Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_sized_card(card_template: str, size_class: str, content: str) -> str:
    """ Populate and return a card in a given size with the specified content. """

    template = Template(card_template)

    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARD_SIZE, size_class, template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARD_CONTENT, content, template, indenting=True)

    return template.content + "\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_section(name: str, section_index: int, section_template: str) -> str:
    """ Populate a section with datasource name and index. """

    template = Template(section_template)

    fill_each("_datasource_name", name, template)
    fill_each("_datasource_id", "datasource-{0}".format(section_index), template)

    return template.content + "\n"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_sized_card(card_template: str,
                   size_class: str,
                   content: str) -> str:
    """ Populate and return a card in a given size with the specified content. """

    template = Template(card_template)

    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARD_SIZE, size_class, template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARD_CONTENT, content, template, indenting=True)

    return template.content + '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_section(name: str,
                section_template: str,
                is_card_backs: bool=False,
                is_filler: bool=False) -> str:
    """ Populate a section with a name. """

    template = Template(section_template)

    section_class = 'ui-section do-not-print'

    if is_card_backs:
        section_class = '{0} {1}'.format(section_class, 'page-backs')

    if is_filler:
        section_class = '{0} {1}'.format(section_class, 'filler')

    fill_each('_section_class', section_class, template)
    fill_each('_datasource_name', name, template)

    return template.content + '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_page(page_number: int, cards: str, page_template: str, is_card_backs: bool = False) -> str:
    """ Populate a page with cards. """

    template = Template(page_template)

    page_class = "page page-backs" if is_card_backs else "page"

    fill_each("_page_class", page_class, template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.PAGE_NUMBER, str(page_number), template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARDS, cards, template, indenting=True)

    return template.content + "\n"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_page(page_number: int,
             cards: str,
             page_template: str,
             section_template: str,
             contexts: list,
             is_card_backs: bool=False,
             is_filler: bool=False,
             exclude_section: bool=False) -> str:
    """ Populate a page with cards. """

    template = Template(page_template)

    page_class = 'page'

    if is_card_backs:
        page_class = '{0} {1}'.format(page_class, 'page-backs')

    if is_filler:
        page_class = '{0} {1}'.format(page_class, 'filler')

    fill_each('_page_class', page_class, template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.PAGE_NUMBER, str(page_number), template)
    fill_each(TemplateFields.CARDS, cards, template, indenting=True)

    page = template.content + '\n'

    if not exclude_section and contexts is not None:
        section_name = get_section_name(contexts)

        if is_card_backs:
            section_name = '{0} - backs'.format(section_name)

        section = get_section(section_name, section_template, is_card_backs, is_filler)

        page = section + page

    return page
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make(data_paths: list,
         header_path: str=None,
         definitions_path: str=None,
         output_path: str=None,
         output_filename: str=None,
         force_page_breaks: bool=False,
         should_disable_backs: bool=False,
         should_disable_page_sections: bool=False,
         default_card_size_identifier: str='standard',
         is_preview: bool=False,
         clean_unused_resources: bool=False):
    """ Build cards for all specified datasources. """

    time_started_make = datetime.datetime.now()

    datasource_count = len(data_paths)

    exclude_datasource_named = (os.path.basename(definitions_path)
                                if definitions_path is not None
                                else None)

    if datasource_count == 0:
        # attempt finding any datasources in current working directory
        data_paths = discover_datasources(in_directory='.',

        datasource_count = len(data_paths)
    elif datasource_count > 0:
        # determine whether any datasources point to a directory
        for i, datasource_path in enumerate(data_paths):
            if os.path.isdir(datasource_path):
                # discover any datasources within the specified directory
                discovered_datasource_paths = discover_datasources(
                    datasource_path, except_datasource_name=exclude_datasource_named)
                # replace the datasource directory with any datasources discovered within
                data_paths = data_paths[:i] + discovered_datasource_paths + data_paths[i + 1:]

        datasource_count = len(data_paths)

    if datasource_count > 0:
        data_path_names, duplicates_count = get_data_path_names(data_paths)

        duplicates = (' ({0} {1})'.format(
            duplicates_count, 'duplicate' if duplicates_count == 1 else 'duplicates')
                      if duplicates_count > 0 else '')

        print('Generating cards from {0} {1}{2}:\n {3}'.format(
            datasource_count, 'datasources' if datasource_count > 1 else 'datasource', duplicates,

        # just quit- there's nothing to do

    disable_auto_templating = False

    if definitions_path is None:
        # no definitions file has been explicitly specified, so try looking for it automatically
        found, potential_definitions_path = find_file_path('definitions.csv', data_paths)

        if found and potential_definitions_path is not None:
            definitions_path = potential_definitions_path


    definitions = get_definitions_from_file(definitions_path)

    if is_preview:

    # dict of all image paths discovered for each context during card generation
    context_image_paths = {}

    # some definitions are always guaranteed to be referenced,
    # if not by cards, then by the final page output
    all_referenced_definitions = {TemplateFields.TITLE,

