Ejemplo n.º 1
def multi_electron(undulator, electron_beam, screen, file):
    Calculate wavefront from multi-electron source to screens.
    Args: undulator     - the parameters of undualtor.
          electron_beam - the parameters of electron_beam.
          screen        - the parameters of screen.
          file          - file name.
    Return: None.

    rank = _multi._get_rank()

    _create_source_propagate(undulator, electron_beam, screen, file)

    # Choose different CMD methods for different size matrix. Depend on the
    # experience, 150**2 is setted as a boundary.

    if screen["nx"] * screen["ny"] < 150**2:
        if rank == 0:

            # scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh is arnoldi method, single process


        # if matrix is too large, multi-process arnoldi method is used.

        _source_utils._arnoldi_cmd(screen["nx"] * screen["ny"],
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _cal_wfrs(undulator, electron_beam, screen, file_name=None, method='srw'):
    calculate wavefronts from electron source to screens.
    args: undulator     - the parameters of undualtor.
          electron_beam - the parameters of electron_beam.
          screen        - the parameters of screen.
          file          - file name.
    return: none.

    # The multi_process parameters

    c_rank = _multi._get_rank()
    n_rank = _multi._get_size()

    # The construction of undulator

    und = _undulator(undulator)
    und_magnetic_structure = und.magnetic_structure()

    # The construction of electron beam

    e_beam = _srw_electron_beam(electron_beam, und.n_period, und.period_length)
    screen['screen'] = screen['screen'] - e_beam.initial_z / 2

    # for 'vib'

    vir_part_beam, wavelength, resonance_energy = e_beam.after_monte_carlo(
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], und.period_length, und.k_vertical, und.k_horizontal)
    vir_wavefront = _propagate_wave_front(screen, resonance_energy)
    vir_wavefront._cal_wave_front(vir_part_beam, und_magnetic_structure)
    vir_wavefront = np.reshape(vir_wavefront.wfr.arEx,
                               (screen['nx'], screen['ny'], 2))
    vir_wavefront = vir_wavefront[:, :, 0] + 1j * vir_wavefront[:, :, 1]

    # The parameters of undulator and beam

    # reset number of electrons for the multi_layer_svd method
    n_electron = electron_beam['n_electron']

    if n_electron > _N_SVD_TOL * (n_rank - 1) and n_electron < _N_SVD_TOP * (
            n_rank - 1):
        n_electron = n_electron + (_N_SVD_OPT - n_electron % _N_SVD_OPT)

    n_points = screen['nx'] * screen['ny']
    electron_count, electron_index = _support._cal_rank_part(
        n_electron, n_rank)

    xtick = np.linspace(screen['xstart'], screen['xfin'], screen['nx'])
    ytick = np.linspace(screen['ystart'], screen['yfin'], screen['ny'])
    gridx, gridy = np.meshgrid(xtick, ytick)

    # Set monte carlo random seed

    random.seed(c_rank * 123)
    newSeed = random.randint(0, 1000000)

    # wavefront calculation

    if c_rank > 0:

        n_electron_per_process = electron_count[c_rank - 1]
        e_crank_count, e_crank_index = _support._cal_part(
            n_electron_per_process, 500)


        flag = 0

        for i_part in e_crank_count:

            wfr_arrays = np.zeros((i_part, n_points), dtype=complex)

            for ie in range(i_part):

                rand_array = [random.gauss(0, 1) for ir in range(5)]

                part_beam, wavelength, resonance_energy = e_beam.after_monte_carlo(
                    rand_array, und.period_length, und.k_vertical,

                if method is 'srw':

                    # The magnetic structure setting

                    wavefront = _propagate_wave_front(screen, resonance_energy)
                    wfr_arex = np.reshape(np.array(wavefront.wfr.arEx),
                                          (screen['nx'], screen['ny'], 2))
                    wfr_arex = wfr_arex[:, :, 0] + 1j * wfr_arex[:, :, 1]

                    ie_wfr = np.reshape(wfr_arex, (1, n_points))

                elif method is 'vib':

                    offset_x = part_beam.partStatMom1.x
                    angle_x = part_beam.partStatMom1.xp
                    offset_y = part_beam.partStatMom1.y
                    angle_y = part_beam.partStatMom1.yp

                    # phase shift

                    rot_x_phase = np.exp(
                        -1j * (2 * np.pi / wavelength) *
                        (angle_x * gridx -
                         (1 - np.cos(angle_x)) * screen['screen']))
                    rot_y_phase = np.exp(
                        -1j * (2 * np.pi / wavelength) *
                        (angle_y * gridy -
                         (1 - np.cos(angle_y)) * screen['screen']))

                    # offset range

                    offset_x = offset_x + np.sin(angle_x) * screen['screen']
                    offset_y = offset_y + np.sin(angle_y) * screen['screen']

