def _substitute_symbols(self, expr, variables, parameters): if isinstance(expr, (int, float)): return expr for sym in symvar(expr): [child, name] = self.symbol_dict[sym.getName()] if name in child._variables: expr = substitute(expr, sym, variables[child.label, name]) elif name in child._parameters: expr = substitute(expr, sym, parameters[child.label, name]) return expr
def set_path(self, path, r2r=False): """Define an analytic expression of the geometric path. Note: The path must be defined as a function of self.s[0]. Args: path (list of SXMatrix): An expression of the geometric path as a function of self.s[0]. Its dimension must equal self.sys.ny r2r (boolean): Reparameterize path such that a rest to rest transition is performed Example: >>> S = FlatSystem(2, 4) >>> P = PathFollowing(S) >>> P.set_path([P.s[0], P.s[0]]) """ if isinstance(path, list): path = cas.vertcat(path) if r2r: path = cas.substitute(path, self.s[0], self._r2r()) self.path[:, 0] = path dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0]) for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1): self.path[:, i] = cas.mul( cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s), dot_s)
def check_ss_feasibility(self, tol=1e-6): """Returns whether path is steady state feasible. Args: tol (double): tolerance for feasibility check (default = 1e-6) Raises: warning when bounds may be too strict """ for i, f in enumerate(self.constraints): F = cas.substitute(f[0], self.sys.y, self.path) F1 = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [F - f[1]]) F2 = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [-F + f[2]]) F1.init() F2.init() c1 = np.array([evalf(F1, np.hstack([s, [1e-50] * (self.sys.order)])).T for s in self.prob['s']]) c2 = np.array([evalf(F2, np.hstack([s, [1e-50] * (self.sys.order)])).T for s in self.prob['s']]) if np.any(c1 + tol < 0): warnings.warn("lower bound of constraint %d may be to strict" % i) return False elif np.any(c2 + tol < 0): warnings.warn("upper bound of constraint %d may be to strict" % i) return False return True
def sx_to_double(sx1,variables,values): val1 = casadi.substitute(sx1,variables,values) val1 = casadi.getValue(val1) import numpy if numpy.isnan(val1): print 'sx_to_double:Warning: casadi.getValue returned nan! \ Make sure "sx1" is fully specified once \ "values" have been substituted for "variables"' return val1
def _get_solution(self): """Get the solution from the solver output Fills the dictionary self.sol with the information: * 's': The optimal s as a function of time * 't': The time vector * 'states': Numerical values of the states defined in self.sys TODO: perform accurate integration to determine time TODO: Do exact interpolation """ solver = self.prob['solver'] N = self.options['N'] x_opt = np.array(solver.getOutput("x")).ravel() b_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, -1), order='F') self.sol['b'] = b_opt # Determine time on a sufficiently fine spatial grid s0 = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001) delta = s0[1] - s0[0] pieces = [lambda s, b=b_opt, ss=ss, j=j: sum([bb * (s - ss) ** i / fact[i] for i, bb in enumerate(b[j])]) for j, ss in enumerate(self.prob['s'][:-1])] conds = lambda s0: [np.logical_and(self.prob['s'][i] <= s0, s0 <= self.prob['s'][i+1]) for i in range(N)] b0_opt = np.piecewise(s0, conds(s0), pieces) b0_opt[b0_opt < 0] = 0 time = np.cumsum(np.hstack([0, 2 * delta / (np.sqrt(b0_opt[:-1]) + np.sqrt(b0_opt[1:]))])) # Resample to constant time-grid t = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], self.options['Ts']) st = np.interp(t, time, s0) # Evaluate solution on equidistant time grid b_opt = np.c_[[np.piecewise(st, conds(st), pieces, b=b_opt[:, i:]) for i in range(self.sys.order)]].T st = np.matrix(st) # Determine s and derivatives from b_opt b, Ds = self._make_path()[1:] Ds_f = cas.SXFunction([b], [Ds]) # derivatives of s wrt b Ds_f.init() s_opt = np.hstack((st.T, np.array([evalf(Ds_f, bb).toArray().ravel() for bb in b_opt]))) self.sol['s'] = np.asarray(s_opt) self.sol['t'] = t # Evaluate the states f = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [cas.substitute(cas.vertcat(self.sys.x.values()), self.sys.y, self.path)]) f_val = np.array([evalf(f, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in s_opt]) self.sol['states'] = dict([(k, f_val[:, i]) for i, k in enumerate(self.sys.x.keys())])
def _check_for_lineq(self): g = [] for con in self.global_constraints: lb, ub = con[1], con[2] g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb) if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray): lb, ub = [lb], [ub] for k, _ in enumerate(lb): if lb[k] != ub[k]: return False, None, None sym, jac = [], [] for child, q_i in self.q_i.items(): for name, ind in q_i.items(): var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False) jj = jacobian(g, var) jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind]) sym.append(var) for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items(): for name, ind in q_ij.items(): var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False) jj = jacobian(g, var) jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind]) sym.append(var) for sym in symvar(jac): if sym not in self.par_global.values(): return False, None, None par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct) A, b = jac, -g for s in sym: A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape)) b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape)) dep_b = [ for s in symvar(b)] dep_A = [ for s in symvar(b)] for name, sym in self.par_global.items(): if in dep_b: b = substitute(b, sym, par[name]) if in dep_A: A = substitute(A, sym, par[name]) A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand() b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand() return True, A, b
def _check_for_lineq(self): g = [] for con in self.constraints: lb, ub = con[1], con[2] g = vertcat([g, con[0] - lb]) if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray): lb, ub = [lb], [ub] for k in range(len(lb)): if lb[k] != ub[k]: return False, None, None sym, jac = [], [] for child, q_i in self.q_i.items(): for name, ind in q_i.items(): var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False) jj = jacobian(g, var) jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]]) sym.append(var) for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items(): for name, ind in q_ij.items(): var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False) jj = jacobian(g, var) jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]]) sym.append(var) for sym in symvar(jac): if sym not in self.par_i.values(): return False, None, None par = struct_symMX(self.par_struct) A, b = jac, -g for s in sym: A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape)) b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape)) dep_b = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)] dep_A = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)] for name, sym in self.par_i.items(): if sym.getName() in dep_b: b = substitute(b, sym, par[name]) if sym.getName() in dep_A: A = substitute(A, sym, par[name]) A = MXFunction('A', [par], [A]).expand() b = MXFunction('b', [par], [b]).expand() return True, A, b
def _make_objective(self): """Construct objective function from the problem definition Make time optimal objective function and add a regularization to ensure a unique solution. When additional objective terms are defined these are added to the objective as well. TODO: Improve accuracy of integration """ order = self.sys.order N = self.options['N'] b = self.prob['vars'] # ds = 1.0/(N+1) obj = 2 * sum(np.diff(self.prob['s']) / (cas.sqrt(b[:N, 0]) + cas.sqrt(b[1:, 0]))) # reg = sum(cas.sqrt((b[1:, order - 1] - b[:N, order - 1]) ** 2)) reg = sum((b[2:, order - 1] - 2 * b[1:N, order - 1] + b[:(N - 1), order - 1]) ** 2) for f in self.objective['Lagrange']: path, bs = self._make_path()[0:2] # S = np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/(N+1)) S = self.prob['s'] b = self.prob['vars'] L = cas.substitute(f, self.sys.y, path) L = 2 * sum(cas.vertcat([ cas.substitute( L, cas.vertcat([self.s[0], bs]), cas.vertcat([S[j], b[j, :].T]) ) for j in range(1, N + 1) ]) * np.diff(self.prob['s']) / (cas.sqrt(b[:N, 0]) + cas.sqrt(b[1:, 0])) ) # L = sum(cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(L, cas.vertcat([self.s[0], # [bs[i] for i in range(0, bs.numel())]]), # cas.vertcat([S[j], [b[j, i] for i in range(0, self.sys.order)]])) # for j in range(0, N + 1)])) obj = obj + L self.prob['obj'] = obj + self.options['reg'] * reg
def _make_path(self): """Rewrite the path as a function of the optimization variables. Substitutes the time derivatives of s in the expression of the path by expressions that are function of b and its path derivatives by repeatedly applying the chainrule Returns: * SXMatrix. The substituted path * SXMatrix. b and the path derivatives * SXMatrix. The derivatives of s as a function of b """ b = cas.ssym("b", self.sys.order) db = cas.vertcat((b[1:], 0)) Ds = cas.SXMatrix.nan(self.sys.order) # Time derivatives of s Ds[0] = cas.sqrt(b[0]) Ds[1] = b[1] / 2 # Apply chainrule for finding higher order derivatives for i in range(1, self.sys.order - 1): Ds[i + 1] = (cas.mul(cas.jacobian(Ds[i], b), db) * self.s[1] + cas.jacobian(Ds[i], self.s[1]) * Ds[1]) Ds = cas.substitute(Ds, self.s[1], cas.sqrt(b[0])) return cas.substitute(self.path, self.s[1:], Ds), b, Ds
def get_function(self, function_name): if function_name in self.functions: return self.functions[function_name] try: tree = self.root.classes[function_name] except KeyError: raise Exception('Unknown function {}'.format(function_name)) inputs = [] outputs = [] tmp = [] for s in tree.symbols.values(): src = self.get_mx(s) if 'input' in s.prefixes: inputs.append(src) elif 'output' in s.prefixes: outputs.append(src) else: tmp.append(src) # Store current variable values values = {} for variable in inputs: values[variable] = variable # Process statements in order for statement in tree.statements: src = self.get_mx(statement) for assignment in src: [values[assignment.left]] = ca.substitute([assignment.right], list(values.keys()), list(values.values())) output_expr = ca.substitute([values[output] for output in outputs], tmp, [values[t] for t in tmp]) func = ca.Function(, inputs, output_expr) self.functions[function_name] = func return func
def _make_constraints(self): """ Parse the constraints and put them in the correct format """ N = self.options['N'] con = self._ode(self.prob['vars']) lb = np.alen(con) * [0] ub = np.alen(con) * [0] S = self.prob['s'] b = self.prob['vars'] path, bs = self._make_path()[0:2] sbs = cas.vertcat([self.s[0], bs]) Sb = cas.horzcat([S, b]).T for f in self.constraints: F = cas.substitute(f[0], self.sys.y, path) if f[3] is None: F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, sbs, Sb[:, j]) for j in xrange(N + 1)]) Flb = f[1](S) if hasattr(f[1], '__call__') else [f[1]] * len(S) Fub = f[2](S) if hasattr(f[2], '__call__') else [f[2]] * len(S) con.append(F) lb.extend(Flb) ub.extend(Fub) else: F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, sbs, Sb[:, j]) for j in f[3]]) con.append(F) lb.extend([f[1]]) ub.extend([f[2]]) if self.options['bc']: con.append(b[0, 0]) lb.append(0) ub.append(1e-50) con.append(b[-1, 0]) lb.append(0) ub.append(1e-50) self.prob['con'] = [con, lb, ub]
def tangent_approx(f: SYM, x: SYM, a: SYM = None, assert_linear: bool = False) -> Dict[str, SYM]: """ Create a tangent approximation of a non-linear function f(x) about point a using a block lower triangular solver 0 = f(x) = f(a) + J*x # taylor series about a (if f(x) linear in x, then globally valid) J*x = -f(a) # solve for x x = -J^{-1}f(a) # but inverse is slow, so we use solve where J = df/dx """ # find f(a) if a is None: a = ca.DM.zeros(x.numel(), 1) f_a = ca.substitute(f, x, a) # f(a) J = ca.jacobian(f, x) if assert_linear and ca.depends_on(J, x): raise AssertionError('not linear') # solve is smart enough to to convert to blt if necessary return ca.solve(J, -f_a)
def update_expressions(self): """ Update OCP expressions using current parameter values. """ ocp_expressions = [self.ocp.initial, self.ocp.ode, self.ocp.alg, self.ocp.path, self.ocp.point, self.ocp.mterm, self.ocp.lterm] parameters = casadi.vertcat([p.var() for p in self._parameters]) parameter_values = [p.getStart() for p in self._parameters] [self.initial, self.ode, self.alg, self.path, self.point, self.mterm, self.lterm] = casadi.substitute(ocp_expressions, [parameters], [parameter_values]) # Transform ODE RHS into residual if self._casadi_blt: self.ode = N.array(casadi.der(self.ocp.x)) - self.ode
def _get_solution(self): solver = self.prob['solver'] N = self.options['N'] Nc = self.options['Nc'] x_opt = np.array(solver.getOutput("x")).ravel() delta = np.diff(self.prob['s']) b_opt = np.reshape(x_opt[:self.sys.order * (N + 1)], (N + 1, -1), order='F') h_opt = np.reshape(x_opt[self.sys.order * (N + 1):], (Nc, -1), order='F') time = np.cumsum(np.hstack([0, 2 * delta / (np.sqrt(b_opt[:-1, 0]) + np.sqrt(b_opt[1:, 0]))])) # Resample to constant time-grid t = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], self.options['Nt']) b_opt = np.array([np.interp(t, time, b) for b in b_opt.T]).T # Get s and derivatives from b_opt s = np.interp(t, time, self.prob['s']) b, Ds = self._make_path()[1:] Ds_f = cas.SXFunction([b], [Ds]) # derivatives of s wrt b Ds_f.init() s_opt = np.vstack((s, np.vstack([evalf(Ds_f, bb).toArray().ravel() for bb in b_opt]).T)).T self.sol['s'] = s_opt self.sol['h'] = h_opt self.sol['b'] = b_opt self.sol['t'] = t # Evaluate the states basisH = self._make_basis() B = [[:, 0]), h_opt)] for i in range(1, self.h.size2()): # B.append(np.matrix([:, 0], i), h_opt))) Bi, p = basisH.derivative(i) B.append(np.matrix([:, 0]), p), h_opt))) f = cas.SXFunction([cas.vertcat([self.s, cas.vec(self.h)])], [cas.substitute(self.sys.x.values(), self.sys.y, self.path)]) f_val = np.array([evalf(f, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in np.hstack((s_opt, np.hstack(B)))]) self.sol['states'] = dict([(k, f_val[:, i]) for i, k in enumerate(self.sys.x.keys())])
