lines = len(gr_annotations)
            highlights = {}

            # Find the first annotation
            i = 0
            line = gr_annotations[i]
            while not line.startswith('--- Page'):
                i += 1
                line = gr_annotations[i]

            while i < num_lines and not line.startswith('(report generated by GoodReader)'):
                # Extract the page number
                page_num = re.search('--- (Page \w+) ---', line)
                if page_num:
                    page_num = page_num.group(1)

                    # Extract the highlight
                    i += 1
                    line = gr_annotations[i]

                    prefix = None
                    while True:
                        prefix = re.search('^(?P<ann_type>{0})'.format('|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES + self.SKIP_TYPES)), line)
                        if prefix and prefix.group('ann_type') in self.SKIP_TYPES:
                            i += 1
                            line = gr_annotations[i]
                            while not re.search('^(?P<ann_type>{0})'.format('|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES)), line):
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]
                        elif prefix:
                            i += 1
                            line = gr_annotations[i]

                    annotation = self._extract_highlight(line, prefix.group('ann_type'))
                    annotation.page_num = page_num

                    # Get the annotation(s)
                    i += 1
                    line = gr_annotations[i]
                    ann = ''
                    while i < num_lines \
                        and not line.startswith('--- Page') \
                        and not line.startswith('(report generated by GoodReader)'):

                        if line:
                            prefix = re.search('^(?P<ann_type>{0})'.format('|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES + self.SKIP_TYPES)), line)
                            if prefix and prefix.group('ann_type') in self.SKIP_TYPES:
                                # Continue until next ann_type
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]
                                while not re.search('^(?P<ann_type>{0})'.format('|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES)), line):
                                    i += 1
                                    if i == num_lines:
                                    line = gr_annotations[i]
                            elif prefix:
                                # Additional highlight on the same page
                                # write current annotation, start new annotation
                                self._store_annotation(highlights, annotation)
                                annotation = self._extract_highlight(line, prefix.group('ann_type'))
                                annotation.page_num = page_num
                                annotation.ann_type = prefix.group('ann_type')
                                ann = ''
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]

                            if not ann:
                                ann = line
                                ann += '\n' + line
                        i += 1
                        line = gr_annotations[i]
                        annotation.ann = ann

                    # Back up so that the next line is '--- Page' or '(report generated'
                    i -= 1
                    self._store_annotation(highlights, annotation)

                i += 1
                if i == num_lines:
                line = gr_annotations[i]
            if log_failure:
                self._log(" unable to parse GoodReader Annotation summary")
                self._log("{:~^80}".format(" Imported Annotation summary "))
                self._log("{:~^80}".format(" end imported Annotations summary "))
                import traceback
                msg = ('Unable to parse Annotation summary from %s. ' % self.app_name +
                    'Paste entire contents of emailed summary.')
                    'Error importing annotations',
                self._log_location("WARNING: %s" % msg)
            return False

        # Finalize book_mi
        book_mi.annotations = len(highlights)
        # Add book to books_db
        self.add_to_books_db(self.books_db, book_mi)

        sorted_keys = sorted(highlights.iterkeys())
        for dt in sorted_keys:
            highlight_text = None
            if 'text' in highlights[dt]:
                highlight_text = highlights[dt]['text']
            note_text = None
            if 'note' in highlights[dt]:
                note_text = highlights[dt]['note']

            # Populate an AnnotationStruct
            a_mi = AnnotationStruct()
            a_mi.annotation_id = dt
            a_mi.book_id = book_mi['book_id']
            a_mi.highlight_color = highlights[dt]['color']
            a_mi.highlight_text = highlight_text
            a_mi.location = highlights[dt]['page']
            a_mi.last_modification = dt
            a_mi.note_text = note_text

            # Location sort
            page_literal = re.match(r'^Page (?P<page>[0-9ivx]+).*$', a_mi.location).group('page')
            if re.match('[IXVL]', page_literal.upper()):
                whole = 0
                decimal = self._roman_to_int(page_literal)
                whole = int(page_literal)
                decimal = 0
            a_mi.location_sort = "%05d.%05d" % (whole, decimal)

            # Add annotation
            self.add_to_annotations_db(self.annotations_db, a_mi)
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, dt, book_mi['book_id'])

        # Update the timestamp

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def parse_exported_highlights(self, raw):
        Extract highlights from pasted Annotations summary, add them to selected book
        in calibre library

