Ejemplo n.º 1
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    ContRecog = create_key(
    ContRecog_sbref = create_key(

    info[ContRecog] = []
    info[ContRecog_sbref] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        #func continuous recognition memory task
        if ('cmrr_ep' in s.protocol_name and 'test' not in s.protocol_name):
            if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                info[ContRecog_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                info[ContRecog].append({'item': s.series_id})

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 2
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    # create functional keys
    bold_mag = create_key(
    bold_phase = create_key(
    bold_sbref = create_key(

    # add functional keys to the dictionary
    info[bold_mag] = []
    info[bold_phase] = []
    info[bold_sbref] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):
        if ('bold' in s.protocol_name):
            if (s.dim4 > 2 and ('M' in s.image_type[2].strip())):
                info[bold_mag].append({'item': s.series_id})
            if (s.dim4 > 2 and ('P' in s.image_type[2].strip())):
                info[bold_phase].append({'item': s.series_id})
            if (s.dim4 <= 2 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                info[bold_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 3
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    # create functional keys
    task_ge = create_key(
    task_ge_phase = create_key(
    task_se = create_key(

    # add functional keys to the dictionary
    info[task_ge] = []
    info[task_ge_phase] = []
    info[task_se] = []

    # Now we loop through seqinfo again to grab just the functional files
    # the tasks are told apart by the length of the runs (will also ignore partial runs)
    # also save acquisition time in mag and phase list
    magacq = []
    semagacq = []
    phaseacq = []
    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        if ('bold' in s.protocol_name):
            if ('se' in (s.sequence_name).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 102):
                    if ('M' in (s.image_type[2].strip())):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'checkerboard'
                elif (s.dim4 == 64):
                    if ('M' in (s.image_type[2].strip())):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'visuotopy'
            elif ('fid' in (s.sequence_name).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 102):
                    if (
                        ('M' == (s.image_type[2].strip()))
                            or (('FMRI' in (s.image_type[2].strip())) and
                                ('mbep2d' != s.series_description[0:6]))
                    ):  #If realtime was on phase will start with mb and mag with act
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'checkerboard'
                    elif (
                        ('P' == (s.image_type[2].strip()))
                            or (('FMRI' in (s.image_type[2].strip())) and
                                ('mbep2d' == s.series_description[0:6]))
                    ):  #If realtime was on phase will start with mb and mag with act
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'checkerboard'
                elif (s.dim4 == 64):
                    if (('M' == (s.image_type[2].strip()))
                            or (('FMRI' in (s.image_type[2].strip())) and
                                ('mbep2d' != s.series_description[0:6]))):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'visuotopy'
                    elif (('P' == (s.image_type[2].strip()))
                          or (('FMRI' in (s.image_type[2].strip())) and
                              ('mbep2d' == s.series_description[0:6]))):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'acqtime': s.acquisition_time,
                            'task': 'visuotopy'

    # Now we have all the sequences in the right bins we need to link up the magnitudes and phases from the GE to ensure the runs match
    # find the unique magnitude runs and sort by start times
    magtimes = list(sorted(set(magacq)))
    semagtimes = list(sorted(set(semagacq)))

    # find the pairs of indicies corresponding to the same run
    magind = [None] * len(magtimes)
    phaseind = [None] * len(magtimes)
    for i in xrange(len(magtimes)):
        #find last phase file with that acq time (vunerable: assumes last phase recon is correct recon)
        magind[i] = magacq.index(magtimes[i])
            phaseind[i] = len(phaseacq) - 1 - (phaseacq[::-1]).index(
            phaseind[i] = -1  # no phase run found do not append it
    # put the results sorted back into info
    maginfo = info[task_ge]
    phaseinfo = info[task_ge_phase]
    seinfo = info[task_se]
    info[task_se] = []
    info[task_ge] = []
    info[task_ge_phase] = []

    for i in xrange(len(semagtimes)):
        info[task_se][i]['run'] = str(i + 1).zfill(2)

    for i in xrange(len(magind)):
        info[task_ge][i]['run'] = str(i + 1).zfill(2)
        if phaseind[i] > -1:  # if no run found phase is not appended
            phaseinfo[phaseind[i]]['run'] = str(i + 1).zfill(2)

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 4
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    task_intact = create_key(
    task_scrambled = create_key(
    task_soundcheck = create_key(

    discarded = create_key(

    info[task_intact] = []
    info[task_scrambled] = []
    info[task_soundcheck] = []
    info[discarded] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        if ('bold' in s.protocol_name
                or 'tasking_state' in s.series_description
                or 'mbep2d' in (s.series_description).strip()
                or 'ep_bold' in (s.series_description).strip()
                and not ('diff' in s.protocol_name
                         or 'DWI' in s.series_description)):

            if ('SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                print('skipping sbref')


