Ejemplo n.º 1
    def attribute(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
    ) -> TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric:
        Computes attribution by overriding relu gradients. Based on constructor
        flag use_relu_grad_output, performs either GuidedBackpropagation if False
        and Deconvolution if True. This class is the parent class of both these
        methods, more information on usage can be found in the docstrings for each
        implementing class.

        # Keeps track whether original input is a tuple or not before
        # converting it into a tuple.
        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)

        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

        # set hooks for overriding ReLU gradients
            "Setting backward hooks on ReLU activations."
            "The hooks will be removed after the attribution is finished")

            gradients = self.gradient_func(self.forward_func, inputs, target,

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        return _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, gradients)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_undo_gradient_reqs(self) -> None:
     initial_grads = [False, True, False]
     test_tensor = torch.tensor([[6.0]], requires_grad=True)
     test_tensor.grad = torch.tensor([[7.0]])
     test_tensor_tuple = (
         torch.tensor([[6.0]], requires_grad=True),
         torch.tensor([[7.0]], requires_grad=True),
     undo_gradient_requirements(test_tensor_tuple, initial_grads)
     for i in range(len(test_tensor_tuple)):
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def attribute(self, inputs: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]], target: TargetType = None,
                  additional_forward_args: Any = None, attribute_to_layer_input: bool = False,
                  relu_attributions: bool = False) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]:
        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)
        # Returns gradient of output with respect to
        # hidden layer and hidden layer evaluated at each input.
        layer_gradients, layer_evals = compute_layer_gradients_and_eval(
        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)

        summed_grads = tuple(
            for layer_grad in layer_gradients

        scaled_acts = tuple(
            torch.sum(summed_grad * layer_eval, dim=1, keepdim=True)
            for summed_grad, layer_eval in zip(summed_grads, layer_evals)
        if relu_attributions:
            scaled_acts = tuple(F.relu(scaled_act) for scaled_act in scaled_acts)
        return _format_output(len(scaled_acts) > 1, scaled_acts)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def attribute(
        inputs: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]],
        baselines: BaselineType = None,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        return_convergence_delta: bool = False,
        attribute_to_layer_input: bool = False,
        custom_attribution_func: Union[None, Callable[..., Tuple[Tensor,
                                                                 ...]]] = None,
    ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...], Tuple[Union[Tensor, Tuple[
            Tensor, ...]], Tensor]]:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which layer
                        attributions are computed. If forward_func takes a
                        single tensor as input, a single input tensor should be
                        provided. If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input,
                        a tuple of the input tensors should be provided. It is
                        assumed that for all given input tensors, dimension 0
                        corresponds to the number of examples (aka batch size),
                        and if multiple input tensors are provided, the examples
                        must be aligned appropriately.
            baselines (scalar, tensor, tuple of scalars or tensors, optional):
                        Baselines define reference samples that are compared with
                        the inputs. In order to assign attribution scores DeepLift
                        computes the differences between the inputs/outputs and
                        corresponding references.
                        Baselines can be provided as:

                        - a single tensor, if inputs is a single tensor, with
                          exactly the same dimensions as inputs or the first
                          dimension is one and the remaining dimensions match
                          with inputs.

                        - a single scalar, if inputs is a single tensor, which will
                          be broadcasted for each input value in input tensor.

                        - a tuple of tensors or scalars, the baseline corresponding
                          to each tensor in the inputs' tuple can be:

                          - either a tensor with matching dimensions to
                            corresponding tensor in the inputs' tuple
                            or the first dimension is one and the remaining
                            dimensions match with the corresponding
                            input tensor.

                          - or a scalar, corresponding to a tensor in the
                            inputs' tuple. This scalar value is broadcasted
                            for corresponding input tensor.
                        In the cases when `baselines` is not provided, we internally
                        use zero scalar corresponding to each input tensor.

                        Default: None
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          target for the corresponding example.

