Ejemplo n.º 1
def grid_search(f, grid_points):
    grid = cartesian_product(grid_points)
    min_args, min_value = grid[0], f(*grid[0])
    for i in range(1, len(grid)):
        if f(*grid[i]) < min_value:
            min_args, min_value = grid[i], f(*grid[i])
    return min_args
Ejemplo n.º 2
def grid_search(objective_function, grid_lines):
    intersection_points = cartesian_product(grid_lines)
    min_value = objective_function(intersection_points[0][0],
    min_point = [intersection_points[0][0], intersection_points[0][1]]
    for point in intersection_points:
        temp_value = objective_function(point[0], point[1])
        if temp_value < min_value:
            min_value = temp_value
            min_point = point
    return min_point
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def example(self):
            Returns an example of cartesian product of magmas


                sage: C = Magmas().CartesianProducts().example(); C
                The cartesian product of (Rational Field, Integer Ring, Integer Ring)
                sage: C.category()
                Category of Cartesian products of monoids
                sage: TestSuite(C).run()
            from cartesian_product import cartesian_product
            from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            return cartesian_product([QQ, ZZ, ZZ])
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def example(self):
            Returns an example of cartesian product of magmas


                sage: C = Magmas().CartesianProducts().example(); C
                The cartesian product of (Rational Field, Integer Ring, Integer Ring)
                sage: C.category()
                Category of Cartesian products of monoids
                sage: TestSuite(C).run()
            from cartesian_product import cartesian_product
            from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            return cartesian_product([QQ, ZZ, ZZ])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def evaluate_pathways_recursively(enzyme_lists):
    histogram = Bag()
    all_combinations = cartesian_product([enzyme_lists[s] for s in enzyme_lists.keys()])
    best_combination = None
    best_score = None
    counter = 0
    for combination in all_combinations:
        score = evaluate_pathway(combination)
        if (best_combination == None or score < best_score):
            (best_combination, best_score) = (combination, score)
        histogram[score] += 1
        counter += 1
        #print "%.2f%%\r" % (100.0 * counter / len(all_combinations)),
    return (histogram, best_combination)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def evaluate_pathways_recursively(enzyme_lists):
    histogram = Bag()
    all_combinations = cartesian_product(
        [enzyme_lists[s] for s in enzyme_lists.keys()])
    best_combination = None
    best_score = None

    counter = 0
    for combination in all_combinations:
        score = evaluate_pathway(combination)
        if (best_combination == None or score < best_score):
            (best_combination, best_score) = (combination, score)
        histogram[score] += 1
        counter += 1
        #print "%.2f%%\r" % (100.0 * counter / len(all_combinations)),

    return (histogram, best_combination)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def example(self):
            Return an example of cartesian product of magmas.


                sage: C = Magmas().CartesianProducts().example(); C
                The cartesian product of (Rational Field, Integer Ring, Integer Ring)
                sage: C.category()
                Join of Category of rings ...
                sage: sorted(C.category().axioms())
                ['AdditiveAssociative', 'AdditiveCommutative', 'AdditiveInverse', 'AdditiveUnital', 'Associative', 'Distributive', 'Unital']

                sage: TestSuite(C).run()
            from cartesian_product import cartesian_product
            from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            return cartesian_product([QQ, ZZ, ZZ])
Ejemplo n.º 8
        def example(self):
            Return an example of cartesian product of magmas.


                sage: C = Magmas().CartesianProducts().example(); C
                The cartesian product of (Rational Field, Integer Ring, Integer Ring)
                sage: C.category()
                Join of Category of rings ...
                sage: sorted(C.category().axioms())
                ['AdditiveAssociative', 'AdditiveCommutative', 'AdditiveInverse', 'AdditiveUnital', 'Associative', 'Distributive', 'Unital']

                sage: TestSuite(C).run()
            from cartesian_product import cartesian_product
            from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            return cartesian_product([QQ, ZZ, ZZ])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def pattern_matching(self, G, reaction_id):
        """ this function finds every embodiment of G_subs in G (every mapping from G to G_subs)
            and applies the reaction to G (by replacing the subgraph in G with G_prod)