    # resolve any image fields found in definitions
    image_paths_from_definitions = []

    for definition, content in definitions.items():
        # build a temporary template with the definition content
        template = Template(content)
        # fill any partial definitions, as this might reveal other stuff
        all_referenced_definitions |= fill_definitions(definitions, template)
        # fill any image fields within
        image_paths_in_definition = fill_image_fields(template)
        # store every path found
        # update definition with resolved content (note that we only pre-resolve image fields here
        # and any complex/partially defined image fields will not be resolved at this point)
        definitions[definition] = template.content

    if definitions_path is not None:
        image_paths_from_definitions = transformed_image_paths(image_paths_from_definitions,

        context_image_paths[definitions_path] = list(set(image_paths_from_definitions))

    base_path = get_base_path()

    card_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/card.html')
    card, filled_image_paths = get_template(card_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[card_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    page_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/page.html')
    page, filled_image_paths = get_template(page_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[page_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    page_filler_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/page_filler.html')
    page_filler, filled_image_paths = get_template(page_filler_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[page_filler_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    section_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/section.html')
    section, filled_image_paths = get_template(section_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[section_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    index_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/index.html')
    index, filled_image_paths = get_template(index_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[index_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    not_found_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/error/could_not_open.html')

    with open(not_found_template_path) as error_template:
        template_not_opened = error_template.read()

    no_front_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/error/not_provided.html')

    with open(no_front_template_path) as error_template:
        template_not_provided = error_template.read()

    no_back_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/error/back_not_provided.html')

    with open(no_back_template_path) as error_template:
        template_back_not_provided = error_template.read()

    default_card_size = CardSizes.get_card_size(default_card_size_identifier)

    if default_card_size is None:
        default_card_size = CardSizes.get_default_card_size()

            WarningContext(), size_identifier=default_card_size_identifier)

    # buffer that will contain at most MAX_CARDS_PER_PAGE amount of cards
    cards = ''
    # buffer that will contain at most MAX_CARDS_PER_PAGE amount of card backs
    backs = ''
    # buffer of a row of backs that is filled in reverse to support double-sided printing
    backs_row = ''
    # buffer for all generated pages
    pages = ''

    embedded_styles = {}

    # incremented each time a card is generated, but reset to 0 for each page
    cards_on_page = 0
    # incremented each time a card is generated
    cards_total = 0
    # incremented each time a page is generated
    pages_total = 0
    # incremented for each unique card (i.e. not incremented for copies/duplicates)
    cards_total_unique = 0
    # holds total card counts per datasource
    cards_total_per_context = {}

    previous_card_size = None

    page_size = CardSizes.get_page_size()

    pages_contain_backs = False

    if not should_disable_backs:
        # if pages should render card backs, we need to figure out if any datasources
        # actually *do* contain specifications for card back templates
        # if any do, we need to know this beforehand to handle the synchronization issue
        # with mixing non-back and back datasources for double-sided printing
        for data_path in data_paths:
            if not os.path.isfile(data_path):

            with open(data_path) as data_file:
                # read the first line which should contain the column names
                header_line = data_file.readline()

                if Columns.TEMPLATE_BACK in header_line:
                    pages_contain_backs = True
                    # we don't need to continue; we figured out that at least one datasource
                    # should render card backs

    previous_context = None
    contexts_per_page = []

    disable_backs = should_disable_backs

    for data_path_index, data_path in enumerate(data_paths):
        # define the context as the base filename of the current data- useful when troubleshooting
        context = os.path.basename(data_path)

        card_size = default_card_size

        image_paths_from_datasource = []

        # determine whether this path leads to anything
        if not os.path.isfile(data_path):
            # if it doesn't, warn that the path to the datasource is not right
            WarningDisplay.bad_data_path_error(WarningContext(context), data_path)
            # and skip this datasource

        cards_total_per_context[context] = 0

        with open(data_path) as data_file_raw:
            # wrap the file stream to retain access to unparsed lines
            data_file = FileWrapper(data_file_raw)
            # read the csv as a dict, so that we can access each column by name
            data = csv.DictReader(lower_first_row(data_file))

            # make a list of all column names as they are (but stripped of excess whitespace)
            column_names = [column_name.strip() for column_name in data.fieldnames]

            # then determine the size identifier (if any; e.g. '@template:jumbo')
            size_identifier, stripped_column_names = size_identifier_from_columns(column_names)

            # determine whether this datasource contains invalid columns
            invalid_column_names = get_invalid_columns(stripped_column_names)

            if len(invalid_column_names) > 0:
                # warn that this datasource will be skipped
                    WarningContext(context), invalid_column_names)


            # replace the column keys with stripped/parsed representations
            # (e.g. '@template:jumbo' becomes just '@template')
            data.fieldnames = stripped_column_names

            if size_identifier is not None:
                new_card_size = CardSizes.get_card_size(size_identifier)

                if new_card_size is not None:
                    card_size = new_card_size
                        WarningContext(context), size_identifier)

            if card_size != previous_card_size:
                if cards_on_page > 0:
                    # card sizing is different for this datasource, so any remaining cards
                    # must be added to a new page at this point
                    pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page, section, contexts_per_page,
                    pages_total += 1

                    if not disable_backs:
                        # using the last value of cards_per_row
                        cards_on_last_row = cards_on_page % cards_per_row

                        if cards_on_last_row is not 0:
                            # less than MAX_CARDS_PER_ROW cards were added to the current line, so
                            # we have to add additional blank filler cards to ensure correct layout
                            remaining_backs = cards_per_row - cards_on_last_row

                            while remaining_backs > 0:
                                # keep adding empty filler card backs until we've filled a row
                                backs_row = empty_back + backs_row

                                remaining_backs -= 1

                        backs += backs_row

                        backs_row = ''

                        # fill another page with the backs
                        pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, section, contexts_per_page,
                        pages_total += 1

                        backs = ''

                    if pages_contain_backs and disable_backs:
                        # we know some pages with backs have been added, and we know that this
                        # datasource does not contain any card backs, so in order to keep
                        # two-sided printing in sync, we need to add a filler page

