Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, x):
        h = x
        for l in self.conv_layers:
            h = self.activation(l(h))

        # Advantage
        batch_size = x.shape[0]

        h = self.activation(self.main_stream(h))
        h_a, h_v = F.split_axis(h, 2, axis=-1)
        ya = F.reshape(self.a_stream(h_a),
                       (batch_size, self.n_actions, self.n_atoms))

        mean = F.sum(ya, axis=1, keepdims=True) / self.n_actions

        ya, mean = F.broadcast(ya, mean)
        ya -= mean

        # State value
        ys = F.reshape(self.v_stream(h_v), (batch_size, 1, self.n_atoms))
        ya, ys = F.broadcast(ya, ys)
        q = F.softmax(ya + ys, axis=2)

        return chainerrl.action_value.DistributionalDiscreteActionValue(
            q, self.z_values)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x):
        x: Variable
            Shape is 784 in case of MNIST
        # Reset mid outputs
        mid_outputs = self.mid_outputs = []

        h = x
        for fc, bn in zip(self.fc_layers.values(), self.bn_layers.values()):
            z = fc(h)
            z_bn = bn(z, self.test)
            h = self.act(z_bn)

            shape = z.data.shape
            batch = shape[0]
            m, _ = F.broadcast(*[F.sum(z, 0) / batch, z])
            v, _ = F.broadcast(*[F.sum((z - m)**2, 0) / batch, z])

            #TODO: Add non-BN output
            mid_outputs.append((z - m) / v)

        return h
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        g, x, y = F.broadcast(*[self.gamma, x, y])
        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)  
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)
        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])
        #F.exp(- (x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm))
        u = x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm
        print(len((np.where(u.data < 0)[0])), np.prod(u.data.shape))
        return F.exp(- x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        g, x, y = F.broadcast(*[self.gamma, x, y])
        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)  
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)
        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])
        #F.exp(- (x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm))
        return F.exp(- x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self, x):
        h = x
        for l in self.conv_layers:
            h = self.activation(l(h))

        # Advantage
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        ya = self.a_stream(h)
        ya = F.reshape(ya, (batch_size, self.n_actions, self.n_atoms))
        mean = F.reshape(
            F.sum(ya, axis=1) / self.n_actions, (batch_size, 1, self.n_atoms))
        ya, mean = F.broadcast(ya, mean)
        ya -= mean

        # State value
        ys = self.v_stream(h)
        ys = F.reshape(ys, (batch_size, 1, self.n_atoms))

        ya, ys = F.broadcast(ya, ys)
        q = ya + ys

        q = F.reshape(q, (-1, self.n_actions, self.n_atoms))
        q = F.softmax(q, axis=2)

        return action_value.DistributionalDiscreteActionValue(q, self.z_values)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x):
        x: Variable
            Shape is 784 in case of MNIST
        # Reset mid outputs
        mid_outputs = self.mid_outputs = []
        h = x
        for fc, bn in zip(self.fc_layers.values(), self.bn_layers.values()):
            z = fc(h)
            z_bn = bn(z, self.test)
            h = self.act(z_bn)

            shape = z.data.shape
            batch = shape[0]
            m, _ = F.broadcast(*[F.sum(z, 0) / batch, z])
            v, _ = F.broadcast(*[F.sum((z - m) ** 2, 0) / batch, z])
            #TODO: Add non-BN output
            mid_outputs.append((z - m) / v )

        return h
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, x):
        # Apply a mask to the filters (optional)
        if self.filter_mask is not None:
            w, m = F.broadcast(self.W, Variable(self.filter_mask))
            w = w * m
            w = self.W

        # Perform the 2D convolution
        y = F.convolution_2d(x,

        # Get a square shaped mask if it does not yet exist.
        if not hasattr(self, 'output_mask'):
            ny, nx = y.data.shape[-2:]
                self.xp.array(hexa.mask.square_axial(ny, nx)[None, None, ...]))