                    # calculate range

                    x_00, x_01, x_10, x_11 = _support._shift_plane(
                        offset_x, xtick, screen['xstart'], screen['xfin'],
                    y_00, y_01, y_10, y_11 = _support._shift_plane(
                        offset_y, ytick, screen['ystart'], screen['yfin'],

                    shift_wfr = np.zeros((screen['nx'], screen['ny']),
                              x_10:x_11] = ((vir_wavefront * rot_x_phase *
                    ie_wfr = np.reshape(shift_wfr, (1, n_points))

                wfr_arrays[ie, :] = ie_wfr

            # save wavefront

            _file_utils._save_multi_wfrs(c_rank, wfr_arrays,
                                         e_crank_index[flag][-1] + 1,
            flag += 1

        # source_file.close()

        _multi._send(np.array(1, dtype='i'), dtype=_multi.i, tag=c_rank)


    if c_rank == 0:

        import os
        import h5py as h

        if os.path.isfile(file_name): os.remove(file_name)

        with h.File(file_name, 'a') as f:

            descript = f.create_group("description")
            _support._dict_to_h5(descript, electron_beam)
            _support._dict_to_h5(descript, undulator)
            _support._dict_to_h5(descript, screen)
            descript.create_dataset("wavelength", data=wavelength)

        print("wavefront calculation start..... ", flush=True)

        for i in range(n_rank - 1):
            flag = _multi._recv(1,
                                source=i + 1,
                                tag=i + 1)

        print("wavefront calculation finished.", flush=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _arnoldi_cmd(n_points, n_vector=500, file_name="test.h5"):
    CSD CMD arnoldi method.
    Args: n_points  - the size (one dimension) of matrix
          n_vector  - the number of vectors to approxmite.
          file_name - 

    Return: None.

    # The multi process parameters

    n_rank = _multi._get_size()
    rank = _multi._get_rank()

    # multi-process distribution plan

    count, index = _cal_rank_part(n_points, n_rank)
    order = 2 * n_vector + 1

    # construct guess_vector, shcur and hess matrix. loading csd matrix and
    # distrub csd parts to different multi-process

    if rank == 0:

        print("| coherent mode calculation start.|", flush=True)

        # construct guess_vector and normalise.

        guess_vector = np.random.random(n_points)
        guess_vector = guess_vector / np.linalg.norm(guess_vector)

        schur = np.zeros((order, n_points), dtype=np.complex128)
        schur_conj = np.copy(schur)
        schur[0, :] = guess_vector
        schur_conj[0, :] = schur[0, :].conj()

        hess = np.zeros((order, order), dtype=np.complex128)

        with h.File("_cache.h5", 'a') as f:

            csdx = np.array(f["coherence/csdx"])
            csdy = np.array(f["coherence/csdy"])
            miux = np.array(f["coherence/miux"])
            miuy = np.array(f["coherence/miuy"])

            print("| csd data loading...             |", flush=True)

            for ic in range(n_rank - 1):
                csd_part = np.array(f["coherence/csd"][index[ic], :])
                _multi._send(csd_part, dtype=_multi.c, dest=ic + 1, tag=0)
                del csd_part

    # Recving csd parts

    elif rank > 0:

        csd_part = _multi._recv((count[rank - 1], n_points),

        if rank == n_rank - 1:
            print("| all csd data loaded.            |", flush=True)
            print("___________________________________", flush=True)
            print("| rank%.2d csd loaded.              |" % (rank), flush=True)

    # start arnoldi loop

    for i in range(1, order):

        # for rank >0 process, A*q, A2*q, A3q .... is calculated.

        if rank > 0:

            vector = _multi._recv(n_points,
                                  tag=10 * i + 1)
            vector_to_send = np.dot(csd_part, vector)
            _multi._send(vector_to_send, dtype=_multi.c, dest=0, tag=i)

        # GSM process

        if rank == 0:

            if (10 * i) % (10 * int(order / 10)) == 0:
                print("| %.2d percent                      |" %
                      (int(100 * i / order)),

            for ir in range(n_rank - 1):
                _multi._send(schur[i - 1, :],
                             dest=ir + 1,
                             tag=10 * i + 1)

            idx = 0

            for ir in range(n_rank - 1):
                vector_part = _multi._recv(count[ir],
                                           source=ir + 1,
                schur[i, int(idx):int(idx + count[ir])] = vector_part
                idx += count[ir]

            for ih in range(i):
                hess[ih, i - 1] = schur_conj[ih, :].dot(schur[i, :])
                schur[i, :] = schur[i, :] - hess[ih, i - 1] * schur[ih, :]

            hess[i, i - 1] = np.linalg.norm(schur[i, :])
            schur[i, :] = schur[i, :] / hess[i, i - 1]
            schur_conj[i, :] = schur[i, :].conj()