                #check what task it is
                if ('soundcheck' in (s.series_description).strip().lower()):
                    taskname = 'soundcheck'
                    taskvols = 40

                    if (s.dim4 < taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname
                    elif (s.dim4 == taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname

                elif ('intact' in (s.series_description).strip().lower()):
                    taskname = 'intact'
                    taskvols = 320

                    if (s.dim4 < taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname
                    elif (s.dim4 == taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname

                elif ('scrambled' in (s.series_description).strip().lower()):
                    taskname = 'scrambled'
                    taskvols = 320

                    if (s.dim4 < taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname
                    elif (s.dim4 == taskvols):
                            'item': s.series_id,
                            'task': taskname


    return info
Ejemplo n.º 5
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    rest = create_key(
    rest_sbref = create_key(

    rest_psf = create_key(
    rest_psf_dico = create_key(

    movie = create_key(
    movie_sbref = create_key(

    fmap_PA = create_key('sub-{subject}/fmap/sub-{subject}_dir-PA_epi')
    fmap_PA_sbref = create_key('sub-{subject}/fmap/sub-{subject}_dir-PA_sbref')

    info[rest] = []
    info[rest_sbref] = []
    info[rest_psf] = []
    info[rest_psf_dico] = []
    info[movie] = []
    info[movie_sbref] = []
    info[fmap_PA] = []
    info[fmap_PA_sbref] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        #rs func (incl opp phase enc)
        if ('Movie' in (s.series_description).strip()):
            if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                info[movie_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                info[movie].append({'item': s.series_id})

        elif ('bold' in s.protocol_name
              or 'resting_state' in s.series_description
              or 'mbep2d' in (s.series_description).strip()
              or 'ep_bold' in (s.series_description).strip()):
            if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                info[rest_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                info[rest].append({'item': s.series_id})

            if ('mi_ep2d' in (s.series_description).strip() and s.dim4 > 1):
                if ('DICO' in (s.image_type[4].strip())):
                    info[rest_psf_dico].append({'item': s.series_id})
                    info[rest_psf].append({'item': s.series_id})

            if ('PA' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1):
                    if 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip():
                        info[fmap_PA_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                        info[fmap_PA].append({'item': s.series_id})

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 6
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where
    allowed template fields - follow python string module:
    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    task_ge = create_key(
    task_ge_phase = create_key(
    task_sbref = create_key(

    gre_diff = create_key(
    gre_magnitude = create_key(

    fmap_diff = create_key(
    fmap_magnitude = create_key(
    del info[fmap_diff]
    del info[fmap_magnitude]

    info[task_ge] = []
    info[task_ge_phase] = []
    info[task_sbref] = []
    info[gre_diff] = []
    info[gre_magnitude] = []

    magacq = []
    phaseacq = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):
        print(idx, s.series_description, s.image_type)
        if ('bold' in (s.series_description).strip()):
            if s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip(
            ) and 'M' == s.image_type[2].strip():
                info[task_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id, 'task': 'rest'})
            elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                if 'M' == s.image_type[2].strip():
                    timestr = s.series_uid.split('.')[-4][8:14]
                    acquisition_time = (int(timestr[0:2]) * 60 + int(
                        timestr[2:4])) * 60 + int(timestr[4:])
                        'item': s.series_id,
                        'acqtime': acquisition_time,
                        'task': 'rest'
                    print(idx, 'is magnitude bold')
                elif 'P' == s.image_type[2].strip():
                    print(idx, 'is phase bold')
                    timestr = s.series_uid.split('.')[-4][8:14]
                    acquisition_time = (int(timestr[0:2]) * 60 + int(
                        timestr[2:4])) * 60 + int(timestr[4:])
                        'item': s.series_id,
                        'acqtime': acquisition_time,
                        'task': 'rest'

        if ('field_mapping' in s.protocol_name):
            if (s.dim4 == 1
                    and 'gre_field_mapping' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if ('P' in (s.image_type[2].strip())):
                    info[gre_diff].append({'item': s.series_id})
                if ('M' in (s.image_type[2].strip())):
                    info[gre_magnitude].append({'item': s.series_id})

    # Now we have all the sequences in the right bins we need to link up the magnitudes and phases from the GE to ensure the runs match
    # find the unique magnitude runs and sort by start times
    magtimes = list(sorted(set(magacq)))

