Ejemplo n.º 1
def formulate_center_problem(f, v, Hv, hv, p=None):
    nf = f.shape[0]
    v_lwb = np.asarray([min_func(v[i], v, Hv, hv) for i in range(v.shape[0])])
    v_uwb = -np.asarray([min_func(-v[i], v, Hv, hv) for i in range(v.shape[0])])
    v_span = np.vstack(v_uwb - v_lwb)

    norm_Hh = (Hv @ v - hv) / (Hv @ v_span)

    objective = norm_Hh.T @ norm_Hh

    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    g += [f]
    lbg += [0] * nf
    ubg += [0] * nf

    g += [Hv @ v]
    lbg += [-inf] * g[-1].shape[0]
    ubg += [hv]

    problem = {'f': objective, 'x': v, 'g': vertcat(*g)}
    if p is None:
        solver = nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", problem, NLP_OPTS)
        problem["p"] = p
        solver = nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", problem, NLP_OPTS)
    return solver, lbg, ubg
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_nlp(var, par, obj, con, options, name=''):
    codegen = options['codegen']
    if options['verbose'] >= 1:
        print('Building nlp ... ', end=' ')
    t0 = time.time()
    nlp = {'x': var, 'p': par, 'f': obj, 'g': con}
    slv_opt = options['solver_options'][options['solver']]
    opt = {}
    for key, value in slv_opt.items():
        opt[key] = value
    opt.update({'expand': True})
    print('opt updated')
    solver = nlpsol('solver', options['solver'], nlp, opt)
    print('solver created')
    name = 'nlp' if name == '' else 'nlp_' + name
    if codegen['build'] == 'jit':
        if options['verbose'] >= 1:
            print(('[jit compilation with flags %s]' % (codegen['flags'])), end=' ')
        compiler = Compiler(
            name+'.c', 'clang', {'flags': codegen['flags']})
        problem = nlpsol('solver', options['solver'], compiler, slv_opt)
    elif codegen['build'] == 'shared':
        if os.name == 'nt':
            raise ValueError('Build option is not supported for Windows!')
        directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build')
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        path = os.path.join(directory, name)
        if options['verbose'] >= 1:
            print(('[compile to .so with flags %s]' % (codegen['flags'])), end=' ')
        if os.path.isfile(path+'.so'):
        shutil.move(name+'.c', path+'.c')
        os.system('gcc -fPIC -shared %s %s.c -o %s.so' %
                  (codegen['flags'], path, path))
        problem = nlpsol('solver', options['solver'], path+'.so', slv_opt)
    elif codegen['build'] == 'existing':
        if os.name == 'nt':
            raise ValueError('Build option is not supported for Windows!')
        directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build')
        path = os.path.join(directory, name)
        if not os.path.isfile(path+'.so'):
            raise ValueError('%s.so does not exist!', path)
        if options['verbose'] >= 1:
            print(('[using shared object %s.so]' % path), end=' ')
        problem = nlpsol('solver', options['solver'], path+'.so', slv_opt)
    elif codegen['build'] is None:
        problem = solver
        raise ValueError('Invalid build option.')
    print('nlpsol done.')
    t1 = time.time()
    if options['verbose'] >= 1:
        print('in %5f s' % (t1-t0))
    return problem, (t1-t0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solve_numerical_nlp(chosen_fun,
    """solve nlp for determining parameter values numerically"""
    # formulate nlp
    nlp = chosen_fun(chosen_data)

    # NLP solver options
    if optim_options:
        solver = optim_options["solver"]
        opts = optim_options["opts"]
        solver = "ipopt"
        opts = {"ipopt.tol": 1e-16}
        # solver = "sqpmethod"
        # opts = {"qpsol": "qpoases"}

    # Allocate an NLP solver and buffer
    solver = casadi.nlpsol("solver", solver, nlp, opts)

    # Solve the problem
    res = solver(**opt_problem_details)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def solve_nlp(prop_name, thrust):
    rho0 = 1.225
    i0_motor0 = 0.04
    V_inf0 = 1
    R_motor0 = 0.05
    T_desired = thrust  #### Thrust constraint

    prop_data = prop_db[prop_name]
    key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0]
    my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data']
    CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CT)
    CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CP)
    eta_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta)
    eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta', 'bspline', [my_prop.index],
    Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J))
    T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J))

    states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop, v_batt, Kv_motor)
    params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, i0_motor, V_inf, R_motor)
    p0 = [rho0, prop_data['D'] / 2, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0]

    f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut])
    f_Q_motor = ca.Function('Q_motor', [states, params], [Q_motor])
    f_eta_motor = ca.Function('eta_motor', [states, params], [eta_motor])
    f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)])
    f_eta = ca.Function('eta', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J) * eta_motor])
    f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut])


    nlp = {
        -f_eta(states, p0),
        ca.substitute(ca.vertcat(Q_prop_lut - Q_motor, T_prop_lut - T_desired),
                      params, p0)
    S = ca.nlpsol('eff_max', 'ipopt', nlp, {
        'print_time': 0,
        'ipopt': {
            'sb': 'yes',
            'print_level': 0,
    res = S(x0=[1000, 5, 1000], lbg=[0, 0], ubg=[0, 0])
    stats = S.stats()

    if stats['success']:
        print('propeller -> ' + prop_name, res['x'], res['g'], -res['f'])
        v0 = float(res['x'][1])
        kv0 = float(res['x'][2])
        if -res['f'] > 0.3:
            rpm_sweep(prop_name, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0)

