def test_get_doc_from_wrong_root(self) : self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_doc_from_wrong_root") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) docpath = "/app/home/teams/todos/assignee" txt = context.get_doc_from_roots(["images"], docpath, False) self.assertIsNone(txt, msg=f"doc at {docpath} in root 'images' must be none")
def test_get_doc_from_right_root(self) : self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_doc_from_right_root") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) docpath = "/app/home/teams/todos/assignee" txt = context.get_doc_from_roots(["public"], docpath) self.assertIsNotNone(txt, msg=f"doc at {docpath} in root 'public' must not be none")
def setup(self, configpath: Optional[str] = None, askdebug: Optional[bool] = True): self.ask_debug() configpath = self.ask_config() metadata = None self._config = SimpleConfig(configpath) self._metadata = ContextMetadata(self._config) self._context = Context(self._metadata)
def test_get_doc_just_checking(self) : self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_doc_just_checking") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) docpath = "/app/home/teams*delete_assignee" txt = context.get_doc(docpath) # this doc could be a not-found doc. for what I need today that's fine. self.assertIsNotNone(txt, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_doc_just_checking: doing get_docs. the doc txt is: {txt}")
def test_get_known_type_doc(self): self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_known_type_doc") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) docpath = "/app/home/teams/3-copy.png" f = context.get_doc(docpath) self._print(f"the image doc {type(f)} ") self.assertIsNotNone(f, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") self.assertEqual( type(f).__name__, 'bytes', msg=f"type must be 'bytes'")
def test_filter_root_names_for_path(self): self._print("ContextTests.test_filter_root_names_for_path") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) roots = ["images", "fish", "public"] rs = context.filter_root_names_for_path(roots, "/x/y/z") self._print(f"filtered roots: {rs}") self.assertIsNotNone( rs, msg="filtered roots must not be None") self.assertEqual(len(rs), 1, msg="must be 1 filtered root") self.assertEqual(rs, ["public"], msg="filtered roots must be ['public']")
def test_get_filetype(self): self._print("ContextTests.test_get_filetype") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) atype = context.get_filetype("/x/y/z.gif") self._print(f"type for /x/y/z.gif: {atype}") self.assertEqual(atype, "gif", msg="type must be gif") atype = context.get_filetype("/x/y/z") self._print(f"type for /x/y/z: {atype}") self.assertEqual(atype, 'cdocs', msg="type must be cdocs")
def test_get_doc(self) : self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_doc") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) docpath = "/app/home/teams/todos/assignee" txt = context.get_doc(docpath) self.assertIsNotNone(txt, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") self._print(f"test_get_doc: doing get_docs. the doc txt is: {txt}") point = txt.find("assignee in company starstruck!") self.assertNotEqual(-1,point, msg="must include 'assignee in company starstruck!'") point = txt.find("my app name: you should see: my app's name is fruit") self.assertNotEqual(-1,point, msg="must include 'my app name: you should see: my app's name is fruit'")
def test_get_root_names_accepting_path(self): self._print("ContextTests.test_get_root_names_accepting_path") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) gifs = context.get_root_names_accepting_path("/x/y/z.gif") self._print(f"roots for /x/y/z.gif: {gifs}") self.assertIsNotNone( gifs, msg="gifs must not be None") self.assertEqual(len(gifs), 1, msg="must be 1 items in gifs") cdocs = context.get_root_names_accepting_path("/x/y/z") self._print(f"roots for /x/y/z: {cdocs}") self.assertIsNotNone( cdocs, msg="cdocs must not be None") self.assertEqual(len(cdocs), 2, msg="must be 2 items in cdocs")
def test_get_labels(self): self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_labels") if return docpath = "/app/home/teams/todos/assignee" #docpath = "/v1/test/fish" metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) labels = context.get_labels(docpath) print(f"test_get_labels: the labels are: {labels}") self.assertIn("app", labels, msg=f"labels at {docpath} must include key 'app'") self.assertIn("team", labels, msg=f"labels at {docpath} must include key 'team'") self.assertIn("my_app_name", labels, msg=f"labels at {docpath} must include key 'my_app_name'") self.assertEqual("my app's name is fruit", labels["my_app_name"], msg=f"label my app name must == my app's name is fruit") self.assertEqual("starstruck", labels["company"], msg=f"label company must == starstruck")
def test_get_compose_doc_with_roots(self): self._print(f"ContextTests.test_get_compose_doc_with_roots") if return docpath = "/app/home/teams" metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) doc = context.get_doc_from_roots(["internal"], docpath, False) self._print(f"test_get_compose_doc_with_roots: doc from 'internal': {doc}") assignee = doc.find('assignee in company starstruck!') self.assertNotEqual(-1, assignee, msg=f'{docpath} must include "assignee in company starstruck!" in {doc}') edit = doc.find('edit assignee') self.assertNotEqual(-1, edit, msg=f'{docpath} must include "edit assignee" in {doc}') doc = context.get_doc_from_roots(["public"], docpath) self._print(f"test_get_compose_doc_with_roots: doc from 'public': {doc}") notfound = doc.find("Not found!") self.assertNotEqual(notfound, -1, msg=f'doc at {docpath} must include "Not found!"')
