Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_combiner_dtype():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func()
    ccd_list = [ccd_data, ccd_data, ccd_data]
    c = Combiner(ccd_list, dtype=np.float32)
    assert c.data_arr.dtype == np.float32
    avg = c.average_combine()
    # dtype of average should match input dtype
    assert avg.dtype == c.dtype
    med = c.median_combine()
    # dtype of median should match dtype of input
    assert med.dtype == c.dtype
    result_sum = c.sum_combine()
    # dtype of sum should match dtype of input
    assert result_sum.dtype == c.dtype
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_combiner_uncertainty_sum_mask():
    mask = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.bool_)
    mask[5, 5] = True
    ccd_with_mask = CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)), unit=u.adu, mask=mask)
    ccd_list = [ccd_with_mask,
                CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)) * 2, unit=u.adu),
                CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)) * 3, unit=u.adu)]
    c = Combiner(ccd_list)
    ccd = c.sum_combine()
    # Just the standard deviation of ccd data.
    ref_uncertainty = np.ones((10, 10)) * np.std([1, 2, 3])
    ref_uncertainty *= np.sqrt(3)
    ref_uncertainty[5, 5] = np.std([2, 3]) * np.sqrt(2)