Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_normalize_lon_lat(self):
        Test nominal execution
        dataset = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['latitude', 'longitude'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['lat', 'lon'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['lat', 'long'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['lat', 'lon'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['latitude', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['lat', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['zef', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset(
            {'first': (['zef', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_normalize_lon_lat(self):
        Test nominal execution
        dataset = xr.Dataset({'first': (['latitude',
                                         'longitude'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                        [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'lon'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                          [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'long'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                          [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'lon'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                          [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset({'first': (['latitude',
                                         'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                        [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                                [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)

        dataset = xr.Dataset({'first': (['zef', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                               [2, 3, 4]])})
        expected = xr.Dataset({'first': (['zef', 'spacetime'], [[1, 2, 3],
                                                                [2, 3, 4]])})
        actual = normalize(dataset)
        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_normalize_julian_day(self):
        Test Julian Day -> Datetime conversion
        tuples = [gcal2jd(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 13)]

        ds = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            'second': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [x[0] + x[1] for x in tuples]
        ds.time.attrs['long_name'] = 'time in julian days'

        expected = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            'second': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 13)]
        expected.time.attrs['long_name'] = 'time'

        actual = normalize(ds)

        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_normalize_with_missing_time_dim(self):
        ds = xr.Dataset(
                'first': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180])),
                'second': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180]))
                'lat': np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 90),
                'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 180)
                'time_coverage_start': '20120101',
                'time_coverage_end': '20121231'
        norm_ds = normalize(ds)
        self.assertIsNot(norm_ds, ds)
        self.assertEqual(len(norm_ds.coords), 4)
        self.assertIn('lon', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('lat', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('time', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('time_bnds', norm_ds.coords)

        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.first.shape, (1, 90, 180))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.second.shape, (1, 90, 180))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_normalize_julian_day(self):
        Test Julian Day -> Datetime conversion
        tuples = [gcal2jd(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 13)]

        ds = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            'second': (['lat', 'lon', 'time'], np.zeros([45, 90, 12])),
            'lat': np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            'lon': np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [x[0] + x[1] for x in tuples]})
        ds.time.attrs['long_name'] = 'time in julian days'

        expected = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([12, 45, 90])),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([12, 45, 90])),
            'lat': np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            'lon': np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 13)]})
        expected.time.attrs['long_name'] = 'time'

        actual = normalize(ds)

        assertDatasetEqual(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_normalize_zonal_lat_lon(self):
        resolution = 10
        lat_size = 3
        lat_coords = np.arange(0, 30, resolution)
        lon_coords = [i + 5. for i in np.arange(-180.0, 180.0, resolution)]

        var_values_1d = xr.DataArray(np.random.random(lat_size),
                                     coords=[('latitude_centers', lat_coords)])
        var_values_2d = xr.DataArray(np.array(
            [var_values_1d.values for _ in lon_coords]).T,
                                         'lat': lat_coords,
                                         'lon': lon_coords
                                     dims=['lat', 'lon'])

        dataset = xr.Dataset({'first': var_values_1d})
        expected = xr.Dataset({'first': var_values_2d})
        expected = expected.assign_coords(lon_bnds=xr.DataArray(
            [[i - (resolution / 2), i + (resolution / 2)]
             for i in expected.lon.values],
            dims=['lon', 'bnds']))
        expected = expected.assign_coords(lat_bnds=xr.DataArray(
            [[i - (resolution / 2), i + (resolution / 2)]
             for i in expected.lat.values],
            dims=['lat', 'bnds']))
        actual = normalize(dataset)

        xr.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_normalize_with_time_called_t(self):
        ds = xr.Dataset(
                'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([4, 90, 180])),
                'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([4, 90, 180])),
                't': ('time',
                'lat': np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 90),
                'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 180)
                'time_coverage_start': '2005-01-17',
                'time_coverage_end': '2008-08-17'
        norm_ds = normalize(ds)
        self.assertIsNot(norm_ds, ds)
        self.assertEqual(len(norm_ds.coords), 3)
        self.assertIn('lon', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('lat', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('time', norm_ds.coords)

        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.first.shape, (4, 90, 180))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.second.shape, (4, 90, 180))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_normalize_inverted_lat(self):
        first = np.zeros([3, 45, 90])
        first[0, :, :] = np.eye(45, 90)
        ds = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], first),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([3, 45, 90])),
            np.linspace(88, -88, 45),
            np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 4)]
        }).chunk(chunks={'time': 1})

        first = np.zeros([3, 45, 90])
        first[0, :, :] = np.flip(np.eye(45, 90), axis=0)
        expected = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], first),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([3, 45, 90])),
            np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 4)]
        }).chunk(chunks={'time': 1})

        actual = normalize(ds)
        xr.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_normalize_with_missing_time_dim(self):
     ds = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180])),
                      'second': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180]))},
                     coords={'lat': np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 90),
                             'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 180)},
                     attrs={'time_coverage_start': '20120101',
                            'time_coverage_end': '20121231'})
     norm_ds = normalize(ds)
     self.assertIs(norm_ds, ds)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_normalize_lon_lat_2d(self):
        Test nominal execution
        dims = ('time', 'y', 'x')
        attribs = {'valid_min': 0., 'valid_max': 1.}

