Ejemplo n.º 1
    def creat_model(self, D):

        ''' Initialize input placeholders '''
        x = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, D.dim], name='x')  # Features
        t = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='t')  # Treatent
        y_ = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='y_')  # Outcome

        ''' Parameter placeholders '''
        r_alpha = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_alpha')
        r_lambda = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_lambda')
        do_in = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_in')
        do_out = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_out')
        p = tf.placeholder("float", name='p_treated')

        ''' Define model graph '''
        log(self.logfile, 'Defining graph...\n')
        dims = [D.dim, FLAGS.dim_in, FLAGS.dim_out]
        CFR = cfr.cfr_net(x, t, y_, p, FLAGS, r_alpha, r_lambda, do_in, do_out, dims)

        return CFR
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(outdir):
    """ Runs an experiment and stores result in outdir """

    ''' Set up paths and start log '''
    npzfile = outdir+'result'
    npzfile_test = outdir+'result.test'
    repfile = outdir+'reps'
    repfile_test = outdir+'reps.test'
    outform = outdir+'y_pred'
    outform_test = outdir+'y_pred.test'
    lossform = outdir+'loss'
    logfile = outdir+'log.txt'
    f = open(logfile,'w')
    dataform = FLAGS.datadir + FLAGS.dataform

    has_test = False
    if not FLAGS.data_test == '': # if test set supplied
        has_test = True
        dataform_test = FLAGS.datadir + FLAGS.data_test

    ''' Set random seeds '''

    ''' Save parameters '''

    log(logfile, 'Training with hyperparameters: alpha=%.2g, lambda=%.2g' % (FLAGS.p_alpha,FLAGS.p_lambda))

    ''' Load Data '''
    npz_input = False
    if dataform[-3:] == 'npz':
        npz_input = True
    if npz_input:
        datapath = dataform
        if has_test:
            datapath_test = dataform_test
        datapath = dataform % 1
        if has_test:
            datapath_test = dataform_test % 1

    log(logfile,     'Training data: ' + datapath)
    if has_test:
        log(logfile, 'Test data:     ' + datapath_test)
    D = load_data(datapath)
    D_test = None
    if has_test:
        D_test = load_data(datapath_test)

    log(logfile, 'Loaded data with shape [%d,%d]' % (D['n'], D['dim']))

    ''' Start Session '''
    sess = tf.Session()

    ''' Initialize input placeholders '''
    x  = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, D['dim']], name='x') # Features
    t  = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='t')   # Treatent
    y_ = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='y_')  # Outcome

    ''' Parameter placeholders '''
    r_alpha = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_alpha')
    r_lambda = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_lambda')
    do_in = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_in')
    do_out = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_out')
    p = tf.placeholder("float", name='p_treated')

    ''' Define model graph '''
    log(logfile, 'Defining graph...\n')
    dims = [D['dim'], FLAGS.dim_in, FLAGS.dim_out]
    CFR = cfr.cfr_net(x, t, y_, p, FLAGS, r_alpha, r_lambda, do_in, do_out, dims)

    ''' Set up optimizer '''
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(FLAGS.lrate, global_step, \
        NUM_ITERATIONS_PER_DECAY, FLAGS.lrate_decay, staircase=True)

    opt = None
    if FLAGS.optimizer == 'Adagrad':
        opt = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(lr)
    elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'GradientDescent':
        opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr)
    elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'Adam':
        opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
        opt = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, FLAGS.decay)

    ''' Unused gradient clipping '''
    #gvs = opt.compute_gradients(CFR.tot_loss)
    #capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1.0, 1.0), var) for grad, var in gvs]
    #train_step = opt.apply_gradients(capped_gvs, global_step=global_step)

    train_step = opt.minimize(CFR.tot_loss,global_step=global_step)

    ''' Set up for saving variables '''
    all_losses = []
    all_preds_train = []
    all_preds_test = []
    all_valid = []
    if FLAGS.varsel:
        all_weights = None
        all_beta = None

    all_preds_test = []