        Construct a BookStruct object with the book's metadata.
        Starred items are minimally required.
           BookStruct properties:
            *active: [True|False]
            *author: "John Smith"
             author_sort: (if known)
            *book_id: an int uniquely identifying the book.
                     Highlights are associated with books through book_id
             genre: "Fiction" (if known)
            *title: "The Story of John Smith"
             title_sort: "Story of John Smith, The" (if known)
             uuid: Calibre's uuid for this book, if known

        Construct an AnnotationStruct object with the
        highlight's metadata. Starred items are minimally required. Dashed items
        (highlight_text and note_text) may be one or both.
          AnnotationStruct properties:
            annotation_id: an int uniquely identifying the annotation
           *book_id: The book this annotation is associated with
            highlight_color: [Blue|Gray|Green|Pink|Purple|Underline|Yellow]
           -highlight_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the highlight
            last_modification: The timestamp of the annotation
            location: location of highlight in the book
           -note_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the note
           *timestamp: Unique timestamp of highlight's creation/modification time

        self._log("%s:parse_exported_highlight()" % self.app_name)

        # Create the annotations, books table as needed
        self.annotations_db = "%s_imported_annotations" % self.app_name_
        self.books_db = "%s_imported_books" % self.app_name_

        self.annotated_book_list = []
        self.selected_books = None

        # Generate the book metadata from the selected book
        row = self.opts.gui.library_view.currentIndex()
        book_id = self.opts.gui.library_view.model().id(row)
        db = self.opts.gui.current_db
        mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)

        # Populate author, title at a minimum
        title = "A Book With Some Exported Annotations"
        author = "John Smith"

        # Populate a BookStruct
        book_mi = BookStruct()
        book_mi.active = True
        book_mi.author = author
        book_mi.book_id = mi.id
        book_mi.title = title
        book_mi.uuid = None
        book_mi.last_update = time.mktime(time.localtime())
        book_mi.reader_app = self.app_name
        book_mi.cid = mi.id
        book_mi.annotations = len(self.highlights)

        # Add annotations to the database
        for timestamp in sorted(self.highlights.keys()):
            book_mi.last_update = timestamp

            # Populate an AnnotationStruct
            ann_mi = AnnotationStruct()

            # Required items
            ann_mi.book_id = book_mi['book_id']
            ann_mi.last_modification = timestamp

            # Optional items
            if 'annotation_id' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                ann_mi.annotation_id = self.highlights[timestamp]['annotation_id']
            if 'highlight_color' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                ann_mi.highlight_color = self.highlights[timestamp]['highlight_color']
            if 'highlight_text' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                highlight_text = '\n'.join(self.highlights[timestamp]['highlight_text'])
                ann_mi.highlight_text = highlight_text
            if 'note_text' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                note_text = '\n'.join(self.highlights[timestamp]['note_text'])
                ann_mi.note_text = note_text

            # Add annotation to annotations_db
            self.add_to_annotations_db(self.annotations_db, ann_mi)

            # Increment the progress bar

            # Update last_annotation in books_db
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, timestamp, ann_mi.book_id)

        # Add book to books_db
        self.add_to_books_db(self.books_db, book_mi)

        # Update the timestamp

        # Return True if successful
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse_exported_highlights(self, raw, log_failure=True):
        Extract highlights from pasted Annotation summary email
        Return True if no problems
        Return False if error
        # Create the annotations, books table as needed
        self.annotations_db = "%s_imported_annotations" % self.app_name_
        self.books_db = "%s_imported_books" % self.app_name_

        self.annotated_book_list = []
        self.selected_books = None

        self._log("raw highlights: {0}".format(raw))

        # Generate the book metadata from the selected book
        row = self.opts.gui.library_view.currentIndex()
        book_id = self.opts.gui.library_view.model().id(row)
        db = self.opts.gui.current_db
        mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)

        # Grab the title from the front of raw
            title = re.match(r'(?m)File: (?P<title>.*)$', raw).group('title')

            # Populate a BookStruct
            book_mi = BookStruct()
            book_mi.active = True
            book_mi.author = 'Unknown'
            book_mi.book_id = mi.id
            book_mi.title = title
            book_mi.uuid = None
            book_mi.last_update = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            book_mi.reader_app = self.app_name
            book_mi.cid = mi.id

            gr_annotations = raw.split('\n')
            num_lines = len(gr_annotations)
            highlights = {}

