Ejemplo n.º 1
def deleteVolume():
    #########Delete File Systems
    querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
    resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
    data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
    filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"].get("filesystem")
    if filesystems == None:
        print 'There are no volumes'
        for filesystem in filesystems:
            filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
            filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
            acct_id = filesystem.get('accountid')
            init_grp = filesystem.get('initiatorgroup')
            if init_grp == 'ALL':
                assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(stdurl, filesystem_id, acct_id,
            querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_volume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_volume.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(
                print 'Not able to delete volume %s, due to%s' % (
                    filesystem_name, errormsg)
                deleteJobId = data['deleteFileSystemResponse'].get('jobid')
                delete_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, deleteJobId)
                if delete_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
                    print 'Volume %s deleted successfully' % (filesystem_name)
                    print 'Not able to delete volume %s' % (filesystem_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deleteVSM():
    querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
    resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/listTSM.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
    data = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
    tsms = data["listTsmResponse"].get("listTsm")
    if tsms == None:
        print 'There are no tsms'
        for tsm in tsms:
            tsm_id = tsm['id']
            tsm_name = tsm['name']
            querycommand = 'command=deleteTsm&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_tsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_tsm.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(data['deleteTsmResponse']['errortext'])
                print errormsg
                print "Deleted the TSM", tsm_name
Ejemplo n.º 3
import time
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

######## To Add an Account for TSM -- Begins

print "Account Creation Begins"
timetrack("Account Creation Begins")
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Accounts']) + 1):
    querycommand = 'command=createAccount&name=%s&description=%s' % (
        config['accountName%d' % (x)], config['accountDescription%d' % (x)])
    resp_createAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/AccountCreation.txt", "w", resp_createAccount)
    data = json.loads(resp_createAccount.text)
    if not 'errorcode' in data['createaccountresponse']:
        print "%s is created" % (config['accountName%d' % (x)])
        account_id = data["createaccountresponse"]["account2"]["id"]
        #creating Account User Authentication
        name = "%sAUTH" % (config['accountName%d' % (x)])
        user = "******" % (config['accountName%d' % (x)])
        password = user
        querycommand = 'command=addCIFSAuthGroup&accountid=%s&name=%s&comment=%s&username=%s&password=%s&fullname=%s' % (
            account_id, name, "Comment", user, password, "fullname")
        resp_tsmcifsauthgroupresponse = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
        filesave("logs/AccountUserCreation.txt", "w",
        data = json.loads(resp_tsmcifsauthgroupresponse.text)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, configFile

config = configFile(sys.argv)
print "%s" %(config['host'])

stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])
#querycommand = 'command=%s' %(config['command'])
######## To Make A NFS Volume Begins here

print "NFS Volume Creation Begins"
###Stage 1 to 7 , prior to this first 3 commands are for listing.
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_NFSVolumes'])+1):
#for x in range (1, NoofNFSVolumes+1):
    querycommand = 'command=listHAPool'
    resp_listHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl,querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHAPool.text)
    hapools = data["listHAPoolResponse"]["hapool"]
    for hapool in hapools:
        if hapool['name'] == "%s" %(config['volPoolName%d' %(x)]):
            pool_id = hapool['id']
    #print "Poolid =" ,pool_id

    querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
    resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentAccountList.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
    data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
    accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"]
    for account in accounts:
Ejemplo n.º 5
import fileinput
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, filesave1, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, resultCollection, configFile, executeCmd, createSFTPConnection, getControllerInfo
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print "Enter in following Format:python PoolDedup.py configfile on/off"
dedupvalue = sys.argv[2]
config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])
querycommand = 'command=listHAPool'
resp_listHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/listHAPool.txt", "w", resp_listHAPool)
data = json.loads(resp_listHAPool.text)
hapools = data["listHAPoolResponse"]["hapool"]
for hapool in hapools:
    pool_id = hapool['id']
    pool_name = hapool['name']
    for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Pools']) + 1):
        if pool_name == "%s" % (config['poolName%d' % (x)]):
            id = pool_id
            querycommand = 'command=updateHAPool&id=%s&deduplication=%s&' % (
                id, dedupvalue)
            startTime = ctime()
            resp_updateHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/updateHAPool.txt", "w", resp_updateHAPool)
            data = json.loads(resp_updateHAPool.text)
            if "errortext" in data['updateHAPoolResponse']:
Ejemplo n.º 6
 iops = 0
 print subVolName
 ### Adding Qosgroup
 querycommand = 'command=addQosGroup&tsmid=%s&name=%s&latency=%s&blocksize=%s&tpcontrol=%s&throughput=%s&iopscontrol=%s&iops=%s&graceallowed=%s&memlimit=%s&networkspeed=%s' % (
     tsm_id, subVolName, config['volCifsLatency%d' % (x)],
     config['volCifsBlocksize%d' %
            (x)], config['volCifsTpcontrol%d' % (x)],
     config['volCifsThroughput%d' %
            (x)], config['volCifsIopscontrol%d' % (x)], iops,
     config['volCifsGraceallowed%d' %
            (x)], config['volCifsMemlimit%d' %
                         (x)], config['volCifsNetworkspeed%d' %
 resp_addQosGroup = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
 filesave("logs/AddQosGroup.txt", "w", resp_addQosGroup)
 addQoSResp = json.loads(resp_addQosGroup.text)
 if 'errorcode' in str(addQoSResp):
     endTime = ctime()
     errormsg = str(
         'Failed to addQoSGroup due to \"%s\"' % (errormsg),
         ['FAILED', ''], startTime, endTime)
 qosGroupId = addQoSResp['addqosgroupresponse']['qosgroup'][
 # calling ceateVolume command
 querycommand = 'command=createVolume&qosgroupid=%s&tsmid=%s&name=%s&quotasize=%s&datasetid=%s&deduplication=%s&compression=%s&sync=%s&recordsize=%s&blocklength=%s&mountpoint=%s&protocoltype=%s&' % (
     qosGroupId, tsm_id, subVolName,
     config['volCifsQuotasize%d' %
Ejemplo n.º 7
    deleteSnp = 1
    print bcolors.FAIL + 'PARAMETER ERROR: '+ bcolors.ENDC + bcolors.WARNING + 'Fourth parameter should be \"create or delete\"...' + bcolors.ENDC

# exit()
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

result = getControllerInfo('', 'test', 'zfs list -t snapshot', "tsm_snapshot_result.txt")

print result

querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]

if tsmFlag == 1:
    #print tsmFlag
    querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
    resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/ListTsm.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
    dataTsm = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
    tsms = dataTsm['listTsmResponse']['listTsm']
    for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_TSMs'])+1):
        startTime = ctime()
        for listTsm in tsms:
            tsmid = None
            if listTsm['name'] == "%s" %(config['tsmName%d' %(x)]):
Ejemplo n.º 8

volIops = sys.argv[3]
graceAllowed = "false"

if len(sys.argv) == 5: 
    if sys.argv[4] == "true":
        graceAllowed = "true"
        graceAllowed = "false"

###### To Increase the IOPS
#####List Filesystem
querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data ["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]
for filesystem in filesystems:
    filesystem_id = filesystem['groupid']
    filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
    if nfsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
        for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_NFSVolumes'])+1):
            if filesystem_name == "%s" %(config['volDatasetname%d' %(x)]):
                id = filesystem_id
                querycommand='command=updateQosGroup&id=%s&iops=%s&graceallowed=%s' %(id, volIops, graceAllowed)
                resp_updateNFS = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                filesave("logs/resp_updateNFS.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
                print ">>>> NFS >>>>updated %s" %(filesystem_name)
Ejemplo n.º 9
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