                        Default: None
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a tuple
                        containing multiple additional arguments including tensors
                        or any arbitrary python types. These arguments are provided to
                        forward_func in order, following the arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None
            return_convergence_delta (bool, optional): Indicates whether to return
                        convergence delta or not. If `return_convergence_delta`
                        is set to True convergence delta will be returned in
                        a tuple following attributions.
                        Default: False
            attribute_to_layer_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        compute the attribution with respect to the layer input
                        or output. If `attribute_to_layer_input` is set to True
                        then the attributions will be computed with respect to
                        layer input, otherwise it will be computed with respect
                        to layer output.
                        Note that currently it is assumed that either the input
                        or the output of internal layer, depending on whether we
                        attribute to the input or output, is a single tensor.
                        Support for multiple tensors will be added later.
                        Default: False
            custom_attribution_func (callable, optional): A custom function for
                        computing final attribution scores. This function can take
                        at least one and at most three arguments with the
                        following signature:

                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers)
                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers, inputs)
                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers, inputs, baselines)

                        In case this function is not provided, we use the default
                        logic defined as: multipliers * (inputs - baselines)
                        It is assumed that all input arguments, `multipliers`,
                        `inputs` and `baselines` are provided in tuples of same length.
                        `custom_attribution_func` returns a tuple of attribution
                        tensors that have the same length as the `inputs`.
                        Default: None

            **attributions** or 2-element tuple of **attributions**, **delta**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                Attribution score computed based on DeepLift's rescale rule with
                respect to layer's inputs or outputs. Attributions will always be the
                same size as the provided layer's inputs or outputs, depending on
                whether we attribute to the inputs or outputs of the layer.
                If the layer input / output is a single tensor, then
                just a tensor is returned; if the layer input / output
                has multiple tensors, then a corresponding tuple
                of tensors is returned.
            - **delta** (*tensor*, returned if return_convergence_delta=True):
                This is computed using the property that the total sum of
                forward_func(inputs) - forward_func(baselines) must equal the
                total sum of the attributions computed based on DeepLift's
                rescale rule.
                Delta is calculated per example, meaning that the number of
                elements in returned delta tensor is equal to the number of
                of examples in input.
                Note that the logic described for deltas is guaranteed
                when the default logic for attribution computations is used,
                meaning that the `custom_attribution_func=None`, otherwise
                it is not guaranteed and depends on the specifics of the


            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> # creates an instance of LayerDeepLift to interpret target
            >>> # class 1 with respect to conv4 layer.
            >>> dl = LayerDeepLift(net, net.conv4)
            >>> input = torch.randn(1, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # Computes deeplift attribution scores for conv4 layer and class 3.
            >>> attribution = dl.attribute(input, target=1)
        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        baselines = _format_baseline(baselines, inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)
        _validate_input(inputs, baselines)

        baselines = _tensorize_baseline(inputs, baselines)

        main_model_hooks = []
            main_model_hooks = self._hook_main_model()

            self.model.apply(lambda mod: self._register_hooks(
                mod, attribute_to_layer_input=attribute_to_layer_input))

            additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(
            expanded_target = _expand_target(
                target, 2, expansion_type=ExpansionTypes.repeat)
            wrapped_forward_func = self._construct_forward_func(
                (inputs, baselines),

            def chunk_output_fn(
                    out: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric) -> Sequence:
                if isinstance(out, Tensor):
                    return out.chunk(2)
                return tuple(out_sub.chunk(2) for out_sub in out)

            gradients, attrs = compute_layer_gradients_and_eval(
                output_fn=lambda out: chunk_output_fn(out),

            attr_inputs = tuple(map(lambda attr: attr[0], attrs))
            attr_baselines = tuple(map(lambda attr: attr[1], attrs))
            gradients = tuple(map(lambda grad: grad[0], gradients))

            if custom_attribution_func is None:
                if self.multiplies_by_inputs:
                    attributions = tuple(
                        (input - baseline) * gradient
                        for input, baseline, gradient in zip(
                            attr_inputs, attr_baselines, gradients))
                    attributions = gradients
                attributions = _call_custom_attribution_func(
                    custom_attribution_func, gradients, attr_inputs,
            # remove hooks from all activations

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        return _compute_conv_delta_and_format_attrs(
            cast(Union[Literal[True], Literal[False]],
                 len(attributions) > 1),
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def attribute(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
    ) -> TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which
                        attributions are computed. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples (aka batch size), and if
                        multiple input tensors are provided, the examples must
                        be aligned appropriately.
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          target for the corresponding example.

                        Default: None
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a tuple
                        containing multiple additional arguments including tensors
                        or any arbitrary python types. These arguments are provided to
                        forward_func in order following the arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None

                *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* of **attributions**:
                - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                            The input x gradient with
                            respect to each input feature. Attributions will always be
                            the same size as the provided inputs, with each value
                            providing the attribution of the corresponding input index.
                            If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor is
                            returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                            corresponding sized tensors is returned.