def initialize(self, config_file=None): """ Initialize state vector with default values :param config_file: Path to an initialization file. """ if config_file: # TODO read start and stop time from config_file and call: # self.setup_experiment(start,stop) # for now, assume that setup_experiment was called beforehand raise NotImplementedError # Set values of parameters defined in the model into the state vector for var in self.__pymoca_model.parameters: # First check to see if parameter is already set (this allows child classes to override model defaults) if np.isfinite(self.get_var( continue # Also test to see if the value is constant if isinstance(var.value, ca.MX) and not var.value.is_constant(): continue # Try to extract the value try: # Extract the value as a python type val = var.python_type(var.value) except ValueError: # var.value is a float NaN being cast to non-float continue else: # If val is finite, we set it if np.isfinite(val): logger.debug( 'SimulationProblem: Setting parameter {} = {}'.format(, val)) self.set_var(, val) # Assemble initial residuals and set values from start attributes into the state vector constrained_residuals = [] minimized_residuals = [] for var in itertools.chain(self.__pymoca_model.states, self.__pymoca_model.alg_states): var_name = var_nominal = self.get_variable_nominal(var_name) # Attempt to cast var.start to python type mx_start = ca.MX(var.start) if mx_start.is_constant(): # cast var.start to python type start_val = var.python_type(mx_start.to_DM()) else: # var.start is a symbolic expression with unknown value start_val = None if start_val == 0.0 and not var.fixed: # To make initialization easier, we allow setting initial states by providing timeseries # with names that match a symbol in the model. We only check for this matching if the start # and fixed attributes were left as default try: start_val = self.initial_state()[var_name] except KeyError: pass else: # An initial state was found- add it to the constrained residuals logger.debug( 'Initialize: Added {} = {} to initial equations (found matching timeseries).' .format(var_name, start_val)) # Set var to be fixed var.fixed = True # Attempt to set start_val in the state vector. Default to zero if unknown. try: self.set_var(var_name, start_val if start_val is not None else 0.0) except KeyError: logger.warning( 'Initialize: {} not found in state vector. Initial value of {} not set.' .format(var_name, start_val)) # Add a residual for the difference between the state and its starting expression start_expr = start_val if start_val is not None else var.start if var.fixed: # require residual = 0 constrained_residuals.append( (var.symbol - start_expr) / var_nominal) else: # minimize residual minimized_residuals.append( (var.symbol - start_expr) / var_nominal) # Default start var for ders is zero for der_var in self.__mx['derivatives']: self.set_var(, 0.0) # Warn for nans in state vector (verify we didn't miss anything) self.__warn_for_nans() # Optionally encourage a steady-state initial condition if getattr(self, 'encourage_steady_state_initial_conditions', False): # add penalty for der(var) != 0.0 for d in self.__mx['derivatives']: logger.debug('Added {} to the minimized residuals.'.format( minimized_residuals.append(d) # Make minimized_residuals into a single symbolic object minimized_residual = ca.vertcat(*minimized_residuals) # Assemble symbolics needed to make a function describing the initial condition of the model # We constrain every entry in this MX to zero equality_constraints = ca.vertcat(self.__dae_residual, self.__initial_residual, *constrained_residuals) # The variables that need a mutually consistent initial condition X = ca.vertcat(*self.__sym_list[:self.__states_end_index]) # Make a list of unscaled symbols and a list of their scaled equivalent unscaled_symbols = [] scaled_symbols = [] for sym_name, nominal in self.__nominals.items(): # Add the symbol to the lists symbol = self.__sym_dict[sym_name] unscaled_symbols.append(symbol) scaled_symbols.append(symbol * nominal) # Make the lists symbolic unscaled_symbols = ca.vertcat(*unscaled_symbols) scaled_symbols = ca.vertcat(*scaled_symbols) # Substitute unscaled terms for scaled terms equality_constraints = ca.substitute(equality_constraints, unscaled_symbols, scaled_symbols) minimized_residual = ca.substitute(minimized_residual, unscaled_symbols, scaled_symbols) logger.debug('SimulationProblem: Initial Equations are ' + str(equality_constraints)) logger.debug('SimulationProblem: Minimized Residuals are ' + str(minimized_residual)) # State bounds can be symbolic, written in terms of parameters. After all # parameter values are known, we evaluate the numeric values of bounds. symbolic_bounds = ca.vertcat(*[ ca.horzcat(v.min, v.max) for v in itertools.chain( self.__pymoca_model.states, self.__pymoca_model.alg_states, self.__pymoca_model.der_states) ]) bound_evaluator = ca.Function('bound_evaluator', self.__mx['parameters'], [symbolic_bounds]) # Evaluate bounds using values of parameters n_parameters = len(self.__mx['parameters']) if n_parameters > 0: [evaluated_bounds ] =[-n_parameters:]) else: [evaluated_bounds] =[]) # Construct arrays of state bounds (used in the initialize() nlp, but not in __do_step rootfinder) self.__lbx = evaluated_bounds[:, 0] self.__ubx = evaluated_bounds[:, 1] # Constrain model equation residuals to zero lbg = np.zeros(equality_constraints.size1()) ubg = np.zeros(equality_constraints.size1()) # Construct objective function from the input residual objective_function =, minimized_residual) # Construct nlp and solver to find initial state using ipopt parameters = ca.vertcat(*self.__mx['time'], *self.__mx['constant_inputs'], *self.__mx['parameters']) nlp = { 'x': X, 'f': objective_function, 'g': equality_constraints, 'p': parameters } solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, self.solver_options()) # Construct guess guess = ca.vertcat( *np.nan_to_num(self.__state_vector[:self.__states_end_index])) # Find initial state initial_state = solver(x0=guess, lbx=self.__lbx, ubx=self.__ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, p=self.__state_vector[self.__states_end_index:]) # If unsuccessful, stop. return_status = solver.stats()['return_status'] if return_status not in { 'Solve_Succeeded', 'Solved_To_Acceptable_Level' }: raise Exception( 'Initialization Failed with return status "{}"'.format( return_status)) # Update state vector with initial conditions self.__state_vector[:self.__states_end_index] = initial_state[ 'x'][:self.__states_end_index].T # make a copy of the initialized initial state vector in case we want to run the model again self.__initialized_state_vector = copy.deepcopy(self.__state_vector) # Warn for nans in state vector after initialization self.__warn_for_nans()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Check arguments assert ('model_folder' in kwargs) # Log pymoca version logger.debug("Using pymoca {}.".format(pymoca.__version__)) # Transfer model from the Modelica .mo file to CasADi using pymoca if 'model_name' in kwargs: model_name = kwargs['model_name'] else: if hasattr(self, 'model_name'): model_name = self.model_name else: model_name = self.__class__.__name__ # Load model from pymoca backend self.__pymoca_model = pymoca.backends.casadi.api.transfer_model( kwargs['model_folder'], model_name, self.compiler_options()) # Extract the CasADi MX variables used in the model self.__mx = {} self.__mx['time'] = [self.__pymoca_model.time] self.__mx['states'] = [v.symbol for v in self.__pymoca_model.states] self.__mx['derivatives'] = [ v.symbol for v in self.__pymoca_model.der_states ] self.__mx['algebraics'] = [ v.symbol for v in self.__pymoca_model.alg_states ] self.__mx['parameters'] = [ v.symbol for v in self.__pymoca_model.parameters ] self.__mx['constant_inputs'] = [] self.__mx['lookup_tables'] = [] # TODO: implement delayed feedback delayed_feedback_variables = [] for v in self.__pymoca_model.inputs: if in delayed_feedback_variables: # Delayed feedback variables are local to each ensemble, and # therefore belong to the collection of algebraic variables, # rather than to the control inputs. self.__mx['algebraics'].append(v.symbol) else: if in kwargs.get('lookup_tables', []): self.__mx['lookup_tables'].append(v.symbol) else: # All inputs are constant inputs self.__mx['constant_inputs'].append(v.symbol) # Log variables in debug mode if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: logger.debug("SimulationProblem: Found states {}".format(', '.join( [ for var in self.__mx['states']]))) logger.debug("SimulationProblem: Found derivatives {}".format( ', '.join([ for var in self.__mx['derivatives']]))) logger.debug("SimulationProblem: Found algebraics {}".format( ', '.join([ for var in self.__mx['algebraics']]))) logger.debug("SimulationProblem: Found constant inputs {}".format( ', '.join([ for var in self.__mx['constant_inputs']]))) logger.debug("SimulationProblem: Found parameters {}".format( ', '.join([ for var in self.__mx['parameters']]))) # Initialize an AliasDict for nominals and types self.__nominals = AliasDict(self.alias_relation) self.__python_types = AliasDict(self.alias_relation) for v in itertools.chain(self.__pymoca_model.states, self.__pymoca_model.alg_states, self.__pymoca_model.inputs): sym_name = # Store the types in an AliasDict self.__python_types[sym_name] = v.python_type # If the nominal is 0.0 or 1.0 or -1.0, ignore: get_variable_nominal returns a default of 1.0 # TODO: handle nominal vectors (update() will need to load them) if ca.MX(v.nominal).is_zero() or ca.MX( v.nominal - 1).is_zero() or ca.MX(v.nominal + 1).is_zero(): continue else: if ca.MX(v.nominal).size1() != 1: logger.error( 'Vector Nominals not supported yet. ({})'.format( sym_name)) self.__nominals[sym_name] = ca.fabs(v.nominal) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: logger.debug( "SimulationProblem: Setting nominal value for variable {} to {}" .format(sym_name, self.__nominals[sym_name])) # Initialize DAE and initial residuals variable_lists = [ 'states', 'der_states', 'alg_states', 'inputs', 'constants', 'parameters' ] function_arguments = [self.__pymoca_model.time] + [ ca.veccat(*[ v.symbol for v in getattr(self.__pymoca_model, variable_list) ]) for variable_list in variable_lists ] self.__dae_residual = self.__pymoca_model.dae_residual_function( *function_arguments) self.__initial_residual = self.__pymoca_model.initial_residual_function( *function_arguments) if self.__initial_residual is None: self.__initial_residual = ca.MX() # Construct state vector self.__sym_list = self.__mx['states'] + self.__mx['algebraics'] + self.__mx['derivatives'] + \ self.__mx['time'] + self.__mx['constant_inputs'] + self.__mx['parameters'] self.__state_vector = np.full(len(self.__sym_list), np.nan) # A very handy index self.__states_end_index = len(self.__mx['states']) + \ len(self.__mx['algebraics']) + len(self.__mx['derivatives']) # Construct a dict to look up symbols by name (or iterate over) self.__sym_dict = OrderedDict( ((, sym) for sym in self.__sym_list)) # Assemble some symbolics, including those needed for a backwards Euler derivative approximation X = ca.vertcat(*self.__sym_list[:self.__states_end_index]) X_prev = ca.vertcat(*[ ca.MX.sym( + '_prev') for sym in self.__sym_list[:self.__states_end_index] ]) dt = ca.MX.sym("delta_t") # Make a list of derivative approximations using backwards Euler formulation derivative_approximation_residuals = [] for index, derivative_state in enumerate(self.__mx['derivatives']): derivative_approximation_residuals.append( derivative_state - (X[index] - X_prev[index]) / dt) # Append residuals for derivative approximations dae_residual = ca.vertcat(self.__dae_residual, *derivative_approximation_residuals) # TODO: implement lookup_tables # Make a list of unscaled symbols and a list of their scaled equivalent unscaled_symbols = [] scaled_symbols = [] for sym_name, nominal in self.__nominals.items(): index = self.__get_state_vector_index(sym_name) # If the symbol is a state, Add the symbol to the lists if index <= self.__states_end_index: unscaled_symbols.append(X[index]) scaled_symbols.append(X[index] * nominal) # Also scale previous states unscaled_symbols.append(X_prev[index]) scaled_symbols.append(X_prev[index] * nominal) # Substitute unscaled terms for scaled terms dae_residual = ca.substitute(dae_residual, ca.vertcat(*unscaled_symbols), ca.vertcat(*scaled_symbols)) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('SimulationProblem: DAE Residual is ' + str(dae_residual)) if X.size1() != dae_residual.size1(): logger.error( 'Formulation Error: Number of states ({}) does not equal number of equations ({})' .format(X.size1(), dae_residual.size1())) # Construct function parameters parameters = ca.vertcat(dt, X_prev, *self.__sym_list[self.__states_end_index:]) # Construct a function res_vals that returns the numerical residuals of a numerical state self.__res_vals = ca.Function("res_vals", [X, parameters], [dae_residual]) # Use rootfinder() to make a function that takes a step forward in time by trying to zero res_vals() options = {'nlpsol': 'ipopt', 'nlpsol_options': self.solver_options()} self.__do_step = ca.rootfinder("next_state", "nlpsol", self.__res_vals, options) # Call parent class for default behaviour. super().__init__()