                        # the filler page counts as a page full of backs, but contains content
                        # that will not be printed (not even a footer)
                        pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, '', page_filler, section, contexts_per_page,
                                          is_card_backs=True, is_filler=True,
                        pages_total += 1


                    # reset to prepare for the next page
                    cards_on_page = 0
                    cards = ''

                # we're finished with the current datasource, and we'll be starting a new page
                # so we reset any saved contexts
                contexts_per_page = []


            disable_backs = should_disable_backs
            contains_filler_pages = False

            card_width, card_height = card_size.size_in_inches
            page_width, page_height = page_size.size_in_inches

            cards_per_row = math.floor(page_width / card_width)
            cards_per_column = math.floor(page_height / card_height)

            max_cards_per_page = cards_per_column * cards_per_row

            if disable_auto_templating:
                default_template_content = None
                # get a fitting template by analyzing the content of the data
                default_template_content = template_from_data(data)

                # reset the iterator
                # (note how this is done directly on the file stream; i.e. not on the wrapper)

                # and start over
                data = csv.DictReader(

                # setting fieldnames explicitly causes the first row
                # to be treated as data, so skip it

            if default_template_content is None and Columns.TEMPLATE not in data.fieldnames:

            if not disable_backs and Columns.TEMPLATE_BACK in data.fieldnames:
                # there's no back templates specified; so we can't render any
                if not disable_backs:
                    # so disable them completely
                    disable_backs = True

            if not disable_backs:
                # empty backs may be necessary to fill in empty spots on a page to ensure
                # that the layout remains correct
                # note that we're using a completely empty template, except for the size class field
                empty_back = get_sized_card(
                    '<div class="card {0}"></div>'.format(
                    size_class=card_size.style, content='')

            ambiguous_references = determine_ambiguous_references(

            if len(ambiguous_references) > 0:
                    WarningContext(context), list(ambiguous_references))

            previous_template_path = None
            previous_template_path_back = None

            row_index = 1

            for row_data in data:
                # since the column names counts as a row, and most editors
                # do not use a zero-based row index, the first row == 2
                row_index += 1

                if Row.is_excluded(data_file.raw_line):
                    # this row should be ignored - so skip and continue
                    # note that we still need to increment the row_index;
                    # otherwise row references will be offset incorrectly

                row = Row(row_data, data_path, row_index)

                if row.is_prototype():
                    # prototype rows should be skipped, but since the skip is intentional,
                    # we should not warn about it
                    count = 0
                    count, indeterminable_count = row.determine_count()

                    if indeterminable_count:
                            WarningContext(context, row_index))
                    elif count == 0:
                        # the count was explicitly set to 0, but as this might be a temporary thing,
                        # we should warn about skipping this card
                            WarningContext(context, row_index))

                    if count > 100:
                        # the count was unusually high; ask whether it's an error or not
                        if WarningDisplay.abort_unusually_high_count(
                                WarningContext(context, row_index), count):
                            # it was an error, so break out and continue with the next card

                    if count > 0 and is_preview:
                        # only render 1 card unless it should be skipped
                        count = 1

                # determine which template to use for this card, if any
                template_path = row_data.get(Columns.TEMPLATE, None)
                template_path = previous_or_current_path(
                    template_path, previous_template_path)

                previous_template_path = template_path

                if not disable_backs:
                    template_path_back = row_data.get(Columns.TEMPLATE_BACK, None)
                    template_path_back = previous_or_current_path(
                        template_path_back, previous_template_path_back)

                    previous_template_path_back = template_path_back

                if count == 0:
                    # might as well move on to the next card-
                    # this card should not count towards number of unique cards either
                    # note, however, that we *do* want to register the template paths

                resolved_template_path = None

                if template_path is not None and len(template_path) > 0:
                    template_content, not_found, resolved_template_path = template_from_path(
                        template_path, relative_to_path=data_path)

                    if not_found:
                        template_content = template_not_opened

                            WarningContext(context, row_index),
                            resolved_template_path, cards_affected=count)
                    elif len(template_content) == 0:
                        template_content = default_template_content

                            WarningContext(context, row_index),
                            resolved_template_path, cards_affected=count)
                    template_content = default_template_content

                    if template_content is not None:
                            WarningContext(context, row_index), cards_affected=count)

                if template_content is None:
                    template_content = template_not_provided

                        WarningContext(context, row_index), cards_affected=count)

                # build a template object
                # note that we apply the path *as is*; i.e. not the resolved path- this is done to
                # let any warning show the path to the template as it was defined in the data
                template_front = Template(template_content, template_path)

                embedded_styles[template_front.path] = strip_styles(template_front)

                stripped_template_content = template_front.content
                resolved_template_path_back = None

                if not disable_backs:
                    template_back_content = None

                    if template_path_back is not None and len(template_path_back) > 0:
                        template_back_content, not_found, resolved_template_path_back = template_from_path(
                            template_path_back, relative_to_path=data_path)

                        if not_found:
                            template_back_content = template_not_opened

