Ejemplo n.º 1
 def error_in_velocity(p3p4, state4=state4, state1=state1):
     "Compute the velocity mismatch for a given pressure ratio across the expansion."
     # Across the expansion, we get a test-gas velocity, V3g.
     p3 = p3p4*state4.p
     V3g, state3 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', 0.0, state4, p3)
     # Across the contact surface.
     p2 = p3
     print "current guess for p3 and p2=", p2
     V1s, V2, V2g, state2 = normal_shock_p2p1(state1, p2/state1.p)
     return (V3g - V2g)/V3g
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def error_in_velocity(p5p2, state2=state2, V2g=V2g, state10=state10):
     "Compute the velocity mismatch for a given pressure ratio across the expansion."
     # Across the expansion, we get a test-gas velocity, V5g.
     V5g, state5 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', V2g, state2, p5p2 * state2.p)
     # Across the contact surface, p20 == p5
     p20 = p5p2 * state2.p
     print "current guess for p5 and p20=", p20
     V10, V20, V20g, state20 = normal_shock_p2p1(state10, p20 / state10.p)
     return (
         V5g - V10
     ) / V5g  # V10 was V20g - lab speed of accelerator gas - we now make the assumption that this is the same as the shock speed
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():

    #build some gas objects

    print "pure He driver gas"
    state4 = Gas({'He': 1.0}, inputUnits='moles', outputUnits='moles')
    state4.set_pT(2.79e+07, 2700.0)
    print "state1:"

    print "Air test gas"
    state1 = Gas({
        'Air': 1.0,
    state1.set_pT(3000.0, 300.0)
    print "state1:"
    print "Air accelerator gas"
    state5 = Gas({'Air': 1.0})
    state5.set_pT(10.0, 300.0)
    print "state10:"

    print "Steady expansion of driver"
    #for 100%He condition mach number terminating steady expansion is 2.15
    #need to work out the corresponding pressure for this to put into
    #the function
    M4dash = 2.15  #mach number terminating steady expansion
     V4dash) = expand_from_stagnation(1.0 / (p0_p(M4dash, state4.gam)), state4)
    print "state4dash:"
    print "V4dash = {0} m/s".format(V4dash)

    #I think we need to start guessing shock speeds to be able to keep going here

    print "Start working on the shock into the test gas"
    print "Guess US1 of 5080 m/s"
    state2 = state1.clone()
    V2, V2g = normal_shock(state1, 5080.0, state2)
    print "state2:"
    print "Checks:"
    print "p2/p1=", state2.p / state1.p
    print "rho2/rho1=", state2.rho / state1.rho
    print "T2/T1=", state2.T / state1.T
    print "V2g = {0} m/s".format(V2g)

    print "Unsteady expansion from state 4dash to state 3"
    print "Well, giving it a go for now anyway"
    (V3, state3) = finite_wave_dp('cplus',
    print "state3:"
    print "V3 = {0} m/s".format(V3)

    print "Start working on the shock into the accelerator gas"
    print "Guess US2 of 11100 m/s"
    state6 = state5.clone()
    V6, V6g = normal_shock(state5, 11100.0, state6)
    print "state6:"
    print "Checks:"
    print "p2/p1=", state6.p / state5.p
    print "rho2/rho1=", state6.rho / state5.rho
    print "T2/T1=", state6.T / state5.T
    print "V6g = {0} m/s".format(V6g)