def test_create_context(self): self._print("ContextTests.test_context") if return metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) cdocs = context.cdocs self.assertEqual( len(cdocs), 5, msg=f"must be 4 cdocs, not {len(cdocs)} from {cdocs}" )
class Repl(object): def __init__(self): self._config = None self._metadata = None self._context = None self._continue = True self._debug = False self._commands = {} self._logger = logging.getLogger('') self._add_commands() def _add_commands(self): self.commands["quit"] = self.quit self.commands["read"] = self.commands["list"] = self.list self.commands["roots"] = self.roots self.commands["labels"] = self.labels self.commands["tokens"] = self.tokens self.commands["debug"] = self.debug self.commands["help"] = self.commands["?"] = @property def commands(self): return self._commands @commands.setter def commands(self, adict): self._commands = adict def ask_debug(self): d = input("want to debug during load? (y/n) ") if (d == 'y'): self.debug() def ask_config(self): d = input("want to use your own config? (y/n) ") if (d == 'y'): return input("what path? ") return None def setup(self, configpath: Optional[str] = None, askdebug: Optional[bool] = True): self.ask_debug() configpath = self.ask_config() metadata = None self._config = SimpleConfig(configpath) self._metadata = ContextMetadata(self._config) self._context = Context(self._metadata) def loop(self): print("\n") while self._continue: self._one_loop() def _one_loop(self) -> bool: cmd = input("cmd: ") self.do_cmd(cmd) def do_cmd(self, cmd): print(f"do_cmd: {cmd}") callme = self.commands.get(cmd) if callme is None: print(f"not sure what {cmd} means") else: callme() def debug(self): if self._debug: self._logger.setLevel(level=logging.WARN) self._logger.warning("Set level to WARN") self._debug = False else: self._logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) self._logger.debug("Set level to DEBUG") self._debug = True def help(self): print("\nHelp:") for k, v in self.commands.items(): print(f" {k}") return True def read(self): roots = self._get_roots() docpath = input("docpath: ") doc = "" try: if len(roots) >= 1: doc = self._context.get_doc_from_roots(roots, docpath) else: doc = self._context.get_doc(docpath) print("\ndoc: ") print(f"{doc}") except BadDocPath as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return True def labels(self): roots = self._get_roots() docpath = input("docpath: ") labels = "" try: if len(roots) >= 1: labels = self._context.get_labels_from_roots(roots, docpath) else: labels = self._context.get_labels(docpath) print("\nlabels: ") print(f"{labels}") except BadDocPath as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return True def tokens(self): roots = self._get_roots() docpath = input("docpath: ") labels = "" try: if len(roots) >= 1: labels = self._context.get_tokens_from_roots(roots, docpath) else: tokens = self._context.get_tokens(docpath) print("\ntokens: ") print(f"{tokens}") except BadDocPath as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return True def _get_roots(self): roots = input("which roots (Csv or return for all): ") print("roots are: " + roots) roots = [] if roots == "" else roots.split(",") print(f"roots are: {roots}") return roots def list(self): roots = self._get_roots() docpath = input("docpath: ") docs = [] if len(roots) >= 1: docs = self._context.list_docs_from_roots(roots, docpath) else: docs = self._context.list_docs(docpath) print("\ndocs: ") for doc in docs: print(f" {doc}") return True def roots(self): roots = self._config.get_items("docs") print("\nroots:") for root in roots: print(f" {root}") return True def quit(self): self._continue = False return True
def test_split_plus_concat(self): # tests the use of: # split-plus searches # non-split-plus searches # split-plus searches with roots that deny split-plus # implicitly, the order of multi-root searches # see config.ini re: order of roots under [doc] in the # context of split-plus searches docpath = "app/home/teams#delete_assignee+todo" metadata = ContextMetadata() context = Context(metadata) # split plus: true # both roots allow split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 1:\n{doc}") self.assertIsNotNone(doc, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") found = doc.find("edit assignee") > -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") > -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") # split plus: false # both roots allow split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath, False, False) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 2:\n{doc}") found = doc.find("edit assignee") > -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") > -1 self.assertEqual(found, False, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") context._nosplitplus = ['internal','public'] # split plus: true # both roots deny split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 3:\n{doc}") self.assertIsNotNone(doc, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") found = doc.find("edit assignee") == -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") == -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") # split plus: false # both roots deny split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath, False, False) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 4:\n{doc}") found = doc.find("edit assignee") == -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") == -1 self.assertEqual(found, False, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") context._nosplitplus = ['public'] # split plus: true # public denies split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 5:\n{doc}") self.assertIsNotNone(doc, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") found = doc.find("edit assignee") > -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") == -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") # split plus: false # public denies split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath, False, False) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 6:\n{doc}") found = doc.find("edit assignee") == -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") > -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") context._nosplitplus = ['internal'] # split plus: true # internal denies split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 7:\n{doc}") self.assertIsNotNone(doc, msg=f"doc at {docpath} must not be none") found = doc.find("edit assignee") == -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") > -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content") # split plus: false # internal denies split plus doc = context.get_doc(docpath, False, False) print(f"\nContextTests.test_split_plus_concat: doc 8:\n{doc}") found = doc.find("edit assignee") == -1 found = found and doc.find("my app name: you should see") > -1 self.assertEqual(found, True, msg=f"doc: {doc} doesn't have expected content")