Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_test(topo, name="test"):
    """Generate a test topology.

    # create compositions of all actions and conditions
    actions = [new_conf(action) for action in [change_state, worst_state, best_state]]
    # generate all conditions with all states
    conditions = []
    # for state in range(4):
    for cond in (at_least, _all, nok):
    # list of all possible operators
    operators = actions[:]
    for cond in conditions:
        for statement in actions:
            for _else in actions:
                if statement != _else:
                    operator = new_conf(condition, condition=cond, statement=statement, _else=_else)
    # for all operatorscreate all node operators and bind them to the topology
    for operator in operators:
        # create an operator node
        op = TopoNode(info={TASK: operator})
        # bind it to the topo
        edge = TopoEdge(sources=op, targets=topo)
        # and add three mode nodes bound to the operator node
        nodes = [TopoNode() for i in range(3)]
        for node in nodes:
            edge = TopoEdge(sources=node, targets=op)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def cluster(self, condition, statement, _else):
        condition = at_least
        statement = then
        _else = else

        value = state dans at_least du V2
        min_weight = min (v1 vers v2)
        return new_conf(cond, condition=condition, statement=statement, _else=_else)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_change_state(self):
        Test in case of change state.
        # create a change state operation with minor state
        change_state_conf = new_conf(
        self.node.operation = change_state_conf

        self.node.process(event=self.check, manager=self.manager)
        event_processing(event=self.check, engine=self, manager=self.manager)

        target = self.manager.get_elts(ids=self.node.id)
        self.assertEqual(target.state, Check.MINOR)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_chain_change_state(self):
        Test to change of state in a chain of nodes.

        This test consists to link three node in such way:
        self.node(state=0) -> node(state=0) -> root(state=0)
        And to propagate the change state task with state = 1 in order to check
        if root state equals 1.

        # create a simple task which consists to change of state
        change_state_conf = new_conf(

        # create a root node with the change state task
        root = TopoNode(operator=change_state_conf)
        # create a node with the change state task
        node = TopoNode(operator=change_state_conf)
        # create a leaf with the change state task
        self.node.operation = change_state_conf
        # link node to root
        rootnode = TopoEdge(targets=root.id, sources=node.id)
        # link self.node to node
        self_node = TopoEdge(targets=node.id, sources=self.node.id)

        event_processing(event=self.check, engine=self, manager=self.manager)
        self.assertEqual(self.count, 3)

        self.node = self.manager.get_elts(ids=self.node.id)
        self.assertEqual(self.node.state, Check.MINOR)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def build(self, topo_id):
        Create the topology V2 using the topology V1 data.
        f = formatter.Formatter(topo_id)
        # kind=1 means to get formatted components
        components = f.get_event_type(kind=1)
        # Components by operator
        opcomps = f.match_operator(components)
        # List of Nodes (TopoNodes)
        node_list = []
        # List of connections between components (topoEdge)
        conn_list = []
        # Label dictionnary
        info = {}
        # Create components (type=check)
        comp_check  = components.get(f.EVENT_TYPE[1])
        if comp_check is not None:
            for c in comp_check:
            	if c.values()[0].get('resource') :
            		entity = {'component': unicode(c.values()[0].get('component')),'resource': unicode(None),'connector': unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode('resource')}
            		entity = {'component': unicode(c.values()[0].get('component')),'resource': unicode(None),'connector': unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode('component')}
                #entity = {'component': unicode(c.values()[0].get('component')),'resource': unicode(c.values()[0].get('resource')),'connector': unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode(c.values()[0].get('type'))}
                src_type_value = c.values()[0].get('source_type')
                entity[Context.NAME] = c.values()[0].get(src_type_value)
                entity = self.track_nonetype(entity)
                if c.values()[0].get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('component')
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(c.keys()[0], entity, info=info))
                info = {}
        # Create components (type=selector)
        comp_selct = components.get(f.EVENT_TYPE[2])
        if comp_selct is not None:
            for c in comp_selct:
                entity = {'component': unicode(None),'resource': unicode(c.values()[0].get('resource')),'connector': unicode('canopsis'),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode(c.values()[0].get('type'))}
                src_type_value = c.values()[0].get('source_type')
                entity[Context.NAME] = c.values()[0].get('display_name')
                entity = self.track_nonetype(entity)
                if c.values()[0].get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('component')
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(c.keys()[0], entity, info=info))
                info = {}
        # Create components (type=topology)
        comp_topo = components.get(f.EVENT_TYPE[3])
        if comp_topo is not None:
            for c in comp_topo:
            	entity = {'component': unicode(None),'resource': unicode(None),'connector': unicode('canopsis'),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode('topo')}
                #entity = {'component': unicode(c.values()[0].get('component')),'resource': unicode(c.values()[0].get('resource')),'connector': unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(c.values()[0].get('connector_name')),'type':unicode(c.values()[0].get('type'))}
                src_type_value = c.values()[0].get('source_type')
                entity[Context.NAME] = c.values()[0].get(src_type_value)
                entity = self.track_nonetype(entity)
                if c.values()[0].get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('component')
                    info['label'] = c.values()[0].get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(c.keys()[0], entity, info=info))
                info = {}
        # Create components (type=operator)
        # OPERATOR_ID[0] --> Cluster
        comp_opera = opcomps.get(f.OPERATOR_ID[0])
        if comp_opera is not None:
            for cmps in comp_opera:
                tmpdict = cmps.values()[0]
                value = tmpdict.get('options')
                clt_list = tmpdict.get('form').get('items')
                if value is None:
                    least_value = clt_list[0].get('value')
                    cond_value = clt_list[1].get('value')
                    stat_value = clt_list[2].get('value')
                    else_value = clt_list[3].get('value')
                    least_value = value.get('least')
                    cond_value = value.get('state')
                    stat_value = value.get('then')
                    else_value = value.get('else')