type = sys.argv[2]
ip = sys.argv[3]
passwd = sys.argv[4]
startTime = ctime()
if type == 'all':
    component = 'hardware'
elif type == 'disks':
    component = 'storage'
    print 'Second argument should be all/disks'
querycommand = 'command=listController'
resp_listcontroller = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListController.txt", "w", resp_listcontroller)
data = json.loads(resp_listcontroller.text)
if 'controller' in data["listControllerResponse"]:
    controllers = data["listControllerResponse"]["controller"]
elif 'errorcode' in data["listControllerResponse"]:
    endTime = ctime()
    errormsg = data["listControllerResponse"]['errortext']
    resultCollection('Not able to list Controllers', ['BLOCKED', errormsg], startTime, endTime)
    endTime = ctime()
    print "There are no Nodes"
    resultCollection('There is no controller available, further %s refress test case skipped' %(component), ['BLOCKED', ''], startTime, endTime)
flag = 1
for controller in controllers:
Ejemplo n.º 10
if iqn == "system_iqn":
    iqn = getoutput(
        'cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi | grep iqn | cut -d "=" -f 2')
    iqn = iqn[0].strip()

###get clients ip
if ip == "system_ip":
    ip = getoutput(
        'ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | awk \'{ print $1}\''
    ip = ip[0].strip()

### list of accounts
querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListAccount.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
#print data
accounts = data['listAccountResponse']['account']

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Accounts']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()
    for account in accounts:
        if account['name'] == "%s" % (config['accountName%d' % (x)]):
            acc_id = account['id']
            initname = init + "%d" % (x)
            ### creating iscsi initiator group
            querycommand = 'command=addiSCSIInitiator&accountid=%s&name=%s&initiatorgroup=%s&netmask=%s' % (
                acc_id, initname, iqn, ip + "%2F8")
            resp_tsmiSCSIInitiatorResponse = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/tsmiSCSIInitiatorResponse.txt", "w",
Ejemplo n.º 11
        negativeFlag = 1
        print "Argument is not correct.. Correct way as below"
        print " python ISCSIVolume.py config.txt"
        print " python ISCSIVolume.py config.txt negative"

######## To Make A iSCSI Volume Begins here

print "ISCSI Volume Creation Begins"
###Stage 1 to 6 , prior to this first 3 commands are for listing.
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_ISCSIVolumes']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()
    #for x in range (1, NoofISCSIVolumes+1):
    querycommand = 'command=listHAPool'
    resp_listHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentHAPoolList.txt", "w", resp_listHAPool)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHAPool.text)
    hapools = data["listHAPoolResponse"]["hapool"]
    for hapool in hapools:
        if hapool['name'] == "%s" % (config['voliSCSIPoolName%d' % (x)]):
            pool_id = hapool['id']
    #print "Poolid =" ,pool_id
    querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
    resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentAccountList.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
    data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
    accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"]
    for account in accounts:
        if account['name'] == "%s" % (config['voliSCSIAccountName%d' % (x)]):
            account_id = account['id']
Ejemplo n.º 12
        'iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p %s:3260 | grep %s | awk {\'print $2\'}'
        % (config['voliSCSIIPAddress%d' % (x)], config['voliSCSIMountpoint%d' %
    print iqnname
    if iqnname == []:
    output = executeCmd(
        'iscsiadm -m node --targetname "%s" --portal "%s:3260" --logout | grep Logout'
        % (iqnname[0].strip(), config['voliSCSIIPAddress%d' % (x)]))
### Its comman url for all the api calls
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])
### command for list filesystem
querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]

### NFS protocol
if nfsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
    for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_NFSVolumes']) + 1):
        startTime = ctime()
        for i in range(1, int(No_of_Clones) + 1):
            cloneName = prefixName + '%s' % (config['volDatasetname%d' %
                                                    (x)]) + '%d' % (i)
            for filesystem in filesystems:
                filesystem_id = None
                if filesystem['name'] == cloneName:
                    filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
                    if filesystem_id is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 13
import sys
import md5
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, resultCollection

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_HAAdmins']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()

