Ejemplo n.º 1
    def overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_MGH(self,
        Overlapping Normalized Mutual Information between two clusterings.

        Extension of the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) score to cope with overlapping partitions.
        This is the version proposed by McDaid et al. using a different normalization than the original LFR one. See ref.
        for more details.

        :param clustering: NodeClustering object
        :param normalization: one of "max" or "LFK". Default "max" (corresponds to the main method described in the article)
        :return: onmi score


        >>> from cdlib import evaluation, algorithms
        >>> g = nx.karate_club_graph()
        >>> louvain_communities = algorithms.louvain(g)
        >>> leiden_communities = algorithms.leiden(g)
        >>> evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_MGH(louvain_communities,leiden_communities)

        1. McDaid, A. F., Greene, D., & Hurley, N. (2011). Normalized mutual information to evaluate overlapping community finding algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.2515. Chicago
        return evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_MGH(
            self, clustering, normalization=normalization)
    def test_onmi(self):

        g = nx.karate_club_graph()
        lp_communities = label_propagation(g)
        lp2_communities = label_propagation(g)

        score = evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_MGH(lp2_communities, lp_communities)

        self.assertLessEqual(score.score, 1)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(score.score, 0)

        score = evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_LFK(lp2_communities, lp_communities)

        self.assertLessEqual(score.score, 1)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(score.score, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        NMI_result[N] = dict()
        Omega_result[N] = dict()
        for mu in [0.1, 0.3]:
            NMI_result[N][mu] = {'NMI': [], 'NMI_max': []}
            Omega_result[N][mu] = {'omega': []}
            for om in range(2, 9):
                name = 'LFR/N-{}-mu{:1.1f}-om{}'.format(N, mu, om)
                communities = get_communities(
                    os.path.join("../../data/", name, "result.dat"), " ", " ",
                gt_communities = get_communities(
                    os.path.join("../../data/", name, "community.dat"), "\t",
                    " ", True)
                G = nx.read_adjlist(os.path.join("../../data/", name,
                coms = NodeClustering(communities, G, "", overlap=True)
                gt_coms = NodeClustering(gt_communities, G, "", overlap=True)
                nmi = evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_LFK(
                    coms, gt_coms)[0]
                nmi_max = evaluation.overlapping_normalized_mutual_information_MGH(
                    coms, gt_coms)[0]
                omega = evaluation.omega(coms, gt_coms)[0]

        with open('LFR_nmi.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(NMI_result, f)
        with open('LFR_omega.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(Omega_result, f)