                                WarningContext(context, row_index),
                                resolved_template_path_back, is_back=True,
                        elif len(template_back_content) == 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),
                                resolved_template_path_back, is_back_template=True,

                    if template_back_content is None:
                        template_back_content = template_back_not_provided

                    template_back = Template(template_back_content, template_path_back)

                    embedded_styles[template_back.path] = strip_styles(template_back)

                    stripped_template_back_content = template_back.content

                # this is also the shared index for any instance of this card
                cards_total_unique += 1

                for i in range(count):
                    card_index = cards_total + 1

                    # since we're mutating the template for each card, we need to make a new one
                    template_front = Template(
                        stripped_template_content, resolved_template_path)

                    card_content, render_data = fill_card(
                        card_index, cards_total_unique,

                    if (template_front.content is not template_not_provided
                            and template_front.content is not template_not_opened):
                        if len(render_data.unused_fields) > 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),

                        if len(render_data.unknown_fields) > 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),

                    all_referenced_definitions |= render_data.referenced_definitions



                    current_card = get_sized_card(
                        card, size_class=card_size.style, content=card_content)

                    cards += current_card

                    cards_on_page += 1
                    cards_total += 1

                    cards_total_per_context[context] += 1

                    if not disable_backs:
                        template_back = Template(
                            stripped_template_back_content, resolved_template_path_back)

                        back_content, render_data = fill_card(
                            card_index, cards_total_unique,

                        if (template_back.content is not template_back_not_provided
                                and template_back.content is not template_not_opened):
                            if len(render_data.unused_fields) > 0:
                                    WarningContext(context, row_index),
                                    list(render_data.unused_fields), is_back_template=True,

                            if len(render_data.unknown_fields) > 0:
                                    WarningContext(context, row_index),

                        all_referenced_definitions |= render_data.referenced_definitions



                        current_card_back = get_sized_card(
                            card, size_class=card_size.style, content=back_content)

                        # prepend this card back to the current line of backs
                        backs_row = current_card_back + backs_row

                        # card backs are prepended rather than appended to
                        # ensure correct layout when printing doublesided

                        if cards_on_page % cards_per_row is 0:
                            # a line has been filled- append the 3 card backs
                            # to the page in the right order
                            backs += backs_row

                            # reset to prepare for the next line
                            backs_row = ''

                    if cards_on_page == max_cards_per_page:
                        # add another page full of cards
                        pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page, section, contexts_per_page,
                        pages_total += 1

                        if not disable_backs:
                            # and one full of backs
                            pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, section,
                                              contexts_per_page, is_card_backs=True,
                            pages_total += 1

                            # reset to prepare for the next page
                            backs = ''

                        if pages_contain_backs and disable_backs:
                            pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, '', page_filler, section,
                                              contexts_per_page, is_card_backs=True, is_filler=True,
                            pages_total += 1

                            contains_filler_pages = True

                        # reset to prepare for the next page
                        cards_on_page = 0
                        cards = ''

                        # we're not necesarilly done with the current context, but any other context
                        # should be cleared at this point
                        contexts_per_page = [context]

        if (force_page_breaks or data_path is data_paths[-1]) and cards_on_page > 0:
            # in case we're forcing pagebreaks for each datasource, or we're on the last datasource
            # and there's still cards remaining, then do a pagebreak and fill those into a new page
            pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page, section, contexts_per_page,
            pages_total += 1

            if not disable_backs:
                cards_on_last_row = cards_on_page % cards_per_row

                if cards_on_last_row is not 0:
                    # less than MAX_CARDS_PER_ROW cards were added to the current line,
                    # so we have to add additional blank filler cards to ensure a correct layout

                    remaining_backs = cards_per_row - cards_on_last_row

                    while remaining_backs > 0:
                        # keep adding empty filler card backs until we've filled a row
                        backs_row = empty_back + backs_row

                        remaining_backs -= 1

                backs += backs_row

                backs_row = ''

                # fill another page with the backs
                pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, section, contexts_per_page,
                pages_total += 1

                backs = ''

            if pages_contain_backs and disable_backs:
                pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, '', page_filler, section, contexts_per_page,
                                  is_card_backs=True, is_filler=True,
                pages_total += 1

                contains_filler_pages = True

            # reset to prepare for the next page
            cards_on_page = 0
            cards = ''

            # we're finished with this context
            contexts_per_page = []

        if contains_filler_pages:

        # temporary solution involving creating new Template object only used for fill_each,
        # could be prettier; refactor as part of #34
        pages_template = Template(pages)


        pages = pages_template.content

        # store the card size that was just used, so we can determine
        # whether or not the size changes for the next datasource
        previous_card_size = card_size

        # ensure there are no duplicate image paths, since that would just
        # cause unnecessary copy operations
        context_image_paths[data_path] = list(set(image_paths_from_datasource))

        previous_context = context

    # determine unused definitions, if any
    unused_definitions = list(set(definitions.keys()) - all_referenced_definitions)

    if len(unused_definitions) > 0:

    if output_path is None:
        # output to current working directory unless otherwise specified
        output_path = ''

    output_directory_name = 'generated'

    # construct the final output path
    output_path = os.path.join(output_path, output_directory_name)

    # ensure all directories exist or created if missing

    output_filepath = os.path.join(output_path, output_filename)

    # begin writing pages to the output file (overwriting any existing file)
    with open(output_filepath, 'w') as result:
        styles = ''

        for template_path, style in embedded_styles.items():
            styles = styles + '\n' + style if len(styles) > 0 else style

        header = ''

        if header_path is not None:
                with open(header_path) as header_file:
                    header = header_file.read().strip()
            except IOError:

        index, render_data = fill_index(
            index, styles, pages, header, pages_total, cards_total, definitions)

        if len(render_data.image_paths) > 0:
            image_paths_from_index = transformed_image_paths(render_data.image_paths,
            # we assume that any leftover images would have been from a definition
            context_image_paths[index_template_path] = list(set(image_paths_from_index))


    css_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'css')
    js_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'js')

    resources_path = os.path.join(output_path, get_resources_path())