def load_model(model_folder: str, model_name: str, compiler_options: Dict[str, str]) -> CachedModel: """ Loads a precompiled CasADi model into a CachedModel instance. :param model_folder: Folder where the precompiled CasADi model is located. :param model_name: Name of the model. :param compiler_options: Dictionary of compiler options. :returns: CachedModel instance. """ db_file = os.path.join(model_folder, model_name + ".pymoca_cache") if compiler_options.get('mtime_check', True): # Mtime check cache_mtime = os.path.getmtime(db_file) for folder in [model_folder] + compiler_options.get('library_folders', []): for root, dir, files in os.walk(folder, followlinks=True): for item in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.mo"): filename = os.path.join(root, item) if os.path.getmtime(filename) > cache_mtime: raise InvalidCacheError("Cache out of date") # Create empty model object model = CachedModel() # Load metadata with open(db_file, 'rb') as f: db = pickle.load(f) if db['version'] != __version__: raise InvalidCacheError('Cache generated for a different version of pymoca') # Check compiler options. We ignore the library folders, as they have # already been checked, and checking them will impede platform # portability of the cache. exclude_options = ['library_folders'] old_opts = {k: v for k, v in db['options'].items() if k not in exclude_options} new_opts = {k: v for k, v in compiler_options.items() if k not in exclude_options} if old_opts != new_opts: raise InvalidCacheError('Cache generated for different compiler options') # Pickles are platform independent, but dynamic libraries are not if compiler_options.get('codegen', False): if db['library_os'] != raise InvalidCacheError('Cache generated for incompatible OS') # Include references to the shared libraries for o in ['dae_residual', 'initial_residual', 'variable_metadata', 'delay_arguments']: if isinstance(db[o], str): # Path to codegen'd library f = ca.external(o, db[o]) else: # Pickled CasADi Function; use as is assert isinstance(db[o], ca.Function) f = db[o] setattr(model, '_' + o + '_function', f) # Load variables per category variables_with_metadata = ['states', 'alg_states', 'inputs', 'parameters', 'constants'] variable_dict = {} for key in variables_with_metadata: variables = getattr(model, key) for i, d in enumerate(db[key]): variable = Variable.from_dict(d) variables.append(variable) variable_dict[] = variable model.der_states = [Variable.from_dict(d) for d in db['der_states']] model.outputs = db['outputs'] model.delay_states = db['delay_states'] model.alias_relation = db['alias_relation'] # Evaluate variable metadata: parameter_vector = ca.veccat(*[v.symbol for v in model.parameters]) metadata = dict(zip(variables_with_metadata, model.variable_metadata_function(parameter_vector))) independent_metadata = dict(zip( variables_with_metadata, (np.array(x) for x in model.variable_metadata_function(ca.veccat(*[np.nan for v in model.parameters]))))) for k, key in enumerate(variables_with_metadata): m = db[key + "__metadata_dependent"] for i, d in enumerate(db[key]): variable = variable_dict[d['name']] for j, tmp in enumerate(CASADI_ATTRIBUTES): if m[i, j]: setattr(variable, tmp, metadata[key][i, j]) else: setattr(variable, tmp, independent_metadata[key][i, j]) # Evaluate delay arguments: if model.delay_states: args = [model.time, ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.states)), ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.der_states)), ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.alg_states)), ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.inputs)), ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.constants)), ca.veccat(*model._symbols(model.parameters))] delay_arguments_raw = model.delay_arguments_function(*args) nan_args = [ca.repmat(np.nan, *arg.size()) for arg in args] independent_delay_arguments_raw = model.delay_arguments_function(*nan_args) delay_expressions_raw = delay_arguments_raw[::2] delay_durations_raw = delay_arguments_raw[1::2] independent_delay_durations_raw = independent_delay_arguments_raw[1::2] assert 1 == len({len(delay_expressions_raw), len(delay_durations_raw), len(independent_delay_durations_raw)}) all_symbols = [model.time, *model._symbols(model.states), *model._symbols(model.der_states), *model._symbols(model.alg_states), *model._symbols(model.inputs), *model._symbols(model.constants), *model._symbols(model.parameters)] duration_dependencies = db['__delay_duration_dependent'] # Get rid of false dependency symbols not used in any delay # durations. This significantly reduces the work the (slow) # substitute() calls have to do later on. actual_deps = sorted(set(np.array(duration_dependencies).ravel())) actual_dep_symbols = [np.nan] * len(all_symbols) for i in actual_deps: actual_dep_symbols[i] = all_symbols[i] delay_durations_simplified = ca.Function( 'replace_false_deps', all_symbols, delay_durations_raw).call( actual_dep_symbols) # Get rid of remaining hidden dependencies in the delay durations for i, expr in enumerate(delay_expressions_raw): if duration_dependencies[i]: dur = delay_durations_simplified[i] if len(duration_dependencies[i]) < len(actual_deps): deps = set(ca.symvar(dur)) actual_deps = {all_symbols[j] for j in duration_dependencies[i]} false_deps = deps - actual_deps if false_deps: [dur] = ca.substitute( [dur], list(false_deps), [np.nan] * len(false_deps)) else: # Already removed all false dependencies pass else: dur = independent_delay_durations_raw[i] model.delay_arguments.append(DelayArgument(expr, dur)) # Try to coerce parameters into their Python types for p in model.parameters: for attr in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: v = getattr(p, attr) v_mx = ca.MX(v) if v_mx.is_constant() and v_mx.is_regular(): setattr(p, attr, p.python_type(v)) # Done return model
def exit_classDefinition(self, tree: etree._Element): # noqa: too-complex dae = HybridDae() dae.t = self.scope['time'] self.model[tree] = dae # handle component declarations for var_name, v in self.scope['var'].items(): variability = self.scope['prop'][var_name]['variability'] if variability == 'continuous': if var_name in self.scope['states']: dae.x = ca.vertcat(dae.x, v) dae.dx = ca.vertcat(dae.dx, self.der(v)) else: dae.y = ca.vertcat(dae.y, v) elif variability == 'discrete': dae.m = ca.vertcat(dae.m, v) elif variability == 'parameter': dae.p = ca.vertcat(dae.p, v) elif variability == 'constant': dae.p = ca.vertcat(dae.p, v) else: raise ValueError('unknown variability', variability) for eq in self.scope['eqs']: if isinstance(eq, self.sym): dae.f_x = ca.vertcat(dae.f_x, eq) # build reinit expression and discrete equations dae.f_i = dae.x dae.f_m = dae.m for eq in self.scope['when_eqs']: w = eq['cond'] for then_eq in eq['then']: if isinstance(then_eq, tuple): if then_eq[0] == 'reinit': sub_var = then_eq[1] sub_expr = ca.if_else(self.edge(w), then_eq[2], sub_var) dae.f_i = ca.substitute(dae.f_i, sub_var, sub_expr) elif isinstance(then_eq, self.sym): # this is a discrete variable assignment # so it should be a casadi subtraction y = x assert then_eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) and then_eq.n_dep() == 2 sub_var = then_eq.dep(0) sub_expr = ca.if_else(self.edge(w), then_eq.dep(1), sub_var) dae.f_m = ca.substitute(dae.f_m, sub_var, sub_expr) dae.t = self.scope['time'] dae.prop.update(self.scope['prop']) c_dict = self.scope['c'] for k in c_dict.keys(): dae.c = ca.vertcat(dae.c, k) dae.pre_c = ca.vertcat(dae.pre_c, self.pre_cond(k)) dae.f_c = ca.vertcat(dae.f_c, c_dict[k]) for left, right in [('f_c', 'c'), ('c', 'pre_c'), ('dx', 'x'), ('f_m', 'm')]: vl = getattr(dae, left) vr = getattr(dae, right) if vl.shape != vr.shape: raise ValueError('{:s} and {:s} must have the same shape:' '\n{:s}: {:s}\t{:s}: {:s}'.format( left, right, left, str(dae.f_m), right, str(dae.m))) = ca.vertcat(*self.scope['ng']) = ca.vertcat(*self.scope['nu']) n_eq = dae.f_x.shape[0] + dae.f_m.shape[0] n_var = dae.x.shape[0] + dae.m.shape[0] + dae.y.shape[0] if n_eq != n_var: raise ValueError('must have equal number of equations ' '{:d} and unknowns {:d}\n:{:s}'.format( n_eq, n_var, str(dae))) self.scope_stack.pop()
def _construct_upd_z_nlp(self): # construct variables self._var_struct_updz = struct([entry('z_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('z_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct)]) var = struct_symMX(self._var_struct_updz) z_i = self.q_i_struct(var['z_i']) z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(var['z_ij']) # construct parameters self._par_struct_updz = struct([entry('x_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('x_j', struct=self.q_ij_struct), entry('l_i', struct=self.q_i_struct), entry('l_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct), entry('t'), entry('T'), entry('rho'), entry('par', struct=self.par_struct)]) par = struct_symMX(self._par_struct_updz) x_i, x_j = self.q_i_struct(par['x_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['x_j']) l_i, l_ij = self.q_i_struct(par['l_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['l_ij']) t, T, rho = par['t'], par['T'], par['rho'] t0 = t/T # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0) self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i) self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij) # construct constraints constraints, lb, ub = [], [], [] for con in self.constraints: c = con[0] for sym in symvar(c): for label, child in if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1] v = z_i[label, name] ind = self.q_i[child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for label, child in if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1] v = z_ij[nghb.label, label, name] ind = self.q_ij[nghb][child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for name, s in self.par_i.items(): if s.getName() == sym.getName(): c = substitute(c, sym, par['par', name]) constraints.append(c) lb.append(con[1]) ub.append(con[2]) self.lb_updz, self.ub_updz = lb, ub # construct objective obj = 0. for child, q_i in self.q_i.items(): for name in q_i.keys(): x = x_i[child.label, name] z = z_i[child.label, name] l = l_i[child.label, name] obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z)) for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items(): for name in q_ij.keys(): x = x_j[str(nghb), child.label, name] z = z_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] l = l_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z)) # construct problem prob, compile_time = self.father.create_nlp(var, par, obj, constraints, self.options) self.problem_upd_z = prob
def convert_expr_from_time_to_tau(self, expr, t_k, t_kp1): t = self.t tau = self.tau h = t_kp1 - t_k return substitute(expr, t, tau * h + t_k)
def _nlp_solver(self, initial_cond, final_term_cost, trajectory_target, constraints): '''Setting up the non linear problem settings, manually discretizing each time step''' # Start with an empty NLP w = [] # free variables vector w_g = [] # initial guess lbw = [] # lower bounds of inputs ubw = [] # upper bounds of inputs J = 0 # initial value of cost func g = [] # constraints vector lbg = [] # lower bounds of constraints ubg = [] # upper bound of constraints # Defining a new time variable because we need MX here self.t = cs.MX.sym("t", 1) self.traj, self.traj_dot = self.format_trajectory(trajectory_target, self.t) # With SEA we have double the state variable and double the initial condition. # We assume to start on the equilibrium if self.sea and self.SEAdynamics: initial_cond = initial_cond * 2 # Finally, we integrate all over the timeframe dt = self.T / self.N # Defining the variables needed for the integration Xk = cs.MX.sym('X0', self.num_state_var * 2) # Adding it to the vector that has to be optimized w += [Xk] # Setting the initial condition w_g += initial_cond lbw += initial_cond ubw += initial_cond for k in range(self.N): # Variable for the control Uk = cs.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), self.num_joints) # generate the k-th control command, nx1 dimension w += [Uk] self.add_input_constraints(w_g, lbw, ubw) # Integrate till the end of the interval Fk = self.F(x0=Xk, p=Uk, time=dt * k) # This is the actual integration! Xk_next = Fk['xf'] J = J + Fk['qf'] # Add custom constraints if constraints is not None: self.add_custom_constraints(g, lbg, ubg, Xk, Uk, dt * k, constraints) # Defining a new state variable Xk = cs.MX.sym('X'+str(k+1), self.num_state_var * 2) w += [Xk] self.add_state_constraints(lbw, ubw, w_g, initial_cond) # Imposing equality constraint g += [Xk_next - Xk] # Imposing the state variables to work under the differential equation constraints lbg += [0] * (2 * self.num_state_var) ubg += [0] * (2 * self.num_state_var) # Setting constraints on the last timestep if constraints is not None: self.add_custom_constraints(g, lbg, ubg, Xk, None, self.T, constraints) # If we are optimizing for minimum T, we set its boundaries if isinstance(self.T, cs.casadi.MX): w += [self.T] w_g += [1.0] lbw += [0.05] ubw += [float('inf')] # Add a final term cost. If not specified is 0. if final_term_cost is not None: if self.sea and self.SEAdynamics: Q_dd = self.q_ddot_val(Xk[0:self.num_joints], Xk[self.num_joints:2 * self.num_joints], Xk[2*self.num_joints:3*self.num_joints], Xk[3*self.num_joints:4*self.num_joints], np.array([0]*self.num_joints)) else: Q_dd = self.q_ddot_val(Xk[0:self.num_joints], Xk[self.num_joints:2 * self.num_joints], np.array([0]*self.num_joints)) EE_pos = self.ee_pos(Xk[0:self.num_joints]) J = J + final_term_cost(Xk[0:self.num_joints] - cs.substitute(self.traj, self.t, self.T), Xk[self.num_joints:2*self.num_joints] - cs.substitute(self.traj_dot, self.t, self.T), Q_dd, EE_pos, Uk) # Adding constraint on final timestep if self.final_constraints is not None: self.add_custom_constraints(g, lbg, ubg, Xk, None, self.T, self.final_constraints, final=True) # Define the problem to be solved problem = {'f': J, 'x': cs.vertcat(*w), 'g': cs.vertcat(*g)} # NLP solver options opts = {} opts["ipopt"] = {'max_iter': self.max_iter} # Define the solver and add boundary conditions solver = cs.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', problem, opts) self.solver = solver(x0=w_g, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
def evalX(self, x, K): [X] = cs.substitute([self._X], [self._x, self._K], [x, K]) return cs.evalf(X)
def optim(x): #for x_i, value in zip(x, paramsFlat): #print '%s: %s' % (x_i, value) ret = casadi.substitute(ll, params, casadi.vertcat(*x)) return float(ret)