    # calculate approximate value and vector

    if rank == 0:

        hess = hess[0:order, 0:order]
        schur = schur[0:order, :]
        ratio = np.linalg.eigh(hess)

        eig_values = ratio[0][::-1]
        vector = ratio[1].transpose()[::-1, :]
        vector = vector.transpose()

        schur_vector = np.zeros((n_points, n_vector), dtype=np.complex128)

        for it in range(n_vector):
            t = vector[:, it]
            schur_vector[:, it] = schur.transpose().dot(t)

        with h.File(file_name, 'a') as f:

            if os.path.isfile("_cache.h5"): os.remove("_cache.h5")

            coherence = f.create_group("coherence")
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("eig_vector", data=schur_vector)
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("eig_value", data=eig_values)
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("csdx", data=csdx)
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("csdy", data=csdy)
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("miux", data=miux)
            f["coherence"].create_dataset("miuy", data=miuy)

        print("| coherent mode calculated.       |", flush=True)
        print("___________________________________", flush=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _create_source_propagate(undulator, electron_beam, screen, file):
    Calculate wavefronts from electron source to screens.
    Args: undulator     - the parameters of undualtor.
          electron_beam - the parameters of electron_beam.
          screen        - the parameters of screen.
          file          - file name.
    Return: None.

    # The multi_process parameters

    rank = _multi._get_rank()
    n_rank = _multi._get_size()

    # The construction of undulator

    und = _undulator(undulator)
    und_magnetic_structure = und.magnetic_structure()

    # The construction of electron beam

    e_beam = _srw_electron_beam(electron_beam, und.n_period, und.period_length)

    # The parameters of undulator and beam

    n_electron = electron_beam['n_electron']
    n_points = screen['nx'] * screen['ny']
    elec_count, elec_index = _source_utils._cal_rank_part(n_electron, n_rank)

    # Set monte carlo random seed

    random.seed(rank * 123)
    newSeed = random.randint(0, 1000000)

    # wavefront calculation

    if rank > 0:

        n_electron_per_process = elec_count[rank - 1]

        for i in range(n_electron_per_process):

            # random parameters

            rand_array = [random.gauss(0, 1) for ir in range(5)]

            # monte carlo process

            part_beam, wavelength, resonance_energy = e_beam.after_monte_carlo(
                rand_array, und.period_length, und.k_vertical,

            # The magnetic structure setting

            wavefront = _propagate_wave_front(screen, resonance_energy)
            wavefront._cal_wave_front(part_beam, und_magnetic_structure)

            # send wavefront

            _source_utils._save_source_file(i, rank, n_points, file, part_beam,
                                            wavefront, screen['nx'],
                                            screen['ny'], resonance_energy)

            if rank == 1 and (10 * i) % (
                    10 * int(n_electron_per_process / 10)) == 0:
                print("| %.2d percent                      |" %
                      (int(100 * i / n_electron_per_process)),

        # source_file.close()

        _multi._send(np.array(1, dtype='i'), dtype=_multi.i, tag=rank)


    if rank == 0:

        print("___________________________________", flush=True)
        print("| wavefront calculation start.    |", flush=True)

        for i in range(n_rank - 1):
            flag = _multi._recv(1,
                                source=i + 1,
                                tag=i + 1)

        _source_utils._reconstruct_source_file(file, n_electron, n_points,
                                               electron_beam, undulator,
                                               screen, und.wavelength, n_rank)

        print("| wavefront calculation finished. |", flush=True)
        print("___________________________________", flush=True)

Ejemplo n.º 5
def _multi_layer_svd_exceed_0(
    n_electron, xcount, ycount, k_cut_off, file_name = "test.h5"
    description: perform coherent mode decompostion by multi layer svd methods.
                 self._exceed = 0 
    args: xcount    - the pixel number of screen (x).
          ycount    - the pixel number of screen (y).
          k_cut_off - the cut off index of coherent mode.
          file_name - file name of the saved source.

    return: none.

    # use the scipy svds algorthm
    import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl
    # multi-process parameters
    n_rank = _multi._get_size()
    c_rank = _multi._get_rank()
    # root process
    if c_rank == 0:
        pre_cmodes = np.zeros(
            (xcount * ycount, k_cut_off * (n_rank - 1)), 
            dtype = complex
        flag = 0
        for i in range(1, n_rank):
            icore_cmode = _multi._recv(
                (xcount * ycount, k_cut_off), np_dtype = np.complex128, 
                dtype = _multi.c, source = i, tag = i
            pre_cmodes[:, flag : flag + k_cut_off] = icore_cmode
            flag += k_cut_off
        # further calcuated the final svd results
        svd_matrix = pre_cmodes
        vector, value, evolution = ssl.svds(svd_matrix, k = int(2*k_cut_off))
        eig_vector = np.copy(vector[:, ::-1], order = 'C')
        value = np.copy(np.abs(value[::-1]), order = 'C')