        y, m = F.broadcast(y, Variable(self.output_mask))
        y = y * m

        return y
Ejemplo n.º 8
def small_distance_matrices(r, cutoff):
    # r : n_batch x n_atoms x 3
    n_batch = r.shape[0]
    n_atoms = r.shape[1]
    d = distance_matrix(r).data  # n_batch x n_atoms x n_atoms
    sort_index = np.argsort(d, axis=2)
    sort_index_inv = np.argsort(sort_index, axis=2)
    sorted_distance = np.take_along_axis(d, sort_index, axis=2)

    in_cut = np.sort(sorted_distance, axis=2) < 0.6
    n_adaptable = np.sum(in_cut, axis=2)  # n_batch x n_atoms
    max_n = np.max(np.sum(in_cut, axis=2))
    i = sort_index[:, :, :max_n]
    broad_r = F.broadcast_to(r[:, None, :, :], (n_batch, n_atoms, n_atoms, 3))
    shrink_r = np.take_along_axis(broad_r, i[:, :, :, None], axis=2)
    dm = F.sqrt(
        F.sum((shrink_r[:, :, :, None, :] - shrink_r[:, :, None, :, :])**2,
    filter_seed, na = F.broadcast(
        np.arange(max_n)[None, None, :],
        n_adaptable[:, :, None])  # n_batch x n_atoms x n_small
    filt = filter_seed.data < na.data
    filt1, filt2 = F.broadcast(filt[:, :, :, None], filt[:, :, None, :])
    filt = np.logical_and(filt1.data, filt2.data)
    return dm, filt, sort_index[:, :, :max_n]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.

        g, x, y = F.broadcast(*[self.gamma, x, y])
        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)

        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])

        return F.exp(-x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.

        g, x, y = F.broadcast(*[self.gamma, x, y])
        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)

        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])
        #F.exp(- (x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm))
        u = x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g + y_g_norm
        print(len((np.where(u.data < 0)[0])), np.prod(u.data.shape))
        return F.exp(-x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getV(p, sentence, embed):
    v = None
    flg = False
    if 0 < p < len(sentence) - 1:
        pre = sentence[p - 1]
        nex = sentence[p + 1]
        if not (pre in embed.wv and nex in embed.wv):
            print(sentence, p, " not in vocabulary.")
            v_pre = embed.wv[pre]
            v_nex = embed.wv[nex]
            v = np.concatenate([v_pre, v_nex])
            v = F.broadcast(v.astype(np.float32))
            flg = True
    elif p == 0:
        nex = sentence[p + 1]
        if not nex in embed.wv:
            print(sentence, p, " not in vocabulary.")
            v_pre = np.zeros(n_dim, dtype=np.float32)
            v_nex = embed.wv[nex]
            v = np.concatenate([v_pre, v_nex])
            v = F.broadcast(v.astype(np.float32))
            flg = True
    elif p == len(sentence) - 1:
        pre = sentence[p - 1]
        if not pre in embed.wv:
            print(sentence, p, " not in vocabulary.")
            v_pre = embed.wv[pre]
            v_nex = np.zeros(n_dim, dtype=np.float32)
            v = np.concatenate([v_pre, v_nex])
            v = F.broadcast(v.astype(np.float32))
            flg = True
    return v, flg
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_invalid_shape(self):
        x_data = numpy.zeros((3, 2, 5), dtype=numpy.int32)
        y_data = numpy.zeros((1, 3, 4), dtype=numpy.float32)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = chainer.Variable(y_data)

        with self.assertRaises(type_check.InvalidType):
            functions.broadcast(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_invalid_shape_fill(self):
        x_data = numpy.zeros((3, 2, 5), dtype=numpy.int32)
        y_data = numpy.zeros((4), dtype=numpy.float32)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = chainer.Variable(y_data)

        with self.assertRaises(type_check.InvalidType):
            functions.broadcast(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def moments(self, x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
     shift = self.mean(x, axis, True)
     x, shift = F.broadcast(x, shift)
     shifted = x - shift
     shifted_mean = self.mean(shift, axis, True)
     var_mean = self.mean(self.square(shifted), axis, True)
     var = var_mean - self.square(shifted_mean)
     shifted_mean, shift = F.broadcast(shifted_mean, shift)
     mean = shifted_mean + shift
     return mean, var
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __call__(self, x, z, test=False):
     if self.nolin:
         h = x
         h = self.lin(x)
     mu = F.sum(h, axis=0)/h.data.shape[0]
     self.mu = F.broadcast(F.reshape(mu, (1,h.data.shape[1])),h)[0]
     vr = (F.sum((h-self.mu)*(h-self.mu), axis=0)/h.data.shape[0])**0.5
     self.vr = F.broadcast(F.reshape(vr, (1,h.data.shape[1])),h)[0]
     bnh = (h-self.mu)/(self.vr+1e-7)
     return self.comb(bnh, z)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __call__(self, x):

        # Apply a mask to the filters (optional)
        if self.filter_mask is not None:
            w, m = F.broadcast(self.W, Variable(self.filter_mask))
            w = w * m
            # w = self.W * Variable(self.filter_mask)
            w = self.W

        # Transform the filters
        # w.shape  == (out_channels, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize)
        # tw.shape == (out_channels, output_stabilizer_size, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize)
        tw = TransformGFilter(self.inds)(w)