a = casadi.SX.sym #def __init__(self, mu, v, b, c, lamb, gamma, alpha, beta, omega, d, e): asVals=False params1 = Params('GARCH', 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, .0, 0, .10, .8, .001/STEPS, 2.1, 2.1, asVals=asVals) params2 = Params('GARCH', 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, .0, 0, .06, .92, .001/STEPS, 2.1, 6.8, asVals=True) with Timer('ll calc'): ll, (p_1, p_2, h_1, h_2) = loglikilihood(r, params1, params2) if not asVals: with Timer('subs model'): ll = params1.subsForModel(ll) #ll = params2.subsForModel(ll) params = casadi.vertcat(params1.vertcat) #, params2.vertcat) param_vals = casadi.vertcat(params1.vertcatvals) #, params2.vertcatvals) with Timer('subs ll'): print casadi.substitute(ll, params, param_vals) #with Timer('calc hess'): # hess = casadi.hessian(ll, params) #with Timer('subs hess'): # hessret = casadi.substitute(hess[0], params, param_vals) # hessret2 = casadi.substitute(hess[1], params, param_vals) with Timer('calc jacob'): jacob = casadi.jacobian(ll, params) with Timer('subs jacob'): jacobret = casadi.substitute(jacob, params, param_vals) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() bounds = [] paramsFlat = [params[x] for x in xrange(params.shape[0])] for count, value in enumerate(paramsFlat): bounds.append(params1.bound(value))
def rpm_sweep(prop_name, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0): prop_data = prop_db[prop_name] key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0] my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data'] CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CT) CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CP) eta_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J)) T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J)) states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop) params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, v_batt, Kv_motor, i0_motor, V_inf, R_motor) p0 = [1.225, prop_data['D'] / 2, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0] f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut]) f_Q_motor = ca.Function('Q_motor', [states, params], [Q_motor]) f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut]) f_eta_motor = ca.Function('eta_motor', [states, params], [eta_motor]) f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)]) f_eta = ca.Function('eta', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J) * eta_motor]) rpm = np.array([np.linspace(0, 4000, 1000)]) plt.figure() plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.title('prop motor matching') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('torque, N-m') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_T_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('thrust, N') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta(rpm, p0).T, label='total') plt.xlabel('prop angular velocity, rpm') plt.ylabel('efficiency') plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 1) ## scipy.sparse.csc_matrix is said to be better by casadi author f_eta_prop_array = np.array(f_eta_prop(rpm, p0))[0] max_eta_prop = np.nanmax(f_eta_prop_array) index = np.where(f_eta_prop_array == max_eta_prop) omega = rpm[0][index][0] T = np.array(f_T_prop(omega, p0))[0] Q = np.array(f_Q_prop(omega, p0))[0] display(Math(r'\eta_{prop, max} = ' + str(max_eta_prop) \ + r'\ at\ \Omega =\ ' + str(omega) + r'\ \frac{rev}{min}')) ## TODO get ideal motor properties in a dictionary and store them, including motor eta data = { 'prop_name': prop_name, 'max_eta_prop': max_eta_prop, 'omega': omega, 'T': T, 'Q': Q } store(data)
def defineOCP(self, ocp, DT=20, controlCost=0, xOpt=[], uOpt=[], finalStateCost=1, deltaUCons=[]): self.ocp = ocp ocp = self.ocp self.DT = DT self.n_k = int( / self.DT) self.controlCost = controlCost stateScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.x[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.x.size()) ]) algStateScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.z[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.z.size()) ]) controlScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.u[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.u.size()) ]) xOpt = xOpt / stateScaling uOpt = uOpt / controlScaling self.xOpt = xOpt self.uOpt = uOpt self.stateScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.x[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.x.size()) ]) self.algStateScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.z[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.z.size()) ]) self.controlScaling = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.u[k].getName()).nominal for k in range(ocp.u.size()) ]) odeS = C.substitute( ocp.ode(ocp.x), C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) / stateScaling algS = C.substitute( ocp.alg, C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) ltermS = C.substitute( ocp.lterm, C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) sysIn = C.daeIn(x=ocp.x, z=ocp.z, p=ocp.u, t=ocp.t) sysOut = C.daeOut(ode=odeS, alg=algS, quad=ltermS) odeF = C.SXFunction(sysIn, sysOut) odeF.init() C.Integrator.loadPlugin("idas") G = C.Integrator("idas", odeF) G.setOption("reltol", self.INTG_REL_TOL) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("abstol", self.INTG_ABS_TOL) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("max_multistep_order", 5) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("max_step_size", self.IDAS_MAX_STEP_SIZE) #for IDAS only G.setOption("tf", self.DT) self.G = G #============================================================================== # G.setOption('verbose',True) # G.addMonitor('res') # G.addMonitor('inputs') # G.addMonitor('outputs') #G.addMonitor('djacB') # G.addMonitor('bjacB') # G.addMonitor('jtimesB') # G.addMonitor('psetup') # G.addMonitor('psetupB') # G.addMonitor('psolveB') # G.addMonitor('resB') # G.addMonitor('resS') # G.addMonitor('rhsQB') #============================================================================== G.init() self.n_u = self.ocp.u.size() self.n_x = self.ocp.x.size() self.n_v = self.n_u * self.n_k + self.n_x * self.n_k self.V = C.MX.sym("V", int(self.n_v), 1) self.U, self.X = self.splitVariables(self.V) uMin = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.u[i].getName()).min.getValue() for i in range(self.n_u) ]) / controlScaling uMax = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.u[i].getName()).max.getValue() for i in range(self.n_u) ]) / controlScaling UMIN = C.vertcat([uMin for k in range(self.n_k)]) UMAX = C.vertcat([uMax for k in range(self.n_k)]) xMin = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.x[i].getName()).min.getValue() for i in range(self.n_x) ]) / stateScaling xMax = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.x[i].getName()).max.getValue() for i in range(self.n_x) ]) / stateScaling XMIN = C.vertcat([xMin for k in range(self.n_k)]) XMAX = C.vertcat([xMax for k in range(self.n_k)]) if len(deltaUCons) > 0: addDeltaUCons = True deltaUCons = deltaUCons / self.controlScaling else: addDeltaUCons = False pathIn = C.daeIn(x=ocp.x, z=ocp.z, p=ocp.u, t=ocp.t) pathVarNames = [sv.getName() for sv in ocp.beq(ocp.path)] pathScaling = C.vertcat([ocp.nominal(pv) for pv in pathVarNames]) pathS = C.substitute( ocp.beq(ocp.beq(ocp.path)), C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) / pathScaling pathConstraints = C.SXFunction(pathIn, [pathS]) pathMax = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(pathVarNames[i]).max.getValue() for i in range(ocp.path.size()) ]) / pathScaling pathMin = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(pathVarNames[i]).min.getValue() for i in range(ocp.path.size()) ]) / pathScaling pathConstraints.setOption("name", "PATH") pathConstraints.init() pathConstraints.setInput(xOpt, 'x') pathConstraints.setInput([], 'z') pathConstraints.setInput(uOpt, 'p') pathConstraints.setInput(0, 't') pathConstraints.evaluate() pathOpt = pathConstraints.getOutput() optimalValues = {} print 'min <= (name,optimal,nominal) <= max' for i in range(self.n_x): print ocp.variable( ocp.x[i].getName()).min.getValue(), ' <= (', ocp.x[i].getName( ), ',', xOpt[i] * stateScaling[i], ',', stateScaling[ i], ') <= ', ocp.variable( ocp.x[i].getName()).max.getValue() optimalValues[ocp.x[i].getName()] = xOpt[i] * stateScaling[i] for i in range(self.n_u): print ocp.variable( ocp.u[i].getName()).min.getValue(), ' <= (', ocp.u[i].getName( ), ',', uOpt[i] * controlScaling[i], ',', controlScaling[ i], ') <= ', ocp.variable( ocp.u[i].getName()).max.getValue() if addDeltaUCons: print -deltaUCons[i] * controlScaling[i], ' <= (Delta(', ocp.u[ i].getName(), ')/DTMPC,', 0, ',', controlScaling[ i], ') <= ', deltaUCons[i] * controlScaling[i] optimalValues[ocp.u[i].getName()] = uOpt[i] * controlScaling[i] for i in range(len(pathVarNames)): print ocp.variable(pathVarNames[i]).min.getValue( ), ' <= (', pathVarNames[i], ',', pathOpt[i] * pathScaling[ i], ',', pathScaling[i], ') <= ', ocp.variable( pathVarNames[i]).max.getValue() optimalValues[pathVarNames[i]] = pathOpt[i] * pathScaling[i] plotTags = [ocp.x[i].getName() for i in range(ocp.x.size())] plotTags = plotTags + [ocp.u[i].getName() for i in range(ocp.u.size())] plotTags = plotTags + [sv.getName() for sv in ocp.beq(ocp.path)] self.plotTags = plotTags self.optimalValues = optimalValues # Constraint functions g = [] g_min = [] g_max = [] self.XU0 = C.MX.sym("XU0", self.n_x + self.n_u, 1) Z = self.XU0[0:self.n_x] U0 = self.XU0[self.n_x:self.n_x + self.n_u] # Build up a graph of integrator calls obj = 0 zf = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.z[k].getName()).start for k in range(ocp.z.size()) ]) / algStateScaling for k in range(self.n_k): Z, QF, zf = C.integratorOut( G(C.integratorIn(x0=Z, p=self.U[k], z0=zf)), "xf", "qf", "zf") errU = self.U[k] - U0 obj = obj + QF + C.mul(C.mul(errU.T, controlCost), errU) U0 = self.U[k] # include MS constraints! g.append(Z - self.X[k]) g_min.append(NP.zeros(self.n_x)) g_max.append(NP.zeros(self.n_x)) Z = self.X[k] [pathCons] = C.daeIn(t=[], x=self.X[k], z=zf, p=self.U[k])) g.append(pathCons) ## be carefull on giving all inputs g_max.append(pathMax) g_min.append(pathMin) if addDeltaUCons: g.append(errU) g_max.append(deltaUCons * DT) g_min.append(-deltaUCons * DT) #errU = (self.U[-1]-uOpt) #errX = self.X[-1]-xOpt #obj = obj + finalStateCost*C.mul((errX).trans(),(errX))+C.mul(C.mul(errU.T,controlCost),errU) self.obj = obj ### Constrains g = C.vertcat(g) nlp = C.MXFunction(C.nlpIn(x=self.V, p=self.XU0), C.nlpOut(f=obj, g=g)) nlp.init() self.odeF = odeF self.nlp = nlp solver = C.NlpSolver('ipopt', nlp) # remove the comment to implement the hessian solver.setOption('hessian_approximation', 'limited-memory') # comment for exact hessian solver.setOption('print_user_options', 'no') solver.setOption("tol", self.IPOPT_tol) # IPOPT tolerance solver.setOption("dual_inf_tol", self.IPOPT_dual_inf_tol) # dual infeasibility solver.setOption("constr_viol_tol", self.IPOPT_constr_viol_tol) # primal infeasibility solver.setOption("compl_inf_tol", self.IPOPT_compl_inf_tol) # complementarity # solver.setOption("acceptable_tol",0.01) # solver.setOption("acceptable_obj_change_tol",1e-6) # solver.setOption("acceptable_constr_viol_tol",1e-6) solver.setOption("max_iter", self.IPOPT_max_iter) # IPOPT maximum iterations solver.setOption("print_level", self.IPOPT_print_level) solver.setOption("max_cpu_time", self.IPOPT_max_cpu_time) # IPOPT maximum iterations solver.init() ### Variable Bounds and initial guess solver.setInput(C.vertcat([UMIN, XMIN]), 'lbx') # u_L solver.setInput(C.vertcat([UMAX, XMAX]), 'ubx') # u_U solver.setInput(C.vertcat(g_min), 'lbg') # g_L solver.setInput(C.vertcat(g_max), 'ubg') # g_U self.solver = solver u0N = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.u[i].getName()).initialGuess.getValue() for i in range(self.n_u) ]) / controlScaling x0N = C.vertcat([ self.ocp.variable(self.ocp.x[i].getName()).initialGuess.getValue() for i in range(self.n_x) ]) / stateScaling USOL, XSOL = self.forwardSimulation(x0N, u0N) self.USOL = USOL self.XSOL = XSOL
def plotNLP(self, x0, DTplot=10, additionalplottags=None): plotH = [] plotAdd = [] plotT = [] plotTags = self.plotTags ocp = self.ocp algStateScaling = self.algStateScaling controlScaling = self.controlScaling stateScaling = self.stateScaling DT = self.DT Z = x0 / self.stateScaling odeF = self.odeF xOpt = self.xOpt uOpt = self.uOpt C.Integrator.loadPlugin("idas") G = C.Integrator("idas", odeF) G.setOption("reltol", self.INTG_REL_TOL) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("abstol", self.INTG_ABS_TOL) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("max_multistep_order", 5) #for CVODES and IDAS G.setOption("max_step_size", self.IDAS_MAX_STEP_SIZE) #for IDAS only G.setOption("tf", DTplot) G.init() pathIn = C.daeIn(x=ocp.x, z=ocp.z, p=ocp.u, t=ocp.t) if additionalplottags is None: Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') additionalplottags = Config.get('MultipleShooting', 'additionalplottags') additionalplottags = additionalplottags.split(',') self.additionalplottags = additionalplottags addTagScale = C.vertcat([ocp.nominal(pv) for pv in additionalplottags]) tagsFsx = C.substitute( C.vertcat([ocp.beq(sv) for sv in additionalplottags]), C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) tagsF = C.SXFunction(pathIn, [tagsFsx]) tagsF.init() tagsF.setInput(xOpt, 'x') tagsF.setInput([], 'z') tagsF.setInput(uOpt, 'p') tagsF.setInput(0, 't') tagsF.evaluate() addTagsOpt = tagsF.getOutput() for i in range(len(additionalplottags)): self.optimalValues[additionalplottags[i]] = addTagsOpt[i] sxPlotTags = C.vertcat([ocp.beq(tag) for tag in plotTags]) pathS = C.substitute( sxPlotTags, C.vertcat([ocp.x, ocp.z, ocp.u]), C.vertcat([ stateScaling * ocp.x, algStateScaling * ocp.z, controlScaling * ocp.u ])) pathF = C.SXFunction(pathIn, [pathS, tagsFsx]) pathF.init() nPlot = / DTplot)) zf = C.vertcat([ ocp.variable(ocp.z[k].getName()).start for k in range(ocp.z.size()) ]) / algStateScaling for k in range(self.n_k): try: for jp in range(nPlot): #Z,QF,zf = C.integratorOut(G(C.integratorIn(x0=Z,p=self.USOL[k],z0=zf)),"xf","qf","zf") G.setInput(Z, 'x0') G.setInput(self.USOL[k], 'p') G.evaluate() Z = G.getOutput('xf') QF = G.getOutput('qf') zf = G.getOutput('zf') pathF.setInput(Z, 'x') pathF.setInput(zf, 'z') pathF.setInput(self.USOL[k], 'p') t = k * DT + jp * DTplot pathF.setInput(t, 't') pathF.evaluate() p = pathF.getOutput(0) pAdd = pathF.getOutput(1) plotH.append(p) plotAdd.append(pAdd) plotT.append(t) Z = self.XSOL[k] except: print 'something bad happened', sys.exc_info()[0] break plotDic = {} plotDic['t'] = plotT for si in range(len(plotTags)): plotDic[plotTags[si]] = [i[si] for i in plotH] for si in range(len(additionalplottags)): plotDic[additionalplottags[si]] = [i[si] for i in plotAdd] self.plotDic = plotDic
