Ejemplo n.º 1
def Elec_ImportExport(individual, pathX):

    # Extract Electricity needs
    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathX.pathRaw + "/Total.csv")

    allElec = np.zeros((8760,1))

    for build in buildList:
        buildFileRaw = pathX.pathRaw + "/" + build + ".csv"
        builddf = pd.read_csv(buildFileRaw, usecols = ["Ealf", "Eauxf", "Ecaf", "Edataf", "Epf"])
        buildarray = np.array(builddf)

        for i in range(8760):
            allElec[i,0] += np.sum(buildarray[i,:])*1000
    print sum(allElec)

    # Extract electricity produced form solar
    configKey = "".join(str(e)[0:4] for e in individual)
    PPactivationFile = pathX.pathSlaveRes + '/' + configKey + 'PPActivationPattern.csv'
    ESolardf = pd.read_csv(PPactivationFile, usecols = ['ESolarProducedPVandPVT'])
    EsolarArray = np.array(ESolardf)

    # Compute Import / Export
    imp = 0
    exp = 0
    for i in range(8760):
        delta = allElec[i,0] - EsolarArray[i,0]
        if delta > 0:
            imp += delta
            exp += delta

    return imp,exp
def sensAnalysis(pathX, extraCosts, extraCO2, extraPrim, solarFeat, ntwFeat, gen):

    gV = glob.globalVariables()
    step = gV.sensibilityStep

    bandwidth = sensBandwidth()

    pop, eps, testedPop = sFn.readCheckPoint(pathX, gen, 0)
    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    buildList = sFn.extractList("Total.csv")

    ParetoResults = np.zeros( len(pop) )
    FactorResults = np.zeros((step + 1, bandwidth.nFactors * 2))

    def sensOneFactor(obj, factor_name, mini, maxi, colNumber):
        iniValue = getattr(obj, factor_name)
        index = 0
        for delta in np.arange(mini, maxi + 1E-5, (maxi-mini)/step):
            FactorResults[index][colNumber + 0] = delta
            if abs(delta) > 1E-10:
                setattr(obj, factor_name, iniValue * (1+delta))
                newpop = []
                for ind in pop:
                    newInd = toolbox.clone(ind)
                    (costs, CO2, prim) = eI.evalInd(newInd, buildList, pathX, extraCosts, extraCO2, extraPrim, solarFeat, ntwFeat, obj)
                    newInd.fitness.values = (costs, CO2, prim)
                selection = sel.selectPareto(newpop)
                for i in range(len(newpop)):
                    if newpop[i] in selection:
                        ParetoResults[i] += 1
                FactorResults[index][colNumber + 1] = len(newpop) - len(selection)

            index += 1

        setattr(obj, factor_name, iniValue)

    sensOneFactor(gV, 'ELEC_PRICE', bandwidth.minElec, bandwidth.maxElec, 0)
    sensOneFactor(gV, 'NG_PRICE', bandwidth.minNG, bandwidth.maxNG, 2)
    sensOneFactor(gV, 'BG_PRICE', bandwidth.minBG, bandwidth.maxBG, 4)
    indexSensible = FactorResults.argmax()%(2*bandwidth.nFactors)
    if indexSensible == 1:
        mostSensitive = 'Electricity price'
    elif indexSensible == 3:
        mostSensitive = 'NG price'
        mostSensitive = 'BG price'
    return ParetoResults, FactorResults, mostSensitive
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GHPCheck(individual, pathRaw, Qnom, gv):
    Computes the geothermal availability and modifies the individual to 
    comply with it
    individual : list
    pathRaw : float
    Qnom : float
        Nominal installed capacity in the district heating plant
    areaArray = np.array(
        pd.read_csv(pathRaw + "/Geothermal.csv", usecols=["Area_geo"]))
    buildArray = np.array(
        pd.read_csv(pathRaw + "/Geothermal.csv", usecols=["Name"]))

    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathRaw + "/Total.csv")
    indCombi = sFn.readCombi(individual)