    ### List HAClusters
    querycommand = 'command=listHACluster'
    resp_listHACluster = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentHAList.txt", "w", resp_listHACluster)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHACluster.text)
    clusters = data["listHAClusterResponse"]["hacluster"]
    clusters_list_id = ""
    for cluster in clusters:
        for y in range(1, int(config['noOfHAAssociated%d' % (x)]) + 1):
            if "%s" % (config['haAssociatedName%d%d' %
                              (y, x)]) == cluster['name']:
                clusters_list_id += "clusterslist="
                clusters_list_id += cluster['id']
                clusters_list_id += "&"
                print cluster['name']
                print cluster['id']
    print clusters_list_id

    ### List HAClusters
Ejemplo n.º 14
import json
import sys
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_TSMs']) + 1):
    querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
    resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/listTsm.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
    data = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
    tsms = data['listTsmResponse']['listTsm']
    for tsm in tsms:
        tsm_name1 = tsm['name']
        tsm_name2 = config["tsmName%d" % (x)]
        tsm_id = tsm['id']
        Acc_name = tsm['accountname']
        acc_id = tsm['accountid']
        if tsm_name1 == tsm_name2:
    AUTH_Name1 = "%sAUTH" % (Acc_name)

    querycommand = 'command=listTsmCifsService&tsmid=%s' % (tsm_id)
    resp_cifsService = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/resp_cifsService.txt", "w", resp_cifsService)
    data = json.loads(resp_cifsService.text)
    cifsServices = data['listTsmcifsServiceResponse']['cifsService']
    for cifsService in cifsServices:
Ejemplo n.º 15
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, resultCollection

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

########To Add Node
#########To List the Current Number of Sites
print "Node Creation Begins"
timetrack("Node Creation Begins")
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Nodes']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()
    querycommand = 'command=listSite'
    resp_listSite = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentSitesList.txt", "w", resp_listSite)
    data = json.loads(resp_listSite.text)
    sites = data["listSiteResponse"]["site"]
    site = [
        y for y in sites
        if y["name"] == "%s" % (config['nodeSiteName%d' % (x)])
    site_id = site["id"]  #if site else None

    ###To List the Current Number of HA
    querycommand = 'command=listHACluster'
    resp_listHACluster = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentHAClustersList.txt", "w", resp_listHACluster)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHACluster.text)
    haclusters = data["listHAClusterResponse"]["hacluster"]
    hacluster = [
Ejemplo n.º 16
    print bcolors.WARNING + "python cloneDataset.py config.txt <storage_protocol(nfs/cifs/fc/iscsi/all)> snapshot_name No_of_Clones Node_IP Password prefix_name(Optional)" + bcolors.ENDC

No_of_Clones = sys.argv[3]
IP = sys.argv[4]
passwd = sys.argv[5]

if len(sys.argv) == 7:
    prefixName = sys.argv[6]

stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]

### Cifs
if cifsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
    for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_CIFSVolumes']) + 1):
        for i in range(1, int(No_of_Clones) + 1):
            startTime = ctime()
            for filesystem in filesystems:
                filesystem_id = None
                cloneName = prefixName + '%s' % (
                    config['volCifsDatasetname%d' % (x)]) + '%d' % (i)
                if filesystem['name'] == cloneName:
                    filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
                    filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
Ejemplo n.º 17
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    print "Argument is not correct.. Correct way as below"
    print "python staticIPAdd.py config.txt NodeIP NodePassword"
IP = sys.argv[2]
Password = sys.argv[3]

###TO list the clusters

print "%s" % (config['Number_of_Clusters'])
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Laggs']) + 1):
    cluster_id = ""
    querycommand = 'command=listHACluster'
    resp_listHACluster = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/listHACluster.txt", "w", resp_listHACluster)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHACluster.text)
    clusters = data['listHAClusterResponse']['count']
    cluster_list = data['listHAClusterResponse']['hacluster']
    for listHACluster in cluster_list:
        if listHACluster['name'] == config['laggClusterName%d' % x]:
            cluster_id = data['listHAClusterResponse']['hacluster'][0]['id']
            print "ClusterID = %s" % (cluster_id)

    querycommand = 'command=listSharedNICs&clusterid=%s' % (cluster_id)
    resp_listSharedNICs = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listSharedNICs.text)
    sharedNICid = data['listSharedNICsResponse']['nic']
    filesave("logs/listSharedNICs.txt", "w", resp_listSharedNICs)
    nic_id = ""
Ejemplo n.º 18
import sys
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, resultCollection, queryAsyncJobResultNegative