    ''' Handle repetitions '''
    n_experiments = FLAGS.experiments
    if FLAGS.repetitions>1:
        if FLAGS.experiments>1:
            log(logfile, 'ERROR: Use of both repetitions and multiple experiments is currently not supported.')
        n_experiments = FLAGS.repetitions

    ''' Run for all repeated experiments '''
    for i_exp in range(1,n_experiments+1):

        if FLAGS.repetitions>1:
            log(logfile, 'Training on repeated initialization %d/%d...' % (i_exp, FLAGS.repetitions))
            log(logfile, 'Training on experiment %d/%d...' % (i_exp, n_experiments))

        ''' Load Data (if multiple repetitions, reuse first set)'''

        if i_exp==1 or FLAGS.experiments>1:
            D_exp_test = None
            if npz_input:
                D_exp = {}
                D_exp['x']  = D['x'][:,:,i_exp-1]
                D_exp['t']  = D['t'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                D_exp['yf'] = D['yf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                if D['HAVE_TRUTH']:
                    D_exp['ycf'] = D['ycf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    D_exp['ycf'] = None

                if has_test:
                    D_exp_test = {}
                    D_exp_test['x']  = D_test['x'][:,:,i_exp-1]
                    D_exp_test['t']  = D_test['t'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    D_exp_test['yf'] = D_test['yf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    if D_test['HAVE_TRUTH']:
                        D_exp_test['ycf'] = D_test['ycf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                        D_exp_test['ycf'] = None
                datapath = dataform % i_exp
                D_exp = load_data(datapath)
                if has_test:
                    datapath_test = dataform_test % i_exp
                    D_exp_test = load_data(datapath_test)

            D_exp['HAVE_TRUTH'] = D['HAVE_TRUTH']
            if has_test:
                D_exp_test['HAVE_TRUTH'] = D_test['HAVE_TRUTH']

        ''' Split into training and validation sets '''
        I_train, I_valid = validation_split(D_exp, FLAGS.val_part)

        ''' Run training loop '''
        losses, preds_train, preds_test, reps, reps_test = \
            train(CFR, sess, train_step, D_exp, I_valid, \
                D_exp_test, logfile, i_exp)

        ''' Collect all reps '''

        ''' Fix shape for output (n_units, dim, n_reps, n_outputs) '''
        out_preds_train = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_preds_train,1,3),0,2)
        if  has_test:
            out_preds_test = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_preds_test,1,3),0,2)
        out_losses = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_losses,0,2),0,1)

        ''' Store predictions '''
        log(logfile, 'Saving result to %s...\n' % outdir)
        if FLAGS.output_csv:
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (outform,i_exp), preds_train[-1], delimiter=',')
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (outform_test,i_exp), preds_test[-1], delimiter=',')
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (lossform,i_exp), losses, delimiter=',')

        ''' Compute weights if doing variable selection '''
        if FLAGS.varsel:
            if i_exp == 1:
                all_weights = sess.run(CFR.weights_in[0])
                all_beta = sess.run(CFR.weights_pred)
                all_weights = np.dstack((all_weights, sess.run(CFR.weights_in[0])))
                all_beta = np.dstack((all_beta, sess.run(CFR.weights_pred)))

        ''' Save results and predictions '''
        if FLAGS.varsel:
            np.savez(npzfile, pred=out_preds_train, loss=out_losses, w=all_weights, beta=all_beta, val=np.array(all_valid))
            np.savez(npzfile, pred=out_preds_train, loss=out_losses, val=np.array(all_valid))

        if has_test:
            np.savez(npzfile_test, pred=out_preds_test)

        ''' Save representations '''
        if FLAGS.save_rep and i_exp == 1:
            np.savez(repfile, rep=reps)

            if has_test:
                np.savez(repfile_test, rep=reps_test)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(outdir):
    """ Runs an experiment and stores result in outdir """