    return res, stats
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def fitModel(self, u_in, y_out):
     y_coeff = ca.SX.sym('y_c', self.n_output_lag)
     u_coeff = ca.SX.sym('u_c',
                         self.n_input_lag + 1)  # include current input
     params = ca.vertcat(u_coeff, y_coeff)
     obj = self.getObjective(u_in, y_out, u_coeff, y_coeff)
     # set up solver
     nlp = {'x': params, 'f': obj}
     solver_opts = {
         'ipopt': {
             'print_level': 0,
             'linear_solver': 'mumps'
         'print_time': 0
     solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, solver_opts)
     # solver.generate_dependencies('nlp.c')
     # os.system("gcc -fPIC -shared nlp.c -o nlp.so")
     # abspath = os.path.abspath('nlp.so')
     # solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', abspath, solver_opts)
     x0 = np.zeros(params.shape[0])
     res = np.array(solver(x0=x0)['x'])
     self.u_coeff = res[:u_coeff.shape[0]]
     self.y_coeff = res[u_coeff.shape[0]:]
     print(res)  #
     # def eval_fct(u_prev, y_prev):
     # 	return self.predict(u_prev, y_prev, res[:u_coeff.shape[0]], res[u_coeff.shape[0]:])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def create_solver(self):
     Create a new nonlinear solver.
     problem = {
         'f': self.cost_function,
         'x': vertcat(*self.var_symbols),
         'g': vertcat(*self.cons_exprs)}
     options = {}
     if self.solver_name in ['scpgen', 'sqpmethod']:
             'qpsol': "qpoases",
             'qpsol_options': {"printLevel": "none"},
     elif self.solver_name == 'ipopt':
             'expand': self.casadi_expand,
             'ipopt.fast_step_computation': self.ipopt_fast_step_computation,
             'ipopt.linear_solver': self.ipopt_linear_solver,
             'ipopt.max_cpu_time': self.ipopt_max_cpu_time,
             'ipopt.max_iter': self.ipopt_max_iter,
             'ipopt.mu_strategy': self.ipopt_mu_strategy,
             'ipopt.nlp_lower_bound_inf': self.ipopt_nlp_lower_bound_inf,
             'ipopt.nlp_upper_bound_inf': self.ipopt_nlp_upper_bound_inf,
             'ipopt.print_level': self.ipopt_print_level,
             'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': self.ipopt_warm_start_init_point,
             'verbose': False
     self.solver = nlpsol('solver', self.solver_name, problem, options)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _initialize_solver(self, **kwargs):

        nlpsol_args = {
            "expand", "iteration_callback", "iteration_callback_step",
            "iteration_callback_ignore_errors", "ignore_check_vec",
            "warn_initial_bounds", "eval_errors_fatal", "print_time",

        # Initialize NLP object
        opts = {
            'ipopt.max_iter': 10000,
            # 'linear_solver' : 'ma27'

        if kwargs is not None:
            for key, val in kwargs.items():
                if key in nlpsol_args:
                    opts.update({key: val})
                    opts.update({'ipopt.' + key: val})

        self._solver_opts = opts
        constraints = cs.vertcat(*self._constraints_sx)

        self._solver = cs.nlpsol(
            "solver", "ipopt", {
                'x': self.var.vars_sx,
                'p': self.pvar.vars_sx,
                'f': self.objective_sx,
                'g': constraints
            }, self._solver_opts)

        self.col_vars['lbg'] = np.concatenate(self._constraints_lb)
        self.col_vars['ubg'] = np.concatenate(self._constraints_ub)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def compute_steady_state(n_mass, m, D, L, xPosFirstMass, xEndRef):

    model = export_chain_mass_model(n_mass, m, D, L)
    nx = model.x.shape[0]
    M = int((nx/3 -1)/2)
    # initial guess for state
    pos0_x = np.linspace(xPosFirstMass[0], xEndRef[0], n_mass)
    x0 = np.zeros((nx, 1))
    x0[:3*(M+1):3] = pos0_x[1:].reshape((M+1,1))
    # decision variables
    w = [model.x, model.xdot, model.u]
    # initial guess
    w0 = ca.vertcat(*[x0, np.zeros(model.xdot.shape), np.zeros(model.u.shape)])
    # constraints
    g = []
    g += [model.f_impl_expr]                        # steady state
    g += [model.x[3*M:3*(M+1)]  - xEndRef]          # fix position of last mass
    g += [model.u]                                  # don't actuate controlled mass
    # misuse IPOPT as nonlinear equation solver
    nlp = {'x': ca.vertcat(*w), 'f': 0, 'g': ca.vertcat(*g)}
    solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp)
    sol = solver(x0=w0,lbg=0,ubg=0)
    wrest = sol['x'].full()
    xrest = wrest[:nx]

    return xrest
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def setup_solver(self):
     # Setup relevant functions and expressions
     self.solver = cs.nlpsol("solver",
Ejemplo n.º 10
def nlp_solve(prob, obj, p_init, x_init, y_init):
    NLP solver for initial conditions to path-following algorithm
    nx, np, neq, niq, name = prob()
    if niq > 0:
        x, p, f, f_fun, con, conf, ubx, lbx, ubg, lbg = obj(
            x_init, y_init, p_init, neq, niq, nx, np)