        def verify_reaction_bonds(G, G_subs, map_prefix, m1, n1):
            """ verifies that one can map node 'm' in G_subs, to node 'n' in G, given a map_prefix.
                This method actually check all the new bonds that m->n will add, and verifies they are consistent in G_subs.
            if (n1 >= G.get_num_nodes()): # m1 is an imported atom (like H2O or PO3), don't check its bonds
                return True
            for m2 in range(len(map_prefix)):
                n2 = map_prefix[m2]
                if (n2 >= G.get_num_nodes()):
                    continue # m2 is an imported atom (like H2O or PO3), don't check its bonds
                if (G_subs.get_bond(m1, m2) != G.get_bond(n1, n2)):
                    return False
            return True
        def combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings, map_prefix=[]):
            """ atom_mappings[n] is a list of possible indices in G for mapping the node 'n' in G_subs
                possible_mappings is a parameter that will be filled with the possible mappings,
                which are mappings that have the right atom types, attributes and bond orders
            N = G.get_num_nodes()
            M = G_subs.get_num_nodes()
            m = len(map_prefix)
            if (m == M):
            for n in atom_mappings[m]: # n is a candidate for map[m]
                if (verify_reaction_bonds(G, G_subs, map_prefix, m, n)):
                    combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings, map_prefix + [n])
        def combine_atom_mappings(G, G_subs, atom_mappings):
            possible_mappings = []
            combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings)
            return possible_mappings
        G_subs = self.reaction_templates[reaction_id]['G_SUBS']
        import_atoms = self.reaction_templates[reaction_id]['IMPORT']
        N = G.get_num_nodes()
        M = G_subs.get_num_nodes()
        # find for each atom in G_template, which atoms in G match it
        atom_mappings = []
        imported_atom_index = N
        for m in range(M):
            if (m in import_atoms):
                # if this atom is imported, assign it to a new index (larger than N)
                atom_mapping_m = [imported_atom_index]
                imported_atom_index += 1
                atom_mapping_m = []
                for n in range(N):
                    if (G_subs.nodes[m] in [G.nodes[n], atom_wildcard] and \
                        G_subs.hydrogens[m] <= G.hydrogens[n] and \
                        G_subs.chirality[m] in [G.chirality[n], 3, 0]):

        # now check each unique mapping, and see if the bonds are matching too
        product_hash_set = set()
        product_list = []
        possible_mappings = combine_atom_mappings(G, G_subs, atom_mappings)
        #print >> sys.stderr, "# of possible mappings: %d" % len(possible_mappings)
        for mapping in possible_mappings:    
            G_new = G.clone()
            self.apply_reaction(G_new, reaction_id, mapping)
            h_new = G_new.hash()

            ## print "%s : %s, %s" % (reaction_id, str(mapping), h_new),

            # skip this product if has already been reached using another mapping
            if (h_new in product_hash_set):
                ## print "DUPLICATE"

            # update the product attributes (hydrogen atoms, ionic charges)
            # fail if these attributes cannot be resolved
            except ChemException:
                ## print "UNRESOLVED ATTRIBUTES"
            if (self.use_antimotifs):
                # fail if the product contains an anti-motif
                antimotif_list = G_new.find_antimotifs()
                if (antimotif_list != []):
                    for motif in antimotif_list:
                        self.antimotif_counter[motif] = self.antimotif_counter.get(motif, 0) + 1
                    ## print "FOUND ANTI-MOTIF: " + str(antimotif_list)

            # fail if any of the atoms has a positive charge,
            # which means that it has more bonds than its valence.
            if (max(G_new.charges) > 0):
                ## print "POSITIVE CHARGE"

            ## print "GREAT SUCCESS!!!"
            if (self.ignore_chirality):
                product_list.append((G_new, reaction_id, mapping))
                # assign both chiralities to any undefined chiral point
                # in the new graph. This means there will be 2^n new graphs
                # if there are 'n' undefined chiral points.
                N = G_new.get_num_nodes();
                undef_chiral_indices = []
                for n in range(N):
                    if (G_new.chirality[n] == 3):
                if (undef_chiral_indices == []):
                    product_list.append((G_new, reaction_id, mapping))
                    #print "*** Chiral wildcard!!! ***"
                    #print G_new
                    #print G_new.chirality
                    #print undef_chiral_indices
                    for chiral_list in cartesian_product([[1,2]]*len(undef_chiral_indices)):
                        G_chir = G_new.clone()
                        for i in range(len(undef_chiral_indices)):
                            G_chir.chirality[undef_chiral_indices[i]] = chiral_list[i]
                        #print G_chir
                        product_list.append((G_chir, reaction_id, mapping))
        return product_list
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def pattern_matching(self, G, reaction_id):
        """ this function finds every embodiment of G_subs in G (every mapping from G to G_subs)
            and applies the reaction to G (by replacing the subgraph in G with G_prod)

