Ejemplo n.º 1
def spm_tissue_probability_maps():
    """ SPM tissue probability maps.

        <output name="tpm_struct" type="List" content="Any" desc="a struct
            containing the spm tissue probability map descriptions."/>
    # Try to import the resource
        from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data
        raise ImportError("Can't import 'caps'.")
    tmp_file = get_sample_data("tpm").all

    # Format the tpm for spm
    tissue1 = ((tmp_file, 1), 2, (True, True), (False, True))
    tissue2 = ((tmp_file, 2), 2, (True, True), (False, True))
    tissue3 = ((tmp_file, 3), 2, (True, False), (False, False))
    tissue4 = ((tmp_file, 4), 3, (False, False), (False, False))
    tissue5 = ((tmp_file, 5), 4, (False, False), (False, False))

    tpm_struct = [tissue1, tissue2, tissue3, tissue4, tissue5]
    return tpm_struct
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pilot(working_dir="/volatile/nsap/caps", **kwargs):
    Diffusion Brain Extraction Tool
    .. topic:: Objective

        We propose to extract the brain mask from a diffusion sequence.


    First we load the function that enables us to access the toy datasets
    from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data

    From capsul we then load the class to configure the study we want to
    from capsul.study_config import StudyConfig

    Here two utility tools are loaded. The first one enables the creation
    of ordered dictionary and the second ensure that a directory exist.
    Note that the directory will be created if necessary.
    from capsul.utils.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary
    from nsap.lib.base import ensure_is_dir

    Load the toy dataset

    We want to perform BET on a diffusion sequence.
    To do so, we use the *get_sample_data* function to load this

    .. seealso::

        For a complete description of the *get_sample_data* function, see the
        :ref:`Toy Datasets documentation <toy_datasets_guide>`
    toy_dataset = get_sample_data("dwi")

    The *toy_dataset* is an Enum structure with some specific
    elements of interest *dwi*, *bvals* that contain the nifti diffusion
    image and the b-values respectively.
    print(toy_dataset.dwi, toy_dataset.bvals)

    Will return:

    .. code-block:: python


    We can see that the image has been found in a local directory

    Processing definition

    Now we need to define the processing step that will perform BET on
    diffusion sequence.
    bet_pipeline = dBET()

    It is possible to access the ipeline input specification.

    Will return the input parameters the user can set:

    .. code-block:: python


        dw_image: ['File']
        bvals: ['File']
        specified_index_of_ref_image: ['Int']
        terminal_output: ['Enum']
        generate_binary_mask: ['Bool']
        use_4d_input: ['Bool']
        generate_mesh: ['Bool']
        generate_skull: ['Bool']
        bet_threshold: ['Float']

    We can now tune the pipeline parameters.
    We first set the input dwi file:
    bet_pipeline.dw_image = toy_dataset.dwi

    And set the b-values file
    bet_pipeline.bvals = toy_dataset.bvals

    Study Configuration

    The pipeline is now set up and ready to be executed.
    For a complete description of a study execution, see the
    :ref:`Study Configuration description <study_configuration_guide>`
    bet_working_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, "diffusion_bet")
    default_config = SortedDictionary(
        ("output_directory", bet_working_dir),
        ("fsl_config", "/etc/fsl/4.1/fsl.sh"),
        ("use_fsl", True),
        ("use_smart_caching", True),
        ("generate_logging", True)
    study = StudyConfig(default_config)


    Finally, we print the pipeline outputs
    for trait_name, trait_value in bet_pipeline.get_outputs().iteritems():
        print("{0}: {1}".format(trait_name, trait_value))

Ejemplo n.º 3
print "Done in {0} seconds".format(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)

# Create pipeline
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
print "Start Pipeline Creation", start_time
pipeline = get_process_instance(
print "Done in {0} seconds.".format(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)