        #Formulating NLP to solve
        #All constraints must be formatted as inequality constraints for this solver
        nlp = {'x': x, 'p': p, 'f': f, 'g': con}
        solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp)
        sol = solver(x0=x_init, p=p_init, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, ubx=ubx, lbx=lbx)
        x_opt = sol['x']  #Solving for x
        lagmul = sol['lam_g']
        #Determining active constraints
        #(necessary to determine which multipliers are a lambda and which are a mu)
        con_vals = conf(x_opt, p_init)
        tol = 1e-6
        for k in range(0, len(con_vals)):
            if con_vals[k] >= 0 + tol or con_vals[
                    k] >= 0 - tol:  #active constraint
                lam_opt = lagmul[k]
            else:  #inactive constraint
                mu_opt = lagmul[k]
        return x_opt, lam_opt, mu_opt, con
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def export_casadi_problems(self, destination, father, problem):
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     filenames = []
     # substitutes
     for child, subst in father.substitutes.items():
         for name, fun in subst.items():
             shutil.move(cwd+'/'+filenames[-1], destination+'src/'+filenames[-1])
     # updx
     obj = father.problem_description['obj']
     con = father.problem_description['con']
     var = father.problem_description['var']
     par = father.problem_description['par']
     opt = father.problem_description['opt']
     nlp = {'x': var, 'p': par, 'f': obj, 'g': con}
     options = {}
     for key, value in opt['solver_options']['ipopt'].items():
         options[key] = value
     options.update({'expand': True})
     solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)
     # updz, updl, upd_res
     filenames.extend(['updx.c', 'updz.c', 'updl.c', 'updres.c'])
     # move files
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updx.c', destination+'src/updx.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updz.c', destination+'src/updz.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updl.c', destination+'src/updl.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updres.c', destination+'src/updres.c')
     return filenames
Ejemplo n.º 12
def trim(vt, gamma, m_fuel, z, rhs, p, s0=None):
    if s0 is None:
        s0 = [0.1, -np.deg2rad(45), 0, 0, 0, 0]
    s = ca.SX.sym('s', 6)
    nlp = {
        'x': s,
        'f': objective(s, vt=vt, gamma=gamma, m_fuel=m_fuel, rhs=rhs, p=p,
        'g': constraint(s,
    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {
        'print_time': 0,
        'ipopt': {
            'sb': 'yes',
            'print_level': 0,

    # s = [m_dot, alpha, beta, elev, ail, rdr]
    m_dot = s[0]
    alpha = s[1]
    beta = s[2]
    ail = s[3]
    elv = s[4]
    rdr = s[5]
    res = S(x0=s0,
            lbg=[0, 0, 0],
            ubg=[0, 0, 0],
                0, -np.deg2rad(20), -np.deg2rad(20), -np.deg2rad(20),
                -np.deg2rad(20), -np.deg2rad(20)
    stats = S.stats()
    if not stats['success']:
        raise ValueError('Trim failed to converge', stats['return_status'],
    s_opt = res['x']
    x0, u0 = constrain(s_opt, vt, gamma, m_fuel, z)
    return {
        'x0': np.array(ca.DM(x0)).reshape(-1),
        'u0': np.array(ca.DM(u0)).reshape(-1),
        's': np.array(ca.DM(s_opt)).reshape(-1),
        'f': float(res['f']),
        'g': np.array(ca.DM(res['g'])).reshape(-1),
        'status': stats['return_status']
Ejemplo n.º 13
def run_ipopt_ssmevaluator(ssm, n_s, n_u, linearize_mean):
    casadi_ssm = CasadiSSMEvaluator(ssm, linearize_mean)

    x = cas.MX.sym("x", (n_s, 1))
    y = cas.MX.sym("y", (n_u, 1))

    if linearize_mean:
        mu, sigma, mu_jac = casadi_ssm(x, y)
        f = cas.sum1(cas.sum2(mu)) + cas.sum1(cas.sum2(sigma)) + cas.sum1(
        mu, sigma = casadi_ssm(x, y)
        f = cas.sum1(cas.sum2(mu)) + cas.sum1(cas.sum2(sigma))

    x = cas.vertcat(x, y)

    options = {
        "ipopt": {
            "hessian_approximation": "limited-memory",
            "max_iter": 2,
            "derivative_test": "first-order"
    solver = cas.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", {"x": x, "f": f}, options)

    with capture_stdout() as out:
        res = solver(x0=np.random.randn(5, 1))

    return str(type(ssm)), linearize_mean, out[0]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def smooth_Lagrange_poly(x, y):
    t = ca.SX.sym('t')
    d = len(x)  # amount of parameters
    tau = ca.SX.sym('tau', d)  # parameter as minimisation variable
    poly = 0

    for j in range(d):  # for all data points ...
        L = tau[j]
        for r in range(d):
            if r != j:
                L *= (t - x[r]) / (x[j] - x[r])
        poly += L
    L_fun = ca.Function('L_fun', [t, tau], [poly])
    ddL, _ = ca.hessian(poly, t)
    ddL_fun = ca.Function('ddL_fun', [t, tau], [ddL])
    # ddL_fun = L_fun.hessian(0)          # second order derivative to
    # [ddL,_,_]  = ddL_fun([t,tau])

    # minimise tau = fct output, incl penalize curvature
    res = 0.1 * sum([(L_fun(x[k], tau) - y[k])**2 for k in range(d)])[0]
    res += sum([ddL_fun(x[k], tau)[0]**2 * 1e4 for k in range(d)])[0]

    Cost = ca.Function('cost', [tau], [res])
    nlp = {'x': tau, 'f': res}
    solver = ca.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp)
    sol = solver(**{})
    tau_opt = sol['x']  # optimal parameter for polynomial
    return L_fun, tau_opt
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def create_problem(self, nb_of_veh):
        # Objective is 1 norm of the slacks
        obj = sum(
            definite_integral(self.sx_list[i], 0, 1) +
            definite_integral(self.sy_list[i], 0, 1) for i in range(nb_of_veh))
        var = cas.vertcat()
        par = cas.vertcat()
        # Setting up the optimization variables (symbolic) for each vehicle.
        for i in range(nb_of_veh):
            var = cas.vertcat(var, self.x_cfs_list[i], self.y_cfs_list[i],
                              self.sx_cfs_list[i], self.sy_cfs_list[i])
        for i in range(nb_of_veh):
            var = cas.vertcat(var, self.lmbd_cfs_list[i])
        # Setting up the parameter set (symbolic) for each vehicle. These values will be filled in later on, in each solver iteration.
        for i in range(nb_of_veh):
            par = cas.vertcat(par, self.corr_start_list[i],
                              self.corr_end_list[i], self.corr_x_min_list[i],
                              self.corr_y_min_list[i], self.corr_x_max_list[i],
                              self.corr_y_max_list[i], self.corr_hp_list[i],
            par = cas.vertcat(par, self.corr_v0_list[i], self.maxVel_list[i],
                              self.maxAcc_list[i], self.radius_list[i],