            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> # Generating random input with size 2x3x3x32
            >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # Defining InputXGradient interpreter
            >>> input_x_gradient = InputXGradient(net)
            >>> # Computes inputXgradient for class 4.
            >>> attribution = input_x_gradient.attribute(input, target=4)
        # Keeps track whether original input is a tuple or not before
        # converting it into a tuple.
        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)

        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

        gradients = self.gradient_func(self.forward_func, inputs, target,

        attributions = tuple(input * gradient
                             for input, gradient in zip(inputs, gradients))

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        return _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, attributions)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def attribute(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        neuron_selector: Union[int, Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...], Callable],
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        attribute_to_neuron_input: bool = False,
    ) -> TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which neuron
                        gradients are computed. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples, and if multiple input tensors
                        are provided, the examples must be aligned appropriately.
            neuron_selector (int, callable, or tuple of ints or slices):
                        Selector for neuron
                        in given layer for which attribution is desired.
                        Neuron selector can be provided as:

                        - a single integer, if the layer output is 2D. This integer
                          selects the appropriate neuron column in the layer input
                          or output

                        - a tuple of integers or slice objects. Length of this
                          tuple must be one less than the number of dimensions
                          in the input / output of the given layer (since
                          dimension 0 corresponds to number of examples).
                          The elements of the tuple can be either integers or
                          slice objects (slice object allows indexing a
                          range of neurons rather individual ones).

                          If any of the tuple elements is a slice object, the
                          indexed output tensor is used for attribution. Note
                          that specifying a slice of a tensor would amount to
                          computing the attribution of the sum of the specified
                          neurons, and not the individual neurons independantly.

                        - a callable, which should
                          take the target layer as input (single tensor or tuple
                          if multiple tensors are in layer) and return a neuron or
                          aggregate of the layer's neurons for attribution.
                          For example, this function could return the
                          sum of the neurons in the layer or sum of neurons with
                          activations in a particular range. It is expected that
                          this function returns either a tensor with one element
                          or a 1D tensor with length equal to batch_size (one scalar
                          per input example)
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a
                        tuple containing multiple additional arguments including
                        tensors or any arbitrary python types. These arguments
                        are provided to forward_func in order following the
                        arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None
            attribute_to_neuron_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        compute the attributions with respect to the neuron input
                        or output. If `attribute_to_neuron_input` is set to True
                        then the attributions will be computed with respect to
                        neuron's inputs, otherwise it will be computed with respect
                        to neuron's outputs.
                        Note that currently it is assumed that either the input
                        or the output of internal neurons, depending on whether we
                        attribute to the input or output, is a single tensor.
                        Support for multiple tensors will be added later.
                        Default: False

            *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* of **attributions**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                        Gradients of particular neuron with respect to each input
                        feature. Attributions will always be the same size as the
                        provided inputs, with each value providing the attribution
                        of the corresponding input index.
                        If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor is
                        returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                        corresponding sized tensors is returned.


            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> # It contains an attribute conv1, which is an instance of nn.conv2d,
            >>> # and the output of this layer has dimensions Nx12x32x32.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> neuron_ig = NeuronGradient(net, net.conv1)
            >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # To compute neuron attribution, we need to provide the neuron
            >>> # index for which attribution is desired. Since the layer output
            >>> # is Nx12x32x32, we need a tuple in the form (0..11,0..31,0..31)
            >>> # which indexes a particular neuron in the layer output.
            >>> # For this example, we choose the index (4,1,2).
            >>> # Computes neuron gradient for neuron with
            >>> # index (4,1,2).
            >>> attribution = neuron_ig.attribute(input, (4,1,2))
        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)
        inputs = _format_tensor_into_tuples(inputs)
        additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

        _, input_grads = _forward_layer_eval_with_neuron_grads(

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        return _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, input_grads)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def attribute(  # type: ignore
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        baselines: BaselineType = None,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        return_convergence_delta: bool = False,
        custom_attribution_func: Union[None, Callable[..., Tuple[Tensor,
                                                                 ...]]] = None,
    ) -> Union[TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric, Tuple[
            TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric, Tensor]]:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which
                        attributions are computed. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples (aka batch size), and if
                        multiple input tensors are provided, the examples must
                        be aligned appropriately.
            baselines (scalar, tensor, tuple of scalars or tensors, optional):
                        Baselines define reference samples that are compared with
                        the inputs. In order to assign attribution scores DeepLift
                        computes the differences between the inputs/outputs and
                        corresponding references.
                        Baselines can be provided as:

                        - a single tensor, if inputs is a single tensor, with
                          exactly the same dimensions as inputs or the first
                          dimension is one and the remaining dimensions match
                          with inputs.