    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/css/cards.css'),
                           os.path.join(css_path, 'cards.css'))

    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/css/index.css'),
                           os.path.join(css_path, 'index.css'))

    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, 'templates/base/js/index.js'),
                           os.path.join(js_path, 'index.js'))

    all_copied_image_filenames = []

    # additionally, copy all referenced images to the output directory
    for context in context_image_paths:
        image_paths = context_image_paths[context]
        image_filenames = [os.path.basename(image_path) for image_path in image_paths]

            image_paths, context, output_path)


    unused_resources, unused_resource_paths = get_unused_resources(
        output_path, all_copied_image_filenames)

    if len(unused_resources) > 0:
        if clean_unused_resources:
            for unused_resource_path in unused_resource_paths:

                unused_resources, in_resource_dir=resources_path)
                unused_resources, in_resource_dir=resources_path)

    output_location_message = (' -> \033[4m\'{0}\'\033[0m'.format(output_filepath)
                               if terminal_supports_color() else
                               ' -> \'{0}\''.format(output_filepath))

    # get the grammar right
    errors_or_error = 'error' if WarningDisplay.error_count == 1 else 'errors'
    warnings_or_warning = 'warning' if WarningDisplay.warning_count == 1 else 'warnings'

    warnings_and_errors_message = (' ({0} {1}, {2} {3}{4})'
                                   .format(WarningDisplay.error_count, errors_or_error,
                                           WarningDisplay.warning_count, warnings_or_warning,
                                           ('; set --verbose for more'
                                            if not WarningDisplay.is_verbose else ''))
                                   if WarningDisplay.has_encountered_errors()
                                   or WarningDisplay.has_encountered_warnings()
                                   else '')

    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    time_difference = now - time_started_make
    time_difference_in_seconds = time_difference / timedelta(seconds=1)

    if WarningDisplay.has_displayed_messages():
        # break line to separate next output

    print('[{0}] Finished in {1:.3f} seconds{2}'.format(
        '-' if not WarningDisplay.has_encountered_errors() else '!',
        time_difference_in_seconds, warnings_and_errors_message))

    # find the total size of the generated directory
    generated_directory_size = pretty_size(directory_size(output_path))

    if cards_total > 0:
        # get the grammar right
        pages_or_page = 'pages' if pages_total > 1 else 'page'
        cards_or_card = 'cards' if cards_total > 1 else 'card'

        if cards_total > cards_total_unique:
            print('Generated {0} ({1} unique) {2} on {3} {4} ({5})\n{6}'
                  .format(cards_total, cards_total_unique, cards_or_card,
                          pages_total, pages_or_page,
                          generated_directory_size, output_location_message))
            print('Generated {0} {1} on {2} {3} ({4})\n{5}'
                  .format(cards_total, cards_or_card,
                          pages_total, pages_or_page,
                          generated_directory_size, output_location_message))
        print('Generated 0 cards ({0})\n{1}'
              .format(generated_directory_size, output_location_message))


Ejemplo n.º 8
def make(
    data_paths: list,
    header_path: str = None,
    definitions_path: str = None,
    output_path: str = None,
    output_filename: str = None,
    force_page_breaks: bool = False,
    should_disable_backs: bool = False,
    default_card_size_identifier: str = "standard",
    is_preview: bool = False,
    discover_datasources: bool = False,
    """ Build cards for all specified datasources. """

    time_started_make = datetime.datetime.now()

    if discover_datasources:
        # todo: discover any CSV files in current working directory and append those to data_paths
        # todo: then clear duplicates by doing data_paths = list(set(data_paths))

    datasource_count = len(data_paths)

    if datasource_count > 0:
        data_path_names, duplicates_count = get_data_path_names(data_paths)

        duplicates = (
            " ({0} {1})".format(duplicates_count, "duplicate" if duplicates_count == 1 else "duplicates")
            if duplicates_count > 0
            else ""

            "Generating cards from {0} {1}{2}:\n {3}".format(
                datasource_count, "datasources" if datasource_count > 1 else "datasource", duplicates, data_path_names
        print("No datasources.")

    if datasource_count == 0:
        print("Generated 0 cards.")


    disable_auto_templating = False

    if definitions_path is None and discover_datasources:
        # no definitions file has been explicitly specified, so try looking for it automatically
        found, potential_definitions_path = find_file_path("definitions.csv", data_paths)

        if found and potential_definitions_path is not None:
            definitions_path = potential_definitions_path


    definitions = get_definitions_from_file(definitions_path)

    if is_preview:

    # dict of all image paths discovered for each context during card generation
    context_image_paths = {}

    base_path = get_base_path()

    card_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/card.html")
    card, filled_image_paths = get_template(card_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[card_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    page_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/page.html")
    page, filled_image_paths = get_template(page_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[page_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    section_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/section.html")
    section, filled_image_paths = get_template(section_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[section_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    index_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/index.html")
    index, filled_image_paths = get_template(index_template_path)

    if len(filled_image_paths) > 0:
        context_image_paths[index_template_path] = list(set(filled_image_paths))

    not_found_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/error/could_not_open.html")

    with open(not_found_template_path) as error_template:
        template_not_opened = error_template.read()

    no_front_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/error/not_provided.html")

    with open(no_front_template_path) as error_template:
        template_not_provided = error_template.read()

    no_back_template_path = os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/error/back_not_provided.html")

    with open(no_back_template_path) as error_template:
        template_back_not_provided = error_template.read()

    default_card_size = CardSizes.get_card_size(default_card_size_identifier)

    if default_card_size is None:
        default_card_size = CardSizes.get_default_card_size()