        con = cas.vertcat(*self.con)
        nlp = {'x': var, 'f': obj, 'p': par, 'g': con}
        solver = cas.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, {
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-5,
            'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma57'

        self.solver = solver
        self.nlp = nlp
    def solve(self):
        Gives to CasADi states, controls, constraints, sum of all objective functions and theirs bounds.
        Gives others parameters to control how solver works.

        # NLP
        nlp = {"x": self.V, "f": self.J, "g": self.g}

        opts = {
            "ipopt.tol": 1e-6,
            "ipopt.max_iter": 1000,
            "exact",  # "exact", "limited-memory"
            "ipopt.limited_memory_max_history": 50,
            "ipopt.linear_solver": "mumps",  # "ma57", "ma86", "mumps"
            "iteration_callback": self.show_online_optim_callback,
        solver = casadi.nlpsol("nlpsol", "ipopt", nlp, opts)

        # Bounds and initial guess
        arg = {
            "lbx": self.V_bounds.min,
            "ubx": self.V_bounds.max,
            "lbg": self.g_bounds.min,
            "ubg": self.g_bounds.max,
            "x0": self.V_init.init,

        # Solve the problem
        return solver.call(arg)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def J_qi(T, Q, R, P_f, N_pred, states, controls, rhs, func_type=1):

    # kriegen die Anzahl der Zeiler("shape" ist ein Tuple)
    n_states = states.shape[0]  # p 22.

    # Eingangsanzahl
    n_controls = controls.shape[0]

    # nonlinear mapping function f(x,u)
    f = Function('f', [states, controls], [rhs])
    # Decision variables (controls) u_pwm
    U = SX.sym('U', n_controls, N_pred)
    # parameters (which include the !!!initial and the !!!reference state of
    # the robot!!!reference input)
    P = SX.sym('P', n_states + n_states + n_controls)
    # number of x is always N+1   -> 0..N
    X = SX.sym('X', n_states, (N_pred + 1))

    X[:, 0] = P[0:n_states]
    obj = 0

    # compute predicted states and cost function
    for k in range(N_pred):
        st = X[:, k]
        con = U[:, k]
        f_value = f(st, con)
        # print(f_value)
        st_next = st + (T * f_value)
        X[:, k + 1] = st_next
        obj = obj + (st - P[n_states:2 * n_states]).T @ Q @ (
            st - P[n_states:2 * n_states]) + (
                con - P[2 * n_states:2 * n_states + n_controls]).T @ R @ (
                    con - P[2 * n_states:2 * n_states + n_controls])
    # print(obj)
    st = X[:, N_pred]
    obj = obj + (st - P[n_states:2 * n_states]).T @ P_f @ (
        st - P[n_states:2 * n_states])
    # create a dense matrix of state constraints. Size of g: n_states * (N_pred+1) +1
    g = SX.zeros(n_states * (N_pred + 1) + 1, 1)

    # Constrainsvariable spezifizieren
    for i in range(N_pred + 1):
        for j in range(n_states):
            g[n_states * i + j] = X[j, i]

    g[n_states *
      (N_pred + 1)] = (X[:, N_pred] - P[n_states:2 * n_states]).T @ P_f @ (
          X[:, N_pred] - P[n_states:2 * n_states])
    OPT_variables = reshape(U, N_pred, 1)
    nlp_prob = {'f': obj, 'x': OPT_variables, 'g': g, 'p': P}
    opts = {}
    opts['print_time'] = False
    opts['ipopt'] = {
        'max_iter': 100,
        'print_level': 0,
        'acceptable_tol': 1e-8,
        'acceptable_obj_change_tol': 1e-6
    # print(opts)
    return f, nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp_prob, opts)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def export_casadi_problems(self, destination, father, problem):
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     filenames = []
     # substitutes
     for child, subst in father.substitutes.items():
         for name, fun in subst.items():
             shutil.move(cwd+'/'+filenames[-1], destination+'src/'+filenames[-1])
     # updx
     obj = father.problem_description['obj']
     con = father.problem_description['con']
     var = father.problem_description['var']
     par = father.problem_description['par']
     opt = father.problem_description['opt']
     nlp = {'x': var, 'p': par, 'f': obj, 'g': con}
     options = {}
     for key, value in opt['solver_options']['ipopt'].items():
         options[key] = value
     options.update({'expand': True})
     solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)
     # updz, updl, upd_res
     filenames.extend(['updx.c', 'updz.c', 'updl.c', 'updres.c'])
     # move files
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updx.c', destination+'src/updx.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updz.c', destination+'src/updz.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updl.c', destination+'src/updl.c')
     shutil.move(cwd+'/updres.c', destination+'src/updres.c')
     return filenames
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def solve(self, problem):
        prob, bounds, w, x_plot, u_plot = problem
        # Create an NLP solver
        solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, {'verbose': False})

        # Function to get x and u trajectories from w
        trajectories = ca.Function('trajectories', [w], [x_plot, u_plot],
                                   ['w'], ['x', 'u'])

        # Solve the NLP
        #sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
        sol = solver(**bounds)
        x_opt, u_opt = trajectories(sol['x'])
        self.x_opt = x_opt.full()  # to numpy array
        self.u_opt = u_opt.full()  # to numpy array