def multiple_shooting(model, problem, time_vector, options=None, unpack_objective=False): opts = {} opts['integration_opts'] = None opts['leq0_only'] = False opts['with_initial_cnss'] = True opts['with_final_cnss'] = True if not options is None: for k in options.keys(): if k in opts: opts[k] = options[k] else: warn('Option not recognized : ' + k) nSteps = time_vector.numel() - 1 tsym = model.t dtsym = model.dt # collect the parameters if model.p != []: pnum = len(model.p) pindxs = list(range(pnum)) psyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.p]) pdata = [] for k in range(pnum): pdata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.p[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.p[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.p[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.p[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.p[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.p[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.p[k].lbl+"<p>",\ 'nme': model.p[k].nme }) plbl = ['<ocp_p>'] * pnum for i in range(pnum): if not model.p[i].lbl is None: plbl[i] += model.p[i].lbl else: pdata = [] pnum = 0 pindxs = [] psyms = cs.MX() plbl = [] # collect the states if model.x != []: xnum = len(model.x) xindxs = list(range(pnum, pnum + xnum)) xsyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.x]) xdata = [] for k in range(xnum): xdata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.x[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.x[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.x[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.x[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.x[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.x[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.x[k].lbl+"<x>",\ 'nme': model.x[k].nme }) xlbl = ['<ocp_x>'] * xnum for i in range(xnum): if not model.x[i].lbl is None: xlbl[i] += model.x[i].lbl else: xdata = [] xnum = 0 xindxs = [] xsyms = cs.MX() xlbl = [] # collect the dicrete transition states if model.y != []: ynum = len(model.y) yindxs = list(range(pnum + xnum, pnum + xnum + ynum)) ysyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.y]) ydata = [] for k in range(ynum): ydata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.y[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.y[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.y[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.y[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.y[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.y[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.y[k].lbl+"<y>",\ 'nme': model.y[k].nme }) ylbl = ['<ocp_y>'] * ynum for i in range(ynum): if not model.y[i].lbl is None: ylbl[i] += model.y[i].lbl else: ydata = [] ynum = 0 yindxs = [] ysyms = cs.MX() ylbl = [] # collect the slack variables if model.a != []: anum = len(model.a) aindxs = list(range(pnum + xnum + ynum, pnum + xnum + ynum + anum)) asyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.a]) adata = [] for k in range(anum): adata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.a[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.a[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.a[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.a[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.a[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.a[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.a[k].lbl+"<a>",\ 'nme': model.a[k].nme }) albl = ['<ocp_a>'] * anum for i in range(anum): if not model.a[i].lbl is None: albl[i] += model.a[i].lbl else: adata = [] anum = 0 aindxs = [] asyms = cs.MX() albl = [] # collect the continuous controls if model.u != []: unum = len(model.u) uindxs = list( range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum, pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum)) usyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.u]) udata = [] for k in range(unum): udata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.u[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.u[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.u[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.u[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.u[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.u[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.u[k].lbl+"<u>",\ 'nme': model.u[k].nme }) ulbl = ['<ocp_u>'] * unum for i in range(unum): if not model.u[i].lbl is None: ulbl[i] += model.u[i].lbl else: udata = [] unum = 0 uindxs = [] usyms = [] ulbl = [] # collect discrete controls if model.v != []: vnum = len(model.v) vindxs = list( range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum, pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum + vnum)) vsyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.v]) vdata = [] for k in range(vnum): vdata.append({'lob': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.v[k].lob,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.v[k].lob).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'upb': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.v[k].upb,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.v[k].upb).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'val': cs.repmat(cs.reshape(model.v[k].val,1,-1),1,int(cs.ceil((nSteps+1)/cs.DM(model.v[k].val).numel())))[:nSteps+1],\ 'lbl': model.v[k].lbl+"<v>",\ 'nme': model.v[k].nme }) vlbl = ['<ocp_v>'] * vnum for i in range(vnum): if not model.v[i].lbl is None: vlbl[i] += model.v[i].lbl else: vdata = [] vnum = 0 vindxs = [] vsyms = [] vlbl = [] # collect the external inputs if model.i != []: isyms = cs.vertcat(*[v.sym for v in model.i]) idata = cs.vertcat(*[v.val.T for v in model.i]) else: isyms = cs.DM() idata = cs.DM(0, nSteps + 1) # create the set of variables for multiple shooting syms = cs.vertcat(psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, usyms, vsyms) vardata = pdata + xdata + ydata + adata + udata + vdata numVars = len(vardata) # construct the problem variables problem.var['sym'] = cs.MX.sym( 'V', nSteps * numVars + pnum + xnum + ynum + anum, 1) problem.var['lob'] = cs.DM( cs.reshape(cs.vertcat(*[vardata[k]['lob'] for k in range(numVars)]), -1, 1)[:nSteps * numVars + anum + ynum + xnum + pnum]) problem.var['upb'] = cs.DM( cs.reshape(cs.vertcat(*[vardata[k]['upb'] for k in range(numVars)]), -1, 1)[:nSteps * numVars + anum + ynum + xnum + pnum]) problem.var['val'] = cs.DM( cs.reshape(cs.vertcat(*[vardata[k]['val'] for k in range(numVars)]), -1, 1)[:nSteps * numVars + anum + ynum + xnum + pnum]) problem.var['dsc'] = ([False] * (pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum) + [True] * vnum ) * nSteps + [False] * (pnum + xnum + ynum + anum) problem.var['nme'] = [ v['nme'] for v in pdata + xdata + ydata + adata + udata + vdata ] * nSteps + [v['nme'] for v in pdata + xdata + ydata + adata] problem.var['lbl'] = [ v['lbl'] for v in pdata + xdata + ydata + adata + udata + vdata ] * nSteps + [v['lbl'] for v in pdata + xdata + ydata + adata] problem.var['lam'] = None # collect data for multiple shooting shooting = {} shooting['t'] = time_vector.T shooting['dt'] = shooting['t'][1:] - shooting['t'][:-1] shooting['i'] = idata shooting['p'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps + 1) for j in pindxs ]], (pnum, nSteps + 1)) shooting['x'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps + 1) for j in xindxs ]], (xnum, nSteps + 1)) shooting['y'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps + 1) for j in yindxs ]], (ynum, nSteps + 1)) shooting['a'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps + 1) for j in aindxs ]], (anum, nSteps + 1)) shooting['u'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps) for j in uindxs ]], (unum, nSteps)) shooting['v'] = cs.reshape( problem.var['sym'][[ numVars * i + j for i in range(nSteps) for j in vindxs ]], (vnum, nSteps)) # collect the constraints labels_tmp = [] problem.cns = { 'exp': cs.MX(), 'lob': cs.DM(), 'upb': cs.DM(), 'lbl': [], 'lam': None } # add path constraints if model.pcns != []: if not opts['leq0_only']: pcnsf = cs.Function('pcns', [ cs.vertcat( tsym, psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms, dtsym, ) ], [cs.vertcat(*[c.exp for c in model.pcns])]) pcnsf = problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], pcnsf( cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1], shooting['x'][:, :-1], shooting['y'][:, :-1], shooting['a'][:, :-1], shooting['p'][:, :-1], shooting['i'][:, :-1], shooting['u'], shooting['v'], shooting['dt']))) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['lob'], cs.repmat(cs.vertcat(*[c.lob for c in model.pcns]), (1, nSteps))) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['upb'], cs.repmat(cs.vertcat(*[c.upb for c in model.pcns]), (1, nSteps))) labels_tmp += [ model.pcns[i].lbl + '<ocp_pc' + str(i) + '>' for i in range(len(model.pcns)) ] else: pcnsexp = cs.vertcat(*([c.lob - c.exp for c in model.pcns if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()] +\ [c.exp - c.upb for c in model.pcns if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()])) pcnsf = cs.Function('pcns', [ cs.vertcat(tsym, psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms, dtsym) ], [pcnsexp]) pcnsf = problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], pcnsf( cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1], shooting['x'][:, :-1], shooting['y'][:, :-1], shooting['a'][:, :-1], shooting['p'][:, :-1], shooting['i'][:, :-1], shooting['u'], shooting['v'], shooting['dt']))) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['lob'], -cs.DM.inf(pcnsexp.shape[0], nSteps)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(pcnsexp.shape[0], nSteps)) labels_tmp += [model.pcns[i].lbl + '<ocp_pc'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.pcns) if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()] +\ [model.pcns[i].lbl + '<ocp_pc'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.pcns) if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()] # parameters are treated like states with zero dynamics if model.p != []: # add constraints problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], shooting['p'][:, :-1] - shooting['p'][:, 1:]) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['lob'], cs.DM.zeros(pnum, nSteps)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(pnum, nSteps)) # collect shooting labels labels_tmp += ['<ocp_par' + str(i) + '>' for i in range(pnum)] # dynamic constraints if model.ode != []: # define integrator intg = integrate_ode( xsyms, cs.vertcat(tsym, ysyms, asyms, psyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms), model.ode, dtsym, opts['integration_opts']) # evaluate integration intg = intgval ={ 'x0': shooting['x'][:, :-1], 'p': cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1], shooting['y'][:, :-1], shooting['a'][:, :-1], shooting['p'][:, :-1], shooting['i'][:, :-1], shooting['u'], shooting['v'], shooting['dt']) }) # add integration constraints if not opts['leq0_only']: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], shooting['x'][:, 1:] - intgval['xf']) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['lob'], cs.DM.zeros(xnum, nSteps)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(xnum, nSteps)) # classify the resulting constraints tmp_order_a = get_order(cs.vertcat(*model.ode), [ syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum + vnum) ]) # global order tmp_order_c = get_order( cs.vertcat(*model.ode), [syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum) ]) # order considering the continuous variables only labels_tmp += [ '<ocp_int' + str(i) + '>' + '<semi_cvx>' * int(tmp_order_a[i] > 1) * int(tmp_order_c[i] <= 1) + '<non-convex>' * int(tmp_order_c[i] > 1) for i in range(xnum) ] else: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], shooting['x'][:, 1:] - intgval['xf'], intgval['xf'] - shooting['x'][:, 1:]) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['lob'], -cs.DM.inf(2 * xnum, nSteps)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(2 * xnum, nSteps)) # classify the resulting constraints tmp_order_a = get_order(cs.vertcat(*model.ode), [ syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum + vnum) ]) # global order tmp_order_c = get_order( cs.vertcat(*model.ode), [syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum) ]) # order considering the continuous variables only labels_tmp += 2 * [ '<ocp_int' + str(i) + '>' + '<semi_cvx>' * int(tmp_order_a[i] > 1) * int(tmp_order_c[i] <= 1) + '<non-convex>' * int(tmp_order_c[i] > 1) for i in range(xnum) ] # constraints for discrete transitions if model.itr != []: # define discrete transition itr = cs.Function('itr', [ cs.vertcat(tsym, psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms, dtsym) ], [cs.vertcat(*model.itr)]) # evaluate the discrete transitions itr = trans = itr( cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1], shooting['x'][:, :-1], shooting['y'][:, :-1], shooting['a'][:, :-1], shooting['p'][:, :-1], shooting['i'][:, :-1], shooting['u'], shooting['v'], shooting['dt'])) # add discrete transition constraints if not opts['leq0_only']: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], shooting['y'][:, 1:] - shooting['y'][:, :-1] - trans) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['lob'], cs.DM.zeros(trans.size())) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(trans.size())) # classify the resulting constraints tmp_order_a = get_order(cs.vertcat(*model.itr), [ syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum + vnum) ]) # global order tmp_order_c = get_order( cs.vertcat(*model.itr), [syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum) ]) # order