Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_time_constraints_compatibility(self):
        # client should be backwards compatible
        alarm_without_tc = dict(self.ALARM[0])
        del alarm_without_tc['time_constraints']

        # NOTE(nsaje): Since we're accessing a nonexisting key in the resource,
        # the resource is looking it up with the manager (which is a mock).
        manager_mock = mock.Mock()
        del manager_mock.get
        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(manager_mock, alarm_without_tc)]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm

        ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Severity \
| Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition                                     \
                                                 | Time constraints |
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | critical \
| True    | False      | combinated states (OR) of \
739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f38, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 \
| None             |
''', sys.stdout.getvalue())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_query(self):
        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(mock.Mock(), alarm)
                     for alarm in self.ALARM]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm

        ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Severity \
| Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition                                     \
                                                 | Time constraints          \
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | critical \
| True    | False      | combinated states (OR) of \
739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f38, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 |\
 test at 0 23 * * *  for 10800s |
''', sys.stdout.getvalue())
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_query(self):

        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(mock.Mock(), alarm)
                     for alarm in self.ALARM]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm
        org_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = output = six.StringIO()
            ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)
            sys.stdout = org_stdout

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Enabled \
| Continuous | Alarm condition                                              \
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | True    \
| False      | combinated states (OR) of 739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f3\
8, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 |
''', output.getvalue())
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_time_constraints_compatibility(self):
        # client should be backwards compatible
        alarm_without_tc = dict(self.ALARM[0])
        del alarm_without_tc['time_constraints']

        # NOTE(nsaje): Since we're accessing a nonexisting key in the resource,
        # the resource is looking it up with the manager (which is a mock).
        manager_mock = mock.Mock()
        del manager_mock.get
        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(manager_mock, alarm_without_tc)]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm

        ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Severity \
| Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition                                     \
                                                 | Time constraints |
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | critical \
| True    | False      | combinated states (OR) of \
739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f38, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 \
| None             |
''', sys.stdout.getvalue())
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_query(self):
        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(mock.Mock(), alarm) for alarm in self.ALARM]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm

        ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Severity \
| Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition                                     \
                                                 | Time constraints          \
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | critical \
| True    | False      | combinated states (OR) of \
739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f38, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 |\
 test at 0 23 * * *  for 10800s |
''', sys.stdout.getvalue())
    def test_query(self):

        ret_alarm = [alarms.Alarm(mock.Mock(), alarm) for alarm in self.ALARM]
        self.cc.query_alarms.query.return_value = ret_alarm
        org_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = output = six.StringIO()
            ceilometer_shell.do_query_alarms(self.cc, self.args)
            sys.stdout = org_stdout

| Alarm ID                             | Name             | State | Enabled \
| Continuous | Alarm condition                                              \
| 768ff714-8cfb-4db9-9753-d484cb33a1cc | SwiftObjectAlarm | ok    | True    \
| False      | combinated states (OR) of 739e99cb-c2ec-4718-b900-332502355f3\
8, 153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856 |
''', output.getvalue())