        # Feed the previous state back to the model

        # This ensures the control does not change drastically from the previous
        # (already-executed) control
        print("u_opt", [self.u_opt[0, 0], self.u_opt[1, 0]])
        self.Uk_prev = [self.u_opt[0, 0],
                        self.u_opt[1, 0]]  # we don't need this? we do.

        return self.x_opt, self.u_opt, solver.stats()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def solve(self):
        all_J = self.__dispatch_obj_func()
        all_g, all_g_bounds = self.__dispatch_bounds()

        self.ipopt_nlp = {"x": self.ocp.V, "f": sum1(all_J), "g": all_g}
        self.ipopt_limits = {
            "lbx": self.ocp.V_bounds.min,
            "ubx": self.ocp.V_bounds.max,
            "lbg": all_g_bounds.min,
            "ubg": all_g_bounds.max,
            "x0": self.ocp.V_init.init,

        if self.lam_g is not None:
            self.ipopt_limits["lam_g0"] = self.lam_g
        if self.lam_x is not None:
            self.ipopt_limits["lam_x0"] = self.lam_x

        solver = nlpsol("nlpsol", "ipopt", self.ipopt_nlp, self.opts)

        # Solve the problem
        self.out = {"sol": solver.call(self.ipopt_limits)}
        self.out["sol"]["time_tot"] = solver.stats()["t_wall_total"]
        # To match acados convention (0 = success, 1 = error)
        self.out["sol"]["status"] = int(not solver.stats()["success"])

        return self.out
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def fit(self, input, output):
        nsamples = input.shape[0]

        fobj = 0
        for n in range(nsamples):
            yhat = self.sym['fcn'].call({
                'u': input[n, :],
                'w': self.sym['w']
            y = indicator_array(yhat.shape, output[n])
            fobj -= cas.sum1(xlogy(y, yhat) + xlogy(
                (1 - y), 1 - yhat))  # cross entropy loss

        fobj = fobj / nsamples  # scaling
        if self.alpha:
            fobj += self.alpha * cas.dot(self.sym['w'],
                                         self.sym['w'])  # L2 regularization

        nlp = {'x': self.sym['w'], 'f': fobj, 'g': []}

        opts = {
            'print_time': False,
            'ipopt': {
                'tol': 1e-3,
                'max_iter': 1000,
                'hessian_approximation': 'limited-memory',
                'print_level': 0
        solver = cas.nlpsol('nlpsol', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)

        res = solver(x0=self.weights)
        self.weights = np.asarray(res['x'])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def solve(self, solver="ipopt", show_online_optim=False, options_ipopt={}):
        Gives to CasADi states, controls, constraints, sum of all objective functions and theirs bounds.
        Gives others parameters to control how solver works.
        all_J = MX()
        for j_nodes in self.J:
            for j in j_nodes:
                all_J = vertcat(all_J, j)
        for nlp in self.nlp:
            for obj_nodes in nlp["J"]:
                for obj in obj_nodes:
                    all_J = vertcat(all_J, obj)

        all_g = MX()
        all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation_type=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i in range(len(self.g)):
            for j in range(len(self.g[i])):
                all_g = vertcat(all_g, self.g[i][j])
        for nlp in self.nlp:
            for i in range(len(nlp["g"])):
                for j in range(len(nlp["g"][i])):
                    all_g = vertcat(all_g, nlp["g"][i][j])
        nlp = {"x": self.V, "f": sum1(all_J), "g": all_g}

        options_common = {}
        if show_online_optim:
            options_common["iteration_callback"] = OnlineCallback(self)

        if solver == "ipopt":
            options_default = {
                "ipopt.tol": 1e-6,
                "ipopt.max_iter": 1000,
                "exact",  # "exact", "limited-memory"
                "ipopt.limited_memory_max_history": 50,
                "ipopt.linear_solver": "mumps",  # "ma57", "ma86", "mumps"
            for key in options_ipopt:
                if key[:6] != "ipopt.":
                    options_ipopt[f"ipopt.{key}"] = options_ipopt[key]
                    del options_ipopt[key]
            opts = {**options_default, **options_common, **options_ipopt}
            raise RuntimeError("Available solvers are: 'ipopt'")
        solver = casadi.nlpsol("nlpsol", solver, nlp, opts)

        # Bounds and initial guess
        arg = {
            "lbx": self.V_bounds.min,
            "ubx": self.V_bounds.max,
            "lbg": all_g_bounds.min,
            "ubg": all_g_bounds.max,
            "x0": self.V_init.init,

        # Solve the problem
        return solver.call(arg)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, x, f_exp, g_exp, p):

        nx = x.size(1)
        ng = g_exp.size(1)

        self.x_sol = np.zeros((nx, 1))

        # create reference solver
        #		x0 = np.zeros(nx)
        #		lbx = []
        #		ubx = []
        J = f_exp
        g = g_exp
        self.lbg = -1e12 * np.ones((ng, 1))
        self.ubg = np.zeros((ng, 1))

        travis_run = os.getenv('TRAVIS_RUN')
        if (travis_run != 'true'):
            print_level = 3
            print_level = 0

        prob = {'f': f_exp, 'x': x, 'g': g_exp, 'p': p}
        opts = {
            'ipopt': {
                'print_level': print_level,
                'dual_inf_tol': 1e-10,
                'constr_viol_tol': 1e-10,
                'compl_inf_tol': 1e-10
        self.ipopt_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opts)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def trim(s0, x: f16.State, p: f16.Parameters, phi_dot: float, theta_dot: float,
         psi_dot: float, gam: float):
    def constrain(x, s):
        u = f16.Control(thtl=s[0], elv_deg=s[1], ail_deg=s[2], rdr_deg=s[3])
        alpha = s[4]
        beta = s[5]

        x.alpha = alpha
        x.beta = beta

        cos = ca.cos
        sin = ca.sin
        tan = ca.tan
        atan = ca.arctan
        sqrt = ca.sqrt