considering the continuous variables only labels_tmp += [ '<ocp_dst' + str(i) + '>' + '<semi_cvx>' * int(tmp_order_a[i] > 1) * int(tmp_order_c[i] <= 1) + '<non-convex>' * int(tmp_order_c[i] > 1) for i in range(ynum) ] else: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['exp'], shooting['y'][:, 1:] - shooting['y'][:, :-1] - trans, -shooting['y'][:, 1:] + shooting['y'][:, :-1] + trans) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['lob'], -cs.DM.inf(trans.shape[0] * 2, trans.shape[1])) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(trans.shape[0] * 2, trans.shape[1])) # classify the resulting constraints tmp_order_a = get_order(cs.vertcat(*model.itr), [ syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum + vnum) ]) # global order tmp_order_c = get_order( cs.vertcat(*model.itr), [syms[i] for i in range(pnum + xnum + ynum + anum + unum) ]) # order considering the continuous variables only labels_tmp += 2 * [ '<ocp_dst' + str(i) + '>' + '<semi_cvx>' * int(tmp_order_a[i] > 1) * int(tmp_order_c[i] <= 1) + '<non-convex>' * int(tmp_order_c[i] > 1) for i in range(ynum) ] # reshape the constraints vector and add labels problem.cns['exp'] = cs.reshape(problem.cns['exp'], (-1, 1)) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.reshape(problem.cns['lob'], (-1, 1)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.reshape(problem.cns['upb'], (-1, 1)) problem.cns['lbl'] = labels_tmp * nSteps # add initial constraints if model.icns != [] and opts['with_initial_cnss']: if not opts['leq0_only']: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat(cs.substitute(cs.vertcat(*[c.exp for c in model.icns]),\ cs.vertcat(psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['p'][:,0],shooting['x'][:,0],shooting['y'][:,0],shooting['a'][:,0],shooting['i'][:,0])),\ problem.cns['exp']) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat( cs.vertcat(*[c.lob for c in model.icns]), problem.cns['lob']) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat( cs.vertcat(*[c.upb for c in model.icns]), problem.cns['upb']) problem.cns['lbl'] = [ model.icns[i].lbl + '<ocp_ic' + str(i) + '>' for i in range(len(model.icns)) ] + problem.cns['lbl'] else: icnsexp = cs.vertcat(*([c.lob - c.exp for c in model.icns if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()]+\ [c.exp - c.upb for c in model.icns if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()])) problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat(cs.substitute(icnsexp,\ cs.vertcat(psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['p'][:,0],shooting['x'][:,0],shooting['y'][:,0],shooting['a'][:,0],shooting['i'][:,0])),\ problem.cns['exp']) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(-cs.DM.inf(icnsexp.shape[0], 1), problem.cns['lob']) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(cs.DM.zeros(icnsexp.shape[0], 1), problem.cns['upb']) problem.cns['lbl'] = [c.lbl + '<ocp_ic'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.icns) if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()] +\ [c.lbl + '<ocp_ic'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.icns) if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()] +\ problem.cns['lbl'] # add final constraints if model.fcns != [] and opts['with_final_cnss']: if not opts['leq0_only']: problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['exp'],\ cs.substitute(cs.vertcat(*[c.exp for c in model.fcns]),\ cs.vertcat(psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['p'][:,-1],shooting['x'][:,-1],shooting['y'][:,-1],shooting['a'][:,-1],shooting['i'][:,-1]))) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['lob'], cs.vertcat(*[c.lob for c in model.fcns])) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat( problem.cns['upb'], cs.vertcat(*[c.upb for c in model.fcns])) problem.cns['lbl'] = problem.cns['lbl'] + [ model.fcns[i].lbl + '<ocp_fc' + str(i) + '>' for i in range(len(model.fcns)) ] else: fcnsexp = cs.vertcat(*([c.lob - c.exp for c in model.fcns if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()]+\ [c.exp - c.upb for c in model.fcns if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()])) problem.cns['exp'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['exp'],\ cs.substitute(fcnsexp,\ cs.vertcat(psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['p'][:,-1],shooting['x'][:,-1],shooting['y'][:,-1],shooting['a'][:,-1],shooting['i'][:,-1]))) problem.cns['lob'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['lob'], -cs.DM.inf(fcnsexp.shape[0], 1)) problem.cns['upb'] = cs.vertcat(problem.cns['upb'], cs.DM.zeros(fcnsexp.shape[0], 1)) problem.cns['lbl'] = problem.cns['lbl'] +\ [c.lbl + '<ocp_ic'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.fcns) if c.lob > -cs.DM.inf()] +\ [c.lbl + '<ocp_ic'+str(i)+'>' for i,c in enumerate(model.fcns) if c.upb < cs.DM.inf()] ## Construct the objective if unpack_objective: problem.obj = {'exp': cs.MX.zeros(shooting['t'].numel()), 'val': None} else: problem.obj = {'exp': cs.MX(0.0), 'val': None} # add lagrangian objective if not model.lag is None: # define integrator l0 = cs.MX.sym('l0') intg = integrate_ode( l0, cs.vertcat(tsym, psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms), [model.lag], dtsym, opts['integration_opts']).map(nSteps) # evaluate integration tmp ={'x0':cs.DM.zeros(nSteps).T,\ 'p':cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1],shooting['x'][:,:-1],shooting['y'][:,:-1],shooting['a'][:,:-1],shooting['p'][:,:-1],shooting['i'][:,:-1],shooting['u'],shooting['v'],shooting['dt'])})['xf'] if unpack_objective: problem.obj['exp'][:-1] += tmp.T else: problem.obj['exp'] += cs.sum2(tmp) # add discrete penalties if not model.ipn is None: ipnf = cs.Function('ipn', [ cs.vertcat(tsym, psyms, xsyms, ysyms, asyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms, dtsym) ], [model.ipn]).map(nSteps) tmp = ipnf( cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:-1], shooting['x'][:, :-1], shooting['y'][:, :-1], shooting['a'][:, :-1], shooting['p'][:, :-1], shooting['i'][:, :-1], shooting['u'], shooting['v'], shooting['dt'])) if unpack_objective: problem.obj['exp'][:-1] += tmp.T else: problem.obj['exp'] += cs.sum2(tmp) # add mayer objective if not model.may is None: tmp = cs.vertcat(problem.obj['exp'],cs.substitute(model.may,\ cs.vertcat(tsym,psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:,-1],shooting['p'][:,-1],shooting['x'][:,-1],shooting['y'][:,-1],shooting['a'][:,-1],shooting['i'][:,-1]))) tmp = cs.substitute(model.may,\ cs.vertcat(tsym,psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),\ cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:,-1],shooting['p'][:,-1],shooting['x'][:,-1],shooting['y'][:,-1],shooting['a'][:,-1],shooting['i'][:,-1])) if unpack_objective: problem.obj['exp'][-1] += tmp else: problem.obj['exp'] += tmp # add sos1 constraints if not model.sos1 is None: problem.sos1 = [] varsname = [v['nme'] for v in vardata] for c in range(len(model.sos1)): indxs = [ i for i in range(len(varsname)) if varsname[i] in model.sos1[c].group ] if model.sos1[c].weights != []: problem.sos1.append({'g': [[t*numVars + i for i in indxs] for t in range(nSteps)],\ 'w': [cs.substitute(model.sos1[c].weights,cs.vertcat(tsym,psyms,xsyms,ysyms,asyms,isyms),cs.vertcat(shooting['t'][:,-1],shooting['p'][:,-1],shooting['x'][:,-1],shooting['y'][:,-1],shooting['a'][:,-1],shooting['i'][:,-1])) for t in range(nSteps)]}) else: problem.sos1.append({ 'g': [[t * numVars + i for i in indxs] for t in range(nSteps)], 'w': [None] * nSteps }) return
def _create_jacobian_functions(self): """ Calculate the Jacobian functions of a DAE represented by an OptimizationProblem object. The DAE is represented by F(dx,x,u,c,t) = 0 The matrices are computed by evaluating Jacobians with CasADi. (That is, no numerical finite differences are used in the linearization.) The following functions are created: dF_dxdot: The derivative with respect to the derivative of the state variables. dF_dx: The derivative with respect to the state variables. dF_dc: The derivative function with respect to the algebraic variables. dF_du: The derivative with respect to the control signals. """ #Make sure every parameter has a value self.op.calculateValuesForDependentParameters() self._mvar_vectors = {'dx': N.array([self.op.getVariable('der(' + \ name + ')') for name in self._state_names]), 'x': N.array([self.op.getVariable(name) \ for name in self._state_names]), 'u': N.array([self.op.getVariable(name) \ for name in self._all_input_names]), 'c': N.array([self.op.getVariable(name) \ for name in self._alg_var_names])} self._nvar = { 'dx': len(self._mvar_vectors["dx"]), 'x': len(self._mvar_vectors["x"]), 'u': len(self._mvar_vectors["u"]), 'c': len(self._mvar_vectors["c"]) } # Sort parameters par_kinds = [ self.op.BOOLEAN_CONSTANT, self.op.BOOLEAN_PARAMETER_DEPENDENT, self.op.BOOLEAN_PARAMETER_INDEPENDENT, self.op.INTEGER_CONSTANT, self.op.INTEGER_PARAMETER_DEPENDENT, self.op.INTEGER_PARAMETER_INDEPENDENT, self.op.REAL_CONSTANT, self.op.REAL_PARAMETER_INDEPENDENT, self.op.REAL_PARAMETER_DEPENDENT ] pars = reduce( list.__add__, [list(self.op.getVariables(par_kind)) for par_kind in par_kinds]) self._mvar_vectors['p_fixed'] = [ par for par in pars if not self.op.get_attr(par, "free") ] # Create named symbolic variable structure named_mvar_struct = OrderedDict() named_mvar_struct["time"] = [self.op.getTimeVariable()] named_mvar_struct["dx"] = \ [mvar.getVar() for mvar in self._mvar_vectors['dx']] named_mvar_struct["x"] = \ [mvar.getVar() for mvar in self._mvar_vectors['x']] named_mvar_struct["c"] = \ [mvar.getVar() for mvar in self._mvar_vectors['c']] named_mvar_struct["u"] = \ [mvar.getVar() for mvar in self._mvar_vectors['u']] # Substitute named variables with vector variables in expressions named_vars = reduce(list.__add__, named_mvar_struct.values()) self._mvar_struct = OrderedDict() self._mvar_struct["time"] = casadi.MX.sym("time") self._mvar_struct["dx"] = casadi.MX.sym("dx", self._nvar['dx']) self._mvar_struct["x"] = casadi.MX.sym("x", self._nvar['x']) self._mvar_struct["c"] = casadi.MX.sym("c", self._nvar['c']) self._mvar_struct["u"] = casadi.MX.sym("u", self._nvar['u']) svector_vars = [self._mvar_struct["time"]] # Create map from name to variable index and type self._name_map = {} for vt in ["dx", "x", "c", "u"]: i = 0 for var in self._mvar_vectors[vt]: name = var.getName() self._name_map[name] = (i, vt) svector_vars.append(self._mvar_struct[vt][i]) i = i + 1 # DAEResidual in terms of the substituted variables self._dae = casadi.substitute([self.op.getDaeResidual()], named_vars, svector_vars) # Get parameter values par_vars = [par.getVar() for par in self._mvar_vectors['p_fixed']] par_vals = [ self.op.get_attr(par, "_value") for par in self._mvar_vectors['p_fixed'] ] # Substitute non-free parameters in expressions for their values DAE = casadi.substitute(self._dae, par_vars, par_vals) # Defines the DAEResidual Function self.Fdae = casadi.MXFunction([ self._mvar_struct["time"], self._mvar_struct["dx"], self._mvar_struct["x"], self._mvar_struct["c"], self._mvar_struct["u"] ], DAE) self.Fdae.init() # Define derivatives self.dF_dxdot = self.Fdae.jacobian(1, 0) self.dF_dxdot.init() self.dF_dx = self.Fdae.jacobian(2, 0) self.dF_dx.init() self.dF_dc = self.Fdae.jacobian(3, 0) self.dF_dc.init() self.dF_du = self.Fdae.jacobian(4, 0) self.dF_du.init()
def simplify(self, options): if options.get('replace_parameter_expressions', False):"Replacing parameter expressions") simple_parameters, symbols, values = [], [], [] for p in self.parameters: value = ca.MX(p.value) if value.is_constant(): simple_parameters.append(p) else: symbols.append(p.symbol) values.append(value) self.parameters = simple_parameters if len(values) > 0: # Resolve expressions that include other, non-simple parameter # expressions. converged = False while not converged: new_values = ca.substitute(values, symbols, values) converged = ca.is_equal(ca.veccat(*values), ca.veccat(*new_values), CASADI_COMPARISON_DEPTH) values = new_values if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute( self.initial_equations, symbols, values) # Replace parameter expressions in metadata for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants): for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(variable, attribute) if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant(): [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values) setattr(variable, attribute, value) if options.get('replace_constant_expressions', False):"Replacing constant expressions") simple_constants, symbols, values = [], [], [] for c in self.constants: value = ca.MX(c.value) if value.is_constant(): simple_constants.append(c) else: symbols.append(c.symbol) values.append(value) self.constants = simple_constants if len(values) > 0: # Resolve expressions that include other, non-simple parameter # expressions. converged = False while not converged: new_values = ca.substitute(values, symbols, values) converged = ca.is_equal(ca.veccat(*values), ca.veccat(*new_values), CASADI_COMPARISON_DEPTH) values = new_values if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute( self.initial_equations, symbols, values) # Replace constant expressions in metadata for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants): for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(variable, attribute) if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant(): [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values) setattr(variable, attribute, value) if options.get('eliminate_constant_assignments', False):"Elimating constant variable assignments") alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states]) reduced_equations = [] for eq in self.equations: if eq.is_symbolic() and in alg_states: constant = alg_states.pop( constant.value = 0.0 self.constants.append(constant) # Skip this equation continue if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)): if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(0).name( ) in alg_states and eq.dep(1).is_constant(): variable = eq.dep(0) value = eq.dep(1) elif eq.dep(1).