                        - a single scalar, if inputs is a single tensor, which will
                          be broadcasted for each input value in input tensor.

                        - a tuple of tensors or scalars, the baseline corresponding
                          to each tensor in the inputs' tuple can be:

                          - either a tensor with matching dimensions to
                            corresponding tensor in the inputs' tuple
                            or the first dimension is one and the remaining
                            dimensions match with the corresponding
                            input tensor.

                          - or a scalar, corresponding to a tensor in the
                            inputs' tuple. This scalar value is broadcasted
                            for corresponding input tensor.

                        In the cases when `baselines` is not provided, we internally
                        use zero scalar corresponding to each input tensor.

                        Default: None
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          target for the corresponding example.

                        Default: None
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a tuple
                        containing multiple additional arguments including tensors
                        or any arbitrary python types. These arguments are provided to
                        forward_func in order, following the arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None
            return_convergence_delta (bool, optional): Indicates whether to return
                        convergence delta or not. If `return_convergence_delta`
                        is set to True convergence delta will be returned in
                        a tuple following attributions.
                        Default: False
            custom_attribution_func (callable, optional): A custom function for
                        computing final attribution scores. This function can take
                        at least one and at most three arguments with the
                        following signature:

                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers)
                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers, inputs)
                        - custom_attribution_func(multipliers, inputs, baselines)

                        In case this function is not provided, we use the default
                        logic defined as: multipliers * (inputs - baselines)
                        It is assumed that all input arguments, `multipliers`,
                        `inputs` and `baselines` are provided in tuples of same
                        length. `custom_attribution_func` returns a tuple of
                        attribution tensors that have the same length as the

                        Default: None

            **attributions** or 2-element tuple of **attributions**, **delta**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                Attribution score computed based on DeepLift rescale rule with respect
                to each input feature. Attributions will always be
                the same size as the provided inputs, with each value
                providing the attribution of the corresponding input index.
                If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor is
                returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                corresponding sized tensors is returned.
            - **delta** (*tensor*, returned if return_convergence_delta=True):
                This is computed using the property that
                the total sum of forward_func(inputs) - forward_func(baselines)
                must equal the total sum of the attributions computed
                based on DeepLift's rescale rule.
                Delta is calculated per example, meaning that the number of
                elements in returned delta tensor is equal to the number of
                of examples in input.
                Note that the logic described for deltas is guaranteed when the
                default logic for attribution computations is used, meaning that the
                `custom_attribution_func=None`, otherwise it is not guaranteed and
                depends on the specifics of the `custom_attribution_func`.


            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> dl = DeepLift(net)
            >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # Computes deeplift attribution scores for class 3.
            >>> attribution = dl.attribute(input, target=3)

        # Keeps track whether original input is a tuple or not before
        # converting it into a tuple.
        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)

        inputs = _format_tensor_into_tuples(inputs)
        baselines = _format_baseline(baselines, inputs)

        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

        _validate_input(inputs, baselines)

        # set hooks for baselines
            """Setting forward, backward hooks and attributes on non-linear
               activations. The hooks and attributes will be removed
            after the attribution is finished""")
        baselines = _tensorize_baseline(inputs, baselines)
        main_model_hooks = []
            main_model_hooks = self._hook_main_model()


            additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(

            expanded_target = _expand_target(
                target, 2, expansion_type=ExpansionTypes.repeat)

            wrapped_forward_func = self._construct_forward_func(
                (inputs, baselines),
            gradients = self.gradient_func(wrapped_forward_func, inputs)
            if custom_attribution_func is None:
                if self.multiplies_by_inputs:
                    attributions = tuple((input - baseline) * gradient
                                         for input, baseline, gradient in zip(
                                             inputs, baselines, gradients))
                    attributions = gradients
                attributions = _call_custom_attribution_func(
                    custom_attribution_func, gradients, inputs, baselines)
            # Even if any error is raised, remove all hooks before raising

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        return _compute_conv_delta_and_format_attrs(
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def attribute(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        return_convergence_delta: bool = False,
        attribute_to_layer_input: bool = False,
        verbose: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...], List[Union[Tensor, Tuple[
            Tensor, ...]]], Tuple[Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...], List[Union[
                Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]]], Union[Tensor,
                                                     List[Tensor]], ], ]:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which relevance is
                        If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples, and if multiple input tensors
                        are provided, the examples must be aligned appropriately.
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                    - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                        integer, which is applied to all input examples

                    - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                        the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                        is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                    For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                    - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                        elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                    - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                        examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                        #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                        target for the corresponding example.

