Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(options, args):

    #logger = ssdlog.make_logger('checkstat', options)


    st = ro.remoteObjectProxy(options.statussvc)

    insdata = INSdata()
    statusDict = {}
    lookupDict = {}

    # Get all the names of the 'ALIVE' status tables for the instruments
    for insname in insdata.getNames():
        if insname == 'VGW':
        inscode = insdata.getCodeByName(insname)
        tblname = '%3.3sS0001' % inscode

        alias = 'GEN2.STATUS.TBLTIME.%s' % tblname
        statusDict[alias] = 0
        lookupDict[alias] = insname

    # Additional tables to check
    for tblname in ('TSCS', 'TSCL', 'TSCV', 'VGWD', 'VGWQ'):
        alias = 'GEN2.STATUS.TBLTIME.%s' % tblname
        statusDict[alias] = 0
        lookupDict[alias] = tblname

    fetchDict = st.fetch(statusDict)

    if options.sorttime:
        times = fetchDict.items()
        keys = [(alias, lookupDict[alias]) for alias in \
                map(lambda x: x[0], times)]
        keys = lookupDict.items()
        keys.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
    #print keys

    for alias, name in keys:
        timeval = fetchDict[alias]
        if timeval == '##NODATA##':
            time_s = 'No record'
        elif isinstance(timeval, float):
            time_s = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
            time_s = 'ERROR: %s' % str(timeval)

        print "%-8.8s  %s" % (name, time_s)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MockFrameSource(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.count = 1
        self.insconfig = INSconfig()

    def get(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 3:
            (insname, frametype, count) = args
            count = int(count)
            inscode = self.insconfig.getCodeByName(insname)
            frameid = ('%-3.3s%1.1s%08.8d:%04.4d' %
                       (inscode, frametype, self.count, count))
        elif len(args) == 2:
            (insname, frametype) = args
            inscode = self.insconfig.getCodeByName(insname)
            frameid = ('%-3.3s%1.1s%08.8d' % (inscode, frametype, self.count))
            count = 1
            raise DecodeError("Bad arguments to get_f_no: %s" % str(args))

        self.count += count
        return frameid
class Frame(object):
    def __init__(self, summit_dir, base_dir, error=None, logger=None):

        self.error = error
        self.logger = logger

        self.stars = None  # frames in STARS

        self.summit = {}  # all frames @ summit
        self.base = {}  # all frames @ base

        self.summit_a = {}  # A-frames @ summit
        self.base_a = {}  # A-frames @ base
        self.summit_q = {}  # Q-frames @ summit
        self.base_q = {}  # Q-frames @ base

        self.intersect = None  # union of summit and base frames

        self.summit_dir = summit_dir  # frame dir @summit
        self.base_dir = base_dir  # frame dir @base

        self.obcp = INSdata()
        self.starsdb = STARSdb(logger)

    def get_base(self):
        self.logger.debug('getting base frames...')

        sync_base = {}

            frames = set(self.summit.keys()).difference(self.base.keys())

            for f in frames:
                sync_base[f] = self.summit[f]

            return sync_base
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('error: getting base frames... %s' % e)
            if self.error:
                enditer = self.error.get_end_iter()
                                  'error: getting base frames... %s\n' % e)

    def get_summit(self):
        self.logger.debug('getting summit frames...')

        sync_summit = {}

            frames = set(self.base.keys()).difference(self.summit.keys())
            for f in frames:
                sync_summit[f] = self.base[f]
            return sync_summit
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('error: getting summit frames... %s' % e)
            if self.error:
                enditer = self.error.get_end_iter()
                                  'error: getting summit frames... %s\n' % e)

    def get_stars(self):
        self.logger.debug('getting stars frames...')

        frames = list(set(self.intersect).difference(self.stars))

            stars = {}
            for frame in frames:
                stars[frame] = self.base[frame]
            return stars
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('error: getting stars frames... %s' % e)
            if self.error:
                enditer = self.error.get_end_iter()
                                  'error: getting stars frames... %s\n' % e)

    def get_delete(self):
        self.logger.debug('getting delete frames...')

            frames = list(set(self.intersect).intersection(self.stars))

            delete = {}

            for frame in frames:
                delete[frame] = self.base[frame]
            return delete

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('error: getting summit frames... %s' % e)
            if self.error:
                enditer = self.error.get_end_iter()
                                  'error: getting delete frames... %s\n' % e)

    def __search_stars(self, frameid):
        self.logger.debug('querying stars...')