                least_conf = new_conf(at_least, min_weight=int(least_value), state=int(cond_value))
                # Create statement/action
                if stat_value != '-1':
                    statement = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(stat_value))
                    statement = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Create the else
                if else_value != '-1':
                    _else = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(else_value))
                    _else = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Add the component label
                if tmpdict.get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = tmpdict.get('component')
                    info['label'] = tmpdict.get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(cmps.keys()[0], dict_op=self.cluster(least_conf, statement, _else), info=info))
                info = {}
        # OPERATOR_ID[1] --> Worst Sate
        comp_worst = opcomps.get(f.OPERATOR_ID[1])
        if comp_worst is not None:
            for cmps in comp_worst:
                tmpdict = cmps.values()[0]
                # Add the component label
                if tmpdict.get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = tmpdict.get('component')
                    info['label'] = tmpdict.get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(cmps.keys()[0], dict_op=new_conf(action.worst_state), info=info))
                info = {}
        # OPERATOR_ID[2] --> And
        comp_and = opcomps.get(f.OPERATOR_ID[2])
        if comp_and is not None:
            for cmps in comp_and:
                mydict = cmps.values()[0]
                value = mydict.get('form').get('items')
                cond_value = value[0].get('value')
                stat_value = value[1].get('value')
                else_value = value[2].get('value')

                entity = {'component': unicode(mydict.get('component')),'resource': unicode(mydict.get('resource')),'connector': unicode(mydict.get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(mydict.get('connector_name')),'type':unicode(mydict.get('type'))}
                entity[Context.NAME] = mydict.get(mydict.get('source_type'))
                entity = self.track_nonetype(entity)
                dict_and = {}
                dict_and['state'] = int(cond_value)
                # Create the condition
                condition = new_conf(at_least, **dict_and)
                # Create the statement/action
                if stat_value != '-1':
                    statement = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(stat_value))
                    statement = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Create the else
                if else_value != '-1':
                    _else = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(else_value))
                    _else = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Add the component label
                if mydict.get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('component')
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(cmps.keys()[0], dict_op=self.cluster(condition, statement, _else), info=info))
                info = {}

        # OPERATOR_ID[3] --> Or
        comp_or = opcomps.get(f.OPERATOR_ID[3])
        if comp_or is not None:
            for cmps in comp_or:
                mydict = cmps.values()[0]
                value = mydict.get('form').get('items')
                cond_value = value[0].get('value')
                stat_value = value[1].get('value')
                else_value = value[2].get('value')
                condition = ""
                statement = ""
                _else = ""

                dict_or = {}
                dict_or['state'] = int(cond_value)

                entity = {'component': unicode(mydict.get('component')),'resource': unicode(mydict.get('resource')),'connector': unicode(mydict.get('connector')),'connector_name':unicode(mydict.get('connector_name')),'type':unicode(mydict.get('type'))}
                entity[Context.NAME] = mydict.get(mydict.get('source_type'))
                entity = self.track_nonetype(entity)

                # Create the condition
                condition = new_conf(at_least, **dict_or)

                # Create the statement/action
                if stat_value != '-1':
                    statement = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(stat_value))
                    statement = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Create the _else
                if else_value != '-1':
                    _else = new_conf(action.change_state, state=int(else_value))
                    _else = new_conf(action.worst_state)
                # Add the component label
                if mydict.get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('component')
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(cmps.keys()[0], dict_op=self.cluster(condition, statement, _else), info=info))
                info = {}
        # OPERATOR_ID[4] --> Best State
        comp_best = opcomps.get(f.OPERATOR_ID[4])
        if comp_best is not None:
            for cmps in comp_best:
                mydict = cmps.values()[0]
                if mydict.get('label') is None:
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('component')
                    info['label'] = mydict.get('label')
                node_list.append(self.create_component(cmps.keys()[0], dict_op=new_conf(action.best_state), info=info))
                info = {}

        # Create connections between components
        for tween in f.get_comp_graph():
            conn_list.append(self.create_connections(tween[0], tween[1]))
        # Create the Topology
        root_id = f.get_root_id()
        self.create_topology(root_id, conn_list, node_list)
        self.logger.info('Topology {} is created successfully.'.format(root_id))
        print 'Topology {} is created successfully.'.format(root_id)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def at_least(self, dict_data):
     Create the condition statement.
     return new_conf(condition.at_least, **dict_data)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_default_task(self):
        """Get default task.

        return new_conf(self.DEFAULT_TASK)