                    Default: None
            additional_forward_args (tuple, optional): If the forward function
                    requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                    which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                    can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                    argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a tuple
                    containing multiple additional arguments including tensors
                    or any arbitrary python types. These arguments are provided to
                    forward_func in order, following the arguments in inputs.
                    Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                    to these arguments.
                    Default: None

            return_convergence_delta (bool, optional): Indicates whether to return
                    convergence delta or not. If `return_convergence_delta`
                    is set to True convergence delta will be returned in
                    a tuple following attributions.
                    Default: False

            attribute_to_layer_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        compute the attribution with respect to the layer input
                        or output. If `attribute_to_layer_input` is set to True
                        then the attributions will be computed with respect to
                        layer input, otherwise it will be computed with respect
                        to layer output.

            verbose (bool, optional): Indicates whether information on application
                    of rules is printed during propagation.
                    Default: False

            *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* of **attributions** or 2-element tuple of
                **attributions**, **delta** or lists of **attributions** and **delta**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                        The propagated relevance values with respect to each
                        input feature. Attributions will always
                        be the same size as the provided inputs, with each value
                        providing the attribution of the corresponding input index.
                        If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor is
                        returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                        corresponding sized tensors is returned. The sum of attributions
                        is one and not corresponding to the prediction score as in other
                        implementations. If attributions for all layers are returned
                        (layer=None) a list of tensors or tuples of tensors is returned
                        with entries for each layer.
            - **delta** (*tensor* or list of *tensors*
                         returned if return_convergence_delta=True):
                        Delta is calculated per example, meaning that the number of
                        elements in returned delta tensor is equal to the number of
                        of examples in input.
                        If attributions for all layers are returned (layer=None) a list
                        of tensors is returned with entries for
                        each layer.

                >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
                >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities. It has one
                >>> # Conv2D and a ReLU layer.
                >>> net = ImageClassifier()
                >>> lrp = LRP(net, net.conv1)
                >>> input = torch.randn(3, 3, 32, 32)
                >>> # Attribution size matches input size: 3x3x32x32
                >>> attribution = lrp.attribute(input, target=5)

        self.verbose = verbose
        self._original_state_dict = self.model.state_dict()
        self.layers = []
        self.attribute_to_layer_input = attribute_to_layer_input
        self.backward_handles = []
        self.forward_handles = []

        inputs = _format_tensor_into_tuples(inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

            # 1. Forward pass
            output = self._compute_output_and_change_weights(
                inputs, target, additional_forward_args)
            # 2. Forward pass + backward pass
            _ = compute_gradients(self._forward_fn_wrapper, inputs, target,
            relevances = self._get_output_relevance(output)
        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)

        if return_convergence_delta:
            delta: Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]]
            if isinstance(self.layer, list):
                delta = []
                for relevance_layer in relevances:
                delta = self.compute_convergence_delta(
                    cast(Tuple[Tensor, ...], relevances), output)
            return relevances, delta  # type: ignore
            return relevances  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def perturb(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        epsilon: float,
        target: Any,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        targeted: bool = False,
    ) -> TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric:
        This method computes and returns the perturbed input for each input tensor.
        It supports both targeted and non-targeted attacks.


            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors): Input for which adversarial
                        attack is computed. It can be provided as a single
                        tensor or a tuple of multiple tensors. If multiple
                        input tensors are provided, the batch sizes must be
                        aligned accross all tensors.
            epsilon (float): Step size of perturbation.
            target (any): True labels of inputs if non-targeted attack is
                        desired. Target class of inputs if targeted attack
                        is desired. Target will be passed to the loss function
                        to compute loss, so the type needs to match the
                        argument type of the loss function.

                        If using the default negative log as loss function,
                        labels should be of type int, tuple, tensor or list.
                        For general 2D outputs, labels can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the label for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, labels can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This label index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          label for the corresponding example.
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. These arguments are provided to
                        forward_func in order following the arguments in inputs.
                        Default: None.
            targeted (bool, optional): If attack should be targeted.
                        Default: False.