        WarningDisplay.bad_card_size(WarningContext(), size_identifier=default_card_size_identifier)

    # buffer that will contain at most MAX_CARDS_PER_PAGE amount of cards
    cards = ""
    # buffer that will contain at most MAX_CARDS_PER_PAGE amount of card backs
    backs = ""
    # buffer of a row of backs that is filled in reverse to support double-sided printing
    backs_row = ""
    # buffer for all generated pages
    pages = ""

    embedded_styles = {}

    # incremented each time a card is generated, but reset to 0 for each page
    cards_on_page = 0
    # incremented each time a card is generated
    cards_total = 0
    # incremented each time a page is generated
    pages_total = 0

    cards_total_unique = 0

    cards_total_per_context = {}

    previous_card_size = None

    page_size = CardSizes.get_page_size()

    # some definitions are always guaranteed to be referenced,
    # if not by cards, then by the final page output
    all_referenced_definitions = {

    for data_path_index, data_path in enumerate(data_paths):
        # define the context as the base filename of the current data- useful when troubleshooting
        context = os.path.basename(data_path)

        card_size = default_card_size

        image_paths = []

        # determine whether this path leads to anything
        if not os.path.isfile(data_path):
            # if it doesn't, warn that the path to the datasource is not right
            WarningDisplay.bad_data_path_error(WarningContext(context), data_path)
            # and skip this datasource

        cards_total_per_context[context] = 0

        with open(data_path) as data_file_raw:
            # wrap the file stream to retain access to unparsed lines
            data_file = FileWrapper(data_file_raw)
            # read the csv as a dict, so that we can access each column by name
            data = csv.DictReader(lower_first_row(data_file))

            # make a list of all column names as they are (but stripped of excess whitespace)
            column_names = [column_name.strip() for column_name in data.fieldnames]

            # then determine the size identifier (if any; e.g. '@template:jumbo')
            size_identifier, stripped_column_names = size_identifier_from_columns(column_names)

            # determine whether this datasource contains invalid columns
            invalid_column_names = get_invalid_columns(stripped_column_names)

            if len(invalid_column_names) > 0:
                # warn that this datasource will be skipped
                WarningDisplay.invalid_columns_error(WarningContext(context), invalid_column_names)


            # replace the column keys with stripped/parsed representations
            # (e.g. '@template:jumbo' becomes just '@template')
            data.fieldnames = stripped_column_names

            if size_identifier is not None:
                new_card_size = CardSizes.get_card_size(size_identifier)

                if new_card_size is not None:
                    card_size = new_card_size
                    WarningDisplay.bad_card_size(WarningContext(context), size_identifier)

            disable_backs = should_disable_backs

            if card_size != previous_card_size and cards_on_page > 0:
                # card sizing is different for this datasource, so any remaining cards
                # must be added to a new page at this point
                pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page)
                pages_total += 1

                if not disable_backs:
                    # using the last value of cards_per_row
                    cards_on_last_row = cards_on_page % cards_per_row

                    if cards_on_last_row is not 0:
                        # less than MAX_CARDS_PER_ROW cards were added to the current line,
                        # so we have to add additional blank filler cards to ensure a correct layout
                        remaining_backs = cards_per_row - cards_on_last_row

                        while remaining_backs > 0:
                            # keep adding empty filler card backs until we've filled a row
                            backs_row = empty_back + backs_row

                            remaining_backs -= 1

                    backs += backs_row

                    backs_row = ""

                    # fill another page with the backs
                    pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, is_card_backs=True)
                    pages_total += 1

                    backs = ""

                # reset to prepare for the next page
                cards_on_page = 0
                cards = ""

            if force_page_breaks:
                pages += get_section(os.path.splitext(context)[0], data_path_index + 1, section)

            card_width, card_height = card_size.size_in_inches
            page_width, page_height = page_size.size_in_inches

            cards_per_column = math.floor(page_width / card_width)
            cards_per_row = math.floor(page_height / card_height)

            max_cards_per_page = cards_per_column * cards_per_row

            if disable_auto_templating:
                default_template_content = None
                # get a fitting template by analyzing the content of the data
                default_template_content = template_from_data(data)

                # reset the iterator
                # (note how this is done directly on the file stream; i.e. not on the wrapper)

                # and start over
                data = csv.DictReader(lower_first_row(data_file), fieldnames=stripped_column_names)

                # setting fieldnames explicitly causes the first row
                # to be treated as data, so skip it

            if default_template_content is None and Columns.TEMPLATE not in data.fieldnames:

            if not disable_backs and Columns.TEMPLATE_BACK in data.fieldnames:
                if not disable_backs:

                disable_backs = True

            if not disable_backs:
                # empty backs may be necessary to fill in empty spots on a page to ensure
                # that the layout remains correct
                # note that we're using a completely empty template, except for the size class field
                empty_back = get_sized_card(
                    '<div class="card {0}"></div>'.format(str(TemplateField(name=TemplateFields.CARD_SIZE))),

            ambiguous_references = determine_ambiguous_references(set(stripped_column_names), set(definitions.keys()))

            if len(ambiguous_references) > 0:
                WarningDisplay.potential_ambiguous_references(WarningContext(context), list(ambiguous_references))

