Ejemplo n.º 1
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    ip = request.value
    url = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/ip-address/report'

    parameters = {'ip': ip, 'apikey': config['virustotal/apikey']}
    resp = urllib2.urlopen('%s?%s' %
                           (url, urllib.urlencode(parameters))).read()
    response_dict = json.loads(resp)

    #Latest detected URLs"
        for i in range(0, len(response_dict['resolutions'])):
            host = response_dict['resolutions'][i]['hostname']
            host = Domain(host)
            response += host
    except IOError:
        response = 'IO Error'
    except KeyError:
        response = 'Not Found'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    hash = request.value
    total = ""

        e = Hash(hash)
        text = ''
        resp = urllib2.urlopen(
            'https://innocuous.shadowserver.org/api/?query=' + hash).read()
        start_results = resp.find("{")
        end_results = resp.find("}")
        av_results = resp[start_results + 1:end_results].replace('"', '')
        text += av_results + ','
        e += Field('AV Name', text, displayname='AV Name')
        response += e
    except IOError:
        print 'IO Error'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    ip = request.value
    url = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/ip-address/report'
    parameters = {'ip': ip, 'apikey': config['virustotal/apikey']}
    resp = urllib2.urlopen('%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(parameters))).read()
    response_dict = json.loads(resp)
    #Latest detected URLs"
    	for i in range(0,len(response_dict['resolutions'])):
        	host = response_dict['resolutions'][i]['hostname']
        	host = Domain(host)
        	response += host
    except IOError:
    	response = 'IO Error'
    except KeyError:
    	response = 'Not Found'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    debug('Extracting DNSName')
    val = fix_dom(request.entities[0].fields['malriq.hostname'].value)
    dnse = DNSName(val)
    dnse.fqdn = val
    response += [dnse]
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    ip = request.value
    total = ""

    urldom = 'https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/' + ip + '/information/'
    soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(urldom).read())
        links = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'enum'})
        for link in links:
            total += str(link)
        total = BeautifulSoup(total)
        for totals in total.findAll('a', href=True):
            totals = totals['href']
            theIP = totals.replace("/en/domain/", "")
            e = theIP.replace("/information/", "")
            e = Domain(e)
            response += e
    except IOError:
        print 'IO Error'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    ip = request.value

    urldom = 'https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/'+ip+'/information/'
    soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(urldom).read())
        links = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'enum'})
        for link in links:
            total += str(link)
        total = BeautifulSoup(total)
        for totals in total.findAll('a',href=True):
            theIP = totals.replace("/en/domain/", "")
            e = theIP.replace("/information/", "")
            e = Domain(e)
            response += e
    except IOError:
        print 'IO Error'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Report transform progress
    domain = request.value
    url = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/domain/report'
    parameters = {'domain': domain, 'apikey': config['virustotal/apikey']}
    resp = urllib2.urlopen('%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(parameters))).read()
    response_dict = json.loads(resp)
    #Latest detected IPs"
    	for i in range(0,len(response_dict['resolutions'])):
        	ip = response_dict['resolutions'][i]['ip_address']
        	ip = IPv4Address(ip)
        	response += ip
    except IOError:
    	response = 'IO Error'
    except KeyError:
    	response = 'Not Found'

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)

    name = request.value
    debug('name: %s' % name)

    root = Tkinter.Tk()

    # TODO Raise exception if no CSV file is selected
    csvfilename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()

    data = csv.DictReader(
        fieldnames=('Event Id', 'Event Type', 'Event Title', 'Start Time',
                    'End Time', 'Precision', 'Count', 'First Published Time',
                    'Last Published Time', 'Sample Fragment', 'Entities',
                    'Locations', 'Source Count', 'Positive Sentiment',
                    'Negative Sentiment'))


    for row in data:

        event = row['Event Type'] + "-" + row['Event Id']
        e = RFEvent('%s' % event)
        e.eid = row['Event Id']
        e.etype = row['Event Type']
        e.title = row['Event Title']
        e.starttime = row['Start Time']
        e.stoptime = row['End Time']
        e.fragment = row['Sample Fragment']
        e.precision = row['Precision']
        e.count = row['Count']
        e.firstpublished = row['First Published Time']
        e.lastpublished = row['Last Published Time']
        e.sourcecount = row['Source Count']
        e.possentiment = row['Positive Sentiment']
        e.negsentiment = row['Negative Sentiment']
        # Add entity to response object
        response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 9
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Nespose API session login
    session = nexlogin()
    # Nexpose site creation
    sitename = datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '-MaltegoSite'
    newsite = host_site(sitename, request.value)
    nexsite = sitesave(session, newsite)
    resxml = ET.fromstring(nexsite)
    siteid = resxml.attrib.get('site-id')
    if resxml.attrib.get('success') == '1':
        # Nexpose Scan Site
        launchscan = sitescan(session, siteid)
        launchres = ET.fromstring(launchscan)
        if launchres.attrib.get('success') == '1':
            for child in launchres:
                scanid = child.attrib.get('scan-id')
                status = scanstatus(session, scanid)
                statusxml = ET.fromstring(status)
                while statusxml.attrib.get('status') == 'running':
                    status = scanstatus(session, scanid)
                    statusxml = ET.fromstring(status)
                response += NexposeSite(

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 10
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    client = get_client(config)
    prog = 10
    debug('Starting RiskIQ blacklist lookup...')
    url = request.entities[0].value
    inc = client.get_blacklist_lookup(url)
    prog += 10
    if not inc:
        return response
    for ent in incident_children(inc):
        response += ent
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 11
def dotransform(request, response):
    # Nespose API session login
    session = nexlogin()
    # Nexpose site creation
    sitename = datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '-MaltegoSite'
    newsite = host_site(sitename, request.value)
    nexsite = sitesave(session, newsite)
    resxml = ET.fromstring(nexsite)
    siteid = resxml.attrib.get('site-id')
    if resxml.attrib.get('success') == '1':
        # Nexpose Scan Site
        launchscan = sitescan(session, siteid)
        launchres = ET.fromstring(launchscan)
        if launchres.attrib.get('success') == '1':
            for child in launchres:
                scanid = child.attrib.get('scan-id')
                status = scanstatus(session, scanid)
                statusxml = ET.fromstring(status)
                while statusxml.attrib.get('status') == 'running':
                    status = scanstatus(session, scanid)
                    statusxml = ET.fromstring(status)
                response += NexposeSite(sitename,

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 12
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    client = get_client(config)
    prog = 10
    debug('Starting RiskIQ blacklist lookup...')
    url = request.entities[0].value
    inc = client.get_blacklist_lookup(url)
    prog += 10
    if not inc:
        return response
    for ent in incident_children(inc):
        response += ent
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)
    name = request.value
    debug('name: %s' % name)
    root = Tkinter.Tk()
    # TODO Raise exception if no CSV file is selected
    csvfilename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()

    data = csv.DictReader(open(csvfilename), delimiter=',',fieldnames=('Event Id','Event Type','Event Title','Start Time','End Time','Precision','Count','First Published Time','Last Published Time','Sample Fragment','Entities','Locations','Source Count','Positive Sentiment','Negative Sentiment'))


    for row in data:
        event = row['Event Type']+"-"+row['Event Id']
        e = RFEvent('%s' % event)
        e.eid = row['Event Id']
        e.etype = row['Event Type']
        e.title = row['Event Title']
        e.starttime = row['Start Time']
        e.stoptime =  row['End Time']
        e.fragment = row['Sample Fragment']
        e.precision = row['Precision']
        e.count = row['Count']
        e.firstpublished = row['First Published Time']
        e.lastpublished = row['Last Published Time']
        e.sourcecount = row['Source Count']
        e.possentiment = row['Positive Sentiment']
        e.negsentiment = row['Negative Sentiment']
        # Add entity to response object
        response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)
    eid = request.fields['eid']
    debug('Maltego Input Entity eid Field: %s' % eid)
    rfapi = APIUtil()
    # Limit to the past 6 months.
    min_pub = date.today() + relativedelta(months=-6)

    cluster_query = {
    "cluster": {
        "document": {
            "published": {
                "min": str(min_pub)
            "attributes": [
                "entity": { "id" : eid },
                "limit": 100

    for eve in rfapi.query(cluster_query).get("events", []):
        e = RFEvent(eve['type'] + " [id: {0}]".format(eve['id']));
        e.eid = eve['id'];
        e.etype = eve['type'];
        e.starttime = eve['attributes'].get('start','');
        e.stoptime = eve['attributes'].get('stop','');
        e.fragment = eve['stats']['top_sources'][0]['fragment'].encode('utf-8');
        e.document_link = eve['stats']['top_sources'][0]['document_link'].encode('utf-8');
        # Add entity to response object
        response += e
    # Update progress