        t_size = 2
        y_size = 3
        x_size = 4

        a_data = np.random.random_sample((t_size, y_size, x_size))
        b_data = np.random.random_sample((t_size, y_size, x_size))
        time_data = [1, 2]
        lat_data = [[30., 30., 30., 30.], [20., 20., 20., 20.],
                    [10., 10., 10., 10.]]
        lon_data = [[-10., 0., 10., 20.], [-10., 0., 10., 20.],
                    [-10., 0., 10., 20.]]
        dataset = xr.Dataset(
                'a': (dims, a_data, attribs),
                'b': (dims, b_data, attribs)
            }, {
                'time': (('time', ), time_data),
                'lat': (('y', 'x'), lat_data),
                'lon': (('y', 'x'), lon_data)
            }, {
                'geospatial_lon_min': -15.,
                'geospatial_lon_max': 25.,
                'geospatial_lat_min': 5.,
                'geospatial_lat_max': 35.

        new_dims = ('time', 'lat', 'lon')
        expected = xr.Dataset(
                'a': (new_dims, a_data, attribs),
                'b': (new_dims, b_data, attribs)
            }, {
                'time': (('time', ), time_data),
                'lat': (('lat', ), [30., 20., 10.]),
                'lon': (('lon', ), [-10., 0., 10., 20.]),
            }, {
                'geospatial_lon_min': -15.,
                'geospatial_lon_max': 25.,
                'geospatial_lat_min': 5.,
                'geospatial_lat_max': 35.

        actual = normalize(dataset)
        xr.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_nominal(self):
     Test nominal operation
     ds = self.new_cci_seal_level_ds()
     ds2 = normalize(ds)
     self.assertIsNot(ds2, ds)
     self.assertIn('ampl', ds2)
     self.assertIn('phase', ds2)
     self.assertIn('time', ds2.coords)
     self.assertIn('time_bnds', ds2.coords)
     self.assertNotIn('time_step', ds2.coords)
     self.assertEqual(['time', 'period', 'lat', 'lon'], list(ds2.ampl.dims))
     self.assertEqual(['time', 'period', 'lat', 'lon'], list(ds2.phase.dims))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_nominal(self):
     Test nominal operation
     ds = self.new_cci_seal_level_ds()
     ds2 = normalize(ds)
     self.assertIsNot(ds2, ds)
     self.assertIn('ampl', ds2)
     self.assertIn('phase', ds2)
     self.assertIn('time', ds2.coords)
     self.assertIn('time_bnds', ds2.coords)
     self.assertNotIn('time_step', ds2.coords)
     self.assertEqual(['time', 'period', 'lat', 'lon'], list(ds2.ampl.dims))
     self.assertEqual(['time', 'period', 'lat', 'lon'],
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_no_change(self):
     Test nominal operation
     lon_size = 360
     lat_size = 130
     time_size = 12
     ds = xr.Dataset({
         'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size])),
         'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size]))},
         coords={'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, -179.5, lon_size),
                 'lat': np.linspace(-64., 65., lat_size),
                 'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, time_size + 1)]})
     ds2 = normalize(ds)
     self.assertIs(ds2, ds)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_normalize_lon_lat_2d(self):
        Test nominal execution
        dims = ('time', 'y', 'x')
        attribs = {'valid_min': 0., 'valid_max': 1.}

        t_size = 2
        y_size = 3
        x_size = 4

        a_data = np.random.random_sample((t_size, y_size, x_size))
        b_data = np.random.random_sample((t_size, y_size, x_size))
        time_data = [1, 2]
        lat_data = [[10., 10., 10., 10.],
                    [20., 20., 20., 20.],
                    [30., 30., 30., 30.]]
        lon_data = [[-10., 0., 10., 20.],
                    [-10., 0., 10., 20.],
                    [-10., 0., 10., 20.]]
        dataset = xr.Dataset({'a': (dims, a_data, attribs),
                              'b': (dims, b_data, attribs)
                             {'time': (('time',), time_data),
                              'lat': (('y', 'x'), lat_data),
                              'lon': (('y', 'x'), lon_data)
                             {'geospatial_lon_min': -15.,
                              'geospatial_lon_max': 25.,
                              'geospatial_lat_min': 5.,
                              'geospatial_lat_max': 35.