        with h.File(file_name, 'a') as f:    
            coherence_dict = f.create_group("coherence")
            coherence_dict.create_dataset("eig_vector", data = eig_vector)
            coherence_dict.create_dataset("eig_value", data = value)
    elif c_rank > 0:
        crank_file_name = ('_' + file_name.split('.')[0] + '_%.2d.h5') % (c_rank)

        with h.File(crank_file_name, 'a') as crank_file:
            crank_wfrs = np.array(crank_file['wave_front/arex'])

        vectors, values, evolution = ssl.svds(
            crank_wfrs.T, k = int(2*k_cut_off)
        crank_vectors = np.copy(vectors[:, ::-1], order = 'C')
        crank_value = np.copy(np.abs(values[::-1], order = 'C'))
        crank_vectors = crank_vectors * crank_value
        crank_vectors = np.array(crank_vectors[:, 0 : k_cut_off])

            crank_vectors, dtype = _multi.c, 
            dest = 0, tag = c_rank
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _multi_layer_svd_exceed_1(
    n_electron, xcount, ycount, k_cut_off, file_name = "test.h5"
    description: perform coherent mode decompostion by multi layer svd methods.
                 self._exceed = 1 
    args: xcount        - the pixel number of screen (x).
          ycount        - the pixel number of screen (y).
          k_cut_off     - the cut off index of coherent mode.
          file_name     - file name of the saved source.

    return: none.

    # use the scipy svds algorthm
    import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl
    # multi-process parameters
    n_rank = _multi._get_size()
    c_rank = _multi._get_rank()
    r_rank = int(n_electron / _N_SVD_OPT)

    # reset electrons

    if n_electron > _N_SVD_TOL * (n_rank - 1) and n_electron < _N_SVD_TOP * (n_rank - 1):
        n_electron = n_electron + (_N_SVD_OPT - n_electron % _N_SVD_OPT)

    # root process
    if c_rank == 0:
        wfr_arrays = np.zeros((n_electron, int(xcount * ycount)), dtype = complex)
        start_index = 0
        end_index = 0

        for i in range(1, n_rank):
            crank_file_name = ('_' + file_name.split('.')[0] + '_%.2d.h5') % (i)

            with h.File(crank_file_name, 'a') as crank_file:
                crank_wfrs = np.array(crank_file['wave_front/arex'])
                print(np.shape(crank_wfrs), flush = True)

                end_index += np.shape(crank_wfrs)[0]

                print(start_index, flush = True)
                print(end_index, flush = True)
                wfr_arrays[start_index : end_index, :] = crank_wfrs
                start_index += np.shape(crank_wfrs)[0]

        start_index = 0
        end_index = 0

        for i in range(1, r_rank + 1):

            end_index += _N_SVD_OPT
            _multi._send(wfr_arrays[start_index : end_index, :], dtype = _multi.c, dest = i, tag = i)
            start_index += _N_SVD_OPT

        pre_cmodes = np.zeros(
            (xcount * ycount, k_cut_off * r_rank), 
            dtype = complex
        flag = 0
        for i in range(1, r_rank + 1):
            icore_cmode = _multi._recv(
                (xcount * ycount, k_cut_off), np_dtype = np.complex128, 
                dtype = _multi.c, source = i, tag = i
            pre_cmodes[:, flag : flag + k_cut_off] = icore_cmode
            flag += k_cut_off
        # further calcuated the final svd results
        svd_matrix = pre_cmodes
        vector, value, evolution = ssl.svds(svd_matrix, k = int(2*k_cut_off))
        eig_vector = np.copy(vector[:, ::-1], order = 'C')
        value = np.copy(np.abs(value[::-1]), order = 'C')

        with h.File(file_name, 'a') as f:    
            coherence_dict = f.create_group("coherence")
            coherence_dict.create_dataset("eig_vector", data = eig_vector)
            coherence_dict.create_dataset("eig_value", data = value)
    elif c_rank > 0:
        if c_rank in list(range(1, r_rank + 1)):
            crank_wfrs = _multi._recv(
                (_N_SVD_OPT, int(xcount * ycount)), np_dtype = np.complex128, 
                dtype = _multi.c, source = 0, tag = c_rank

            vectors, values, evolution = ssl.svds(
                crank_wfrs.T, k = int(2*k_cut_off)
            crank_vectors = np.copy(vectors[:, ::-1], order = 'C')
            crank_value = np.copy(np.abs(values[::-1], order = 'C'))
            crank_vectors = crank_vectors * crank_value
            crank_vectors = np.array(crank_vectors[:, 0 : k_cut_off])

            print(np.shape(crank_vectors), flush = True)

                crank_vectors, dtype = _multi.c, 
                dest = 0, tag = c_rank