    ''' Set up paths and start log '''
    npzfile = outdir+'result'
    npzfile_test = outdir+'result.test'
    repfile = outdir+'reps'
    repfile_test = outdir+'reps.test'
    outform = outdir+'y_pred'
    outform_test = outdir+'y_pred.test'
    lossform = outdir+'loss'
    logfile = outdir+'log.txt'
    f = open(logfile,'w')
    dataform = FLAGS.datadir + FLAGS.dataform

    has_test = False
    if not FLAGS.data_test == '': # if test set supplied
        has_test = True
        dataform_test = FLAGS.datadir + FLAGS.data_test

    ''' Set random seeds '''

    ''' Save parameters '''

    log(logfile, 'Training with hyperparameters: alpha=%.2g, lambda=%.2g' % (FLAGS.p_alpha,FLAGS.p_lambda))

    ''' Load Data '''
    npz_input = False
    if dataform[-3:] == 'npz':
        npz_input = True
    if npz_input:
        datapath = dataform
        if has_test:
            datapath_test = dataform_test
        datapath = dataform
        if has_test:
            datapath_test = dataform_test

    log(logfile, 'Training data: ' + datapath)
    if has_test:
        log(logfile, 'Test data:     ' + datapath_test)
    #D = load_data(datapath)
    D = load_assistments_data(datapath, rname=FLAGS.rname, embeddings=FLAGS.embeddings)
    D_test = None
    if has_test:
        D_test = load_assistments_data(datapath_test, rname=FLAGS.rname, embeddings=FLAGS.embeddings)

    log(logfile, 'Loaded data with shape [%d,%d]' % (D['n'], D['dim']))

    ''' Start Session '''
    sess = tf.Session()
    ''' Parameter placeholders '''
    r_alpha = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_alpha')
    r_lambda = tf.placeholder("float", name='r_lambda')
    do_in = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_in')
    do_out = tf.placeholder("float", name='dropout_out')
    p = tf.placeholder("float", name='p_treated')
    ''' Initialize input placeholders '''
    if FLAGS.rnn:
        problem_set = FLAGS.ps
        trainable_embed = FLAGS.trainable_embed
        if trainable_embed:
            file_path = '../lstm-autoencoder/'+str(problem_set)+'_sq_train_data.csv'
            file_path = '../lstm-autoencoder/'+str(problem_set)+'_pl_train_data.csv'
        hidden_num = FLAGS.hidden_num
        pl_df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
        # the number of features
        d_num = 3 if trainable_embed else 2
        elem_num = len(pl_df.columns)-d_num
        # group by students
        pl_df.set_index('id', inplace=True)
        pl_g = pl_df.groupby('user_id')
        cnt_list = []
        for name,group in pl_g:
            cnt = len(group)
        max_len = max(cnt_list)
        avg_len = sum(cnt_list)/len(cnt_list)
        max_max_len = int(np.percentile(cnt_list, 70))
        print 'max len {}'.format(max_len)
        print 'avg len {}'.format(avg_len)
        print 'max max len {}'.format(max_max_len)
        max_len = min(max_len, max_max_len)
        if trainable_embed:
            # load ps list
            if FLAGS.rnn:
                ps_file = '../lstm-autoencoder/'+str(problem_set)+'_ps_index'
                ps_file = '../lstm-autoencoder/2016_ps_index'
            ps_list = []
            with open(ps_file) as f:
                for line in f:
            sq_embed_idx = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, max_len])
        #max_len = 1000
        for i in range(len(cnt_list)):
            if cnt_list[i] > max_len:
                cnt_list[i] = max_len