            # Find the first annotation
            i = 0
            line = gr_annotations[i]
            self._log("Looking for Page: Line number={0} line='{1}'".format(
                i, line))
            while not line.startswith('--- Page'):
                self._log(" unable to parse GoodReader Annotation summary")
                i += 1
                line = gr_annotations[i]
                    "Looking for Page: Line number={0} line='{1}'".format(
                        i, line))

            while i < num_lines and not line.startswith(
                    '(report generated by GoodReader)'):
                # Extract the page number
                page_num = re.search('--- (Page \w+) ---', line)
                self._log("regex result: page_num={0}".format(page_num))
                if page_num:
                    page_num = page_num.group(1)

                    # Extract the highlight
                    i += 1
                    line = gr_annotations[i]
                        "Looking for annotation start: Line number={0} line='{1}'"
                        .format(i, line))

                    prefix = None
                    while True:
                        prefix = re.search(
                                '|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES +
                                         self.SKIP_TYPES)), line)
                        self._log("Searched for prefix={0}".format(prefix))
                        if prefix and prefix.group(
                                'ann_type') in self.SKIP_TYPES:
                            i += 1
                            line = gr_annotations[i]
                                "Looking for annotation start: Line number={0} line='{1}'"
                                .format(i, line))
                            while not re.search(
                                        self.ANNOTATION_TYPES)), line):
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]
                                    "Looking for annotation start after a SKIP type: Line number={0} line='{1}'"
                                    .format(i, line))
                        elif prefix:
                                "Have annotation start: Line number={0} line='{1}' prefix={2}"
                                .format(i, line, prefix))
                            i += 1
                            line = gr_annotations[i]
                                "Looking for annotation start 2: Line number={0} line='{1}'"
                                .format(i, line))

                    annotation = self._extract_highlight(
                        line, prefix.group('ann_type'))
                    annotation.page_num = page_num
                        "Started annotation: page_num={0} annotation='{1}'".
                        format(page_num, annotation))

                    # Get the annotation(s)
                    i += 1
                    line = gr_annotations[i]
                        "Reading annotation text 1: Line number={0} line='{1}'"
                        .format(i, line))
                    ann = ''
                    while i < num_lines \
                        and not line.startswith('--- Page') \
                        and not line.startswith('(report generated by GoodReader)'):

                        if line:
                            prefix = re.search(
                                    '|'.join(self.ANNOTATION_TYPES +
                                             self.SKIP_TYPES)), line)
                            if prefix and prefix.group(
                                    'ann_type') in self.SKIP_TYPES:
                                # Continue until next ann_type
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]
                                while not re.search(
                                            self.ANNOTATION_TYPES)), line):
                                    i += 1
                                    if i == num_lines:
                                    line = gr_annotations[i]
                            elif prefix:
                                # Additional highlight on the same page
                                # write current annotation, start new annotation
                                self._store_annotation(highlights, annotation)
                                annotation = self._extract_highlight(
                                    line, prefix.group('ann_type'))
                                annotation.page_num = page_num
                                annotation.ann_type = prefix.group('ann_type')
                                ann = ''
                                i += 1
                                line = gr_annotations[i]

                            if not ann:
                                ann = line
                                ann += '\n' + line
                        i += 1
                        line = gr_annotations[i]
                        annotation.ann = ann

                    # Back up so that the next line is '--- Page' or '(report generated'
                    i -= 1
                    self._store_annotation(highlights, annotation)

                i += 1
                if i == num_lines:
                line = gr_annotations[i]
        except Exception as e:
            import traceback
            self._log("Exception parsing GoodReader Annotation summary: %s" %
            if log_failure:
                self._log(" unable to parse GoodReader Annotation summary")
                self._log("{:~^80}".format(" Imported Annotation summary "))
                    "{:~^80}".format(" end imported Annotations summary "))
                import traceback
                msg = ('Unable to parse Annotation summary from %s. ' %
                       self.app_name +
                       'Paste entire contents of emailed summary.')
                           'Error importing annotations',
                self._log_location("WARNING: %s" % msg)
            return False

        # Finalize book_mi
        book_mi.annotations = len(highlights)
        # Add book to books_db
        self.add_to_books_db(self.books_db, book_mi)

        sorted_keys = sorted(list(highlights.keys()))
        for dt in sorted_keys:
            highlight_text = None
            if 'text' in highlights[dt]:
                highlight_text = highlights[dt]['text']
            note_text = None
            if 'note' in highlights[dt]:
                note_text = highlights[dt]['note']

            # Populate an AnnotationStruct
            a_mi = AnnotationStruct()
            a_mi.annotation_id = dt
            a_mi.book_id = book_mi['book_id']
            a_mi.highlight_color = highlights[dt]['color']
            a_mi.highlight_text = highlight_text
            a_mi.location = highlights[dt]['page']
            a_mi.last_modification = dt
            a_mi.note_text = note_text