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).name( ) in alg_states and eq.dep(0).is_constant(): variable = eq.dep(1) value = eq.dep(0) else: variable = None value = None if variable is not None: constant = alg_states.pop( if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB): constant.value = value else: constant.value = -value self.constants.append(constant) # Skip this equation continue # Keep this equation reduced_equations.append(eq) # Eliminate alias variables self.alg_states = list(alg_states.values()) self.equations = reduced_equations if options.get('replace_parameter_values', False):"Replacing parameter values") # N.B. Any parameter expression elimination must be done first. unspecified_parameters, symbols, values = [], [], [] for p in self.parameters: if ca.MX(p.value).is_constant() and ca.MX( p.value).is_regular(): symbols.append(p.symbol) values.append(p.value) else: unspecified_parameters.append(p) if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values) self.parameters = unspecified_parameters # Replace parameter values in metadata for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants): for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(variable, attribute) if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant(): [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values) setattr(variable, attribute, value) if options.get('replace_constant_values', False):"Replacing constant values") # N.B. Any parameter expression elimination must be done first. symbols = self._symbols(self.constants) values = [v.value for v in self.constants] if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values) self.constants = [] # Replace constant values in metadata for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants): for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(variable, attribute) if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant(): [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values) setattr(variable, attribute, value) if options.get('eliminable_variable_expression', None) is not None: "Elimating variables that match the regular expression {}". format(options['eliminable_variable_expression'])) p = re.compile(options['eliminable_variable_expression']) alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states]) variables = [] values = [] reduced_equations = [] for eq in self.equations: if eq.is_symbolic() and in alg_states and p.match( variables.append(eq) values.append(0.0) del alg_states[] # Skip this equation continue if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)): if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(0).name( ) in alg_states and p.match(eq.dep(0).name()): variable = eq.dep(0) value = eq.dep(1) elif eq.dep(1).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).name( ) in alg_states and p.match(eq.dep(1).name()): variable = eq.dep(1) value = eq.dep(0) else: variable = None value = None if variable is not None: del alg_states[] variables.append(variable) if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB): values.append(value) else: values.append(-value) # Skip this equation continue # Keep this equation reduced_equations.append(eq) # Eliminate alias variables self.alg_states = list(alg_states.values()) self.equations = reduced_equations if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, variables, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, variables, values) if options.get('expand_vectors', False):"Expanding vectors") symbols = [] values = [] for l in [ 'states', 'der_states', 'alg_states', 'inputs', 'parameters', 'constants' ]: old_vars = getattr(self, l) new_vars = [] for old_var in old_vars: if old_var.symbol.numel() > 1: rows = [] for i in range(old_var.symbol.size1()): cols = [] for j in range(old_var.symbol.size2()): if old_var.symbol.size1( ) > 1 and old_var.symbol.size2() > 1: component_symbol = ca.MX.sym( '{}[{},{}]'.format(, i, j)) elif old_var.symbol.size1() > 1: component_symbol = ca.MX.sym( '{}[{}]'.format(, i)) elif old_var.symbol.size2() > 1: component_symbol = ca.MX.sym( '{}[{}]'.format(, j)) else: raise AssertionError component_var = Variable( component_symbol, old_var.python_type) for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = ca.MX(getattr(old_var, attribute)) if value.size1() == old_var.symbol.size1( ) and value.size2( ) == old_var.symbol.size2(): setattr(component_var, attribute, value[i, j]) elif value.size1() == old_var.symbol.size1( ): setattr(component_var, attribute, value[i]) elif value.size2() == old_var.symbol.size2( ): setattr(component_var, attribute, value[j]) else: assert value.size1() == 1 assert value.size2() == 1 setattr(component_var, attribute, value) cols.append(component_var) rows.append(cols) symbols.append(old_var.symbol) values.append( ca.vertcat(*[ ca.horzcat(*[v.symbol for v in row]) for row in rows ])) new_vars.extend(itertools.chain.from_iterable(rows)) else: new_vars.append(old_var) setattr(self, l, new_vars) if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values) self.equations = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ca.vertsplit(ca.vec(eq)) for eq in self.equations)) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values) self.initial_equations = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ca.vertsplit(ca.vec(eq)) for eq in self.initial_equations)) # Replace values in metadata for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants): for attribute in CASADI_ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(variable, attribute) if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant(): [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values) setattr(variable, attribute, value) if options.get('factor_and_simplify_equations', False): # Operations that preserve the equivalence of an equation # TODO: There may be more, but this is the most frequent set unary_ops = ca.OP_NEG, ca.OP_FABS, ca.OP_SQRT binary_ops = ca.OP_MUL, ca.OP_DIV # Recursive factor and simplify function def factor_and_simplify(eq): # These are ops that can simply be dropped if eq.n_dep() == 1 and eq.op() in unary_ops: return factor_and_simplify(eq.dep()) # These are binary ops and can get a little tricky # For now, we just drop constant divisors or multipliers elif eq.n_dep() == 2 and eq.op() in binary_ops: if eq.dep(1).is_constant(): return factor_and_simplify(eq.dep(0)) elif eq.dep(0).is_constant() and eq.op() == ca.OP_MUL: return factor_and_simplify(eq.dep(1)) # If no hits, return unmodified return eq # Do the simplifications simplified_equations = [ factor_and_simplify(eq) for eq in self.equations ] # Debugging output if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: changed_equations = [ (o, s) for o, s in zip(self.equations, simplified_equations) if o is not s ] for orig, simp in changed_equations: logger.debug('Equation {} simplified to {}'.format( orig, simp)) # Store changes self.equations = simplified_equations if options.get('detect_aliases', False):"Detecting aliases") states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.states]) der_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.der_states]) alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states]) inputs = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.inputs]) parameters = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.parameters]) all_states = OrderedDict() all_states.update(states) all_states.update(der_states) all_states.update(alg_states) all_states.update(inputs) all_states.update(parameters) alias_rel = AliasRelation() # For now, we only eliminate algebraic states. do_not_eliminate = set( list(der_states) + list(states) + list(inputs) + list(parameters)) reduced_equations = [] for eq in self.equations: if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)): if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).is_symbolic(): if eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states: alg_state = eq.dep(0) other_state = eq.dep(1) elif eq.dep(1).name() in alg_states: alg_state = eq.dep(1) other_state = eq.dep(0) else: alg_state = None other_state = None # If both states are algebraic, we need to decide which to eliminate if eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states and eq.dep( 1).name() in alg_states: # Most of the time it does not matter which one we eliminate. # The exception is if alg_state has already been aliased to a # variable in do_not_eliminate. If this is the case, setting the # states in the default order will cause the new canonical variable # to be other_state, unseating (and eliminating) the current # canonical variable (which is in do_not_eliminate). if alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate: # swap the states other_state, alg_state = alg_state, other_state if alg_state is not None: # Check to see if we are linking two entries in do_not_eliminate if alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate and \ alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate: # Don't do anything for now, we only eliminate alg_states pass else: # Eliminate alg_state by aliasing it to other_state if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB): alias_rel.add(, else: alias_rel.add(, '-' + # To keep equations balanced, drop this equation continue # Keep this equation reduced_equations.append(eq) # Eliminate alias variables variables, values = [], [] for canonical, aliases in alias_rel: canonical_state = all_states[canonical] python_type = canonical_state.python_type start = canonical_state.start m, M = canonical_state.min, canonical_state.max nominal = canonical_state.nominal fixed = canonical_state.fixed for alias in aliases: if alias[0] == '-': sign = -1 alias = alias[1:] else: sign = 1 alias_state = all_states[alias] variables.append(alias_state.symbol) values.append(sign * canonical_state.symbol) # If any of the aliases has a nonstandard type, apply it to # the canonical state as well if alias_state.python_type != float: python_type = alias_state.python_type # If any of the aliases has a nondefault start value, apply it to # the canonical state as well alias_state_start = ca.MX(alias_state.start) if alias_state_start.is_regular( ) and not alias_state_start.is_zero(): start = sign * alias_state.start # The intersection of all bound ranges applies m = ca.fmax( m, alias_state.min if sign == 1 else -alias_state.max) M = ca.fmin( M, alias_state.max if sign == 1 else -alias_state.min) # Take the largest nominal of all aliases nominal = ca.fmax(nominal, alias_state.nominal) # If any of the aliases is fixed, the canonical state is as well fixed = ca.fmax(fixed, alias_state.fixed) del all_states[alias] canonical_state.aliases = aliases canonical_state.python_type = python_type canonical_state.start = start canonical_state.min = m canonical_state.max = M canonical_state.nominal = nominal canonical_state.fixed = fixed self.states = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in states] self.der_states = [ v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in der_states ] self.alg_states = [ v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in alg_states ] self.inputs = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in inputs] self.parameters = [ v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in parameters ] self.equations = reduced_equations if len(self.equations) > 0: self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, variables, values) if len(self.initial_equations) > 0: self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, variables, values) if options.get('reduce_affine_expression', False):"Collapsing model into an affine expression") for equation_list in ['equations', 'initial_equations']: equations = getattr(self, equation_list) if len(equations) > 0: states = ca.veccat(*self._symbols( itertools.chain(self.states, self.der_states, self.alg_states, self.inputs))) constants = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.constants)) parameters = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.parameters)) equations = ca.veccat(*equations) Af = ca.Function('Af', [states, constants, parameters], [ca.jacobian(equations, states)]) bf = ca.Function('bf', [states, constants, parameters], [equations]) # Work around CasADi issue #172 if len(self.constants) == 0 or not ca.depends_on( equations, constants): constants = 0 else: logger.warning( 'Not all constants have been eliminated. As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.' ) if len(self.parameters) == 0 or not ca.depends_on( equations, parameters): parameters = 0 else: logger.warning( 'Not all parameters have been eliminated. As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.' ) A = Af(0, constants, parameters) b = bf(0, constants, parameters) # Replace veccat'ed states with brand new state vectors so as to avoid the value copy operations induced by veccat. self._states_vector = ca.MX.sym( 'states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.states)])) self._der_states_vector = ca.MX.sym( 'der_states_vector', sum([ s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.der_states) ])) self._alg_states_vector = ca.MX.sym( 'alg_states_vector', sum([ s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.alg_states) ])) self._inputs_vector = ca.MX.sym( 'inputs_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.inputs)])) states_vector = ca.vertcat(self._states_vector, self._der_states_vector, self._alg_states_vector, self._inputs_vector) equations = [ ca.reshape(ca.mtimes(A, states_vector), equations.shape) + b ] setattr(self, equation_list, equations) if options.get('expand_mx', False):"Expanded MX functions will be returned") self._expand_mx_func = lambda x: x.expand()"Finished model simplification")
def convert_expr_from_tau_to_time(self, expr, t_k, t_kp1): t = self.t tau = self.tau h = t_kp1 - t_k return substitute(expr, tau, (t - t_k) / h)