            previous_template_path = None
            previous_template_path_back = None

            row_index = 1

            for row_data in data:
                # since the column names counts as a row, and most editors
                # do not use a zero-based row index, the first row == 2
                row_index += 1

                if Row.is_excluded(data_file.raw_line):
                    # this row should be ignored - so skip and continue
                    # note that we still need to increment the row_index;
                    # otherwise row references will be offset incorrectly

                row = Row(row_data, data_path, row_index)

                if row.is_prototype():
                    # prototype rows should be skipped, but since the skip is intentional,
                    # we should not warn about it
                    count = 0
                    count, indeterminable_count = determine_count(row_data)

                    if indeterminable_count:
                        WarningDisplay.indeterminable_count(WarningContext(context, row_index))
                    elif count == 0:
                        # the count was explicitly set to 0, but as this might be a temporary thing,
                        # we should warn about skipping this card
                        WarningDisplay.card_was_skipped_intentionally_info(WarningContext(context, row_index))

                    if count > 100:
                        # the count was unusually high; ask whether it's an error or not
                        if WarningDisplay.abort_unusually_high_count(WarningContext(context, row_index), count):
                            # it was an error, so break out and continue with the next card

                    if count > 0 and is_preview:
                        # only render 1 card unless it should be skipped
                        count = 1

                # determine which template to use for this card, if any
                template_path = row_data.get(Columns.TEMPLATE, None)
                template_path = previous_or_current_path(template_path, previous_template_path)

                previous_template_path = template_path

                if not disable_backs:
                    template_path_back = row_data.get(Columns.TEMPLATE_BACK, None)
                    template_path_back = previous_or_current_path(template_path_back, previous_template_path_back)

                    previous_template_path_back = template_path_back

                if count == 0:
                    # might as well move on to the next card-
                    # this card should not count towards number of unique cards either
                    # note, however, that we *do* want to register the template paths

                resolved_template_path = None

                if template_path is not None and len(template_path) > 0:
                    template_content, not_found, resolved_template_path = template_from_path(
                        template_path, relative_to_path=data_path

                    if not_found:
                        template_content = template_not_opened

                            WarningContext(context, row_index), resolved_template_path, cards_affected=count
                    elif len(template_content) == 0:
                        template_content = default_template_content

                            WarningContext(context, row_index), resolved_template_path, cards_affected=count
                    template_content = default_template_content

                    if template_content is not None:
                        WarningDisplay.using_auto_template(WarningContext(context, row_index), cards_affected=count)

                if template_content is None:
                    template_content = template_not_provided

                    WarningDisplay.missing_template_error(WarningContext(context, row_index), cards_affected=count)

                # build a template object
                # note that we apply the path *as is*; i.e. not the resolved path- this is done to
                # let any warning show the path to the template as it was defined in the data
                template_front = Template(template_content, template_path)

                embedded_styles[template_front.path] = strip_styles(template_front)

                stripped_template_content = template_front.content
                resolved_template_path_back = None

                if not disable_backs:
                    template_back_content = None

                    if template_path_back is not None and len(template_path_back) > 0:
                        template_back_content, not_found, resolved_template_path_back = template_from_path(
                            template_path_back, relative_to_path=data_path

                        if not_found:
                            template_back_content = template_not_opened

                                WarningContext(context, row_index),
                        elif len(template_back_content) == 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),

                    if template_back_content is None:
                        template_back_content = template_back_not_provided

                    template_back = Template(template_back_content, template_path_back)

                    embedded_styles[template_back.path] = strip_styles(template_back)

                    stripped_template_back_content = template_back.content

                # this is also the shared index for any instance of this card
                cards_total_unique += 1

                for i in range(count):
                    card_index = cards_total + 1

                    # since we're mutating the template for each card, we need to make a new one
                    template_front = Template(stripped_template_content, resolved_template_path)

                    card_content, render_data = fill_card(
                        template_front, row.front_row(), card_index, cards_total_unique, definitions

                    if (
                        template_front.content is not template_not_provided
                        and template_front.content is not template_not_opened
                        if len(render_data.unused_fields) > 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),

                        if len(render_data.unknown_fields) > 0:
                                WarningContext(context, row_index),

                    all_referenced_definitions |= render_data.referenced_definitions


                    current_card = get_sized_card(card, size_class=card_size.style, content=card_content)

                    cards += current_card

                    cards_on_page += 1
                    cards_total += 1

                    cards_total_per_context[context] += 1

                    if not disable_backs:
                        template_back = Template(stripped_template_back_content, resolved_template_path_back)

                        back_content, render_data = fill_card(
                            template_back, row.back_row(), card_index, cards_total_unique, definitions

                        if (
                            template_back.content is not template_back_not_provided
                            and template_back.content is not template_not_opened
                            if len(render_data.unused_fields) > 0:
                                    WarningContext(context, row_index),

                            if len(render_data.unknown_fields) > 0:
                                    WarningContext(context, row_index),

                        all_referenced_definitions |= render_data.referenced_definitions


                        current_card_back = get_sized_card(card, size_class=card_size.style, content=back_content)

                        # prepend this card back to the current line of backs
                        backs_row = current_card_back + backs_row

                        # card backs are prepended rather than appended to
                        # ensure correct layout when printing doublesided

                        if cards_on_page % cards_per_row is 0:
                            # a line has been filled- append the 3 card backs
                            # to the page in the right order
                            backs += backs_row

                            # reset to prepare for the next line
                            backs_row = ""

                    if cards_on_page == max_cards_per_page:
                        # add another page full of cards
                        pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page)
                        pages_total += 1

