Ejemplo n.º 1
    ('C#', 1), ('D#', 3), ('F#', 6), ('G#', 8), ('A#', 10), ('C', 0), ('D', 2),
    ('E', 4), ('F', 5), ('G', 7), ('A', 9), ('B', 11)
]  # have to check the sharps first so it doesn't switch 'C#' into 'w0#'

fullKeyTable = [[[]]]  #outer level: major/melodic minor/harmonic minor
#middle level: the twelve "root keys": C, C#, D, D#, etc.
#inner level: all the chords within that root key
fullKeyTable[0][0] = ["C", "Dm", "Em", "F", "G", "G7", "Am", "Bdim"]  #major
    [["Cm", "Dm", "D#7", "F", "G", "G7", "Adim",
      "Bdim"]])  #melodic minor... note D#aug converted to D#7 by our casting
fullKeyTable.append([["Cm", "Ddim", "D#7", "Fm", "G", "G7", "G#",
                      "Bdim"]])  #harmonic minor
for k in range(0, len(fullKeyTable)):
    for i in range(1, 12):
        curKey = []
        for j in range(0, len(fullKeyTable[k][0])):
            tempChord = caster.makeFlatsSharps(fullKeyTable[k][0][j])
                    caster.letterChordToNumChord(tempChord, noteNums), i))

with open("key_table_UTF-8.txt", "w") as f:
    for level in fullKeyTable:
        for key in level:
            for note in key:
                note = caster.numChordToLetterChord(note)
                f.write(note + " "),
print("Finished generating key tables")
Ejemplo n.º 2
        #We should append A minor still?

    #now cast our chords to simplify them

    #make a new list with the cast of each chord, using the table, and count the amount of each chord
    castedChords = []
    #have to check the sharps first so it doesn't switch 'C#' into 'w0#'
    noteNums = [('C#', 1), ('D#', 3), ('F#', 6), ('G#', 8), ('A#', 10),
                ('C', 0), ('D', 2), ('E', 4), ('F', 5), ('G', 7), ('A', 9),
                ('B', 11)]

    for origChord in origChords:
        #example of process: E/C# -> w4/w1 -> w0/w9 (store shift as 4) -> C/A -> Am -> w9m -> w1m -> C#m
        #convert origChord to numeral version
        origChord = caster.makeFlatsSharps(origChord)
        tempChord = caster.letterChordToNumChord(origChord, noteNums)
        #shift numeral chord to C numeral version
        if tempChord[1]=='1' and len(tempChord)>2 and \
            (tempChord[2]=='0' or tempChord[2]=='1'):
            rootNum = int(tempChord[1:3])
            rootNum = int(tempChord[1])
        shift = rootNum
        tempChord = caster.shiftNumChord(tempChord, -shift)
        #convert C numeral version to C letter version
        tempChord = caster.numChordToLetterChord(tempChord)
        #cast C letter version using table
        for chord in castingTable:
            if tempChord == chord[0]:
                tempChord = chord[1]
def convert(input_file, output_file):

    #Example input and output files
    #input_file = "chords_uku_english_only_songmarkers_empty_lines_removed.txt"
    #output_file = "rns_uku_english_only_songmarkers_empty_lines_removed.txt"

    #global scope variables
    noteNums = [
        ('C#', 1), ('D#', 3), ('F#', 6), ('G#', 8), ('A#', 10), ('C', 0),
        ('D', 2), ('E', 4), ('F', 5), ('G', 7), ('A', 9), ('B', 11)
    ]  # have to check the sharps first so it doesn't switch 'C#' into 'w0#'

    # read in cadence casting table
    with open('cadence_casting_UTF-8.txt', 'r') as f:
        inputs = []
        outputs = []
        exploLine = []
        for line in f:
            exploLine = line.split("\t")
            exploLine[0] = exploLine[0].replace('\xef\xbb\xbf',
                                                '')  # clean up special chars
                '\\ufeff', '').strip())  # clean up the special chars
                '\n', '').strip())  # clean up special chars
        castingTable = list(zip(
            inputs, outputs))  # convert casting table to a list of tuples
        print("Opened Cadence Casting Table")
    print(castingTable)  # test to make sure we've read in the table correctly

    # read in key tables for finding tonic num
    keyTable = []
    with open('key_table_UTF-8.txt', 'r') as f:
        curLine = f.readline()
        while (curLine != ""):
            curLine = f.readline()
    print(keyTable)  # test to make sure we've read table correctly

    #read in chords from file, song by song
    #split is by "  | | S O N G M A R K E R | |", and it starts with lyrics and the songmarker is AFTER each song

    with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
        with open(output_file, 'w') as out:
            curLine = f.readline()
            while (curLine != ""):
                #--STAGE 0: RESET--
                origChords = []
                numChords = []
                tonicNum = 0
                songmarker = ""

                #--STAGE 1: READING SONG--
                if (curLine != "\n" and curLine.find("SONG OVER") == -1):
                    while (curLine.find("SONG OVER") == -1
                           ):  #while we're not at the Songmarker
                        lineChords = curLine.split()
                        for chord in lineChords:
                            '\n')  #keep output of original file intact
                        curLine = f.readline()
                    songmarker = curLine  #make sure we print the songmarker line after each song
                # now we've hit a songmarker, so let's move on to processing!
                        curLine)  #keep the formatting of original file intact

                #--STAGE 2: PROCESSING--
                #only process if there actually are chords in origChords
                if (len(origChords) > 0):
                    #find tonic chord
                    tonicNum = findTonicNumNo7.findTonicNumNo7(
                        origChords, keyTable)

                    #convert all chords in song to number chords
                    for origChord in origChords:
                        origChord = caster.makeFlatsSharps(origChord)
                        # shift numeral chord to relative to C (w0)
                                    origChord, noteNums), -tonicNum))

                    #cast to correct interval based on semitones
                    #we convert each chord to its interval notation (e.g. V, vi, I, etc.)
                    for i in range(0, len(numChords)):
                        for chord in castingTable:
                            if numChords[i] == chord[0]:
                                numChords[i] = chord[1]
                                break  #break out of inner loop

                    for numChord in numChords:
                        if numChord != '\n':
                            out.write(" ")
                curLine = f.readline()