        # get user id list
        user_list = pl_df['user_id'].unique().tolist()
        x_dict = {}
        len_dict = {}
        if trainable_embed:
            ps_dict = {}
        for ite in user_list:
            m = pl_g.get_group(ite).iloc[:, :-1*(d_num-1)].as_matrix()
            if trainable_embed:
                seq_ids = pl_g.get_group(ite)['sequence_id'].tolist()
                embed_ids = []
                for seq_id in seq_ids:
                    if seq_id in ps_list:
                        tmp_idx = ps_list.index(seq_id)
            if max_len >= m.shape[0]:
                len_dict[ite] = m.shape[0]
                diff = max_len - m.shape[0]
                x_dict[ite] = np.pad(m, ((0,diff), (0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
                if trainable_embed:
                    ps_dict[ite] = embed_ids + [0]*diff
                len_dict[ite] = max_len
                x_dict[ite] = m[-1*max_len:, :]
                if trainable_embed:
                    ps_dict[ite] = embed_ids[-1*max_len:]

        # load user ids from exp data
        data = np.loadtxt(open(dataform,"rb"),delimiter=",")
        user_ids = data[:, 1]
        test_data = np.loadtxt(open(dataform_test,"rb"),delimiter=",")
        test_user_ids = test_data[:, 1]

        p_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, max_len, elem_num])
        if FLAGS.trainable_embed:
            embedding_size = 10
            # look up embeddings
            W = tf.get_variable('W', shape=[len(ps_list)+1, embedding_size],
            sq_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(W, sq_embed_idx)
            cell_input = tf.reshape(tf.expand_dims(sq_embed, -2) * tf.expand_dims(p_input, -1),
                                 [-1, max_len, embedding_size*elem_num])
            cell_input = p_input
        cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(hidden_num)
        cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=do_in)
        seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
        z_codes, enc_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, cell_input, seq_len, dtype=tf.float32)
        x = enc_state
        dims = [hidden_num, FLAGS.dim_in, FLAGS.dim_out]
        x = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, D['dim']], name='x') # Features
        dims = [D['dim'], FLAGS.dim_in, FLAGS.dim_out]
    t = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='t')   # Treatent
    y_ = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 1], name='y_')  # Outcome

    ''' Define model graph '''
    log(logfile, 'Defining graph...\n')
    CFR = cfr.cfr_net(x, t, y_, p, FLAGS, r_alpha, r_lambda, do_in, do_out, dims)

    ''' Set up optimizer '''
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(FLAGS.lrate, global_step, \
        NUM_ITERATIONS_PER_DECAY, FLAGS.lrate_decay, staircase=True)

    opt = None
    if FLAGS.optimizer == 'Adagrad':
        opt = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(lr)
    elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'GradientDescent':
        opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr)
    elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'Adam':
        opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
        opt = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, FLAGS.decay)

    ''' Unused gradient clipping '''
    #gvs = opt.compute_gradients(CFR.tot_loss)
    #capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1.0, 1.0), var) for grad, var in gvs]
    #train_step = opt.apply_gradients(capped_gvs, global_step=global_step)

    train_step = opt.minimize(CFR.tot_loss,global_step=global_step)

    ''' Set up for saving variables '''
    all_losses = []
    all_preds_train = []
    all_preds_test = []
    all_valid = []
    if FLAGS.varsel:
        all_weights = None
        all_beta = None

    all_preds_test = []

    ''' Handle repetitions '''
    n_experiments = FLAGS.experiments
    if FLAGS.repetitions>1:
        if FLAGS.experiments>1:
            log(logfile, 'ERROR: Use of both repetitions and multiple experiments is currently not supported.')
        n_experiments = FLAGS.repetitions

    ''' Run for all repeated experiments '''
    for i_exp in range(1,n_experiments+1):

        if FLAGS.repetitions>1:
            log(logfile, 'Training on repeated initialization %d/%d...' % (i_exp, FLAGS.repetitions))
            log(logfile, 'Training on experiment %d/%d...' % (i_exp, n_experiments))