    Qallowed = 0

    for index, buildName in zip(indCombi, buildList):
        if index == "1":
            areaAvail = areaArray[np.where(buildArray == buildName)[0][0]][0]
            Qallowed += np.ceil(
                areaAvail / gv.GHP_A) * gv.GHP_HmaxSize  #[W_th]

    print Qallowed, "Qallowed"
    if Qallowed < individual[11] * Qnom:
        print "GHP share modified !"

        if Qallowed < 1E-3:
            oldValue = individual[11]
            shareLoss = individual[11]
            individual[10] = 0
            individual[11] = 0

            oldValue = individual[11]
            shareLoss = oldValue - Qallowed / Qnom
            individual[11] = Qallowed / Qnom

        # Adapt the other shares
        nPlant = 0
        for i in range(gv.nHeat - 1):
            if individual[2 * i] > 0:
                nPlant += 1
                individual[2 * i +
                           1] += individual[2 * i + 1] * shareLoss / (1 -

        if nPlant == 0:  # there was only the GHP --> replaced by only NG Boiler
            individual[2] = 1
            individual[3] = 1 - individual[11]
def GHPCheck(individual, pathRaw, Qnom, gv):
    Computes the geothermal availability and modifies the individual to 
    comply with it
    individual : list
    pathRaw : float
    Qnom : float
        Nominal installed capacity in the district heating plant
    areaArray = np.array( pd.read_csv( pathRaw + "/Geothermal.csv", usecols=["Area_geo"] ) )
    buildArray = np.array( pd.read_csv( pathRaw + "/Geothermal.csv", usecols=["Name"] ) )
    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathRaw + "/Total.csv")
    indCombi = sFn.readCombi(individual)
    Qallowed = 0

    for index, buildName in zip(indCombi, buildList):
        if index == "1":
            areaAvail = areaArray[ np.where(buildArray == buildName)[0][0] ][0]
            Qallowed += np.ceil(areaAvail/gv.GHP_A) * gv.GHP_HmaxSize #[W_th]
    print Qallowed, "Qallowed"
    if Qallowed < individual[11] * Qnom:
        print "GHP share modified !"
        if Qallowed < 1E-3:
            oldValue = individual[11]
            shareLoss = individual[11]
            individual[10] =0
            individual[11] =0
            oldValue = individual[11]
            shareLoss = oldValue - Qallowed / Qnom
            individual[11] = Qallowed / Qnom
        # Adapt the other shares
        nPlant = 0
        for i in range(gv.nHeat - 1):
            if individual[2*i] > 0:
                nPlant += 1
                individual[2*i+1] += individual[2*i+1] * shareLoss / (1-oldValue)
        if nPlant == 0: # there was only the GHP --> replaced by only NG Boiler
            individual[2] = 1
            individual[3] = 1-individual[11]
def decentralizeCosts(individual, pathX, gV):
    indCombi = sFn.readCombi(individual, gV)
    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathX.pathRaw + "/Total.csv")
    costsDisc = 0

    for i in range(len(indCombi)):
        if indCombi[i] == "0": # Decentralized building
            buildName = buildList[i]
            DecentFile = pathX.pathDiscRes + "/DiscOp_" + buildName + "_result.csv"

            df = pd.read_csv(DecentFile)
            dfBest = df[df["Best configuration"] == 1]

            costsDisc += dfBest["Annualized Investment Costs [CHF]"].iloc[0]

    print costsDisc, "costsDisc"
    return costsDisc
Ejemplo n.º 6
def decentralizeCosts(individual, pathX, gV):
    indCombi = sFn.readCombi(individual, gV)
    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathX.pathRaw + "/Total.csv")
    costsDisc = 0

    for i in range(len(indCombi)):
        if indCombi[i] == "0":  # Decentralized building
            buildName = buildList[i]
            DecentFile = pathX.pathDiscRes + "/DiscOp_" + buildName + "_result.csv"