                        if not disable_backs:
                            # and one full of backs
                            pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, is_card_backs=True)
                            pages_total += 1

                            # reset to prepare for the next page
                            backs = ""

                        # reset to prepare for the next page
                        cards_on_page = 0
                        cards = ""

        if (force_page_breaks or data_path is data_paths[-1]) and cards_on_page > 0:
            # in case we're forcing pagebreaks for each datasource, or we're on the last datasource
            # and there's still cards remaining, then do a pagebreak and fill those into a new page
            pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, cards, page)
            pages_total += 1

            if not disable_backs:
                cards_on_last_row = cards_on_page % cards_per_row

                if cards_on_last_row is not 0:
                    # less than MAX_CARDS_PER_ROW cards were added to the current line,
                    # so we have to add additional blank filler cards to ensure a correct layout

                    remaining_backs = cards_per_row - cards_on_last_row

                    while remaining_backs > 0:
                        # keep adding empty filler card backs until we've filled a row
                        backs_row = empty_back + backs_row

                        remaining_backs -= 1

                backs += backs_row

                backs_row = ""

                # fill another page with the backs
                pages += get_page(pages_total + 1, backs, page, is_card_backs=True)
                pages_total += 1

                backs = ""

            # reset to prepare for the next page
            cards_on_page = 0
            cards = ""

        # temporary solution involving creating new Template object only used for fill_each,
        # could be prettier; refactor as part of #34
        pages_template = Template(pages)

        fill_each(TemplateFields.CARDS_TOTAL_IN_CONTEXT, str(cards_total_per_context[context]), pages_template)

        pages = pages_template.content

        # store the card size that was just used, so we can determine
        # whether or not the size changes for the next datasource
        previous_card_size = card_size

        # ensure there are no duplicate image paths, since that would just
        # cause unnecessary copy operations
        context_image_paths[data_path] = list(set(image_paths))

    # determine unused definitions, if any
    unused_definitions = list(set(definitions.keys()) - all_referenced_definitions)

    if len(unused_definitions) > 0:

    if output_path is None:
        # output to current working directory unless otherwise specified
        output_path = ""

    output_directory_name = "generated"

    # construct the final output path
    output_path = os.path.join(output_path, output_directory_name)

    # ensure all directories exist or created if missing

    output_filepath = os.path.join(output_path, output_filename)

    # begin writing pages to the output file (overwriting any existing file)
    with open(output_filepath, "w") as result:
        styles = ""

        for template_path, style in embedded_styles.items():
            styles = styles + "\n" + style if len(styles) > 0 else style

        header = ""

        if header_path is not None:
            with open(header_path) as header_file:
                header = header_file.read().strip()

        index, render_data = fill_index(index, styles, pages, header, pages_total, cards_total, definitions)

        if len(render_data.image_paths) > 0:
            # we assume that any leftover images would have been from a definition
            context_image_paths[definitions_path] = list(set(render_data.image_paths))


    css_path = os.path.join(output_path, "css")
    js_path = os.path.join(output_path, "js")

    resources_path = os.path.join(output_path, get_resources_path())


    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/css/cards.css"), os.path.join(css_path, "cards.css"))

    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/css/index.css"), os.path.join(css_path, "index.css"))

    copy_file_if_necessary(os.path.join(base_path, "templates/base/js/index.js"), os.path.join(js_path, "index.js"))

    all_copied_image_filenames = []

    # additionally, copy all referenced images to the output directory
    for context in context_image_paths:
        image_paths = context_image_paths[context]
        image_filenames = [os.path.basename(image_path) for image_path in image_paths]

        copy_images_to_output_directory(image_paths, context, output_path)


    unused_resources = get_unused_resources(output_path, all_copied_image_filenames)

    if len(unused_resources) > 0:
        WarningDisplay.unused_resources(unused_resources, in_resource_dir=get_resources_path())

    output_location_message = (
        " → \033[4m'{0}'\033[0m".format(output_filepath)
        if terminal_supports_color()
        else " → '{0}'".format(output_filepath)

    # get the grammar right
    errors_or_error = "error" if WarningDisplay.error_count == 1 else "errors"
    warnings_or_warning = "warning" if WarningDisplay.warning_count == 1 else "warnings"

    warnings_and_errors_message = (
        " ({0} {1}, {2} {3}{4})".format(
            ("; set --verbose for more" if not WarningDisplay.is_verbose else ""),
        if WarningDisplay.has_encountered_errors() or WarningDisplay.has_encountered_warnings()
        else ""

    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    time_difference = now - time_started_make
    time_difference_in_seconds = time_difference / timedelta(seconds=1)

    if WarningDisplay.has_displayed_messages():
        # break line to separate next output

        "[{0}] Finished in {1:.3f} seconds{2}".format(
            "✔" if not WarningDisplay.has_encountered_errors() else "✖",

    # find the total size of the generated directory
    generated_directory_size = pretty_size(directory_size(output_path))

    if cards_total > 0:
        # get the grammar right
        pages_or_page = "pages" if pages_total > 1 else "page"
        cards_or_card = "cards" if cards_total > 1 else "card"

        if cards_total > cards_total_unique:
                "Generated {0} ({1} unique) {2} on {3} {4} ({5})\n{6}".format(
                "Generated {0} {1} on {2} {3} ({4})\n{5}".format(
        print("Generated 0 cards ({0})\n{1}".format(generated_directory_size, output_location_message))