        VT = x.VT
        g = p.g
        G = psi_dot * VT / g

        a = 1 - G * tan(alpha) * sin(beta)
        b = sin(gam) / cos(beta)
        c = 1 + G**2 * cos(beta)**2

        # coordinated turn constraint pg. 188
        phi = atan(G * cos(beta) / cos(alpha) *
                   ((a - b**2) +
                    b * tan(alpha) * sqrt(c *
                                          (1 - b**2) + G**2 * sin(beta)**2)) /
                   (a**2 - b**2 * (1 + c * tan(alpha)**2)))
        x.phi = phi

        # rate of climb constraint pg. 187
        a = cos(alpha) * cos(beta)
        b = sin(phi) * sin(beta) + cos(phi) * sin(alpha) * cos(beta)
        theta = (a*b + sin(gam)*sqrt(a**2 - sin(gam)**2 + b**2)) \
            / (a**2 - sin(gam)**2)
        x.theta = theta

        # kinematics pg. 20
        x.P = phi_dot - sin(theta) * psi_dot
        x.Q = cos(phi) * phi_dot + sin(phi) * cos(theta) * psi_dot
        x.R = -sin(phi) * theta_dot + cos(phi) * cos(theta) * psi_dot

        # engine power constraint
        x.power = f16.tables['tgear'](u.thtl)
        return x, u

    s = ca.MX.sym('s', 6)
    x, u = constrain(x, s)
    f = f16.trim_cost(f16.dynamics(x, u, p))
    nlp = {'x': s, 'f': f}
    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {
        'print_level': 0,
    r = S(x0=s0, lbg=0, ubg=0)
    s_opt = r['x']
    x, u = constrain(x, s_opt)
    return x, u
Ejemplo n.º 25
def quadratic_optimizer_2(eco,
    Mx = eco.spectral
    tot_points = eco.layers
    res_conc = eco.parameters.efficiency * eco.water.res_counts * eco.parameters.layered_foraging[:,
    beta = current_layered_attack[:, 1, 0]
    lam = ca.MX.sym('lam', 2)

    sigma = ca.MX.sym('sigma', Mx.x.shape[0])
    sigma_p = ca.MX.sym('sigma_p', Mx.x.shape[0])
    #    sigma = eco.heat_kernels[0].T @ sigma_eff
    #    sigma_p = eco.heat_kernels[0].T @ sigma_p_eff

    inte = np.ones(eco.layers).reshape(1, eco.layers)

    df1 = eco.parameters.clearance_rate[
        0] * res_conc - eco.parameters.clearance_rate[
            1] * sigma_p * beta - lam[0] * np.ones(tot_points)
    df2 = eco.parameters.clearance_rate[
        1] * eco.parameters.efficiency * sigma * beta - lam[1] * np.ones(

    # g0 = ca.vertcat(cons_dyn, pred_dyn)
    g1 = inte @ Mx.M @ (df1 * sigma) + inte @ Mx.M @ (df2 * sigma_p)  #
    g2 = inte @ Mx.M @ sigma_p - 1
    g3 = inte @ Mx.M @ sigma - 1
    g4 = ca.vertcat(-df1, -df2)
    g = ca.vertcat(g1, g2, g3, g4)

    # print(g0.size())
    f = 0

    sigmas = ca.vertcat(sigma, sigma_p)  # sigma_bar
    x = ca.vertcat(*[sigmas, lam])
    lbg = np.zeros(3 + 2 * tot_points)
    ubg = ca.vertcat(*[np.zeros(3), [ca.inf] * 2 * tot_points])

    s_opts = {
        'ipopt': {
            'print_level': 1,
            'linear_solver': 'ma57',
            'hessian_approximation': 'limited-memory',
            'acceptable_iter': 15
    }  # , 'tol':10**-3, 'acceptable_tol': 10**(-2)}}
    prob = {'x': x, 'f': f, 'g': g}
    lbx = ca.vertcat(*[np.zeros(x.size()[0] - 2), -ca.inf, -ca.inf])

    solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, s_opts)

    sol = solver(lbx=lbx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, x0=prior_sol)

    x_out = np.array(sol['x']).flatten()

    return x_out
    def solveTheProblem(self, gallerys):
        print('pose:', self.s_x_, self.s_y_, self.s_theta_, self.s_curvative_,
              self.g_x_, self.g_y_, self.g_theta_, self.g_curvative_)
        print_time = rospy.Time().now().to_sec()
        curve_num = 2 * len(self.gallerys_)
        X = ca.SX.sym('X', 2 * curve_num)  #定义优化求解变量
        E = ca.SX.sym('E', 4)  #定义误差向量
        init_X = ca.SX.sym('init_X', 4)  #定义初始状态变量
        init_X[0] = self.s_x_
        init_X[1] = self.s_y_
        init_X[2] = self.s_theta_
        init_X[3] = self.s_curvative_
        g = []  #声明约束方程组
        for i in range(curve_num):
            init_X[0] += self.FC(X[2 * i], init_X[3], init_X[2], X[2 * i + 1])
            init_X[1] += self.FS(X[2 * i], init_X[3], init_X[2], X[2 * i + 1])
            init_X[2] += 0.5 * X[2 * i] * X[2 * i + 1] * X[
                2 * i + 1] + init_X[3] * X[2 * i + 1]
            init_X[3] += X[2 * i] * X[2 * i + 1]
            g.append(init_X[0])  #添加约束方程
            g.append(init_X[1])  #添加约束方程
            g.append(init_X[3])  #添加约束方程
        E[0] = init_X[0] - self.g_x_
        E[1] = init_X[1] - self.g_y_
        E[2] = init_X[2] - self.g_theta_
        E[3] = init_X[3] - self.g_curvative_
        obj = ca.mtimes([E.T, self.Q_, E])  #定义目标函数
        nlp_prob = {'f': obj, 'x': X, 'g': ca.vertcat(*g)}  #加载目标函数、求解变量、约束方程组
        opts_setting = {
            'ipopt.max_iter': 100,
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'print_time': 0,
            'ipopt.acceptable_tol': 1e-8,
            'ipopt.acceptable_obj_change_tol': 1e-6
        solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp_prob, opts_setting)
        lbx = []
        ubx = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        for i in range(curve_num):
            lbx.append(-10), ubx.append(10)
            lbx.append(0), ubx.append(5)
        for i in range(len(gallerys)):
            lbg.append(gallerys[i].x_min_), ubg.append(gallerys[i].x_max_)
            lbg.append(gallerys[i].y_min_), ubg.append(gallerys[i].y_max_)
            lbg.append(-2), ubg.append(2)
        lbg.append(gallerys[-1].x_min_), ubg.append(gallerys[-1].x_max_)
        lbg.append(gallerys[-1].y_min_), ubg.append(gallerys[-1].y_max_)
        lbg.append(-2), ubg.append(2)
        res = solver(lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)  #执行求解计算