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

def all_same(items):
    return all(x == "" for x in items)

querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/listTsm.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
data = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
tsms = data['listTsmResponse']['listTsm']

dnslist = list()
startTime = ctime()
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_TSMs']) + 1):
    for tsm in tsms:
        tsm_name = tsm['name']
        tsm_id = tsm['id']
        acc_id = tsm['accountid']
        if tsm_name == "%s" % config["tsmName%d" % (x)]:
            querycommand = 'command=listTsmDNSSettings&tsmid=%s' % (tsm_id)
            resp_TsmDnsSettings = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/resp_TsmDnsSettings.txt", "w", resp_TsmDnsSettings)
            data = json.loads(resp_TsmDnsSettings.text)
Ejemplo n.º 19
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, configFile

config = configFile(sys.argv)

stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

######## To Make A iSCSI Volume Begins here

print "ISCSI Volume Creation Begins"
###Stage 1 to 6 , prior to this first 3 commands are for listing.
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_ISCSIVolumes']) + 1):
    #for x in range (1, NoofISCSIVolumes+1):
    querycommand = 'command=listHAPool'
    resp_listHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentHAPoolList.txt", "w", resp_listHAPool)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHAPool.text)
    hapools = data["listHAPoolResponse"]["hapool"]
    for hapool in hapools:
        if hapool['name'] == "%s" % (config['voliSCSIPoolName%d' % (x)]):
            pool_id = hapool['id']
    #print "Poolid =" ,pool_id

    querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
    resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentAccountList.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
    data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
    accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"]
    for account in accounts:
        if account['name'] == "%s" % (config['voliSCSIAccountName%d' % (x)]):
Ejemplo n.º 20
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

wwpn_list= ""

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_Of_FC_Initiator_group'])+1):
    for y in range(1,  int(config['fcNoOfWWPN%d' %(x)])+1):           ### separating WWPN's with ',' -> replacing it with %2C as encoding in URL
            wwpn_list+= config['fcWWPN%d%d' % (y,x)]
    print wwpn_list    

    ### listing the Accounts
    querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
    resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentAccountList.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
    data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
    accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"]
    for account in accounts:
        if account['name'] == "%s" %(config['fcAccountName%d' %(x)]):
            account_id = account['id']

    ## Add Fc initiator group
    querycommand = 'command=addFCInitiator&accountid=%s&wwpn=%s&name=%s' %(account_id ,wwpn_list,config['fcInitName%d' %(x)])
    resp_Add_FC_Initiator = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/AddFCInitiator.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)

    data = json.loads(resp_Add_FC_Initiator.text)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    global poolrengiops
    poolrengiops = getControllerInfo(nodeip, nodepasswd, poolrengcmd1,
    print "poolrengremainediops= " + poolrengiops
    poolrengcmd2 = " reng list | grep -A 9 %s | grep 'Renegade throughput remainder' | awk '{print$4}'" % (
    print poolrengcmd2
    global poolrengthroughput
    poolrengthroughput = getControllerInfo(nodeip, nodepasswd, poolrengcmd2,
    print "poolrengremained throughput=" + poolrengthroughput

querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]
for filesystem in filesystems:
    filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
    filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
    if nfsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
        for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_NFSVolumes']) + 1):
            if filesystem_name == "%s" % (config['volDatasetname%d' % (x)]):
                id = filesystem_id
                startTime = ctime()
                poolname = "%s" % (config['volPoolName%d' % (x)])
                print poolname
                fullpoolname = poolname + '_'
                iopscontrolled = "%s" % (config['volIopscontrol%d' % (x)])
Ejemplo n.º 22
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    print "Argument is not correct.. Correct way as below"
    print "python vlanDelete.py config.txt NodeIP NodePassword"
IP = sys.argv[2]
Password = sys.argv[3]