        ''' Load Data (if multiple repetitions, reuse first set)'''

        if i_exp==1 or FLAGS.experiments>1:
            D_exp_test = None
            if npz_input:
                D_exp = {}
                D_exp['x'] = D['x'][:,:,i_exp-1]
                D_exp['t'] = D['t'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                D_exp['yf'] = D['yf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                if D['HAVE_TRUTH']:
                    D_exp['ycf'] = D['ycf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    D_exp['ycf'] = None

                if has_test:
                    D_exp_test = {}
                    D_exp_test['x'] = D_test['x'][:,:,i_exp-1]
                    D_exp_test['t'] = D_test['t'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    D_exp_test['yf'] = D_test['yf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                    if D_test['HAVE_TRUTH']:
                        D_exp_test['ycf'] = D_test['ycf'][:,i_exp-1:i_exp]
                        D_exp_test['ycf'] = None
                datapath = dataform
                D_exp = load_assistments_data(datapath, rname=FLAGS.rname, embeddings=FLAGS.embeddings)
                if has_test:
                    datapath_test = dataform_test
                    D_exp_test = load_assistments_data(datapath_test, rname=FLAGS.rname, embeddings=FLAGS.embeddings)

            D_exp['HAVE_TRUTH'] = D['HAVE_TRUTH']
            if has_test:
                D_exp_test['HAVE_TRUTH'] = D_test['HAVE_TRUTH']

        ''' Split into training and validation sets '''
        I_train, I_valid = validation_split(D_exp, FLAGS.val_part)

        ''' Run training loop '''
        # pass more parameters: p_input, seq_len, rnn
        if FLAGS.rnn:
            if FLAGS.trainable_embed:
                losses, preds_train, preds_test, reps, reps_test = train(CFR, sess, train_step, D_exp, I_valid,
                                                                         D_exp_test, logfile, i_exp, user_ids, test_user_ids, x_dict,
                                                                         len_dict, p_input, seq_len, ps_dict, sq_embed_idx)
                losses, preds_train, preds_test, reps, reps_test = train(CFR, sess, train_step, D_exp, I_valid,
                                                                         D_exp_test, logfile, i_exp, user_ids, test_user_ids, x_dict,
                                                                         len_dict, p_input, seq_len)

            losses, preds_train, preds_test, reps, reps_test = train(CFR, sess, train_step, D_exp, I_valid,
                                                                     D_exp_test, logfile, i_exp)

        ''' Collect all reps '''

        ''' Fix shape for output (n_units, dim, n_reps, n_outputs) '''
        out_preds_train = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_preds_train,1,3),0,2)
        if has_test:
            out_preds_test = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_preds_test,1,3),0,2)
        out_losses = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(all_losses,0,2),0,1)

        ''' Store predictions '''
        log(logfile, 'Saving result to %s...\n' % outdir)
        if FLAGS.output_csv:
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (outform,i_exp), preds_train[-1], delimiter=',')
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (outform_test,i_exp), preds_test[-1], delimiter=',')
            np.savetxt('%s_%d.csv' % (lossform,i_exp), losses, delimiter=',')

        ''' Compute weights if doing variable selection '''
        if FLAGS.varsel:
            if i_exp == 1:
                all_weights = sess.run(CFR.weights_in[0])
                all_beta = sess.run(CFR.weights_pred)
                all_weights = np.dstack((all_weights, sess.run(CFR.weights_in[0])))
                all_beta = np.dstack((all_beta, sess.run(CFR.weights_pred)))

        ''' Save results and predictions '''
        if FLAGS.varsel:
            np.savez(npzfile, pred=out_preds_train, loss=out_losses, w=all_weights, beta=all_beta, val=np.array(all_valid))
            np.savez(npzfile, pred=out_preds_train, loss=out_losses, val=np.array(all_valid))

        if has_test:
            np.savez(npzfile_test, pred=out_preds_test)

        ''' Save representations '''
        if FLAGS.save_rep and i_exp == 1:
            np.savez(repfile, rep=reps)

            if has_test:
                np.savez(repfile_test, rep=reps_test)