        x = []
        for i in range(2 * curve_num):
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_directCollocationSimple(self):
        """Test direct collocation on a very simple model

        # Double integrator model
        x = ce.struct_symMX([ce.entry('q'), ce.entry('v')])

        u = cs.MX.sym('u')

        ode = ce.struct_MX(x)
        ode['q'] = x['v']
        ode['v'] = u

        quad = x['v']**2

        NT = 2  # number of control intervals
        N = 3  # number of collocation points per interval
        ts = 1  # time step

        # DAE model
        dae = dae_model.SemiExplicitDae(x=x.cat, ode=ode.cat, u=u, quad=quad)

        # Create direct collocation scheme
        scheme = cl.CollocationScheme(dae=dae,
                                      t=np.arange(NT + 1) * ts,

        # Optimization variable
        w = scheme.combine(['x', 'K', 'Z', 'u'])

        # Objective
        f = scheme.q[:, -1]

        # Constraints
        g = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('eq', expr=scheme.eq),
            ce.entry('initial', expr=scheme.x[:, 0]),  # q0 = 0, v0 = 0
                     expr=scheme.x[:, -1] - np.array([1, 0]))  # qf = 1, vf = 0

        # Make NLP
        nlp = {'x': w, 'g': g, 'f': f}

        # Init NLP solver
        opts = {'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma86'}
        solver = cs.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)

        # Run NLP solver
        sol = solver(lbg=0, ubg=0)
        if np.isnan(float(sol['f'])):
            raise RuntimeError('Nlp Solver failed')

        sol_w = w(sol['x'])

        # Check agains the known solution
        nptest.assert_allclose(sol_w['u'], [[1, -1]])
        nptest.assert_allclose(sol['f'], 2. / 3.)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def CorrThermoConsis(self, dE_start, fix_Ea=[], fix_BE=[], print_screen=False):
        if self._thermo_constraint_expression is None:
        Pnlp = self._Pnlp
        ini_p = np.hstack([dE_start])
        dev = Pnlp - ini_p
        if py == 2:
            object_fxn = cas.mul(dev.T, dev)
        elif py == 3:
            object_fxn = cas.dot(dev, dev)
        nlp = dict(f=object_fxn, x=Pnlp, g=self._thermo_constraint_expression)

        nlpopts = dict()
        if py == 2:
            nlpopts['max_iter'] = 500
            nlpopts['tol'] = 1e-8
            nlpopts['expect_infeasible_problem'] = 'yes'
            nlpopts['hessian_approximation'] = 'exact'
            nlpopts['jac_d_constant'] = 'yes'
        elif py == 3:
            nlpopts['ipopt.max_iter'] = 500
            nlpopts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8
            nlpopts['ipopt.expect_infeasible_problem'] = 'yes'
            nlpopts['ipopt.hessian_approximation'] = 'exact'
            nlpopts['ipopt.jac_d_constant'] = 'yes'

        if py == 2:
            solver = cas.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, nlpopts)
        elif py == 3:
            solver = cas.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, nlpopts)
        # Bounds and initial guess
        lbP = -np.inf * np.ones(self._Np)
        ubP = np.inf * np.ones(self._Np)

        for i in range(len(fix_Ea)):
            if check_index(fix_Ea[i], self.dEa_index):
                lbP[i] = dE_start[find_index(fix_Ea[i], self.dEa_index)]
                ubP[i] = dE_start[find_index(fix_Ea[i], self.dEa_index)]
        for i in range(len(fix_BE)):
            if check_index(fix_BE[i], self.dBE_index):
                lbP[i + self._NEa] = dE_start[find_index(fix_BE[i], self.dBE_index) + len(self.dEa_index)]
                ubP[i + self._NEa] = dE_start[find_index(fix_BE[i], self.dBE_index) + len(self.dEa_index)]

        lbG = 0 * np.ones(2 * self.nrxn)
        ubG = np.inf * np.ones(2 * self.nrxn)

        if not print_screen:
            old_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

        solution = solver(x0=ini_p, lbg=lbG, ubg=ubG, lbx=lbP, ubx=ubP)
        dE_corr = solution['x'].full().T[0].tolist()

        if not print_screen:
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _setup_nlpsolver(self):

        __dirname__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        path_to_nlp_object = os.path.join(__dirname__, self._PATH_TO_NLP_OBJECT, \

        self._nlpsolver = ca.nlpsol(self._solver_name, "ipopt",
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _export_nlp_to_c_code(self):