            # Location sort
            page_literal = re.match(r'^Page (?P<page>[0-9ivx]+).*$',
            if re.match('[IXVL]', page_literal.upper()):
                whole = 0
                decimal = self._roman_to_int(page_literal)
                whole = int(page_literal)
                decimal = 0
            a_mi.location_sort = "%05d.%05d" % (whole, decimal)

            # Add annotation
            self.add_to_annotations_db(self.annotations_db, a_mi)
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, dt,

        # Update the timestamp

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def parse_exported_highlights(self, raw, log_failure=True):
        Extract highlights from pasted Annotations summary, add them to selected book
        in calibre library

        Construct a BookStruct object with the book's metadata.
        Starred items are minimally required.
           BookStruct properties:
            *active: [True|False]
            *author: "John Smith"
             author_sort: (if known)
            *book_id: an int uniquely identifying the book.
                     Highlights are associated with books through book_id
             genre: "Fiction" (if known)
            *title: "The Story of John Smith"
             title_sort: "Story of John Smith, The" (if known)
             uuid: Calibre's uuid for this book, if known

        Construct an AnnotationStruct object with the
        highlight's metadata. Starred items are minimally required. Dashed items
        (highlight_text and note_text) may be one or both.
          AnnotationStruct properties:
            annotation_id: an int uniquely identifying the annotation
           *book_id: The book this annotation is associated with
            highlight_color: [Blue|Gray|Green|Pink|Purple|Underline|Yellow]
           -highlight_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the highlight
            last_modification: The timestamp of the annotation
            location: location of highlight in the book
           -note_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the note
           *timestamp: Unique timestamp of highlight's creation/modification time

        # Create the annotations, books table as needed
        self.annotations_db = "%s_imported_annotations" % self.app_name_
        self.books_db = "%s_imported_books" % self.app_name_

        self.annotated_book_list = []
        self.selected_books = None

        # Generate the book metadata from the selected book
        row = self.opts.gui.library_view.currentIndex()
        book_id = self.opts.gui.library_view.model().id(row)
        db = self.opts.gui.current_db
        mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)

            lines = raw.split('\n')
            if len(lines) < 5:
                raise AnnotationsException("Invalid annotations summary")
            index = 0
            annotations = {}

            # Get the title, author, publisher from the first three lines
            title = lines[index]
            index += 1
            author = lines[index]
            index += 1
            publisher = lines[index]
            index += 1

            # Next line should be the first timestamp/location
            while index < len(lines):
                tsl = re.match(r'^(?P<timestamp>.*) \((?P<location>Page .*)\)', lines[index])
                if tsl:
                    ts = tsl.group('timestamp')
                    isoformat = parse_date(ts, as_utc=False)
                    isoformat = isoformat.replace(hour=12)
                    timestamp = mktime(isoformat.timetuple())
                    while timestamp in annotations:
                        timestamp += 60

                    location = tsl.group('location')
                    index += 1

                    # Continue with highlight
                    highlight_text = lines[index]
                    index += 1

                    # Next line is either Note: or a new tsl
                    note = re.match(r'^Notes: (?P<note_text>.*)', lines[index])
                    note_text = None
                    if note:
                        note_text = note.group('note_text')
                        index += 1

                    if re.match(r'^(?P<timestamp>.*) \((?P<location>Page .*)\)', lines[index]):
                        # New note - store the old one, continue
                        ann = AnnotationStruct()
                        ann.book_id = mi.id
                        ann.annotation_id = index
                        ann.highlight_color = 'Yellow'
                        ann.highlight_text = highlight_text
                        ann.location = location
                        ann.location_sort = "%05d" % int(re.match(r'^Page (?P<page>\d+).*$', location).group('page'))
                        ann.note_text = note_text
                        ann.last_modification = timestamp

                        # Add annotation to db
                        annotations[timestamp] = ann
                    # Store the last one
                    ann = AnnotationStruct()
                    ann.book_id = mi.id
                    ann.annotation_id = index
                    ann.highlight_color = 'Yellow'
                    ann.highlight_text = highlight_text
                    ann.location = location
                    ann.location_sort = "%05d" % int(re.match(r'^Page (?P<page>\d+).*$', location).group('page'))
                    ann.note_text = note_text
                    ann.last_modification = timestamp
                    annotations[timestamp] = ann
            if log_failure:
                self._log(" unable to parse %s Annotations" % self.app_name)
                self._log("{:~^80}".format(" Imported Annotation summary "))
                self._log("{:~^80}".format(" end imported Annotations summary "))
                import traceback
                msg = ('Unable to parse Annotation summary from %s. ' % self.app_name +
                    'Paste entire contents of emailed summary.')
                    'Error importing annotations',
                self._log_location("WARNING: %s" % msg)
            return False

