Ejemplo n.º 1
            # Roll the dice    
#            print "before winnings s1 = %s, s2 = %s, s3 = %s" % (stake1, stake2, stake3)
            # Check the winnings
            win1 = across.check_winnings(verbose=False)
            if win1:
                stake1 += win1
            win2 = six_eight.check_winnings(verbose=False)
            if win2:
                stake2 += win2
            win3 = come.check_winnings(verbose=False)
            if win3:
                stake3 += win3
#            print "Roll<%s> s1 = %s, s2 = %s, s3 = %s" % (i, stake1, stake2, stake3)
            # make sure all come bets have odds
            for c_b in come.come_bets_wo_odds():
                if come.play_come_bet_odds(c_b, line_odds):
                    stake3 -= line_odds
                    if debug:
                        print "Come: come bet odds of %s on %s" % (line_odds, c_b)
            num_come_bets = come.num_come_bets()
        print "Ending Profits p1: %d, p2: %d p3: %d" % ((stake1 - atm1), (stake2 - atm2), (stake3 - atm3))
        profits1.append(stake1 - atm1)
        profits2.append(stake2 - atm2)
        profits3.append(stake3 - atm3)
#    print "Stake (min, mean, max) = (%s, %s, %s)" % (min(stakes), stats.mean(stakes), max(stakes))
#    print "ATM (min, mean, max) = (%s, %s, %s)" % (min(atms), stats.mean(atms), max(atms))
    print "Profits across (min, mean, max) = (%s, %.2f, %.2f, %s)" % (min(profits1), stats.median(profits1), stats.mean(profits1), max(profits1))
    print "Profits 6 and 8 (min, mean, max) = (%s, %.2f, %s)" % (min(profits2), stats.mean(profits2), max(profits2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
                    stake -= line_bet
                    if debug:
                        print "pass line bet %s" % line_bet
            if stake > line_odds and g.is_button_on() and b.pass_line_odds == 0:
                if b.play_pass_line_odds(line_odds):
                    stake -= line_odds
                    if debug:
                        print "pass line odds %s" % line_odds
            if stake > line_bet and num_come_bets < 3:
                if b.play_come_bet(line_bet):
                    num_come_bets += 1
                    stake -= line_bet
                    if debug:
                        print "come bet %s" % line_bet
            for c_b in b.come_bets_wo_odds():
                if b.play_come_bet_odds(c_b, line_odds):
                    stake -= line_odds
                    if debug:
                        print "come bet odds of %s on %s" % (line_odds, c_b)

            num_come_bets = b.num_come_bets()

            if debug:
                print b.show_bets()
            win = b.check_winnings(verbose=debug)
            if win:
                stake += win
            if debug:
                print "Roll %s stake = %s" % (i, stake)