            - **perturbed inputs** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                        Perturbed input for each
                        input tensor. The perturbed inputs have the same shape and
                        dimensionality as the inputs.
                        If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor
                        is returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                        corresponding sized tensors is returned.
        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)
        inputs: Tuple[Tensor, ...] = _format_input(inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

        def _forward_with_loss() -> Tensor:
            additional_inputs = _format_additional_forward_args(additional_forward_args)
            outputs = self.forward_func(  # type: ignore
                *(*inputs, *additional_inputs)  # type: ignore
                if additional_inputs is not None
                else inputs
            if self.loss_func is not None:
                return self.loss_func(outputs, target)
                loss = -torch.log(outputs)
                return _select_targets(loss, target)

        grads = compute_gradients(_forward_with_loss, inputs)
        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        perturbed_inputs = self._perturb(inputs, grads, epsilon, targeted)
        perturbed_inputs = tuple(
            self.bound(perturbed_inputs[i]) for i in range(len(perturbed_inputs))
        return _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, perturbed_inputs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def attribute(
        inputs: TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric,
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        return_convergence_delta: bool = False,
        verbose: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[
        TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric, Tuple[TensorOrTupleOfTensorsGeneric, Tensor]
            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which relevance is
                        propagated. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples, and if multiple input tensors
                        are provided, the examples must be aligned appropriately.
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                    - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                        integer, which is applied to all input examples

                    - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                        the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                        is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                    For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                    - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                        elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                    - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                        examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                        #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                        target for the corresponding example.

                    Default: None
            additional_forward_args (tuple, optional): If the forward function
                    requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                    which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                    can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                    argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a tuple
                    containing multiple additional arguments including tensors
                    or any arbitrary python types. These arguments are provided to
                    forward_func in order, following the arguments in inputs.
                    Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                    to these arguments.
                    Default: None

            return_convergence_delta (bool, optional): Indicates whether to return
                    convergence delta or not. If `return_convergence_delta`
                    is set to True convergence delta will be returned in
                    a tuple following attributions.
                    Default: False

            verbose (bool, optional): Indicates whether information on application
                    of rules is printed during propagation.

            *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* of **attributions**
            or 2-element tuple of **attributions**, **delta**::
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                        The propagated relevance values with respect to each
                        input feature. The values are normalized by the output score
                        value (sum(relevance)=1). To obtain values comparable to other
                        methods or implementations these values need to be multiplied
                        by the output score. Attributions will always
                        be the same size as the provided inputs, with each value
                        providing the attribution of the corresponding input index.
                        If a single tensor is provided as inputs, a single tensor is
                        returned. If a tuple is provided for inputs, a tuple of
                        corresponding sized tensors is returned. The sum of attributions
                        is one and not corresponding to the prediction score as in other
            - **delta** (*tensor*, returned if return_convergence_delta=True):
                        Delta is calculated per example, meaning that the number of
                        elements in returned delta tensor is equal to the number of
                        of examples in the inputs.

                >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
                >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities. It has one
                >>> # Conv2D and a ReLU layer.
                >>> net = ImageClassifier()
                >>> lrp = LRP(net)
                >>> input = torch.randn(3, 3, 32, 32)
                >>> # Attribution size matches input size: 3x3x32x32
                >>> attribution = lrp.attribute(input, target=5)

        self.verbose = verbose
        self._original_state_dict = self.model.state_dict()
        self.layers: List[Module] = []
        self.backward_handles: List[RemovableHandle] = []
        self.forward_handles: List[RemovableHandle] = []

        is_inputs_tuple = _is_tuple(inputs)
        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)

            # 1. Forward pass: Change weights of layers according to selected rules.
            output = self._compute_output_and_change_weights(
                inputs, target, additional_forward_args
            # 2. Forward pass + backward pass: Register hooks to configure relevance
            # propagation and execute back-propagation.
            normalized_relevances = self.gradient_func(
                self._forward_fn_wrapper, inputs, target, additional_forward_args
            relevances = tuple(
                * output.reshape((-1,) + (1,) * (normalized_relevance.dim() - 1))
                for normalized_relevance in normalized_relevances

        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)

        if return_convergence_delta:
            return (
                _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, relevances),
                self.compute_convergence_delta(relevances, output),
            return _format_output(is_inputs_tuple, relevances)  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def attribute(
        inputs: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]],
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        attribute_to_layer_input: bool = False,
        relu_attributions: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which attributions
                        are computed. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples, and if multiple input tensors
                        are provided, the examples must be aligned appropriately.
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          target for the corresponding example.