# Set pipeline input parameters
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
print "Start Parametrization", start_time
localizer_dataset = get_sample_data("localizer")
pipeline.behavioral_data = [localizer_dataset.onsets]
pipeline.fmri_sessions = [localizer_dataset.preproc_fmri]
pipeline.time_repetition = localizer_dataset.TR
pipeline.realignment_parameters = localizer_dataset.mouvment_parameters
pipeline.condition_name = "Conditions"
pipeline.onset_name = "Onsets"
pipeline.duration_name = "Durations"
pipeline.delimiter = ";"
pipeline.start = 0
pipeline.contrasts = [
    ("Horizontal Checkerboard","T",['damier_H',],[1,]),
    ("Vertical Checkerboard","T",['damier_V',],[1,]),
    ("Right Audio Click","T",['clicDaudio',],[1,]),
    ("Left Audio Click","T",['clicGaudio',],[1,]),
    ("Right Video Click","T",['clicDvideo',],[1,]),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pilot_preproc():
    FMRI preprocessings
    # Pilot imports
    import os
    from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data
    from capsul.study_config import StudyConfig
    from capsul.process import get_process_instance

    Study configuration

    We first define the working directory and guarantee this folder exists on
    the file system:
    working_dir = "/volatile/nsap/catalogue/pclinfmri/fmri_preproc"
    if not os.path.isdir(working_dir):

    Now we get the pipeline from its definition (xml file)
    pipeline = get_process_instance(

    And then define the study configuration (here we activate the smart
    caching module that will be able to remember which process has already been
    study_config = StudyConfig(
        modules=["SmartCachingConfig", "MatlabConfig", "SPMConfig",

    Load the toy dataset

    To do so, we use the get_sample_data function to download the toy
    dataset on the local file system (here localizer data):
    toy_dataset = get_sample_data("localizer")
    template_dataset = get_sample_data("mni_1mm")

    The toy_dataset is an Enum structure with some specific elements of

        * **??**: ??.

    Processing definition

    First create the
    :ref:`slice timing pipeline <pclinfmri.preproc.pipeline.SliceTiming>` that
    define the different step of the processings:
    pipeline = get_process_instance("pclinfmri.preproc.fmri_preproc.xml")
    print pipeline.get_input_spec()

    Now we need now to parametrize this pipeline:
    pipeline.fmri_file = toy_dataset.fmri
    pipeline.structural_file = toy_dataset.anat
    pipeline.realign_register_to_mean = True
    pipeline.select_slicer = "none"
    pipeline.select_registration = "template"
    pipeline.template_file = template_dataset.brain
    pipeline.force_repetition_time = toy_dataset.TR
    pipeline.force_slice_orders = [index + 1 for index in range(40)]

    The pipeline is now ready to be run:
    study_config.run(pipeline, executer_qc_nodes=True, verbose=1)


    Finally, we print the pipeline outputs:
    for trait_name, trait_value in pipeline.get_outputs().items():
        print("{0}: {1}".format(trait_name, trait_value))
Ejemplo n.º 5
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
# for details.

# System import
import datetime

# CAPS import
from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data

# Lib import
from dcmreader import get_sequence_name, get_all_sop_instance_uids

start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

localizer_dataset = get_sample_data("qt1")
print "Start Procedure", start_time
print "***************"
print ""
print "Extracting sequence name (first value returned only)..."
seqname = get_sequence_name(localizer_dataset.gre5dcm)
print "sequence name: {0}".format(seqname)
print ""
    "Extracting Referenced SOP Instance UID (all values "
    "returned in a list)...")
uids = get_all_sop_instance_uids(localizer_dataset.gre20dcm)
print "Referenced SOP Instance UID: {0}".format(uids)
print ""
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pilot(working_dir="/volatile/nsap/caps", **kwargs):
    Diffusion Brain Extraction Tool
    .. topic:: Objective

        We propose to extract the brain mask from a diffusion sequence.