def construct_upd_xz(self, problem=None): # construct optifather & give reference to problem self.father_updx = OptiFather( self.problem.father = self.father_updx # define z_ij variables init = self.q_ij_struct(0) for nghb, q_ij in self.q_ij.items(): for child, q_j in q_ij.items(): for name, ind in q_j.items(): var = np.array(child._values[name]) v = var.T.flatten()[ind] init[nghb.label, child.label, name, ind] = v z_ij = self.define_variable( 'z_ij', self.q_ij_struct.shape[0], value=np.array( # define parameters l_ij = self.define_parameter('l_ij', self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]) l_ji = self.define_parameter('l_ji', self.q_ji_struct.shape[0]) # put them in the struct format z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij) l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij) l_ji = self.q_ji_struct(l_ji) # get (part of) variables x_i = self._get_x_variables(symbolic=True) # construct local copies of parameters par = {} for name, s in self.par_global.items(): par[name] = self.define_parameter(name, s.shape[0], s.shape[1]) if problem is None: # get time info t = self.define_symbol('t') T = self.define_symbol('T') t0 = t/T # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0) self._transform_spline(x_i, tf, self.q_i) self._transform_spline([z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij) self._transform_spline(l_ji, tf, self.q_ji) # construct objective obj = 0. for child, q_i in self.q_i.items(): for name in q_i.keys(): x = x_i[child.label][name] for nghb in self.q_ji.keys(): l = l_ji[str(nghb), child.label, name] obj += mtimes(l.T, x) for nghb, q_j in self.q_ij.items(): for child in q_j.keys(): for name in q_j[child].keys(): z = z_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] l = l_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name] obj -= mtimes(l.T, z) self.define_objective(obj) # construct constraints for con in self.global_constraints: c = con[0] for sym in symvar(c): for label, child in if in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[][1] v = x_i[label][name] ind = self.q_i[child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for nghb in self.q_ij.keys(): for label, child in if in child.symbol_dict: name = child.symbol_dict[][1] v = z_ij[nghb.label, label, name] ind = self.q_ij[nghb][child][name] sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size()) sym2[ind] = v sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape) c = substitute(c, sym, sym2) break for name, s in self.par_global.items(): if == c = substitute(c, sym, par[name]) lb, ub = con[1], con[2] self.define_constraint(c, lb, ub) # construct problem prob, buildtime = self.father_updx.construct_problem( self.options, str(self._index), problem) self.problem_upd_xz = prob self.father_updx.init_transformations(self.problem.init_primal_transform, self.problem.init_dual_transform) self.init_var_dd() return buildtime
def plot(self, p=[['states'], ['constraints']], tikz=False, show=True): """Plot states and/or constraints. Args: p (list of lists): Each inner list defines a plot window. The inner lists either contain the strings 'states' and/or 'constraints', the name of a state defined in ``self.sys`` or a CasADi expression in terms of the flat outputs. When giving a CasADi expression you can optionally supply a y-label by passing it as a tuple. tikz (boolean): When true the plot is saved to a .tikz file which you can include in you latex documents to produce beautiful plots (default False) show (boolean): When True the plot is shown by invoking show() from matplotlib (default True) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for plots in p: fig = plt.figure() j = 1 m = (len(plots) + ('states' in plots) * (self.sys._nx - 1) + ('constraints' in plots) * (len(self.constraints) - 1)) for l in plots: if l in self.sys.x.keys(): ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], self.sol['states'][l]) plt.ylabel(l) plt.xlabel('time') j += 1 elif (l == 'states'): for i, k in enumerate(self.sol[l].keys()): ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], self.sol[l][k]) plt.ylabel(k) plt.xlabel('time') j += 1 elif l == 'constraints': for i, f in enumerate(self.constraints): F = cas.substitute(f[0], self.sys.y, self.path) F = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [F]) F.init() Flb = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [f[1]]) Fub = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [f[2]]) c = np.array([evalf(F, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in self.sol['s']]) cub = np.array([evalf(Fub, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in self.sol['s']]) clb = np.array([evalf(Flb, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in self.sol['s']]) ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], c) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], clb, color='black') ax.plot(self.sol['t'], cub, color='black') j += 1 elif isinstance(l, tuple): if isinstance(l[1], cas.SXMatrix): F = cas.substitute(l[1], self.sys.y, self.path) F = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [F]) F.init() c = np.array([evalf(F, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in self.sol['s']]) ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], c) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], l[1]) plt.ylabel(l[0]) plt.xlabel('time') j += 1 else: if isinstance(l, cas.SXMatrix): F = cas.substitute(l, self.sys.y, self.path) F = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [F]) F.init() c = np.array([evalf(F, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in self.sol['s']]) ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], c) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(m / int(np.sqrt(m)) + np.mod(m, 2), int(np.sqrt(m)), j) ax.plot(self.sol['t'], l) plt.xlabel('time') j += 1 if tikz and len(p) == 1: from matplotlib2tikz import save as tsave tsave('_'.join(p[0]) + '.tikz') if show:
def exit_classDefinition(self, tree: etree._Element): # noqa: too-complex dae = HybridDae() dae.t = self.scope['time'] self.model[tree] = dae # handle component declarations for var_name, v in self.scope['var'].items(): variability = self.scope['prop'][var_name]['variability'] if variability == 'continuous': if var_name in self.scope['states']: dae.x = ca.vertcat(dae.x, v) dae.dx = ca.vertcat(dae.dx, self.der(v)) else: dae.y = ca.vertcat(dae.y, v) elif variability == 'discrete': dae.m = ca.vertcat(dae.m, v) elif variability == 'parameter': dae.p = ca.vertcat(dae.p, v) elif variability == 'constant': dae.p = ca.vertcat(dae.p, v) else: raise ValueError('unknown variability', variability) for eq in self.scope['eqs']: if isinstance(eq, self.sym): dae.f_x = ca.vertcat(dae.f_x, eq) # build reinit expression and discrete equations dae.f_i = dae.x dae.f_m = dae.m for eq in self.scope['when_eqs']: w = eq['cond'] for then_eq in eq['then']: if isinstance(then_eq, tuple): if then_eq[0] == 'reinit': sub_var = then_eq[1] sub_expr = ca.if_else(self.edge(w), then_eq[2], sub_var) dae.f_i = ca.substitute(dae.f_i, sub_var, sub_expr) elif isinstance(then_eq, self.sym): # this is a discrete variable assignment # so it should be a casadi subtraction y = x assert then_eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) and then_eq.n_dep() == 2 sub_var = then_eq.dep(0) sub_expr = ca.if_else(self.edge(w), then_eq.dep(1), sub_var) dae.f_m = ca.substitute(dae.f_m, sub_var, sub_expr) dae.t = self.scope['time'] dae.prop.update(self.scope['prop']) c_dict = self.scope['c'] for k in c_dict.keys(): dae.c = ca.vertcat(dae.c, k) dae.pre_c = ca.vertcat(dae.pre_c, self.pre_cond(k)) dae.f_c = ca.vertcat(dae.f_c, c_dict[k]) for l, r in [('f_c', 'c'), ('c', 'pre_c'), ('dx', 'x'), ('f_m', 'm')]: vl = getattr(dae, l) vr = getattr(dae, r) if vl.shape != vr.shape: raise ValueError( '{:s} and {:s} must have the same shape:' '\n{:s}: {:s}\t{:s}: {:s}'.format( l, r, l, str(dae.f_m), r, str(dae.m))) = ca.vertcat(*self.scope['ng']) = ca.vertcat(*self.scope['nu']) n_eq = dae.f_x.shape[0] + dae.f_m.shape[0] n_var = dae.x.shape[0] + dae.m.shape[0] + dae.y.shape[0] if n_eq != n_var: raise ValueError( 'must have equal number of equations ' '{:d} and unknowns {:d}\n:{:s}'.format( n_eq, n_var, str(dae))) self.scope_stack.pop()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Benchmark my casadi-based dynamic equations import casadi from carousel_model import DAE_RHS, ODE_RHS, q, dq, ddq, constants, inputs # Specialize dynamic equations for the constants (modeling parameters) eqns = casadi.substitute(ODE_RHS,constants.keys(),constants.values()) ins = casadi.vertcat([q,dq,inputs]) f = casadi.SXFunction([ins],[eqns]) f.init() f.generateCode('carousel_model.c') #from cse import cse #from carousel_model import ODE_RHS as f #cn = casadi.countNodes #f2 = cse(f) #print cn(f) #print cn(f2)
def substitute_nodes(self, f): return [ casadi.substitute([f], sub[0], sub[1])[0] for sub in self.node_substitutions ]
def subsForModel(self, ll): subs = self._getSubs() params = casadi.vertcat(*[getattr(self, p) for p, _ in subs]) paramVals = casadi.vertcat(*[val for _, val in subs]) return casadi.substitute(ll, params, paramVals)
def _make_constraints(self): """Parse the constraints and put them in the correct format""" N = self.options['N'] Nc = self.options['Nc'] b = self.prob['vars'][0] H = self.prob['vars'][1] # ODEs # ~~~~ con = self._ode(b) lb = np.alen(con) * [0] ub = np.alen(con) * [0] # Convex combination # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ con.append(cas.sumCols(H)) lb.extend([1] * Nc) ub.extend([1] * Nc) # Sample constraints # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S = self.prob['s'] path, bs = self._make_path()[0:2] basisH = self._make_basis() B = [np.matrix(basisH(S))] # TODO!!! ============================================================ for i in range(1, self.h.size2()): # B.append(np.matrix(basisH.derivative(S, i))) Bi, p = basisH.derivative(i) B.append(np.matrix(, p))) # ==================================================================== for f in self.constraints: F = cas.substitute(f[0], self.sys.y, path) if f[3] is None: F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, cas.vertcat([ self.s[0], bs, cas.vec(self.h)]), cas.vertcat([ S[j], cas.vec(b[j, :]), cas.vec(cas.vertcat([cas.mul(B[i][j, :], H) for i in range(self.h.size2())]).trans()) ])) for j in range(N + 1)]) Flb = [evalf(cas.SXFunction([self.s], [cas.SXMatrix(f[1])]), s).toArray().ravel() for s in S] Fub = [evalf(cas.SXFunction([self.s], [cas.SXMatrix(f[2])]), s).toArray().ravel() for s in S] con.append(F) lb.extend(Flb) ub.extend(Fub) else: F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, cas.vertcat([ self.s[0], bs, cas.vec(self.h)]), cas.vertcat([ S[j], cas.vec(b[j, :]), cas.vec(cas.vertcat([cas.mul(B[i][j, :], H) for i in range(self.h.size2())]).trans()) ])) for j in f[3]]) con.append(F) lb.extend([f[1]]) ub.extend([f[2]]) self.prob['con'] = [con, lb, ub]
def fprime(x): ret= casadi.substitute(jacob, params, casadi.vertcat(*x)) ret= numpy.array([float(ret[i]) for i in xrange(ret.shape[1])]) return ret
def _create_problem(self, model, sampled_parameter): # Problem problem = OptimalControlProblem(model) = + '_PCE' problem.p_opt = substitute(self.socp.p_opt, self.socp.get_p_without_p_unc(), problem.model.p_sym) problem.theta_opt = substitute(self.socp.theta_opt, self.socp.model.theta_sym, problem.model.theta_sym) problem.x_max = repmat(vertcat(self.socp.x_max, inf), self.n_samples) problem.y_max = repmat(self.socp.y_max, self.n_samples) problem.u_max = self.socp.u_max problem.delta_u_max = self.socp.delta_u_max problem.p_opt_max = self.socp.p_opt_max problem.theta_opt_max = self.socp.theta_opt_max problem.x_min = repmat(vertcat(self.socp.x_min, -inf), self.n_samples) problem.y_min = repmat(self.socp.y_min, self.n_samples) problem.u_min = self.socp.u_min problem.delta_u_min = self.socp.delta_u_min problem.p_opt_min = self.socp.p_opt_min problem.theta_opt_min = self.socp.theta_opt_min problem.t_f = self.socp.t_f if depends_on(self.socp.g_eq, self.socp.model.x_sym) or depends_on( self.socp.g_eq, self.socp.model.y_sym): raise NotImplementedError( 'Case where "g_eq" depends on "model.x_sym" or "model.y_sym" is not implemented ' ) if depends_on(self.socp.g_ineq, self.socp.model.x_sym) or depends_on( self.socp.g_ineq, self.socp.model.y_sym): raise NotImplementedError( 'Case where "g_ineq" depends on "model.x_sym" ' 'or "model.y_sym" is not implemented ') original_vars = vertcat(self.socp.model.u_sym, self.socp.get_p_without_p_unc(), self.socp.model.theta_sym, self.socp.model.t_sym, self.socp.model.tau_sym) new_vars = vertcat(problem.model.u_sym, problem.model.p_sym, problem.model.theta_sym, problem.model.t_sym, problem.model.tau_sym) if not self.socp.n_h_initial == self.socp.model.n_x: problem.h_initial = vertcat( problem.h_initial, substitute(self.socp.h_initial[:self.socp.model.n_x], original_vars, new_vars)) problem.h_final = substitute(self.socp.h_final, original_vars, new_vars) problem.g_eq = substitute(self.socp.g_eq, original_vars, new_vars) problem.g_ineq = substitute(self.socp.g_ineq, original_vars, new_vars) problem.time_g_eq = self.socp.time_g_eq problem.time_g_ineq = self.socp.time_g_ineq for i in range(self.socp.n_uncertain_initial_condition): ind = self.socp.get_uncertain_initial_cond_indices()[i] x_ind_s = problem.model.x_0_sym[ind::(self.socp.model.n_x + 1)] problem.h_initial = substitute( problem.h_initial, x_ind_s, sampled_parameter[self.socp.n_p_unc + i, :].T) problem.h_final = substitute( problem.h_final, x_ind_s, sampled_parameter[self.socp.n_p_unc + i, :].T) problem.g_eq = substitute( problem.g_eq, x_ind_s, sampled_parameter[self.socp.n_p_unc + i, :].T) problem.g_ineq = substitute( problem.g_ineq, x_ind_s, sampled_parameter[self.socp.n_p_unc + i, :].T) problem.last_u = self.socp.last_u problem.y_guess = repmat( self.socp.y_guess, self.n_samples) if self.socp.y_guess is not None else None problem.u_guess = self.socp.u_guess problem.x_0 = repmat( vertcat(self.socp.x_0, 0), self.n_samples) if self.socp.x_0 is not None else None problem.parametrized_control = self.socp.parametrized_control problem.positive_objective = self.socp.parametrized_control problem.NULL_OBJ = self.socp.NULL_OBJ if not is_equal(self.socp.S, 0) or not is_equal(self.socp.V, 0): raise NotImplementedError return problem