    # find the pairs of indicies corresponding to the same run
    magind = [None] * len(magtimes)
    phaseind = [None] * len(magtimes)
    for i in range(len(magtimes)):
        #find last phase file with that acq time (vunerable: assumes last phase recon is correct recon)
        magind[i] = magacq.index(magtimes[i])
            phaseind[i] = len(phaseacq) - 1 - (phaseacq[::-1]).index(
            phaseind[i] = -1  # no phase run found do not append it
    # put the results sorted back into info
    maginfo = info[task_ge]
    phaseinfo = info[task_ge_phase]

    print(magind, phaseind)

    info[task_ge] = []
    info[task_ge_phase] = []

    for i in range(len(magind)):
        info[task_ge][i]['run'] = str(i + 1).zfill(2)
        if phaseind[i] > -1:  # if no run found phase is not appended
            phaseinfo[phaseind[i]]['run'] = str(i + 1).zfill(2)


    return info
Ejemplo n.º 7
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    loc = create_key(
    loc_sbref = create_key(

    loc_PA = create_key(
    loc_PA_sbref = create_key(

    loc_AP = create_key(
    loc_AP_sbref = create_key(

    nback = create_key(
    nback_sbref = create_key(

    nback_PA = create_key(
    nback_PA_sbref = create_key(

    nback_AP = create_key(
    nback_AP_sbref = create_key(

    info[loc] = []
    info[loc_sbref] = []
    info[loc_PA] = []
    info[loc_PA_sbref] = []
    info[loc_AP] = []
    info[loc_AP_sbref] = []

    info[nback] = []
    info[nback_sbref] = []
    info[nback_PA] = []
    info[nback_PA_sbref] = []
    info[nback_AP] = []
    info[nback_AP_sbref] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        #func localizer and nback tasks (incl opp phase enc)
        if ('loc' in (s.protocol_name).strip()):
            if ('_PA' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[loc_PA_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[loc_PA].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif ('_AP' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[loc_AP_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[loc_AP].append({'item': s.series_id})
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[loc_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[loc].append({'item': s.series_id})

        elif ('ep_bold' in s.protocol_name):
            if ('_PA' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[nback_PA_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[nback_PA].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif ('_AP' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[nback_AP_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[nback_AP].append({'item': s.series_id})
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[nback_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[nback].append({'item': s.series_id})

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 8
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    # call cfmm for general labelling and get dictionary
    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    movie = create_key(
    movie_sbref = create_key(

    rest = create_key(
    rest_sbref = create_key(

    rest_psf = create_key(
    rest_psf_dico = create_key(
    rest_psf_flashref = create_key(

    #pilot = create_key('sourcedata/pilot_bold/{bids_subject_session_dir}/func/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_task-pilot_run-{item:02d}_bold')
    #pilot_psf = create_key('sourcedata/pilot_bold/{bids_subject_session_dir}/func/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_task-pilot_acq-psf_run-{item:02d}_bold')
    #pilot_psf_dico = create_key('sourcedata/pilot_bold/{bids_subject_session_dir}/func/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_task-pilot_acq-psf_rec-dico_run-{item:02d}_bold')
    #pilot_psf_flashref = create_key('sourcedata/pilot_bold/{bids_subject_session_dir}/func/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_task-pilot_acq-psf_run-{item:02d}_flashref')

    fmap = create_key(
    #fmap_sbref = create_key('{bids_subject_session_dir}/fmap/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_dir-{dir}_sbref')

    info[rest] = []
    info[rest_sbref] = []
    info[rest_psf] = []
    info[rest_psf_dico] = []
    info[movie] = []
    info[movie_sbref] = []
    info[fmap] = []
    #    info[fmap_sbref]=[]
    #    info[pilot]=[]
    #    info[pilot_psf]=[]
    #    info[pilot_psf_dico]=[]
    #    info[pilot_psf_flashref]=[]

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        #rs func (incl opp phase enc)
        if len(s.image_type) > 2:
            if ('DIFFUSION' in s.image_type[2].strip()):
            elif ('Movie' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[movie_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
                elif (s.dim4 > 1):
                    info[movie].append({'item': s.series_id})

            elif ('bold' in s.protocol_name
                  or 'resting_state' in s.series_description
                  or 'mbep2d' in (s.series_description).strip()
                  or 'ep_bold' in (s.series_description).strip()):

                if ('SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                    info[rest_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})

                elif (s.dim4 == 1):
                    if ('PA' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                        info[fmap].append({'item': s.series_id, 'dir': 'PA'})
                    elif ('AP' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                        info[fmap].append({'item': s.series_id, 'dir': 'AP'})
                    elif ('LR' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                        info[fmap].append({'item': s.series_id, 'dir': 'LR'})
                    elif ('RL' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                        info[fmap].append({'item': s.series_id, 'dir': 'RL'})

#                else:
#                    if ('mi_ep2d' in (s.series_description).strip() ):
#                        if ('DICO'  in (s.image_type[4].strip())):
#                            info[pilot_psf_dico].append({'item': s.series_id})
#                        else:
#                            info[pilot_psf].append({'item': s.series_id})
#                    else:
#                        info[pilot].append({'item': s.series_id})
                else:  # greater than 1 timepoint:
                    if ('mi_ep2d' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                        if ('DICO' in (s.image_type[4].strip())):
                            info[rest_psf_dico].append({'item': s.series_id})
                            info[rest_psf].append({'item': s.series_id})
                        info[rest].append({'item': s.series_id})

    return info