Ejemplo n.º 1
BranchInt = InstructionFormat(intcc, VALUE, ebb, VARIABLE_ARGS)
BranchFloat = InstructionFormat(floatcc, VALUE, ebb, VARIABLE_ARGS)
BranchIcmp = InstructionFormat(intcc, VALUE, VALUE, ebb, VARIABLE_ARGS)
BranchTable = InstructionFormat(VALUE, entities.jump_table)

Call = InstructionFormat(func_ref, VARIABLE_ARGS)
IndirectCall = InstructionFormat(sig_ref, VALUE, VARIABLE_ARGS)
FuncAddr = InstructionFormat(func_ref)

Load = InstructionFormat(memflags, VALUE, offset32)
Store = InstructionFormat(memflags, VALUE, VALUE, offset32)

StackLoad = InstructionFormat(stack_slot, offset32)
StackStore = InstructionFormat(VALUE, stack_slot, offset32)

# Accessing a WebAssembly heap.
HeapAddr = InstructionFormat(heap, VALUE, uimm32)

RegMove = InstructionFormat(VALUE, ('src', regunit), ('dst', regunit))
CopySpecial = InstructionFormat(('src', regunit), ('dst', regunit))
RegSpill = InstructionFormat(
        VALUE, ('src', regunit), ('dst', entities.stack_slot))
RegFill = InstructionFormat(
        VALUE, ('src', entities.stack_slot), ('dst', regunit))

Trap = InstructionFormat(trapcode)
CondTrap = InstructionFormat(VALUE, trapcode)

# Finally extract the names of global variables in this module.
Ejemplo n.º 2
The cretonne.formats defines all instruction formats.

Every instruction format has a corresponding `InstructionData` variant in the
Rust representation of cretonne IL, so all instruction formats must be defined
in this module.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from cdsl.formats import InstructionFormat
from cdsl.operands import VALUE, VARIABLE_ARGS
from .immediates import imm64, uimm8, ieee32, ieee64, intcc, floatcc
from .entities import ebb, sig_ref, func_ref, jump_table

Nullary = InstructionFormat()

Unary = InstructionFormat(VALUE)
UnaryImm = InstructionFormat(imm64)
UnaryIeee32 = InstructionFormat(ieee32)
UnaryIeee64 = InstructionFormat(ieee64)
UnarySplit = InstructionFormat(VALUE, multiple_results=True)

Binary = InstructionFormat(VALUE, VALUE)
BinaryImm = InstructionFormat(VALUE, imm64)

# Generate result + overflow flag.
BinaryOverflow = InstructionFormat(VALUE, VALUE, multiple_results=True)

# The select instructions are controlled by the second VALUE operand.
# The first VALUE operand is the controlling flag which has a derived type.
# The fma instruction has the same constraint on all inputs.
Ternary = InstructionFormat(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE, typevar_operand=1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
The cretonne.formats defines all instruction formats.

Every instruction format has a corresponding `InstructionData` variant in the
Rust representation of Cretonne IR, so all instruction formats must be defined
in this module.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from cdsl.formats import InstructionFormat
from cdsl.operands import VALUE, VARIABLE_ARGS
from .immediates import imm64, uimm8, uimm32, ieee32, ieee64, offset32
from .immediates import boolean, intcc, floatcc, memflags, regunit, trapcode
from . import entities
from .entities import ebb, sig_ref, func_ref, stack_slot, heap

Unary = InstructionFormat(VALUE)
UnaryImm = InstructionFormat(imm64)
UnaryIeee32 = InstructionFormat(ieee32)
UnaryIeee64 = InstructionFormat(ieee64)
UnaryBool = InstructionFormat(boolean)
UnaryGlobalVar = InstructionFormat(entities.global_var)

Binary = InstructionFormat(VALUE, VALUE)
BinaryImm = InstructionFormat(VALUE, imm64)

# The select instructions are controlled by the second VALUE operand.
# The first VALUE operand is the controlling flag which has a derived type.
# The fma instruction has the same constraint on all inputs.
Ternary = InstructionFormat(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE, typevar_operand=1)

# Catch-all for instructions with many outputs and inputs and no immediate