Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_parser_speed(string, n):
    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(n):
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        f"\nelapsed time: {elapsed_time}; time per parse: {elapsed_time / n}")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def is_rp5_streamflow_ensemble_percentile(p, cell_methods):
    cell_methods = parse_if_str(cell_methods)
    return (
        len(cell_methods) == 4
        and is_rp5_streamflow_climatology_single_model(cell_methods[0:3])
        and cell_methods[4] == parse(f"models: percentile[{p}]")[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_final_cell_method(cell_methods, target_method, default_to_mean=True):
    """Determines whether the final method in a cell methods string
    (corresponding to a statistical aggregation) matches the target.
    If default_to_mean is true, treats errors and unrecognized methods
    as though they are climatological means. This compensates for some
    noisy cell_methods attributes in our data, all of which are
    climatological means.
    parsed = parse(cell_methods)
    if target_method == "mean" and default_to_mean:
        # determine means by process of elimination
        nonmeans = [m for m in VALID_CELL_METHODS_PARAMETERS if m != "mean"]
        return parsed is None or parsed[-1].method.name not in nonmeans
    elif parsed is not None:
        return parsed[-1].method.name == target_method
        # unparsable cell methods string
        return False
def test_is_conventional(cell_method_str, expected):
    cell_methods = parse(cell_method_str)
    assert is_conventional(cell_methods) is expected
def test_single(cell_method_str, conventional, extended):
    cell_methods = parse(cell_method_str)
    assert is_conventional_1(cell_methods[0]) is conventional
    assert is_extended_1(cell_methods[0]) is extended
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parse_if_str(cell_methods):
    return parse(cell_methods) if isinstance(cell_methods, str) \
        else cell_methods