###TO list the clusters

print "%s" % (config['Number_of_Clusters'])
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Vlans']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()
    cluster_id = ""
    querycommand = 'command=listHACluster'
    resp_listHACluster = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/listHACluster.txt", "w", resp_listHACluster)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHACluster.text)
    clusters = data['listHAClusterResponse']['count']
    cluster_list = data['listHAClusterResponse']['hacluster']
    for listHACluster in cluster_list:
        if listHACluster['name'] == config['vlanClusterName%d' % x]:
            cluster_id = data['listHAClusterResponse']['hacluster'][0]['id']
            print "ClusterID = %s" % (cluster_id)

    querycommand = 'command=listSharedNICs&clusterid=%s' % cluster_id
    resp_listSharedNICs = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listSharedNICs.text)
    sharedNICid = data['listSharedNICsResponse']['nic']
    filesave("logs/listSharedNICs.txt", "w", resp_listSharedNICs)
Ejemplo n.º 23

snapshotName = sys.argv[3]
No_of_Clones = sys.argv[4]
IP = sys.argv[5]
passwd = sys.argv[6]

if len(sys.argv) == 8:
    prefixName = sys.argv[7]

stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]

### Cifs
if cifsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
    for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_CIFSVolumes']) + 1):
        startTime = ctime()
        for filesystem in filesystems:
            filesystem_id = None
            if filesystem['name'] == "%s" % (config['volCifsDatasetname%d' %
                filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
                filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
                if filesystem_id is not None:
                    for i in range(1, int(No_of_Clones) + 1):
Ejemplo n.º 24
    print "Argument is not correct.. Correct way as below"
    print "python tpAlert.py config.txt type x"
    print "where type is volume/pool and x is the severity of TP alert 1 for error 2 for critical and 3 for warning and 4 for info"

x = sys.argv[3]
print x

startTime = ctime()

stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])
#########List All Alerts
querycommand = 'command=listAlerts'
resp_listAlerts = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListAlerts.txt", "w", resp_listAlerts)
data = json.loads(resp_listAlerts.text)

#### Finding TP Alert for volume
if volumeFlag == 1:
    alerts = data["listalertsresponse"]["alert"]
    print alerts
    for alert in alerts:
        if "space" in alert['subject'] and alert[
                'description'] == "Volume Capacity":
            if alert['severity'] == int(x):
                print "Thin provisioning alert for volume, severity is %s" % x
                endTime = ctime()
                resultCollection(alert['subject'], ["PASSED", ""], startTime,
Ejemplo n.º 25
import json
import sys
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

initname = sys.argv[2]
#### Set the iSCSI Initiator to All
querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"]["filesystem"]

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_ISCSIVolumes']) + 1):
    for filesystem in filesystems:
        filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
        filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
        if filesystem_name == "%s" % (config['voliSCSIDatasetname%d' % (x)]):
            querycommand = 'command=listVolumeiSCSIService&storageid=%s' % (
            resp_listVolumeiSCSIService = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/listVolumeiSCSIService.txt", "w",
            data1 = json.loads(resp_listVolumeiSCSIService.text)
            iscsi_service_id = data1["listVolumeiSCSIServiceResponse"][
            ag_id = data1["listVolumeiSCSIServiceResponse"]["iSCSIService"][0][
Ejemplo n.º 26
import json
import sys
import md5
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, resultCollection

config = configFile(sys.argv);
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_SiteAdmins'])+1):
    startTime = ctime()
    querycommand = 'command=listSite'
    resp_listSite = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/CurrentSitesList.txt", "w", resp_listSite)
    data = json.loads(resp_listSite.text)
    sites = data["listSiteResponse"]["site"]
    sites_list_id = ""
    for site in sites:
        for y in range (1, int(config['noOfSitesAssociated%d' %(x)])+1):
            if "%s" %(config['siteAssociatedName%d%d' %(y,x)]) ==  site['name']:
                sites_list_id += "siteslist="
                sites_list_id += site['id']
                sites_list_id += "&"
    print sites_list_id