        new_dims = ('time', 'lat', 'lon')
        expected = xr.Dataset({'a': (new_dims, a_data, attribs),
                               'b': (new_dims, b_data, attribs)},
                              {'time': (('time',), time_data),
                               'lat': (('lat',), [10., 20., 30.]),
                               'lon': (('lon',), [-10., 0., 10., 20.]),
                              {'geospatial_lon_min': -15.,
                               'geospatial_lon_max': 25.,
                               'geospatial_lat_min': 5.,
                               'geospatial_lat_max': 35.})

        actual = normalize(dataset)
        xr.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_fix_360_lon(self):
        # The following simulates a strangely geo-coded soil moisture dataset
        # we found at ...
        lon_size = 360
        lat_size = 130
        time_size = 12
        ds = xr.Dataset(
                (['time', 'lat', 'lon'
                  ], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size])),
                (['time', 'lat', 'lon'
                  ], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size]))
                'lon': np.linspace(1., 360., lon_size),
                'lat': np.linspace(-64., 65., lat_size),
                [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, time_size + 1)]

        new_ds = normalize(ds)
        self.assertIsNot(ds, new_ds)
        self.assertEqual(ds.dims, new_ds.dims)
        self.assertEqual(ds.sizes, new_ds.sizes)
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.lon, np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 360))
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.lat, np.linspace(-64., 65., 130))
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.first[..., :180], ds.first[..., 180:])
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.first[..., 180:], ds.first[..., :180])
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.second[..., :180], ds.second[...,
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.second[..., 180:],
                                  ds.second[..., :180])
        self.assertEqual(-180., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_min'])
        self.assertEqual(+180., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_max'])
        self.assertEqual(-64.5, new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_min'])
        self.assertEqual(+65.5, new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_max'])
        self.assertEqual(1., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_resolution'])
        self.assertEqual(1., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_resolution'])
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_normalize_with_missing_time_dim(self):
        ds = xr.Dataset({'first': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180])),
                         'second': (['lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([90, 180]))},
                        coords={'lat': np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 90),
                                'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 180)},
                        attrs={'time_coverage_start': '20120101',
                               'time_coverage_end': '20121231'})
        norm_ds = normalize(ds)
        self.assertIsNot(norm_ds, ds)
        self.assertEqual(len(norm_ds.coords), 4)
        self.assertIn('lon', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('lat', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('time', norm_ds.coords)
        self.assertIn('time_bnds', norm_ds.coords)

        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.first.shape, (1, 90, 180))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.second.shape, (1, 90, 180))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.coords['time'][0], xr.DataArray(pd.to_datetime('2012-07-01T12:00:00')))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.coords['time_bnds'][0][0], xr.DataArray(pd.to_datetime('2012-01-01')))
        self.assertEqual(norm_ds.coords['time_bnds'][0][1], xr.DataArray(pd.to_datetime('2012-12-31')))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_normalize_inverted_lat(self):
        first = np.zeros([3, 45, 90])
        first[0, :, :] = np.eye(45, 90)
        ds = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], first),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([3, 45, 90])),
            'lat': np.linspace(88, -88, 45),
            'lon': np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 4)]}).chunk(chunks={'time': 1})

        first = np.zeros([3, 45, 90])
        first[0, :, :] = np.flip(np.eye(45, 90), axis=0)
        expected = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], first),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.zeros([3, 45, 90])),
            'lat': np.linspace(-88, 88, 45),
            'lon': np.linspace(-178, 178, 90),
            'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, 4)]}).chunk(chunks={'time': 1})

        actual = normalize(ds)
        xr.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_fix_360_lon(self):
        # The following simulates a strangely geo-coded soil moisture dataset
        # we found at ...
        lon_size = 360
        lat_size = 130
        time_size = 12
        ds = xr.Dataset({
            'first': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size])),
            'second': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size]))},
            coords={'lon': np.linspace(1., 360., lon_size),
                    'lat': np.linspace(-64., 65., lat_size),
                    'time': [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, time_size + 1)]},

        new_ds = normalize(ds)
        self.assertIsNot(ds, new_ds)
        self.assertEqual(ds.dims, new_ds.dims)
        self.assertEqual(ds.sizes, new_ds.sizes)
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.lon, np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 360))
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.lat, np.linspace(-64., 65., 130))
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.first[..., :180], ds.first[..., 180:])
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.first[..., 180:], ds.first[..., :180])
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.second[..., :180], ds.second[..., 180:])
        assert_array_almost_equal(new_ds.second[..., 180:], ds.second[..., :180])
        self.assertEqual(-180., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_min'])
        self.assertEqual(+180., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_max'])
        self.assertEqual(-64.5, new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_min'])
        self.assertEqual(+65.5, new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_max'])
        self.assertEqual(1., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lon_resolution'])
        self.assertEqual(1., new_ds.attrs['geospatial_lat_resolution'])
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_no_change(self):
     Test nominal operation
     lon_size = 360
     lat_size = 130
     time_size = 12
     ds = xr.Dataset(
             (['time', 'lat', 'lon'
               ], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size])),
             (['time', 'lat', 'lon'
               ], np.random.random_sample([time_size, lat_size, lon_size]))
             'lon': np.linspace(-179.5, -179.5, lon_size),
             'lat': np.linspace(-64., 65., lat_size),
             [datetime(2000, x, 1) for x in range(1, time_size + 1)]
     ds2 = normalize(ds)
     self.assertIs(ds2, ds)