            df = pd.read_csv(DecentFile)
            dfBest = df[df["Best configuration"] == 1]

            costsDisc += dfBest["Annualized Investment Costs [CHF]"].iloc[0]

    print costsDisc, "costsDisc"
    return costsDisc
def sensAnalysis(pathX, extraCosts, extraCO2, extraPrim, solarFeat, ntwFeat,

    gV = glob.globalVariables()
    step = gV.sensibilityStep

    bandwidth = sensBandwidth()

    pop, eps, testedPop = sFn.readCheckPoint(pathX, gen, 0)
    toolbox = base.Toolbox()

    buildList = sFn.extractList("Total.csv")

    ParetoResults = np.zeros(len(pop))
    FactorResults = np.zeros((step + 1, bandwidth.nFactors * 2))

    def sensOneFactor(obj, factor_name, mini, maxi, colNumber):
        iniValue = getattr(obj, factor_name)
        index = 0

        for delta in np.arange(mini, maxi + 1E-5, (maxi - mini) / step):
            FactorResults[index][colNumber + 0] = delta
            if abs(delta) > 1E-10:
                setattr(obj, factor_name, iniValue * (1 + delta))

                newpop = []
                for ind in pop:
                    newInd = toolbox.clone(ind)
                    (costs, CO2, prim) = eI.evalInd(newInd, buildList, pathX,
                                                    extraCosts, extraCO2,
                                                    extraPrim, solarFeat,
                                                    ntwFeat, obj)
                    newInd.fitness.values = (costs, CO2, prim)

                selection = sel.selectPareto(newpop)
                for i in range(len(newpop)):
                    if newpop[i] in selection:
                        ParetoResults[i] += 1

                FactorResults[index][colNumber +
                                     1] = len(newpop) - len(selection)

            index += 1

        setattr(obj, factor_name, iniValue)

    sensOneFactor(gV, 'ELEC_PRICE', bandwidth.minElec, bandwidth.maxElec, 0)
    sensOneFactor(gV, 'NG_PRICE', bandwidth.minNG, bandwidth.maxNG, 2)
    sensOneFactor(gV, 'BG_PRICE', bandwidth.minBG, bandwidth.maxBG, 4)

    indexSensible = FactorResults.argmax() % (2 * bandwidth.nFactors)
    if indexSensible == 1:
        mostSensitive = 'Electricity price'
    elif indexSensible == 3:
        mostSensitive = 'NG price'
        mostSensitive = 'BG price'

    return ParetoResults, FactorResults, mostSensitive
Ejemplo n.º 8
def mcda_indicators(individual, pathX, plot = 0):
    Computes the specific operational costs and the share of local resources
    configKey = "".join(str(e)[0:4] for e in individual)
    print configKey
    buildList = sFn.extractList(pathX.pathRaw + "/Total.csv")
    gV = glob.globalVariables()
    # Recover data from the PP activation file
    resourcesFile = pathX.pathSlaveRes + "/" + configKey + "PPActivationPattern.csv"
    resourcesdf = pd.read_csv(resourcesFile, usecols=["ESolarProducedPVandPVT", "Q_AddBoiler", "Q_BoilerBase", "Q_BoilerPeak", "Q_CC", "Q_GHP", \
                                                        "Q_HPLake", "Q_HPSew", "Q_primaryAddBackupSum", "Q_uncontrollable"])
    Electricity_Solar = resourcesdf.ESolarProducedPVandPVT.sum()
    Q_AddBoiler = resourcesdf.Q_AddBoiler.sum()
    Q_BoilerBase = resourcesdf.Q_BoilerBase.sum()
    Q_BoilerPeak = resourcesdf.Q_BoilerPeak.sum()
    Q_CC = resourcesdf.Q_CC.sum()
    Q_GHP = resourcesdf.Q_GHP.sum()
    Q_HPLake = resourcesdf.Q_HPLake.sum()
    Q_HPSew = resourcesdf.Q_HPSew.sum()
    Q_storage_missmatch = resourcesdf.Q_primaryAddBackupSum.sum()
    Q_uncontrollable = resourcesdf.Q_uncontrollable.sum()

