def main(): trash_filename = "trash.jpg" try: cam = initCamera() while True: """ """ score = 0 for i in range(5): takePhoto(cam, trash_filename) data = (post_imageV2("TrashIdentifier_968106762", trash_filename, ibm_auth)) print(data['images'][0]['classifiers'][0]['classes'][0]['score']) score += (data['images'][0]['classifiers'][0]['classes'][0]['score']) score /= 5 print(score) if score > 0.20: print("Is trash") sendSMS("Garbage can is full!!!!", "+16465411524") time.sleep(2) else: print("Not trash") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Quitting Application")
def trainWatson(): names = ["empty", "full"] cam = initCamera() for i in range(2): if not os.path.exists(names[i]): os.makedirs(names[i]) for j in range(50): takePhoto(cam, names[i] + '/' + names[i] + str(j) + ".jpg") print("CLICK") time.sleep(.3) zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(names[i] + ".zip", 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zipdir(names[i], zipf) zipf.close() if i == 0: confirmation = input("Read to proceed with full?: ") while confirmation != "yes": confirmation = input("Read to proceed with full?: ") with open(join(dirname(__file__), ''), 'rb') as full, \ open(join(dirname(__file__), ''), 'rb') as empty: visual_recognition = VisualRecognitionV3('2016-05-20', api_key=ibm_auth) with open('', 'w') as outfile: data = visual_recognition.create_classifier('TrashIdentifier', _positive_examples=full, negative_examples=empty) json.dump(data, outfile, indent=2)
def getSamplePhotos(): print('Getting unknown faces...') for i in range(5): fileName = '../bin/unknownFaces/sample0.jpg' camera.takePhoto(fileName) unknownPicture.append(face_recognition.load_image_file(fileName)) unknownFace.append( face_recognition.face_encodings(unknownPicture[i])[0])
def send_Text_Mail(self, To_Add, Subject, txtMessage): Mail_Body = self.initialise_Mail_Body(To_Add, Subject) #Attach Mail Message Mail_Msg = MIMEText(txtMessage, 'plain') Mail_Body.attach(Mail_Msg) #TODO part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") # take photo and attach takePhoto() part.set_payload(open("../camera/photo.jpg", "rb").read()) # check the path !!!!!!!! Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="photo.jpg"') Mail_Body.attach(part) #Send Mail self.session.sendmail(FROM_ADD, [To_Add], Mail_Body.as_string())
import camera import time count = 33 while True: nothing = raw_input("picture time") camera.takePhoto("img/bottles/bottle%d.jpg" % (count)) count = count + 1
def mqtt(data): try: takePhoto() except Exception as e: print("type error: " + str(e) + " problem with camera!") keys = [ "ID", "STA", "SHA", "SLA", "STS1", "STS2", "STS3", "SHS1", "SHS2", "SHS3", "SPL", "SPR", "SVB" ] values = re.split("\s+", data) values = [x for x in values if x] # remove null items new_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) new_dict["TIME"] = str( print("received message =", new_dict) topic = "LISIMETRO" print("TOPIC: ", topic) data = { "ID": new_dict["ID"], "TIME": new_dict["TIME"], "SVB": new_dict["SVB"], "STA": new_dict["STA"], "SHA": new_dict["SHA"], "SLA": new_dict["SLA"], "SPL": new_dict["SPL"], "SPR": new_dict["SPR"], "STS1": new_dict["STS1"], "STS2": new_dict["STS2"], "STS3": new_dict["STS3"], "SHS1": new_dict["SHS1"], "SHS2": new_dict["SHS2"], "SHS3": new_dict["SHS3"] } # data = { # "ID": new_dict["ID"], # "TIME": new_dict["TIME"], # "SVB": new_dict["SVB"][2] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][3:], # "STA": new_dict["STA"][2] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][3:], # "SHA": new_dict["SHA"][3:4] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][5:], # "SLA": new_dict["SLA"][2:], # "SPL": new_dict["SPL"][1:2] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][3:], # "SPR": new_dict["SPR"][2] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][3:], # "STS1": new_dict["STS1"][3:4] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][5:], # "STS2": new_dict["STS2"][2:3] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][4:], # "STS3": new_dict["STS3"][2:3] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][4:], # "SHS1": new_dict["SHS1"][2:3] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][4:], # "SHS2": new_dict["SHS2"][2:3] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][4:], # "SHS3": new_dict["SHS3"][2:3] + "." + new_dict["SVB"][4:] # } data = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=True) print("JSON DUMP =", data) #broker = "" broker = "" # reading is a whatever you want from here client = paho.Client("client-001") print("connecting to broker ", broker) client.connect(broker, 1883, 60) # connect client.loop_start() # start loop to process received messages client.subscribe(topic) # subscribe client.publish(topic, data) # publish time.sleep(4) client.disconnect() # disconnect client.loop_stop() # stop loop print('prepare shutdown') os.system("sudo shutdown now -r")
) args = parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) addr = (args.ip, args.port)"Server listening on: %s:%d" % (args.ip, args.port)) sock.bind(addr) sock.listen(1) while True:"Received connection") conn, client = sock.accept() try: takePhoto() f = open('cameraTest.jpg','rb') while True: msg = if not msg:"Image sent") break conn.send(msg) finally: conn.close() f.close() finally: sock.close()
import camera import time personName = input('Please type your name: ') for i in range(1, 6): time.sleep(1) print('Here\'s for photo', i, 'of 5:') time.sleep(2) # Countdown print('3') time.sleep(1) print('2') time.sleep(1) print('1') time.sleep(1) print('Taking Photo...\n') fileName = '../bin/knownFaces/' + personName + str(i) + '.jpg' camera.takePhoto(fileName) print("\nAll done! Your face will now be recognized.")
stamp = '%d-%02d-%02d-%02d%02d%02d' % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) return stamp + '.jpg' files_route = '/home/malu/Documents/bus/' basePhotoDir = files_route + 'empty.jpg' prevPhotoDir = files_route + 'prev.jpg' newPhotoDir = files_route + 'new.jpg' logPhotoDir = files_route + '/log/' bufferPhotoDir = files_route + '/fotos/' timeOfPhoto = timestamp() print(timeOfPhoto) camera.takePhoto(newPhotoDir) prev_thresh = imageAnalizer.getThreshold(basePhotoDir, prevPhotoDir) new_thresh = imageAnalizer.getThreshold(basePhotoDir, newPhotoDir) thresh = imageAnalizer.compareDifferenceInGrays(prev_thresh, new_thresh) erosion = imageAnalizer.erodeImageContorns(thresh) ratio = imageAnalizer.whitePixelsPercentage(erosion) print(ratio) if ratio > 5: imageAnalizer.saveImageAs('new.jpg', logPhotoDir + timeOfPhoto) imageAnalizer.saveImageAs('new.jpg', 'prev.jpg') imageAnalizer.saveImageAs(newPhotoDir, bufferPhotoDir + timeOfPhoto) cv2.imshow('1', thresh)
#adds every possible combination of the above filters to codeSamples def recursiveFunc(text): if (not text in codeSamples): #print(text) codeSamples.append(text) for original, corrections in alts.items(): for i in range(0, text.count(original)): for correction in corrections: s = nth_repl(text, original, correction, i + 1) recursiveFunc(s) filename = "input.jpg" #takes photo takePhoto(filename) #some initial things pre filter text = google_vision(filename) text = " " + text if (not text[len(text) - 1] == "}"): text = text + "}" recursiveFunc(text) codeOutput = "" #tries to run the codeSamples, breaks once one runs for s in codeSamples: if (s.count("{") == s.count("}") and s.count("(") == s.count(")")): text_file = open("Output.c", "w")
import cmd import camera import time def timestamp(): t = time.localtime() stamp = '%d-%02d-%02d-%02d%02d%02d' % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) return stamp args = cmd.readArguments() if args['name'] == 'TIME': camera.takePhoto(timestamp()) if args['name'] == 'empty': camera.takePhoto('empty')