                        Default: None
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a
                        tuple containing multiple additional arguments including
                        tensors or any arbitrary python types. These arguments
                        are provided to forward_func in order following the
                        arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None
            attribute_to_layer_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        compute the attributions with respect to the layer input
                        or output. If `attribute_to_layer_input` is set to True
                        then the attributions will be computed with respect to the
                        layer input, otherwise it will be computed with respect
                        to layer output.
                        Note that currently it is assumed that either the input
                        or the outputs of internal layers, depending on whether we
                        attribute to the input or output, are single tensors.
                        Support for multiple tensors will be added later.
                        Default: False
            relu_attributions (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        apply a ReLU operation on the final attribution,
                        returning only non-negative attributions. Setting this
                        flag to True matches the original GradCAM algorithm,
                        otherwise, by default, both positive and negative
                        attributions are returned.
                        Default: False

            *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* of **attributions**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors*):
                        Attributions based on GradCAM method.
                        Attributions will be the same size as the
                        output of the given layer, except for dimension 2,
                        which will be 1 due to summing over channels.
                        Attributions are returned in a tuple if
                        the layer inputs / outputs contain multiple tensors,
                        otherwise a single tensor is returned.

            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> # It contains a layer conv4, which is an instance of nn.conv2d,
            >>> # and the output of this layer has dimensions Nx50x8x8.
            >>> # It is the last convolution layer, which is the recommended
            >>> # use case for GradCAM.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> layer_gc = LayerGradCam(net, net.conv4)
            >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # Computes layer GradCAM for class 3.
            >>> # attribution size matches layer output except for dimension
            >>> # 1, so dimensions of attr would be Nx1x8x8.
            >>> attr = layer_gc.attribute(input, 3)
            >>> # GradCAM attributions are often upsampled and viewed as a
            >>> # mask to the input, since the convolutional layer output
            >>> # spatially matches the original input image.
            >>> # This can be done with LayerAttribution's interpolate method.
            >>> upsampled_attr = LayerAttribution.interpolate(attr, (32, 32))
        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)
        # Returns gradient of output with respect to
        # hidden layer and hidden layer evaluated at each input.
        layer_gradients, layer_evals = compute_layer_gradients_and_eval(
        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)

        summed_grads = tuple(
                dim=tuple(x for x in range(2, len(layer_grad.shape))),
            ) if len(layer_grad.shape) > 2 else layer_grad
            for layer_grad in layer_gradients)

        scaled_acts = tuple(
            torch.sum(summed_grad * layer_eval, dim=1, keepdim=True)
            for summed_grad, layer_eval in zip(summed_grads, layer_evals))
        if relu_attributions:
            scaled_acts = tuple(
                F.relu(scaled_act) for scaled_act in scaled_acts)
        return _format_output(len(scaled_acts) > 1, scaled_acts)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def attribute(
        inputs: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]],
        target: TargetType = None,
        additional_forward_args: Any = None,
        attribute_to_layer_input: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...], List[Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]]]:

            inputs (tensor or tuple of tensors):  Input for which attributions
                        are computed. If forward_func takes a single
                        tensor as input, a single input tensor should be provided.
                        If forward_func takes multiple tensors as input, a tuple
                        of the input tensors should be provided. It is assumed
                        that for all given input tensors, dimension 0 corresponds
                        to the number of examples, and if multiple input tensors
                        are provided, the examples must be aligned appropriately.
            target (int, tuple, tensor or list, optional):  Output indices for
                        which gradients are computed (for classification cases,
                        this is usually the target class).
                        If the network returns a scalar value per example,
                        no target index is necessary.
                        For general 2D outputs, targets can be either:

                        - a single integer or a tensor containing a single
                          integer, which is applied to all input examples

                        - a list of integers or a 1D tensor, with length matching
                          the number of examples in inputs (dim 0). Each integer
                          is applied as the target for the corresponding example.

                        For outputs with > 2 dimensions, targets can be either:

                        - A single tuple, which contains #output_dims - 1
                          elements. This target index is applied to all examples.

                        - A list of tuples with length equal to the number of
                          examples in inputs (dim 0), and each tuple containing
                          #output_dims - 1 elements. Each tuple is applied as the
                          target for the corresponding example.

