Ejemplo n.º 1
    def put_elts(self, elts, graph_ids=None, cache=False):
        Put graph elements in DB.

        :param elts: graph elements to put in DB.
        :type elts: dict, GraphElement or list of dict/GraphElement.
        :param str graph_ids: element graph id. None if elt is a graph.
        :param bool cache: use query cache if True (False by default).

        # ensure elts is a list
        if isinstance(elts, (dict, GraphElement)):
            elts = [elts]

        for elt in elts:
            gelt = elt
            if isinstance(gelt, dict):
                if not gelt.get(GraphElement.ID):
                    gelt[GraphElement.ID] = GraphElement.new_id()
                gelt = GraphElement.new_element(**gelt)
            # save elt
            gelt.save(manager=self, cache=cache, graph_ids=graph_ids)

        return elts
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_elts(
        self, ids=None, types=None, graph_ids=None, info=None, base_type=None, query=None, serialize=True, cls=None
        Get graph element(s) related to input ids, types and query.

        :param ids: list of ids or id of element to retrieve. If None, get all
            elements. If str, get one element.
        :type ids: list or str
        :param types: graph element types to retrieve.
        :type types: list or str
        :param graph_ids: graph ids from where find elts.
        :type graph_ids: list or str
        :param info: info query
        :param dict query: element search query.
        :param str base_type: elt base type.
        :param bool serialize: serialize result in GraphElements if True
            (by default).
        :param type cls: GraphElement type to retrieve if not None.

        :return: element(s) corresponding to input ids and query.
        :rtype: list or dict

        # check if only one element is asked
        unique = isinstance(ids, basestring)
        # init query
        if query is None:
            query = {}
        # put base type in query
        if base_type is not None:
            query[GraphElement.BASE_TYPE] = base_type
        # put types in query if not None
        if types is not None:
            if not isinstance(types, basestring):
                types = {"$in": types}
            query[GraphElement.TYPE] = types
        # put info if not None
        if info is not None:
            if isinstance(info, dict):
                for name in info:
                    data_name = "info.{0}".format(name)
                    query[data_name] = info[name]
                query[Vertice.DATA] = info
        # find ids among graphs
        if graph_ids is not None:
            result = []
            graphs = self.get_elts(ids=graph_ids, serialize=False)
            if graphs is not None:
                # all graph elt ids
                elt_ids = set()
                # ensure graphs is a list of graphs
                if isinstance(graphs, dict):
                    graphs = [graphs]
                for graph in graphs:
                    if Graph.ELTS in graph:
                        elts = set(graph[Graph.ELTS])
                        elt_ids |= elts
                # if ids is not given, use elt_ids
                if ids is None:
                    ids = list(elt_ids)
                else:  # else use jonction of elt_ids and ids
                    if isinstance(ids, basestring):
                        ids = [ids]
                    ids = list(elt_ids & set(ids))
        # get elements with ids and query
        result = self[GraphManager.STORAGE].get_elements(ids=ids, query=query)
        if result is not None and serialize:
            if isinstance(result, dict):
                result = GraphElement.new_element(**result)
                # ensure cls is respected
                if cls is not None and not isinstance(result, cls):
                    result = None
                # save reference to new_element in order to ease its use
                new_element = GraphElement.new_element
                result = list(new_element(**elt) for elt in result)
                # ensure cls is respected
                if cls is not None:
                    result = [elt for elt in result if isinstance(elt, cls)]

        if unique and isinstance(result, list):
            result = result[0] if result else None

        return result