Ejemplo n.º 1
def cdecomp(region, obsts):
    # Obstacles in region
    robsts = inters_to_union(region, obsts)

    # Region and obstacle vertices, sorted, no repetitions
    vs = np.vstack([cdd.vrep_pts(obs) for obs in robsts + [region]])
    vs = vs[vs[:,0].argsort()]
    vs = vs[~np.isclose(np.r_[1, np.diff(vs, axis=0)[:,0]], 0)]

    # Cilinder lines, y-axis aligned (dimension index 1)
    lines = [inters(region, Polytope(np.array([[-v[0], 1, 0],
                                                    [v[0], -1, 0]])))
             for v in vs]
    free = []

    for i in range(len(lines) - 1):
        # Cilinder
        cil = conv(lines[i:i+2])
        # Obstacles in cilinder
        cobsts = inters_to_union(cil, obsts)
        # Exteriors of the obstacles in the cilinder
        exts = [exterior(obs, cil) for obs in cobsts if len(obs.lin_set) == 0]
        if len(exts) == 0:
            # Cilinder is all free space
        elif len(exts) == 1:
            # Only one obstacle contributing
            # Intersections of all combinations of exteriors
            frees = [inters(*tup) for tup in it.product(*exts)]
            # Avoid including lines or points (pfulldim)
            free.extend(x for x in frees if cdd.pfulldim(x))

    return free
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def contains(self, x):
     if isinstance(x, Polytope):
         vrep = cdd.vrep_pts(x)
         if vrep.shape == (2, 2):
             z = vrep[0] - vrep[1]
             w = vrep[1] - self.v
             # logger.debug(vrep)
             # logger.debug(z)
             # logger.debug(w)
             # logger.debug(self.A)
             return (z.dot(self.A).dot(w))**2 >= \
                 (z.dot(self.A).dot(z))*(w.dot(self.A).dot(w) - 1)
             raise Exception("Not implemented")
     elif x.shape == (2,):
         return (x[0] - self.v[0])**2 / self.a2 + \
             (x[1] - self.v[1])**2 / self.b2 <= 1
     elif len(x.shape) > 1 and x.shape[1] == 2:
         return (x[:,0] - self.v[0])**2 / self.a2 + \
             (x[:,1] - self.v[1])**2 / self.b2 <= 1
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plot_poly(ax, poly):
    vs = cdd.vrep_pts(poly)
    c = centroid(vs)
    vs = sorted(vs, key=lambda p: math.atan2(p[1]-c[1],p[0]-c[0]))
    ax.add_patch(patches.Polygon(vs, facecolor="red"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def conv(pols):
    return conv_pts(np.vstack([cdd.vrep_pts(p) for p in pols]))