Ejemplo n.º 1
def _handle_identical_cert_request(config, lineage):
    """Figure out what to do if a lineage has the same names as a previously obtained one

    :param config: Configuration object
    :type config: interfaces.IConfig

    :param lineage: Certificate lineage object
    :type lineage: storage.RenewableCert

    :returns: Tuple of (str action, cert_or_None) as per _find_lineage_for_domains_and_certname
              action can be: "newcert" | "renew" | "reinstall"
    :rtype: `tuple` of `str`

    if not lineage.ensure_deployed():
        return "reinstall", lineage
    if renewal.should_renew(config, lineage):
        return "renew", lineage
    if config.reinstall:
        # Set with --reinstall, force an identical certificate to be
        # reinstalled without further prompting.
        return "reinstall", lineage
    question = (
        "You have an existing certificate that has exactly the same "
        "domains or certificate name you requested and isn't close to expiry."
        "{br}(ref: {0}){br}{br}What would you like to do?"
    ).format(lineage.configfile.filename, br=os.linesep)

    if config.verb == "run":
        keep_opt = "Attempt to reinstall this existing certificate"
    elif config.verb == "certonly":
        keep_opt = "Keep the existing certificate for now"
    choices = [keep_opt,
               "Renew & replace the cert (limit ~5 per 7 days)"]

    display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
    response = display.menu(question, choices,
                            default=0, force_interactive=True)
    if response[0] == display_util.CANCEL:
        # TODO: Add notification related to command-line options for
        #       skipping the menu for this case.
        raise errors.Error(
            "Operation canceled. You may re-run the client.")
    elif response[1] == 0:
        return "reinstall", lineage
    elif response[1] == 1:
        return "renew", lineage
        assert False, "This is impossible"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _handle_identical_cert_request(config, lineage):
    """Figure out what to do if a lineage has the same names as a previously obtained one

    :param config: Configuration object
    :type config: interfaces.IConfig

    :param lineage: Certificate lineage object
    :type lineage: storage.RenewableCert

    :returns: Tuple of (str action, cert_or_None) as per _find_lineage_for_domains_and_certname
              action can be: "newcert" | "renew" | "reinstall"
    :rtype: `tuple` of `str`

    if not lineage.ensure_deployed():
        return "reinstall", lineage
    if renewal.should_renew(config, lineage):
        return "renew", lineage
    if config.reinstall:
        # Set with --reinstall, force an identical certificate to be
        # reinstalled without further prompting.
        return "reinstall", lineage
    question = (
        "You have an existing certificate that has exactly the same "
        "domains or certificate name you requested and isn't close to expiry."
        "{br}(ref: {0}){br}{br}What would you like to do?"
    ).format(lineage.configfile.filename, br=os.linesep)

    if config.verb == "run":
        keep_opt = "Attempt to reinstall this existing certificate"
    elif config.verb == "certonly":
        keep_opt = "Keep the existing certificate for now"
    choices = [keep_opt,
               "Renew & replace the cert (limit ~5 per 7 days)"]

    display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
    response = display.menu(question, choices,
                            default=0, force_interactive=True)
    if response[0] == display_util.CANCEL:
        # TODO: Add notification related to command-line options for
        #       skipping the menu for this case.
        raise errors.Error(
            "Operation canceled. You may re-run the client.")
    elif response[1] == 0:
        return "reinstall", lineage
    elif response[1] == 1:
        return "renew", lineage
        assert False, "This is impossible"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _handle_identical_cert_request(config, lineage):
    """Figure out what to do if a lineage has the same names as a previously obtained one

    :param storage.RenewableCert lineage:

    :returns: Tuple of (str action, cert_or_None) as per _treat_as_renewal
              action can be: "newcert" | "renew" | "reinstall"
    :rtype: tuple

    if lineage.has_pending_deployment():
        logger.warn("Found a new cert /archive/ that was not linked to in /live/; "
                    "fixing and reinstalling..")
        return "reinstall", lineage
    if renewal.should_renew(config, lineage):
        return "renew", lineage
    if config.reinstall:
        # Set with --reinstall, force an identical certificate to be
        # reinstalled without further prompting.
        return "reinstall", lineage
    question = (
        "You have an existing certificate that contains exactly the same "
        "domains you requested and isn't close to expiry."
        "{br}(ref: {0}){br}{br}What would you like to do?"
    ).format(lineage.configfile.filename, br=os.linesep)

    if config.verb == "run":
        keep_opt = "Attempt to reinstall this existing certificate"
    elif config.verb == "certonly":
        keep_opt = "Keep the existing certificate for now"
    choices = [keep_opt,
               "Renew & replace the cert (limit ~5 per 7 days)"]

    display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
    response = display.menu(question, choices, "OK", "Cancel", default=0)
    if response[0] == display_util.CANCEL:
        # TODO: Add notification related to command-line options for
        #       skipping the menu for this case.
        raise errors.Error(
            "User chose to cancel the operation and may "
            "reinvoke the client.")
    elif response[1] == 0:
        return "reinstall", lineage
    elif response[1] == 1:
        return "renew", lineage
        assert False, "This is impossible"