Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_response(self, request, data, response_class=HttpResponse, **response_kwargs):
        Extracts the common "which-format/serialize/return-response" cycle.
        Mostly a useful shortcut/hook.
        desired_format = self.determine_format(request)

        if response_class == http.HttpCreated:     
            email = data.data["email"]
            if email.endswith("ox.ac.uk"):
                #send via webauth
                raise BadRequest("We do not yet support inviting users at Oxford to projects. This feature will come soon.")

                UserObj = get_user_model()
                new_user, created = UserObj.objects.get_or_create(email=email, username=email)
                for perm in data.data["projects_selected"]:
                    p = Project.objects.get(id=perm["id"])
                data.data["message"] = "Invite sent successfully to %s, would you like to invite anyone else?" % email
                email_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/email_new_user.html'
                subject_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/subject_new_user.html'
                if not created:
                    projects_with_reader_access = viewer_projects(new_user)
                    all_projects_equal = True

                    all_selected_ids = set([new_proj["id"] for new_proj in data.data["projects_selected"]])
                    new_ids = all_selected_ids - set(projects_with_reader_access)
                    if(len(new_ids) > 0):
                        email_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/email_project_access_changed.html'
                        subject_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/subject_project_access_changed.html'
                        all_projects_equal = False
                        data.data["message"] = "Existing user %s invited to new projects, would you like to invite anyone else?" % email
                        if not data.data.get("remind", False):
                            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(http.HttpConflict('{"error": "User already exists, do you wish to invite again?"}'))
                        if new_user.has_usable_password():
                            email_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/email_reminder.html'
                            subject_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/subject_reminder.html'
                            data.data["message"] = "Sign-up reminder sent to %s, would you like to invite anyone else?" % email
                            email_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/email_reminder_already_logged_on.html'
                            subject_template_name = 'cbh_core_ws/subject_reminder.html'
                            data.data["message"] = "User %s reminded to look at these projects, would you like to invite anyone else?" % email
                form = self.get_form( email, new_user, data, created, request, email_template_name, subject_template_name)         

        serialized = self.serialize(request, data, desired_format)
        rc = response_class(content=serialized, content_type=build_content_type(
            desired_format), **response_kwargs)       
        return rc
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read_detail(self, object_list, bundle):

        self.login_checks(bundle.request, bundle.obj.__class__)
        pids = viewer_projects(bundle.request.user)
        allowed = False
        if bundle.obj.data_point_classification.l0_permitted_projects.count() == 0:
            raise BadRequest("You must specify at least one project")
        for projbundle in bundle.obj.data_point_classification.l0_permitted_projects.all():
            # If any one project is not allowed to be edited then unauthorized
            if projbundle.id in pids:
                allowed = True
                allowed = False
        if allowed:
            return True
        raise Unauthorized("not authorized for project")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def project_ids(self, request, ):
     pids = viewer_projects(request.user)
     return pids