Ejemplo n.º 1
    def DBCreateNew(sUsername, sFullName, sAuthType, sPassword, sGeneratePW, sForcePasswordChange, sUserRole, sEmail, sStatus, sGroupArray):
            # TODO: All the password testing, etc.
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()

            if sAuthType == "local":
                if sPassword:
                    if sPassword:
                        result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(None, sPassword)
                        if result:
                            sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPassword)
                            return None, msg
                elif catocommon.is_true(sGeneratePW):
                    sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(catocommon.generate_password())
                    return None, "A password must be provided, or check the box to generate one."
            elif sAuthType == "ldap":
                sEncPW = " null"
            sSQL = "insert into users" \
                " (user_id, username, full_name, authentication_type, force_change, email, status, user_role, user_password)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sUsername + "'," \
                "'" + sFullName + "'," \
                "'" + sAuthType + "'," \
                "'" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," \
                "'" + (sEmail if sEmail else "") + "'," \
                "'" + sStatus + "'," \
                "'" + sUserRole + "'," \
                "" + sEncPW + "" \
            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return None, "A User with that Login ID already exists.  Please select another."
                    return None, db.error

            if sGroupArray:
                # if we can't create groups we don't actually fail...
                for tag in sGroupArray:
                    sql = "insert object_tags (object_type, object_id, tag_name) values (1, '%s','%s')" % (sNewID, tag)
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print "Error creating Groups for new user %s." % sNewID
            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            u = User()
            return u, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def DBCreateNew(username, fullname, role, password, generatepw, authtype="local", forcechange=1, email=None, status=1, expires=None, groups=None):
        # TODO: All the password testing, etc.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # all sorts of validation
        if re.match("^[\a-zA-Z0-9_.-@]+$", username) is None:
            raise Exception("Usernames cannot contain spaces or any characters other than letters, numbers or these chars [_.@-].")

        newid = catocommon.new_guid()
        authtype = authtype if authtype else "local"
        forcechange = 0 if forcechange == 0 or forcechange == "0" else 1
        email = email if email else ""
        encpw = None
        if authtype == "local":
            if password:
                result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(None, password)
                if result:
                    encpw = catocommon.cato_encrypt(password)
                    raise Exception(msg)
            elif catocommon.is_true(generatepw):
                encpw = catocommon.cato_encrypt(catocommon.generate_password())
                raise Exception("A password must be provided, or check the box to generate one.")

        if role not in ("Administrator", "Developer", "User"):
            raise Exception("Role must be 'Administrator', 'Developer', or 'User'.")
        pw2insert = "'%s'" % encpw if encpw else " null"
        ex2insert = ("str_to_date('{0}', '%%m/%%d/%%Y')".format(expires) if expires else " null")
        sql = """insert into users
            (user_id, username, full_name, authentication_type, force_change, email, status, user_role, user_password, expiration_dt)
            values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s)""" % (newid, username, fullname, authtype, forcechange,
                email, status, role, pw2insert, ex2insert)

        if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sql):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise Exception("A User with that Login ID already exists.  Please select another.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        if groups:
            # if we can't create groups we don't actually fail...
            sql = "select group_concat(tag_name order by tag_name separator ',') as tags from tags"
            alltags = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
            if alltags:
                alltags = alltags.split(",")
                for tag in groups:
                    if tag in alltags:
                        sql = "insert object_tags (object_type, object_id, tag_name) values (1, '%s','%s')" % (newid, tag)
                        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                            logger.error("Error creating Groups for new user %s." % newid)
        # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
        u = User()
        return u
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def ChangePassword(self, new_password=None, generate=False, force_change=True):
        Updating a user password is a different function with extra rules, 
            so it's kept separate from the DBUpdate function.
        You cannot explicitly change a password, AND do the Generate function,
            so if a password is set it'll use it and continue, otherwise it'll generate.
        if not new_password and not self.Email:
            raise InfoException("Unable to generate a random password - User [%s] does not have an email address defined." % (self.FullName))
        if not new_password and not generate:
            raise InfoException("Unable to reset password - New password is required or random generation option must be specified.")
            return False

        # TODO: maybe have a setting for the application url in the email?
        # TODO: should have the ability to use a configurable "company" name in the email
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # only do the password if _NewPassword exists on the object.
        # NOTE: no function that inits a user will set a password property, so it must've been set explicitly
        if new_password:
            logger.info("Updating password for User [%s]" % (self.FullName))
            result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(self.ID, new_password)
            if result:
                sql = "update users set user_password = %s where user_id = %s"
                db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(new_password), self.ID))
                # this flag can be reset from the calling function at it's discretion.  
                # for example, if the user making the request IS the user being changed,
                #     which we don't know at this point.
                if not force_change:
                    sql = "update users set force_change = 0 where user_id = %s"
                    db.exec_db(sql, (self.ID))
                body = """%s - your password has been reset by an Administrator.""" % (self.FullName)
                if self.Email:
                    catocommon.send_email_via_messenger(self.Email, "Cloud Sidekick - Account Information", body)
                    logger.warning("Attempt to send a password message failed - User [%s] has no email defined." % (self.FullName))
                raise InfoException(msg)

        # Here's something special...
        # If the arg "_NewRandomPassword" was provided and is true...
        # Generate a new password and send out an email.
        # IF for some reason this AND a password were provided, it means someone is hacking
        # (We don't do both of them at the same time.)
        # so the provided one takes precedence.
        if generate:
            logger.info("Generating a new password for User [%s]" % (self.FullName))
            sNewPassword = catocommon.generate_password()
            sql = "update users set force_change = 1, user_password = %s where user_id = %s"
            db.exec_db(sql, (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sNewPassword), self.ID))
            s_set = settings.settings.security()
            body = s_set.NewUserMessage
            if not body:
                body = """%s - your password has been reset by an Administrator.\n\n
                Your temporary password is: %s.""" % (self.FullName, sNewPassword)

            # replace our special tokens with the values
            body = body.replace("##FULLNAME##", self.FullName).replace("##USERNAME##", self.LoginID).replace("##PASSWORD##", sNewPassword)

            if self.Email:
                catocommon.send_email_via_messenger(self.Email, "Cloud Sidekick - Account Information", body)
                logger.warning("Attempt to send a password message failed - User [%s] has no email defined." % (self.FullName))
            # f !uiCommon.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.strip(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Account Action in " + ag.APP_NAME, sBody, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr:

        return True