        # Populate a BookStruct
        book_mi = BookStruct()
        book_mi.active = True
        book_mi.author = author
        book_mi.book_id = mi.id
        book_mi.title = title
        book_mi.uuid = None
        book_mi.last_update = time.mktime(time.localtime())
        book_mi.reader_app = self.app_name
        book_mi.cid = mi.id
        book_mi.annotations = len(annotations)

        # Add book to books_db
        self.add_to_books_db(self.books_db, book_mi)

        # Add the annotations
        for timestamp in sorted(annotations.keys()):
            self.add_to_annotations_db(self.annotations_db, annotations[timestamp])
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, timestamp, mi.id)
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, timestamp, mi.id)

        # Update the timestamp

        # Return True if successful
        return True
    def parse_exported_highlights(self, raw):
        Extract highlights from pasted Annotations summary, add them to selected book
        in calibre library

        Construct a BookStruct object with the book's metadata.
        Starred items are minimally required.
           BookStruct properties:
            *active: [True|False]
            *author: "John Smith"
             author_sort: (if known)
            *book_id: an int uniquely identifying the book.
                     Highlights are associated with books through book_id
             genre: "Fiction" (if known)
            *title: "The Story of John Smith"
             title_sort: "Story of John Smith, The" (if known)
             uuid: Calibre's uuid for this book, if known

        Construct an AnnotationStruct object with the
        highlight's metadata. Starred items are minimally required. Dashed items
        (highlight_text and note_text) may be one or both.
          AnnotationStruct properties:
            annotation_id: an int uniquely identifying the annotation
           *book_id: The book this annotation is associated with
            highlight_color: [Blue|Gray|Green|Pink|Purple|Underline|Yellow]
           -highlight_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the highlight
            last_modification: The timestamp of the annotation
            location: location of highlight in the book
           -note_text: A list of paragraphs constituting the note
           *timestamp: Unique timestamp of highlight's creation/modification time

        self._log("%s:parse_exported_highlight()" % self.app_name)

        # Create the annotations, books table as needed
        self.annotations_db = "%s_imported_annotations" % self.app_name_
        self.books_db = "%s_imported_books" % self.app_name_

        self.annotated_book_list = []
        self.selected_books = None

        # Generate the book metadata from the selected book
        row = self.opts.gui.library_view.currentIndex()
        book_id = self.opts.gui.library_view.model().id(row)
        db = self.opts.gui.current_db
        mi = db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)

        # Populate author, title at a minimum
        title = "A Book With Some Exported Annotations"
        author = "John Smith"

        # Populate a BookStruct
        book_mi = BookStruct()
        book_mi.active = True
        book_mi.author = author
        book_mi.book_id = mi.id
        book_mi.title = title
        book_mi.uuid = None
        book_mi.last_update = time.mktime(time.localtime())
        book_mi.reader_app = self.app_name
        book_mi.cid = mi.id
        book_mi.annotations = len(self.highlights)

        # Add annotations to the database
        for timestamp in sorted(self.highlights.iterkeys()):
            book_mi.last_update = timestamp

            # Populate an AnnotationStruct
            ann_mi = AnnotationStruct()

            # Required items
            ann_mi.book_id = book_mi['book_id']
            ann_mi.last_modification = timestamp

            # Optional items
            if 'annotation_id' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                ann_mi.annotation_id = self.highlights[timestamp]['annotation_id']
            if 'highlight_color' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                ann_mi.highlight_color = self.highlights[timestamp]['highlight_color']
            if 'highlight_text' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                highlight_text = '\n'.join(self.highlights[timestamp]['highlight_text'])
                ann_mi.highlight_text = highlight_text
            if 'note_text' in self.highlights[timestamp]:
                note_text = '\n'.join(self.highlights[timestamp]['note_text'])
                ann_mi.note_text = note_text

            # Add annotation to annotations_db
            self.add_to_annotations_db(self.annotations_db, ann_mi)

            # Increment the progress bar

            # Update last_annotation in books_db
            self.update_book_last_annotation(self.books_db, timestamp, ann_mi.book_id)

        # Add book to books_db
        self.add_to_books_db(self.books_db, book_mi)

        # Update the timestamp

        # Return True if successful
        return True