        # Fold the transformed filters
        tw_shape = (self.out_channels * self.output_stabilizer_size,
                    self.in_channels * self.input_stabilizer_size, self.ksize,
        tw = F.Reshape(tw_shape)(tw)

        # If flat_channels is False, we need to flatten the input feature maps to have a single 1d feature dimension.
        if not self.flat_channels:
            batch_size = x.data.shape[0]
            in_ny, in_nx = x.data.shape[-2:]
            x = F.reshape(x, (batch_size, self.in_channels *
                              self.input_stabilizer_size, in_ny, in_nx))

        # Perform the 2D convolution
        y = F.convolution_2d(x,

        # Unfold the output feature maps
        # We do this even if flat_channels is True, because we need to add the same bias to each G-feature map
        batch_size, _, ny_out, nx_out = y.data.shape
        y = F.reshape(y, (batch_size, self.out_channels,
                          self.output_stabilizer_size, ny_out, nx_out))

        # Add a bias to each G-feature map
        if self.usebias:
            bb = F.Reshape((1, self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1))(self.b)
            y, b = F.broadcast(y, bb)
            y = y + b

        # Flatten feature channels if needed
        if self.flat_channels:
            n, nc, ng, nx, ny = y.data.shape
            y = F.reshape(y, (n, nc * ng, nx, ny))

        return y
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        self.embedding = self.hout(x)
        activation = F.relu(self.embedding)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        ya = self.a_stream(activation)
        mean = F.reshape(F.sum(ya, axis=1) / self.num_actions, (batch_size, 1))
        ya, mean = F.broadcast(ya, mean)
        ya -= mean

        ys = self.v_stream(activation)
        ya, ys = F.broadcast(ya, ys)
        q = ya + ys
        return DiscreteActionValue(q)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        self.embedding = self.hout(x)
        activation = F.relu(self.embedding)
        # activation = F.relu(self.fully_layer(l))
        # h_a, h_v = F.split_axis(activation, 2, axis=-1)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        ya = F.reshape(self.a_stream(activation), (batch_size, self.num_actions, self.n_atoms))
        mean = F.sum(ya, axis=1, keepdims=True) / self.num_actions
        ya, mean = F.broadcast(ya, mean)
        ya -= mean

        ys = F.reshape(self.v_stream(activation), (batch_size, 1, self.n_atoms))
        ya, ys = F.broadcast(ya, ys)
        q = F.softmax(ya + ys, axis=2)
        return DistributionalDiscreteActionValue(q, self.z_values)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __call__(self, x):
     # ch: canvas, ref, prev_pen
     pred = self.calc(x)  # b, 1, w, h
     shape = pred.shape
     b, ch, h, w = shape
     pred = F.reshape(pred, (b, -1))
     # pred = F.softmax(pred)
     pred = E.gumbel_softmax(pred, tau=self.tau)
     pred = F.reshape(pred, (b, 1) + shape[2:])
     self.current_pos = pred  # pen position
     # mx, my = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
     # bmx, bmy, pos = F.broadcast(
     #     mx.reshape((1, 1, h, w)),
     #     my.reshape((1, 1, h, w)),
     #     self.current_pos)
     # px, py = pos*mx, pos*my
     # prex, prey = np.sum(mx*x[:, 2, :, :]), np.sum(my*x[:, 2, :, :])
     # dx = F.sqrt((F.sum(px)-prex)**2+(F.sum(py)-prey)**2)
     mv_cost = F.sum(
         0.5 * self.current_pos *
         (F.convolution_2d(x[:, 2:3, :, :], self.move_cost, pad=2) + 4))
     # mv_cost = 0.3*F.relu(dx-1.5)
     # print(mv_cost.data)
     draw = F.convolution_2d(pred, self.pen, pad=1)  # pen stroke
     strength, draw = F.broadcast(self.strength, draw[:, 0, :, :])
     self.draw = strength * draw
     canvas = x[:, 0, :, :] + self.draw
     self.canvas = E.leaky_clip(canvas[0, :, :], 0., 1., leak=0.001)
     ref = x[:, 1, :, :]
     diff = F.sum((canvas - ref)**2)
     self.loss = diff + mv_cost
     return self.loss
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __call__(self, X, ht_enc):
        pad = self._kernel_size - 1
        WX = self.W(X)
        if pad > 0:
            WX = WX[..., :-pad]
        Vh = self.V(ht_enc)