        # note: STARS somehow does not let me query both A/Q frames in parallel.
        #       need to query one after other

        stars_q = self.__search_Q_frames(frameid)
        stars_a = self.__search_A_frames(frameid)
        self.stars = stars_a + stars_q

    def __search_Q_frames(self, frameid):

        intersect_q = list(

        stars_q = []
        if not len(intersect_q):
            return stars_q

        sframe, e = os.path.splitext(intersect_q[0])
        eframe, e = os.path.splitext(intersect_q[-1])

        self.logger.debug('ins=%s Q between %s and %s' %
                          (frameid, sframe, eframe))

        stars = self.starsdb.are_frames_in_stars(frameid, sframe, eframe)
        stars_q.extend(map(lambda x: '%s.fits' % x, stars))
        self.logger.debug('Q query done num=%d' % len(stars_q))
        return stars_q

    def __search_A_frames(self, frameid):

        intersect_a = list(
        stars_a = []
        if not len(intersect_a):
            return stars_a

        sframe, e = os.path.splitext(intersect_a[0])
        eframe, e = os.path.splitext(intersect_a[-1])

        self.logger.debug('ins=%s A between %s and %s' %
                          (frameid, sframe, eframe))

        stars = self.starsdb.are_frames_in_stars(frameid, sframe, eframe)
        stars_a.extend(map(lambda x: '%s.fits' % x, stars))
        self.logger.debug('A query done num=%d' % len(stars_a))
        return stars_a

    def collect_frames(self, ins):

        today = datetime.datetime.today()
        frameid = self.obcp.getCodeByName(ins)

            self.base_a, self.base_q = self.__collect_frames(
                self.base_dir, ins, frameid, today)
            self.summit_a, self.summit_q = self.__collect_frames(
                self.summit_dir, ins, frameid, today)
            self.intersect = list(
                'base_a=%d  base_q=%d  base=%d' %
                (len(self.base_a), len(self.base_q), len(self.base)))
                'summit_a=%d  summit_q=%d  summit=%d' %
                (len(self.summit_a), len(self.summit_q), len(self.summit)))
            self.logger.debug('intersect=%d' % (len(self.intersect)))
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('error: collecting frames.  %s ' % e)
            if self.error:
                enditer = self.error.get_end_iter()
                                  'error: collecting frames..  %s\n' % e)

    def __collect_frames(self, path, ins, frameid, today):
        #print 'collecting base frame....'
        Afits = '%sA*.fits' % frameid
        Qfits = '%sQ*.fits' % frameid

        ins_dir = os.path.join(path, ins)
        Aframes = glob.glob(Afits)
        Qframes = glob.glob(Qfits)

        Aframes = self.__get_frame_info(Aframes, today)
        Qframes = self.__get_frame_info(Qframes, today)
        return (Aframes, Qframes)

    def __get_frame_info(self, frames, today):
        """ get time stamp, age, size of a file """

        stat = os.stat
        fromtimestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp
        frame_info = {}  #; append=frame_info.append

        for frame in frames:
            info = stat(frame)
            m_time = fromtimestamp(info.st_mtime)
            age = today - m_time
            frame_info[frame] = (m_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                                 age.days, info.st_size)

        return frame_info
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DbTool(object):
    """Simple class to manipulate the SOSS database.  Uses the SOSSdb module
    access functions. 
    def __init__(self, logger, host):
        self.logger = logger
        # Create SOSS DB object
        self.db = SOSSdb.SOSSdb(self.logger, host=host)

        # For looking up instruments
        self.ins_config = INSconfig()

        super(DbTool, self).__init__()

    def check_options(self, options, optionlist):
        """Check an options object (can be a Bunch, generic object, or as e.g. returned
        by optparse module) for a set of required attributes that must be NOT None.
        If any of the options are missing, an error message is generated to prompt for
        the missing ones.

        If the option name and the options attribute have different names, then they can
        be distinguished by a colon in the optionlist.

          optionlist: ['starttime', 'endtime', 'inst:instruments', 'obsgrp:division']

          The options object must contain the attributes starttime, endtime, instruments
          and division.  Supposed endtime and division are None.  Then the following
          error string is logged and an Error raised:
            'Missing options: --endtime, --obsgrp
        missing = []
        for varname in optionlist:
            option = varname
            if ':' in varname:
                (option, varname) = varname.split(':')
                val = getattr(options, varname)
                if val == None:
                    missing.append('--%s' % option)

            except AttributeError:
                missing.append('--%s' % option)

        if len(missing) > 0:
            raise Error("Missing options: %s" % ', '.join(missing))

    def set_inst(self, bnch, instruments):
        """Check a list of instrument names for correctness and set the instruments
        attribute in the bunch (bnch is a record from the SOSS usradmintbl).
        If an instrument using AO is specified, and AO is not present, then add AO
        to the list.
        for insname in instruments:
            insname = insname.upper()

            except KeyError:
                errmsg = "'%s' is not a valid instrument name" % insname
                raise Error(errmsg)

        # Append AO if CIAO specified, but not AO as well
        if ('CIAO' in instruments) and not ('AO' in instruments):

        bnch.instruments = instruments

    def _fillRecord(self, bnch, options):
        """Update a record (bnch) from the SOSS usradmintbl.  bnch is just a Bunch
        object with fields set to python translated values from the table.  Options
        is another Bunch or any object with matching attributes.  If any of them
        are present and NOT None, then they are copied with the approriate checks
        and type conversions to the record and then the record is written to the
        database.  May raise an Error.