        def verify_reaction_bonds(G, G_subs, map_prefix, m1, n1):
            """ verifies that one can map node 'm' in G_subs, to node 'n' in G, given a map_prefix.
                This method actually check all the new bonds that m->n will add, and verifies they are consistent in G_subs.
            if n1 >= G.get_num_nodes():  # m1 is an imported atom (like H2O or PO3), don't check its bonds
                return True
            for m2 in range(len(map_prefix)):
                n2 = map_prefix[m2]
                if n2 >= G.get_num_nodes():
                    continue  # m2 is an imported atom (like H2O or PO3), don't check its bonds
                if G_subs.get_bond(m1, m2) != G.get_bond(n1, n2):
                    return False
            return True

        def combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings, map_prefix=[]):
            """ atom_mappings[n] is a list of possible indices in G for mapping the node 'n' in G_subs
                possible_mappings is a parameter that will be filled with the possible mappings,
                which are mappings that have the right atom types, attributes and bond orders
            N = G.get_num_nodes()
            M = G_subs.get_num_nodes()
            m = len(map_prefix)
            if m == M:

            for n in atom_mappings[m]:  # n is a candidate for map[m]
                if verify_reaction_bonds(G, G_subs, map_prefix, m, n):
                    combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings, map_prefix + [n])

        def combine_atom_mappings(G, G_subs, atom_mappings):
            possible_mappings = []
            combine_atom_mappings_recursive(G, G_subs, atom_mappings, possible_mappings)
            return possible_mappings

        G_subs = self.reaction_templates[reaction_id]["G_SUBS"]
        import_atoms = self.reaction_templates[reaction_id]["IMPORT"]

        N = G.get_num_nodes()
        M = G_subs.get_num_nodes()

        # find for each atom in G_template, which atoms in G match it
        atom_mappings = []
        imported_atom_index = N
        for m in range(M):
            if m in import_atoms:
                # if this atom is imported, assign it to a new index (larger than N)
                atom_mapping_m = [imported_atom_index]
                imported_atom_index += 1
                atom_mapping_m = []
                for n in range(N):
                    if (
                        G_subs.nodes[m] in [G.nodes[n], atom_wildcard]
                        and G_subs.hydrogens[m] <= G.hydrogens[n]
                        and G_subs.chirality[m] in [G.chirality[n], 3, 0]

        # now check each unique mapping, and see if the bonds are matching too
        product_hash_set = set()
        product_list = []
        possible_mappings = combine_atom_mappings(G, G_subs, atom_mappings)
        # print >> sys.stderr, "# of possible mappings: %d" % len(possible_mappings)
        for mapping in possible_mappings:
            G_new = G.clone()
            self.apply_reaction(G_new, reaction_id, mapping)
            h_new = G_new.hash()

            ## print "%s : %s, %s" % (reaction_id, str(mapping), h_new),

            # skip this product if has already been reached using another mapping
            if h_new in product_hash_set:
                ## print "DUPLICATE"

            # update the product attributes (hydrogen atoms, ionic charges)
            # fail if these attributes cannot be resolved
            except ChemException:
                ## print "UNRESOLVED ATTRIBUTES"

            if self.use_antimotifs:
                # fail if the product contains an anti-motif
                antimotif_list = G_new.find_antimotifs()
                if antimotif_list != []:
                    for motif in antimotif_list:
                        self.antimotif_counter[motif] = self.antimotif_counter.get(motif, 0) + 1
                    ## print "FOUND ANTI-MOTIF: " + str(antimotif_list)

            # fail if any of the atoms has a positive charge,
            # which means that it has more bonds than its valence.
            if max(G_new.charges) > 0:
                ## print "POSITIVE CHARGE"

            ## print "GREAT SUCCESS!!!"
            if self.ignore_chirality:
                product_list.append((G_new, reaction_id, mapping))
                # assign both chiralities to any undefined chiral point
                # in the new graph. This means there will be 2^n new graphs
                # if there are 'n' undefined chiral points.
                N = G_new.get_num_nodes()
                undef_chiral_indices = []
                for n in range(N):
                    if G_new.chirality[n] == 3:
                if undef_chiral_indices == []:
                    product_list.append((G_new, reaction_id, mapping))
                    # print "*** Chiral wildcard!!! ***"
                    # print G_new
                    # print G_new.chirality
                    # print undef_chiral_indices

                    for chiral_list in cartesian_product([[1, 2]] * len(undef_chiral_indices)):
                        G_chir = G_new.clone()
                        for i in range(len(undef_chiral_indices)):
                            G_chir.chirality[undef_chiral_indices[i]] = chiral_list[i]
                        # print G_chir
                        product_list.append((G_chir, reaction_id, mapping))

        return product_list