                        Default: None
            additional_forward_args (any, optional): If the forward function
                        requires additional arguments other than the inputs for
                        which attributions should not be computed, this argument
                        can be provided. It must be either a single additional
                        argument of a Tensor or arbitrary (non-tuple) type or a
                        tuple containing multiple additional arguments including
                        tensors or any arbitrary python types. These arguments
                        are provided to forward_func in order following the
                        arguments in inputs.
                        Note that attributions are not computed with respect
                        to these arguments.
                        Default: None
            attribute_to_layer_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether to
                        compute the attribution with respect to the layer input
                        or output. If `attribute_to_layer_input` is set to True
                        then the attributions will be computed with respect to
                        layer input, otherwise it will be computed with respect
                        to layer output.
                        Default: False

            *tensor* or tuple of *tensors* or *list* of **attributions**:
            - **attributions** (*tensor* or tuple of *tensors* or *list*):
                        Product of gradient and activation for each
                        neuron in given layer output.
                        Attributions will always be the same size as the
                        output of the given layer.
                        Attributions are returned in a tuple if
                        the layer inputs / outputs contain multiple tensors,
                        otherwise a single tensor is returned.
                        If multiple layers are provided, attributions
                        are returned as a list, each element corresponding to the
                        activations of the corresponding layer.


            >>> # ImageClassifier takes a single input tensor of images Nx3x32x32,
            >>> # and returns an Nx10 tensor of class probabilities.
            >>> # It contains an attribute conv1, which is an instance of nn.conv2d,
            >>> # and the output of this layer has dimensions Nx12x32x32.
            >>> net = ImageClassifier()
            >>> layer_ga = LayerGradientXActivation(net, net.conv1)
            >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)
            >>> # Computes layer activation x gradient for class 3.
            >>> # attribution size matches layer output, Nx12x32x32
            >>> attribution = layer_ga.attribute(input, 3)
        inputs = _format_input(inputs)
        additional_forward_args = _format_additional_forward_args(
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements(inputs)
        # Returns gradient of output with respect to
        # hidden layer and hidden layer evaluated at each input.
        layer_gradients, layer_evals = compute_layer_gradients_and_eval(
        undo_gradient_requirements(inputs, gradient_mask)
        if isinstance(self.layer, Module):
            return _format_output(
                len(layer_evals) > 1,
                self.multiply_gradient_acts(layer_gradients, layer_evals),
            return [
                    len(layer_evals[i]) > 1,
                    self.multiply_gradient_acts(layer_gradients[i], layer_evals[i]),
                for i in range(len(self.layer))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def attribute(
        Computes conductance using gradients along the path, applying
        riemann's method or gauss-legendre.
        The details of the approach can be found here:


            inputs:     A single high dimensional input tensor, in which
                        dimension 0 corresponds to number of examples.
            baselines:   A single high dimensional baseline tensor,
                        which has the same shape as the input
            target:     Predicted class index. This is necessary only for
                        classification use cases
            n_steps:    The number of steps used by the approximation method
            method:     Method for integral approximation, one of `riemann_right`,
                        `riemann_middle`, `riemann_trapezoid` or `gausslegendre`


            attributions: Total conductance with respect to each neuron in
                          output of given layer
        if baselines is None:
            baselines = 0
        gradient_mask = apply_gradient_requirements((inputs, ))
        # retrieve step size and scaling factor for specified approximation method
        step_sizes_func, alphas_func = approximation_parameters(method)
        step_sizes, alphas = step_sizes_func(n_steps), alphas_func(n_steps)

        # compute scaled inputs from baseline to final input.
        scaled_features = torch.cat(
            [baselines + alpha * (inputs - baselines) for alpha in alphas],

        # Conductance Gradients - Returns gradient of output with respect to
        # hidden layer, gradient of hidden layer with respect to input,
        # and number of hidden units.
        input_gradients, mid_layer_gradients, hidden_units = self._conductance_grads(
            self.forward_func, scaled_features, target)
        # Multiply gradient of hidden layer with respect to input by input - baseline
        scaled_input_gradients = torch.repeat_interleave(inputs - baselines,
        scaled_input_gradients = input_gradients * scaled_input_gradients.repeat(
            *([len(alphas)] + [1] * (len(scaled_input_gradients.shape) - 1)))

        # Sum gradients for each input neuron in order to have total
        # for each hidden unit and reshape to match hidden layer shape
        summed_input_grads = torch.sum(
            tuple(range(1, len(

        # Rescale gradients of hidden layer by by step size.
        scaled_grads = mid_layer_gradients.contiguous().view(
            n_steps, -1) * torch.tensor(step_sizes).view(n_steps, 1).to(

        undo_gradient_requirements((inputs, ), gradient_mask)

        # Element-wise mutliply gradient of output with respect to hidden layer
        # and summed gradients with respect to input (chain rule) and sum across
        # stepped inputs.
        return _reshape_and_sum(
            scaled_grads.view(mid_layer_gradients.shape) * summed_input_grads,