    # Recover data from the Storage Operation file
    resourcesFile = pathX.pathSlaveRes + "/" + configKey + "StorageOperationData.csv"
    resourcesdf = pd.read_csv(resourcesFile, usecols=["Q_SCandPVT_coldstream"])
    Q_fromSolar = resourcesdf.Q_SCandPVT_coldstream.sum()

    # Recover heating needs for decentralized buildings
    indCombi = sFn.readCombi(individual, gV)
    QfromNG = 0
    QfromBG = 0
    QfromGHP = 0
    for i in range(len(indCombi)):
        if indCombi[i] == "0": # Decentralized building
            buildName = buildList[i]
            DescentFile = pathX.pathDiscRes + "/DiscOp_" + buildName + "_result.csv"
            df = pd.read_csv(DescentFile)
            dfBest = df[ df["Best configuration"] == 1 ]
            QfromNG += dfBest["QfromNG"].iloc[0]
            QfromBG += dfBest["QfromBG"].iloc[0]
            QfromGHP += dfBest["QfromGHP"].iloc[0]

    # Recover electricity and cooling needs
    totalFile = pathX.pathRaw + "/Total.csv"
    df = pd.read_csv(totalFile, usecols=["Ealf", "Eauxf", "Ecaf", "Edataf", "Epf"])
    arrayTotal = np.array(df)
    totalElec = np.sum(arrayTotal) * 1E6 # [Wh]

    df = pd.read_csv(totalFile, usecols=["Qcdataf", "Qcicef", "Qcpf", "Qcsf"])
    arrayTotal = np.array(df)
    if individual[12] == 0:
        totalCool = ( np.sum((arrayTotal)[:,:-1]) + np.sum((arrayTotal)[:,-1:]) * (1+gV.DCNetworkLoss) ) * 1E6 # [Wh]
        totalCool = ( np.sum((arrayTotal)[:,1:-1]) + np.sum((arrayTotal)[:,-1:]) * (1+gV.DCNetworkLoss) ) * 1E6 # [Wh]
    # Computes the specific operational costs
    totalEnergy = Q_AddBoiler + Q_BoilerBase + Q_BoilerPeak + Q_CC + Q_GHP + Q_HPLake + \
                  Q_HPSew  + Q_uncontrollable + totalElec + totalCool + \
                  QfromNG + QfromBG + QfromGHP# + Q_storage_missmatch
    shareCC_NG = individual[0] % 2 * Q_CC / totalEnergy
    shareCC_BG = ( individual[0] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_CC / totalEnergy
    shareBB_NG = individual[2] % 2 * Q_BoilerBase / totalEnergy
    shareBB_BG = ( individual[2] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_BoilerBase / totalEnergy
    shareBP_NG = individual[4] % 2 * Q_BoilerPeak / totalEnergy
    shareBP_BG = ( individual[4] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_BoilerPeak / totalEnergy
    shareHPLake = Q_HPLake / totalEnergy
    shareHPSew = Q_HPSew / totalEnergy
    shareGHP = Q_GHP / totalEnergy
    shareExtraNG = (Q_AddBoiler + Q_storage_missmatch) / totalEnergy
    shareHR = (Q_uncontrollable - Q_fromSolar) / totalEnergy
    shareHeatSolar = Q_fromSolar / totalEnergy
    shareDecentralizedNG = QfromNG / totalEnergy
    shareDecentralizedBG = QfromBG / totalEnergy
    shareDecentralizedGHP = QfromGHP / totalEnergy
    shareElecGrid = (totalElec - Electricity_Solar) / totalEnergy
    shareElecSolar = Electricity_Solar / totalEnergy
    shareCoolLake = totalCool / totalEnergy
    printout = 1
    if printout:
        print 'CC_NG', individual[0] % 2 * Q_CC
        print 'CC_BG', ( individual[0] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_CC
        print 'BB_NG', individual[2] % 2 * Q_BoilerBase
        print 'BB_BG', ( individual[2] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_BoilerBase
        print 'BP_NG', individual[4] % 2 * Q_BoilerPeak
        print 'BP_BG', ( individual[4] + 1 ) % 2 * Q_BoilerPeak
        print 'HPLake', Q_HPLake
        print 'HPSew', Q_HPSew
        print 'GHP', Q_GHP
        print 'ExtraNG', (Q_AddBoiler + Q_storage_missmatch)
        print 'HR', (Q_uncontrollable - Q_fromSolar)
        print 'HeatSolar', Q_fromSolar
        print 'DecentralizedNG', QfromNG
        print 'DecentralizedBG', QfromBG
        print 'DecentralizedGHP', QfromGHP
        print 'ElecGrid', (totalElec - Electricity_Solar)
        print 'ElecSolar', Electricity_Solar
        print 'CoolLake', totalCool