    # Return response for visualization
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)

    eid = request.fields['eid']
    debug('Maltego Input Entity eid Field: %s' % eid)
    rfapi = APIUtil()
    # Limit to the past 6 months.
    min_pub = date.today() + relativedelta(months=-6)

    cluster_query = {
        "cluster": {
            "document": {
                "published": {
                    "min": str(min_pub)
            "attributes": [{
                "entity": {
                    "id": eid
            "limit": 100

    for eve in rfapi.query(cluster_query).get("events", []):
        e = RFEvent(eve['type'] + " [id: {0}]".format(eve['id']))
        e.eid = eve['id']
        e.etype = eve['type']
        e.starttime = eve['attributes'].get('start', '')
        e.stoptime = eve['attributes'].get('stop', '')
        e.fragment = eve['stats']['top_sources'][0]['fragment'].encode('utf-8')
        e.document_link = eve['stats']['top_sources'][0][
        # Add entity to response object
        response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 16
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)

    name = request.value
    debug('name: %s' % name)

    rfapi = APIUtil()

    entity_query = {
        "entity": {
            "name": name,
            "type": ["Company", "Organization"],
            "limit": 1

    query_response = rfapi.query(entity_query)
    eid = None
    for q_eid, q_ent in query_response.get('entity_details', {}).items():
        debug("Found eid: {0}".format(q_eid))
        name = q_ent['name']
        eid = q_eid
        etype = q_ent['type']
        ent = q_ent

    if not eid:
        debug("Could not resolve any company/organization named '{0}'".format(

    # Create MyRecordedfutureEntity entity with value set to 'Hello <request.value>!'
    e = Company('%s' % request.value)
    e.eid = eid
    # Update progress

    # Add entity to response object
    response += e

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 17
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    HIBP = "https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/breachedaccount/"  # http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#constants
    email = request.value
    getrequrl = HIBP + email

        urllib2_response = urllib2.urlopen(getrequrl)  # Renamed "response" due conflict within canari namespace 
        for rep in urllib2_response:
            e = Phrase("Pwned at %s" % rep)
            response += e
        print ""

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 18
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    # Report transform progress

    pattern = re.compile("(.+)@(.+)")

    m = pattern.search(request.value)

    username = m.group(1).encode("base64").strip()

    domain = m.group(2)

    url = "http://www.whoismind.com/email/" + username + "-" + domain + ".html"

    useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0'

#    src = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

    req = urllib2.Request(url)

    req.add_header("User-Agent", useragent)

#    src = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(req))

    src = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

    for fqdn in re.findall(r"Whois data\">(.*?)</a><br/>",src,re.M):

        e = Domain(fqdn)

    # Add entity to response object
        response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)
    name = request.value
    debug('name: %s' % name)
    rfapi = APIUtil()

    entity_query = {
                    "entity":{"name":name, "type":["Company", "Organization"], "limit":1}

    query_response = rfapi.query(entity_query)
    eid = None
    for q_eid, q_ent in query_response.get('entity_details', {}).items():
        debug("Found eid: {0}".format(q_eid))
        name = q_ent['name']
        eid = q_eid
        etype = q_ent['type']
        ent = q_ent

    if not eid:
        debug("Could not resolve any company/organization named '{0}'".format(name.encode('utf-8')))

    # Create MyRecordedfutureEntity entity with value set to 'Hello <request.value>!'
    e = Company('%s' % request.value)
    e.eid = eid
    # Update progress

    # Add entity to response object
    response += e

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 20
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    HIBP = "https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/breachedaccount/"  # http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#constants

    email = request.value
    getrequrl = HIBP + email


        urllib2_response = urllib2.urlopen(
        )  # Renamed "response" due conflict within canari namespace
        for rep in urllib2_response:
            e = Phrase("Pwned at %s" % rep)
            response += e
        print ""


    return response
Ejemplo n.º 21
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    # Report transform progress

    url = "http://passivedns.mnemonic.no/search/?query=" + request.value + "&method=exact"

    src = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

    for url in re.findall(r"\.&method=exact\">(.*?)\.</a>",src,re.M):

        e = Domain(url)

    # Add entity to response object
        response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 22
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug("This was pointless!")