        __dirname__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        nlpsolver = ca.nlpsol("nlpsol", "ipopt", self.nlp)

        os.rename(self._NLP_SOURCE_FILENAME, os.path.join(__dirname__, 
            self._PATH_TO_NLP_SOURCE, self._NLP_SOURCE_FILENAME))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def solve(self):
        solver = nlpsol("nlpsol", "ipopt", self.ipopt_nlp, self.opts)

        # Solve the problem
        self.out = {"sol": solver.call(self.ipopt_limits)}
        self.out["sol"]["time_tot"] = solver.stats()["t_wall_total"]

        return self.out
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def export_casadi_problems(self, destination, father, problem):
     filenames = Export.export_casadi_problems(self, destination, father, problem)
     obj = father.problem_description['obj']
     con = father.problem_description['con']
     var = father.problem_description['var']
     par = father.problem_description['par']
     opt = father.problem_description['opt']
     nlp = {'x': var, 'p': par, 'f': obj, 'g': con}
     options = {}
     for key, value in opt['solver_options']['ipopt'].items():
         options[key] = value
     options.update({'expand': True})
     solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     shutil.move(cwd+'/nlp.c', destination+'src/nlp.c')
     return filenames
    def _initialize_solver(self, **kwargs):

        nlpsol_args = {"expand", "iteration_callback",
                       "iteration_callback_ignore_errors", "ignore_check_vec",
                       "warn_initial_bounds", "eval_errors_fatal",
                       "print_time", "verbose_init"}

        # Initialize NLP object
        opts = {
            'ipopt.max_iter' : 10000,
            # 'linear_solver' : 'ma27'
        if kwargs is not None: 
            for key, val in kwargs.items(): 
                if key in nlpsol_args:
                    opts.update({key: val })
                    opts.update({'ipopt.' + key: val })

        self._solver_opts = opts
        constraints = cs.vertcat(*self._constraints_sx)

        self._solver = cs.nlpsol(
            "solver", "ipopt",
            {'x': self.var.vars_sx,
             'p': self.pvar.vars_sx,
             'f': self.objective_sx,
             'g': constraints},

        self.col_vars['lbg'] = np.concatenate(self._constraints_lb)
        self.col_vars['ubg'] = np.concatenate(self._constraints_ub)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def  __init__(self,objective,*args):
        if len(args)>=1:
            constraints = args[0]
            constraints = []
        options = dict()
        if len(args)>=2:
            options = args[1]
        if not isinstance(constraints,list):
            raise Exception("Constraints must be given as list: [x>=0,y<=0]")

        [ gl_pure, gl_equality] = sort_constraints( constraints )
        symbols = OptimizationObject.get_primitives([objective]+gl_pure)

        # helper functions for 'x'
        X = C.veccat(*symbols["x"])
        helper = C.Function('helper',[X],symbols["x"])

        helper_inv = C.Function('helper_inv',symbols["x"],[X])

        # helper functions for 'p' if applicable
        if 'p' in symbols:
          P = C.veccat(*symbols["p"])

          self.Phelper_inv = C.Function('Phelper_inv',symbols["p"],[P])
          P = C.MX.sym('p',0,1)

        if len(gl_pure)>0:
            g_helpers = [];
            for p in gl_pure:
            G_helpers = C.veccat(*g_helpers)

            self.Ghelper = C.Function('Ghelper',[G_helpers],g_helpers)

            self.Ghelper_inv = C.Function('Ghelper_inv',g_helpers,[G_helpers])
        codegen = False;
        if 'codegen' in options:
            codegen = options["codegen"]
            del options["codegen"]
        opt = {}
        if codegen:
            options["jit"] = True
            opt["jit"] = True
        gl_pure_v = C.MX()
        if len(gl_pure)>0:
           gl_pure_v = C.veccat(*gl_pure)

        if objective.is_vector() and objective.numel()>1:
            F = C.vec(objective)
            objective = 0.5*C.dot(F,F)
            FF = C.Function('nlp',[X,P], [F])
            JF = FF.jacobian()
            J_out = JF.call([X,P])
            J = J_out[0].T;
            H = C.mtimes(J,J.T)
            sigma = C.MX.sym('sigma')
            Hf = C.Function('H',dict(x=X,p=P,lam_f=sigma,hess_gamma_x_x=sigma*C.triu(H)),['x', 'p', 'lam_f', 'lam_g'],['hess_gamma_x_x'],opt)
            if "expand" in options and options["expand"]:
               Hf = Hf.expand()
            options["hess_lag"] = Hf
        nlp = {"x":X,"p":P,"f":objective,"g":gl_pure_v}

        self.solver = C.nlpsol('solver','ipopt', nlp, options)

        # Save to class properties
        self.symbols      = symbols
        self.helper       = helper
        self.helper_inv   = helper_inv
        self.gl_equality  = gl_equality
Ejemplo n.º 35
    ubg.append([0, 0])

# Concatenate vectors
w = ca.vertcat(*w)
g = ca.vertcat(*g)
x_plot = ca.horzcat(*x_plot)
u_plot = ca.horzcat(*u_plot)
w0 = np.concatenate(w0)
lbw = np.concatenate(lbw)
ubw = np.concatenate(ubw)
lbg = np.concatenate(lbg)
ubg = np.concatenate(ubg)

# Create an NLP solver
prob = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g}
solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob);

# Function to get x and u trajectories from w
trajectories = ca.Function('trajectories', [w], [x_plot, u_plot], ['w'], ['x', 'u'])

# Solve the NLP
sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
x_opt, u_opt = trajectories(sol['x'])
x_opt = x_opt.full() # to numpy array
u_opt = u_opt.full() # to numpy array

# Plot the result
tgrid = np.linspace(0, T, N+1)
plt.plot(tgrid, x_opt[0], '--')