    ###To create a site-admin
    m = md5.new()
    m.update("%s" %(config['siteAdminPassword%d' %(x)]))
Ejemplo n.º 27
import json
import sys
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, filesave1

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

### To list number of  Nodes
querycommand = 'command=listController'
resp_listController = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/CurrentNodes.txt", "w", resp_listController)
data = json.loads(resp_listController.text)
#version = data["listControllerResponse"]["version"]
controllers = data["listControllerResponse"]["controller"]
for controller in controllers:
    version = controller['version']

filesave1("installed_version", "w", version)

print "Installed Version= ", version
Ejemplo n.º 28
from time import ctime
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configFile, executeCmd, getoutput, resultCollection

config = configFile(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Argument is not correct.. Correct way as below"
    print " python createAuthgrp.py config.txt"

### list of accounts
querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListAccount.txt", "w", resp_listAccount)
data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
#print data
accounts = data['listAccountResponse']['account']

for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Accounts']) + 1):
    startTime = ctime()
    for account in accounts:
        if account['name'] == "%s" % (config['accountName%d' % (x)]):
            acc_id = account['id']
            authgrp_name = "AuthGrp" + "%d" % (x)
            comment = "Auth%20Group%20Info."
            querycommand = 'command=addiSCSIAuthGroup&accountid=%s&name=%s&comment=%s&chapusername=ChapUser&chappassword=ChapPassword&mutualchapusername=MutualUser&mutualchappassword=MutualPassword' % (
                acc_id, authgrp_name, comment)
            resp_tsmiSCSIAuthGroupResponse = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/tsmiSCSIAuthGroupResponse.txt", "w",
Ejemplo n.º 29
import json
from cbrequest import sendrequest, filesave, timetrack, queryAsyncJobResult, configfilefun
import sys

config = configfilefun(sys.argv)
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' % (
    config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])

#########To Add the Sites
print "Site Creation Begins"
timetrack("Site Creation Begins")
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_Sites']) + 1):
    querycommand = 'command=createSite&location=%s&name=%s&description=%s' % (
        config['siteLocation%d' %
               (x)], config['siteName%d' % (x)], config['siteDescription%d' %
    resp_createSite = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/AddSiteList.txt", "w", resp_createSite)
    print "Site %d Creation Begins" % (x)
timetrack("Site Creation Done")
print "Site Creation Done"
Ejemplo n.º 30
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print bcolors.WARNING + "python changeNfsThread.py snapshot.txt Number_of_Threads" + bcolors.ENDC
config = configFile(sys.argv);
No_of_threads = sys.argv[2]

print No_of_threads
stdurl = 'https://%s/client/api?apikey=%s&response=%s&' %(config['host'], config['apikey'], config['response'])
querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
filesave("logs/ListTsm.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
dataTsm = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
tsms = dataTsm['listTsmResponse']['listTsm']
for x in range(1, int(config['Number_of_TSMs'])+1):
    startTime = ctime()
    for listTsm in tsms:
        tsmid = None
        if listTsm['name'] == "%s" %(config['tsmName%d' %(x)]):
            tsmid = listTsm['id']
            print tsmid
            if tsmid is not None:
                querycommand = 'command=updateTsmNfsOptions&nfsworkerthreads=%s&tsmid=%s' %(No_of_threads, tsmid)
                change_NFSThread_resp = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                filesave("logs/changeNFSThreads.txt", "w", change_NFSThread_resp)
                changeThreadResp = json.loads(change_NFSThread_resp.text)
                if 'errortext' in str(changeThreadResp):