    # Create MyMaltego_whoismindEntity entity with value set to 'Hello <request.value>!'
    e = MyMaltego_whoismindEntity("Hello %s!" % request.value)
    # Setting field values on the entity
    e.field1 = 2
    e.fieldN = "test"
    # Update progress

    # Add entity to response object
    response += e

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 23
def dotransform(request, response):
	# Report transform progress
	hash = request.value

		e = Hash(hash)
		text = ''
		resp = urllib2.urlopen('https://innocuous.shadowserver.org/api/?query=' + hash).read()
		start_results = resp.find("{")
		end_results = resp.find("}")
		av_results = resp[start_results+1:end_results].replace('"','')	
		text += av_results + ','
		e += Field('AV Name', text, displayname='AV Name')
		response += e 
	except IOError:
		print 'IO Error'

	# Update progress

	# Return response for visualization
	return response
Ejemplo n.º 24
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Fuzing Domains...')

    # Create MyPhishwatcherEntity entity with value set to 'Hello <request.value>!'
    domains = fuzz_domain(request.value)

    #Create simple domain entity for each generated domain
    for d in domains:
        de = Domain(d)
        response += de


    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 25
    #complete_url = "%s/events/restSearch/%s/%s" % (url, apikey, request.value)
    debug("Accessing %s" % complete_url)
        tree = xml.parse(urllib2.urlopen(complete_url))
    except IOError,e:
        if hasattr(e, 'code'):
            if e.code == 404:
                # normal condition
                return response
    rootElement = tree.getroot()
    for a in rootElement.findall('Event'):
        # Add entity to response object
        e = MISPEvent(a.find('id').text)
        e.fieldN = a.find('info').text
        response += e
    # Setting field values on the entity
    #e.field1 = 2
    #e.fieldN = 'test'
    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response

def dotransform(request, response):

    # Report transform progress
    # Send a debugging message to the Maltego UI console
    debug('Maltego Input Entity Value: %s' % request.value)

    eid = request.fields['eid']
    debug('Maltego Input Entity eid Field: %s' % eid)

    rfapi = APIUtil()

    reference_query = {"reference": {"cluster_id": eid, "limit": 100}}

    ents = []
    seen_ids = set()
    for ceid, ent in rfapi.query(reference_query).get("entities", {}).items():
        if ceid not in seen_ids:
            ent["id"] = ceid

    e = request.value

    types = {
        'recfut.Company': ['Company', 'OrgEntity'],
        'maltego.Location': [
            'Continent', 'Country', 'City', 'ProvinceOrState', 'Region',
            'NaturalFeature', 'GeoEntity'

    for ent in ents:
        c_type = "maltego.Phrase"
        for k, v in types.items():
            if type(v) == type([]) and ent['type'] in v:
                c_type = k
            elif v == ent['type']:
                c_type = k

        debug('c_type: %s' % c_type)

        if c_type == 'maltego.Person':
            e = Person('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        if c_type == 'maltego.Phrase':
            e = Phrase('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        # TODO Unit Test for Recorded Future API IPv4Address
        if c_type == 'maltego.IPv4Address':
            e = IPv4Address('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        # TODO Unit Test for Recorded Future API Domain
        if c_type == 'maltego.Domain':
            e = Domain('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        # TODO Unit Test for Recorded Future API Location
        if c_type == 'maltego.Location':
            e = Location('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        # TODO Unit Test for Recorded Future API File
        if c_type == 'maltego.File':
            e = File('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

        # TODO Unit Test for Recorded Future API Twit
        if c_type == 'maltego.Twit':
            e = Twit('%s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            debug('ent[\'name\']: %s' % ent['name'].encode('utf-8'))
            # Add entity to response object
            response += e

    # Update progress

    # Return response for visualization
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 27
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    client = get_client(config)
    prog = 10
    debug('Starting RiskIQ passive dns lookup...')
    value = request.entities[0].value
    if IP_REGEX.match(value):
        api_response = client.get_dns_ptr_by_ip(value, rrtype=None)
        api_response = client.get_dns_data_by_name(value, rrtype=None)
    if not api_response:
        return response
    dns_data = api_response['records']
    a_responses = set()
    ns_responses = set()
    mx_responses = set()
    aaaa_responses = set()
    cname_responses = set()
    responses = set()
    for dns_datum in dns_data:
        data = dns_datum['data']
        if dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'A':
            a_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'CNAME':
            cname_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'NS':
            ns_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'MX':
            mx_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'AAAA':
            aaaa_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'TXT':
            responses |= set(data)
    prog += 40
    for rec in a_responses:
        e = IPv4Address(rec)
        e.ip = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for rec in aaaa_responses:
        e = IPv6Address(rec)
        e.ip = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in ns_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = NSRecord(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in mx_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = MXRecord(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in cname_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = DNSName(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        if IP_REGEX.match(rec):
            e = IPv4Address(rec)
            e.ip = rec
            e = DNSName(rec)
            e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    return response