        # Update start and end dates
        # TODO: parse variety of date formats, not just twin style
        if options.starttime:
            twin_starttime = options.starttime
            if not ':' in twin_starttime:
                twin_starttime += '-00:00:00'
            if not re.match(r'^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$',
                raise Error("Please specify dates in the form YYYY-MM-DD[-HH:MM:SS]")
            bnch.starttime = SOSSdb.datetime_fromSOSS2(twin_starttime)
        if options.endtime:
            twin_endtime = options.endtime
            if not ':' in twin_endtime:
                twin_endtime += '-00:00:00'
            if not re.match(r'^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$',
                raise Error("Please specify dates in the form YYYY-MM-DD[-HH:MM:SS]")
            bnch.endtime = SOSSdb.datetime_fromSOSS2(twin_endtime)

        # Update division/observation group (to 'purpose' field in db)
        if options.division:
            #bnch.purpose = ObsProposalToSOSSobsGrp(options.division)
            bnch.purpose = options.division

        # Update instrument list.  options value is a comma-separated string of
        # isntrument names.  If it begins with a + or - then those instruments
        # are added or removed to the set already in bnch.instruments
        if options.instruments:
            if options.instruments.startswith('+'):
                instruments = list(bnch.instruments)
                add_instruments = options.instruments[1:].split(',')
                for insname in add_instruments:
                    insname = insname.upper()
                    if not insname in instruments:
            elif options.instruments.startswith('-'):
                instruments = list(bnch.instruments)
                sub_instruments = options.instruments[1:].split(',')
                for insname in sub_instruments:
                    insname = insname.upper()
                    if insname in instruments:
                instruments = options.instruments.split(',')
            self.set_inst(bnch, instruments)

        # Update "oplevel".  This field is best left to default, unless you really
        # know what you are doing.
        if options.oplevel == 'default':
            bnch.oplevel = g_oplevel['default'].split(',')
        elif options.oplevel == 'advanced':
            bnch.oplevel = g_oplevel['advanced'].split(',')
        elif options.oplevel:
            bnch.oplevel = options.oplevel.split(',')
        self.logger.debug("Updated record is: %s" % str(bnch))

    def getProp(self, propid):
        """Method to get a record from the usradmintbl.

            return self.db.getProp(propid)

        except SOSSdb.SOSSdbError, e:
            raise Error("Couldn't access proposal: %s" % str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 5
class frameSvc(object):
    Implements a frame number service compatible with the one provided
    by SOSS.

    def __init__(self, svcname, logger, monitor=None, monchannels=[]):
        self.logger = logger
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.monchannels = monchannels
        # TODO: parameterize tag template (from svcname?)
        self.tag_template = 'mon.frame.%s.frameSvc'

        self.insconfig = INSconfig()
        # For updating status system with session info
        # TODO: parameterize object
        self.status = ro.remoteObjectProxy('status')

        # For mutual exclusion
        self.lock = threading.RLock()

    # Need this because we don't inherit from ro.remoteObjectServer,
    # but are delegated to from it
    def ro_echo(self, arg):
        return arg

    def _set_necessary_status(self, insname, frameid, frametype):

        instcode = self.insconfig.getCodeByName(insname)

        statusDict = {}
        if frametype == 'A':
            statusDict['FITS.%s.FRAMEID' % instcode] = frameid
        elif frametype == 'Q':
            statusDict['FITS.%s.FRAMEIDQ' % instcode] = frameid

        self.logger.debug("Updating status: %s" % str(statusDict))

    def getFrameMap(self, insname, frametype):
        self.logger.info('getting frame map....')
        with self.lock:
            insname = insname.upper()
            frametype = frametype.upper()
            if len(frametype) > 1:
                prefix = frametype[1]
                frametype = frametype[0]
                prefix = '0'

                frameid = framedb.getFrameMap(insname, frametype, 

                return (ro.OK, frameid)

            except Exception, e:
                raise frameError("Error obtaining framemap info: %s" % (str(e)))