    print "Unsteady expansion from state 2 to state 7"
    print "Well, giving it a go for now anyway"
    (V7, state7) = finite_wave_dp('cplus', V2g, state2, state6.p, steps=100)
    print "state7:"
    print "V7 = {0} m/s".format(V7)
    M7 = V7 / (state7.gam * state7.R * state7.T)**(0.5)
    print "M7 = {0}".format(M7)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    print "Helium driver gas"
    state4 = Gas({'He':1.0})
    state4.set_pT(30.0e6, 3000.0)
    print "state4:"
    print "Air driven gas"
    state1 = Gas({'Air':1.0})
    state1.set_pT(30.0e3, 300.0)
    print "state1:"
    print "\nNow do the classic shock tube solution..."
    # For the unsteady expansion of the driver gas, regulation of the amount
    # of expansion is determined by the shock-processed test gas.
    # Across the contact surface between these gases, the pressure and velocity
    # have to match so we set up some trials of various pressures and check 
    # that velocities match.
    def error_in_velocity(p3p4, state4=state4, state1=state1):
        "Compute the velocity mismatch for a given pressure ratio across the expansion."
        # Across the expansion, we get a test-gas velocity, V3g.
        p3 = p3p4*state4.p
        V3g, state3 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', 0.0, state4, p3)
        # Across the contact surface.
        p2 = p3
        print "current guess for p3 and p2=", p2
        V1s, V2, V2g, state2 = normal_shock_p2p1(state1, p2/state1.p)
        return (V3g - V2g)/V3g
    p3p4 = secant(error_in_velocity, 0.1, 0.11, tol=1.0e-3)
    print "From secant solve: p3/p4=", p3p4
    print "Expanded driver gas:"
    p3 = p3p4*state4.p
    V3g, state3 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', 0.0, state4, p3)
    print "V3g=", V3g
    print "state3:"
    print "Shock-processed test gas:"
    V1s, V2, V2g, state2 = normal_shock_p2p1(state1, p3/state1.p)
    print "V1s=", V1s, "V2g=", V2g
    print "state2:"
    assert abs(V2g - V3g)/V3g < 1.0e-3
    # Make a record for plotting against the Eilmer3 simulation data.
    # We reconstruct the expected data along a tube 0.0 <= x <= 1.0
    # at t=100us, where the diaphragm is at x=0.5.
    x_centre = 0.5 # metres
    t = 100.0e-6 # seconds
    fp = open('exact.data', 'w')
    fp.write('# 1:x(m)  2:rho(kg/m**3) 3:p(Pa) 4:T(K) 5:V(m/s)\n')
    print 'Left end'
    x = 0.0
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state4.rho, state4.p, state4.T, 0.0))
    print 'Upstream head of the unsteady expansion.'
    x = x_centre - state4.a * t
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state4.rho, state4.p, state4.T, 0.0))
    print 'The unsteady expansion in n steps.'
    n = 100
    dp = (state3.p - state4.p) / n
    state = state4.clone()
    V = 0.0
    p = state4.p
    for i in range(n):
        rhoa = state.rho * state.a
        dV = -dp / rhoa
        V += dV
        p += dp
        state.set_ps(p, state4.s)
        x = x_centre + t * (V - state.a)
        fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state.rho, state.p, state.T, V))
    print 'Downstream tail of expansion.'
    x = x_centre + t * (V3g - state3.a)
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state3.rho, state3.p, state3.T, V3g))
    print 'Contact surface.'
    x = x_centre + t * V3g
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state3.rho, state3.p, state3.T, V3g))
    x = x_centre + t * V2g  # should not have moved
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state2.rho, state2.p, state2.T, V2g))
    print 'Shock front'
    x = x_centre + t * V1s  # should not have moved
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state2.rho, state2.p, state2.T, V2g))
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state1.rho, state1.p, state1.T, 0.0))
    print 'Right end'
    x = 1.0
    fp.write('%g %g %g %g %g\n' % (x, state1.rho, state1.p, state1.T, 0.0))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    print "Titan gas"
    state1 = Gas({
        'N2': 0.95,
        'CH4': 0.05
    state1.set_pT(2600.0, 300.0)
    print "state1:"
    print "Air accelerator gas"
    state10 = Gas({'Air': 1.0})
    state10.set_pT(10.0, 300.0)
    print "state10:"
    print "Incident shock"
    state2 = state1.clone()
    V2, V2g = normal_shock(state1, 4100.0, state2)
    print "V2=", V2, "Vg=", V2g, "expected 3670.56"
    print "state2:"
    print "Checks:"
    print "p2/p1=", state2.p / state1.p, "expected 166.4"
    print "rho2/rho1=", state2.rho / state1.rho, "expected 9.5474"
    print "T2/T1=", state2.T / state1.T, "expected 14.9"
    print "\nNow do unsteady expansion..."

    # For the unsteady expansion of the test gas, regulation of the amount
    # of expansion is determined by the shock-processed accelerator gas.
    # Across the contact surface between these gases, the pressure and velocity
    # have to match so we set up some trials of various pressures and check
    # that velocities match.
    def error_in_velocity(p5p2, state2=state2, V2g=V2g, state10=state10):
        "Compute the velocity mismatch for a given pressure ratio across the expansion."
        # Across the expansion, we get a test-gas velocity, V5g.
        V5g, state5 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', V2g, state2, p5p2 * state2.p)
        # Across the contact surface, p20 == p5
        p20 = p5p2 * state2.p
        print "current guess for p5 and p20=", p20
        V10, V20, V20g, state20 = normal_shock_p2p1(state10, p20 / state10.p)
        return (
            V5g - V10
        ) / V5g  # V10 was V20g - lab speed of accelerator gas - we now make the assumption that this is the same as the shock speed

    p5p2 = secant(error_in_velocity, 0.01, 0.011, tol=1.0e-3)
    print "From secant solve: p5/p2=", p5p2
    # It would have been faster and the code closer to Hadas' spreadsheet if we had
    # stepped down in pressure until we found the point where the velocities matched.
    # The expansion along the u+a wave would have appeared in the code here.
    V5g, state5 = finite_wave_dp('cplus', V2g, state2, p5p2 * state2.p)
    print "Expanded test gas, at end of acceleration tube:"
    print "V5g=", V5g
    print "state5:"
    V10, V20, V20g, state20 = normal_shock_p2p1(state10, state5.p / state10.p)
    print V10
    print "Done."