        print 'shareCC_NG', shareCC_NG*100 
        print 'shareCC_BG', shareCC_BG*100
        print 'shareBB_NG', shareBB_NG*100
        print 'shareBB_BG',  shareBB_BG*100
        print 'shareBP_NG', shareBP_NG*100
        print 'shareBP_BG', shareBP_BG*100 
        print 'shareHPLake', shareHPLake*100 
        print 'shareHPSew', shareHPSew*100 
        print 'shareGHP', shareGHP*100 
        print 'shareExtraNG', shareExtraNG*100 
        print 'shareHR', shareHR*100
        print 'shareHeatSolar', shareHeatSolar*100
        print 'shareDecentralizedNG', shareDecentralizedNG*100
        print 'shareDecentralizedBG', shareDecentralizedBG*100 
        print 'shareDecentralizedGHP', shareDecentralizedGHP*100
        print 'shareElecGrid' ,shareElecGrid*100 
        print 'shareElecSolar', shareElecSolar*100 
        print 'shareCoolLake', shareCoolLake*100

    specificCosts = gV.ELEC_PRICE * shareElecGrid + \
                    gV.NG_PRICE * (shareCC_NG + shareBB_NG + shareBP_NG + shareExtraNG + shareDecentralizedNG) + \
                    gV.BG_PRICE * (shareCC_BG + shareBB_BG + shareBP_BG + shareDecentralizedBG)
    # Computes the share of local resources
    shareLocal = shareHPLake + shareHPSew + shareGHP + shareHR + shareHeatSolar + shareDecentralizedGHP + shareElecSolar + shareCoolLake
    # Plots the pie chart for energy resources use
    if plot == 1:
        fig = plt.figure()
        subplot = fig.add_subplot(111, adjustable = 'box', aspect = 1, title = 'Energy mix')
        labels = ['Lake', 'Solar', 'HR', 'Ground', 'Gas', 'Grid']
        shareLake = shareHPLake + shareCoolLake
        shareSolar = shareHeatSolar + shareElecSolar
        shareHRAll = shareHPSew + shareHR
        shareGround = shareGHP + shareDecentralizedGHP
        shareGas = 1 - shareLake - shareSolar - shareHRAll - shareGround - shareElecGrid
        fracs = [ shareLake, shareSolar, shareHRAll, shareGround, shareGas, shareElecGrid ]
        colors = ['RoyalBlue', 'Gold', 'LightGreen', 'SandyBrown', 'OrangeRed', 'Gray']
        zipper = [ (l,f,c) for (l,f,c) in zip(labels,fracs,colors) if f > 0.001 ]
        labelsPlot, fracsPlot, colorsPlot = map( list, zip(*zipper) )
        subplot.pie(fracsPlot, labels = labelsPlot, colors = colorsPlot, startangle = 90, autopct='%1.1f%%', pctdistance = 0.65)
    return specificCosts, shareLocal