    First we load the function that enables us to access the toy datasets
    from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data
    From capsul we then load the class to configure the study we want to
    from capsul.study_config import StudyConfig
    Here two utility tools are loaded. The first one enables the creation
    of ordered dictionary and the second ensure that a directory exist.
    Note that the directory will be created if necessary.
    from capsul.utils.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary
    from nsap.lib.base import ensure_is_dir
    Load the toy dataset

    We want to perform BET on a diffusion sequence.
    To do so, we use the *get_sample_data* function to load this

    .. seealso::

        For a complete description of the *get_sample_data* function, see the
        :ref:`Toy Datasets documentation <toy_datasets_guide>`
    toy_dataset = get_sample_data("dwi")
    The *toy_dataset* is an Enum structure with some specific
    elements of interest *dwi*, *bvals* that contain the nifti diffusion
    image and the b-values respectively.
    print(toy_dataset.dwi, toy_dataset.bvals)
    Will return:

    .. code-block:: python


    We can see that the image has been found in a local directory

    Processing definition

    Now we need to define the processing step that will perform BET on
    diffusion sequence.
    bet_pipeline = dBET()
    It is possible to access the ipeline input specification.
    Will return the input parameters the user can set:

    .. code-block:: python


        dw_image: ['File']
        bvals: ['File']
        specified_index_of_ref_image: ['Int']
        terminal_output: ['Enum']
        generate_binary_mask: ['Bool']
        use_4d_input: ['Bool']
        generate_mesh: ['Bool']
        generate_skull: ['Bool']
        bet_threshold: ['Float']

    We can now tune the pipeline parameters.
    We first set the input dwi file:
    bet_pipeline.dw_image = toy_dataset.dwi
    And set the b-values file
    bet_pipeline.bvals = toy_dataset.bvals
    Study Configuration

    The pipeline is now set up and ready to be executed.
    For a complete description of a study execution, see the
    :ref:`Study Configuration description <study_configuration_guide>`
    bet_working_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, "diffusion_bet")
    default_config = SortedDictionary(
        ("output_directory", bet_working_dir),
        ("fsl_config", "/etc/fsl/4.1/fsl.sh"), ("use_fsl", True),
        ("use_smart_caching", True), ("generate_logging", True))
    study = StudyConfig(default_config)

    Finally, we print the pipeline outputs
    for trait_name, trait_value in bet_pipeline.get_outputs().iteritems():
        print("{0}: {1}".format(trait_name, trait_value))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def pilot_newsegment():
    New Segment
    # Pilot imports
    import os
    from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data
    from capsul.study_config import StudyConfig
    from pclinfmri.utils.pipeline import SpmNewSegment

    Study configuration

    We first define the working directory and guarantee this folder exists on
    the file system:
    working_dir = "/volatile/nsap/pclinfmri/spmnewsegment"
    if not os.path.isdir(working_dir):

    And then define the study configuration (here we activate the smart
    caching module that will be able to remember which process has already been
    study_config = StudyConfig(
        modules=["SmartCachingConfig", "MatlabConfig", "SPMConfig",

    Load the toy dataset

    To do so, we use the get_sample_data function to download the toy
    dataset on the local file system (here localizer data):
    toy_dataset = get_sample_data("localizer")

    The toy_dataset is an Enum structure with some specific elements of

        * **??**: ??.

    Processing definition

    First create the
    :ref:`slice timing pipeline <pclinfmri.preproc.pipeline.SliceTiming>` that
    define the different step of the processings:
    pipeline = SpmNewSegment()
    print pipeline.get_input_spec()

    Now we need now to parametrize this pipeline:
    pipeline.coregistered_struct_file = toy_dataset.mean

    The pipeline is now ready to be run:
    study_config.run(pipeline, executer_qc_nodes=True, verbose=1)


    Finally, we print the pipeline outputs:
    for trait_name, trait_value in pipeline.get_outputs().items():
        print("{0}: {1}".format(trait_name, trait_value))
Ejemplo n.º 8
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
# for details.

# System import
import datetime

# CAPS import
from caps.toy_datasets import get_sample_data

# Lib import
from dcmreader import get_sequence_name, get_all_sop_instance_uids

start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

localizer_dataset = get_sample_data("qt1")
print "Start Procedure", start_time
print "***************"
print ""
print "Extracting sequence name (first value returned only)..."
seqname = get_sequence_name(localizer_dataset.gre5dcm)
print "sequence name: {0}".format(seqname)
print ""
print ("Extracting Referenced SOP Instance UID (all values "
       "returned in a list)...")
uids = get_all_sop_instance_uids(localizer_dataset.gre20dcm)
print "Referenced SOP Instance UID: {0}".format(uids)
print ""

print "End of pilots"