Ejemplo n.º 1
def fill_each(field_inner_content: str,
              field_value: str,
              template: Template,
              indenting: bool = False) -> int:
    """ Populate all matching template fields in the template.

        Matches are determined by comparing the inner content of each field with
        the provided content.

    # make sure that we have a sane value
    field_value = field_value if field_value is not None else ''

    # template fields are always represented by wrapping {{ }}'s,
    # however, both {{my_field}} and {{ my_field }} should be valid;
    # i.e. any leading or trailing whitespace should simply be ignored
    field_search = r'{{\s*' + field_inner_content + r'\s*}}'

    # find any occurences of the field (case-sensitive)
    search = re.compile(field_search)

    if indenting:
        match = search.search(template.content)

        if match is not None:
            # we only need the start index
            start_index = match.span()[0]

            field_value = get_padded_string(field_value, template.content,

    # finally replace any found occurences of the template field with its value
    template.content, occurences = search.subn(field_value, template.content)

    return occurences
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fill(field: TemplateField,
         field_value: str,
         template: Template,
         indenting: bool=False) -> None:
    """ Populate a single template field in the template. """

    start_index = field.indices.start
    end_index = field.indices.stop

    if ((start_index < 0 or start_index > len(template.content)) or
            (end_index < 0 or end_index > len(template.content))):
        raise ValueError('Template field \'{0}\' out of range ({1}-{2}).'
                         .format(field.inner_content, start_index, end_index))

    if indenting:
        field_value = get_padded_string(
            field_value, template.content, field.indices.start)

    template.content = template.content[:start_index] + field_value + template.content[end_index:]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fill(field: TemplateField,
         field_value: str,
         template: Template,
         indenting: bool = False) -> None:
    """ Populate a single template field in the template. """

    start_index = field.indices.start
    end_index = field.indices.stop

    if ((start_index < 0 or start_index > len(template.content))
            or (end_index < 0 or end_index > len(template.content))):
        raise ValueError(
            'Template field \'{0}\' out of range ({1}-{2}).'.format(
                field.inner_content, start_index, end_index))

    if indenting:
        field_value = get_padded_string(field_value, template.content,

    template.content = template.content[:
                                        start_index] + field_value + template.content[
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fill_each(field_inner_content: str,
              field_value: str,
              template: Template,
              indenting: bool=False) -> int:
    """ Populate all matching template fields in the template.

        Matches are determined by comparing the inner content of each field with
        the provided content.

    # make sure that we have a sane value
    field_value = field_value if field_value is not None else ''

    # template fields are always represented by wrapping {{ }}'s,
    # however, both {{my_field}} and {{ my_field }} should be valid;
    # i.e. any leading or trailing whitespace should simply be ignored
    field_search = r'{{\s*' + field_inner_content + r'\s*}}'

    # find any occurences of the field, using a case-insensitive
    # comparison, to ensure that e.g. {{name}} is populated with the
    # value from column "Name", even though the casing might differ
    search = re.compile(field_search, re.IGNORECASE)

    if indenting:
        match = search.search(template.content)

        if match is not None:
            # we only need the start index
            start_index = match.span()[0]

            field_value = get_padded_string(field_value, template.content, start_index)

    # finally replace any found occurences of the template field with its value
    template.content, occurences = search.subn(field_value, template.content)

    return occurences