        # copy Vh
        # e.g.
        # WX = [[[  0	1	2]
        # 		 [	3	4	5]
        # 		 [	6	7	8]
        # Vh = [[11, 12, 13]]
        # Vh, WX = F.broadcast(F.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)
        # WX = [[[  0	1	2]
        # 		 [	3	4	5]
        # 		 [	6	7	8]
        # Vh = [[[ 	11	11	11]
        # 		 [	12	12	12]
        # 		 [	13	13	13]
        Vh, WX = functions.broadcast(functions.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)

        return self.pool(functions.split_axis(WX + Vh, self.num_split, axis=1))
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.

        g = F.broadcast_to(
                np.array([0], dtype=np.float32),
                np.array([np.exp(1)], dtype=np.float32)), x.shape)
        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)  
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)
        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])
        #F.exp(- (x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm))
        return F.exp(- x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, y):
        x: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        y: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.

        g = F.broadcast_to(
            F.gaussian(np.array([0], dtype=np.float32),
                       np.array([np.exp(1)], dtype=np.float32)), x.shape)

        x_g = x * g
        y_g = y * g

        x_g_norm = F.sum(x_g**2, axis=1)
        y_g_norm = F.sum(y_g**2, axis=1)
        x_g_y_g = F.linear(x_g, y_g)

        x_g_norm, x_g_y_g, y_g_norm = \
                                            F.expand_dims(y_g_norm, 1)])
        #F.exp(- (x_g_norm - 2 * x_g_y_g+ y_g_norm))
        return F.exp(-x_g_norm + 2 * x_g_y_g - y_g_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def broadcast_and_squeeze(*args):
    if all([np.prod(val.shape[2:]) == 1 for val in args]):
        args = [
            F.reshape(val, shape=val.shape[:2] + tuple([1, 1])) for val in args
        ]  #TODO: Work in progress
    broadcasted_values = F.broadcast(*args)
    return broadcasted_values
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def attention_history(self, dL, cue, train=True):
     D = F.concat(dL, axis=0)
     D, Cue = F.broadcast(D, cue)
     S = self.m(F.tanh(self.W_dm(D) + Cue))
     S = F.softmax(F.reshape(S, (1, len(dL))))
     pre_v = F.matmul(S, D)
     return pre_v
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def predict(self, tokens):
        self.train = False
        contexts = self.feature_extract(tokens) \
                if isinstance(tokens[0], unicode) else tokens

        # contexts [(w, c, l), (w, c, l)]
        ws, cs, ls = zip(*contexts)
        max_cs_size = max(c.shape[1] for c in cs)
        new_cs = []
        for c in cs:
            c = np.pad(c, ((0, 0), (0, max_cs_size - c.shape[1])),
        ws = np.asarray(ws, 'i')
        cs = np.asarray(new_cs, 'i')
        ls = np.asarray(ls, 'f')
        h_w = self.emb_word(ws)  #_(batchsize, windowsize, word_dim)
        h_c = self.emb_char(
            cs)  # (batchsize, windowsize, max_char_len, char_dim)
        batchsize, windowsize, _, _ = h_c.data.shape
        # (batchsize, windowsize, char_dim)
        h_c = F.sum(h_c, 2)
        h_c, ls = F.broadcast(h_c, F.reshape(ls, (batchsize, windowsize, 1)))
        h_c = h_c / ls
        h = F.concat([h_w, h_c], 2)
        h = F.reshape(h, (batchsize, -1))
        # ys = self.linear(h)
        h = F.relu(self.linear1(h))
        h = F.dropout(h, ratio=.5, train=self.train)
        ys = self.linear2(h)
        return ys.data
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def pre(self, x):
        dims = len(x.shape) - 1

        if self.kernel_size == 1:
            ret = self.W(x)
        elif self.kernel_size == 2:
            if dims == 2:
                xprev = Variable(self.xp.zeros(
                    (self.batch_size, 1, self.in_size), dtype=np.float32),
                xtminus1 = F.concat((xprev, x[:, :-1, :]), axis=1)
                xtminus1 = self.x
            ret = self.W(x) + self.V(xtminus1)
            ret = F.swapaxes(
                self.conv(F.swapaxes(x, 1, 2))[:, :, :x.shape[2]], 1, 2)

        if not self.attention:
            return ret

        if dims == 1:
            enc = self.encoding[:, -1, :]
            enc = self.encoding[:, -1:, :]
        return sum(F.broadcast(self.U(enc), ret))
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def attention_history(self, dL, cue, train=True):
     D = F.concat(dL, axis=0)
     D, Cue = F.broadcast(D, cue)
     S = self.m(F.tanh(self.W_dm(D) + Cue))
     S = F.softmax(F.reshape(S, (1, len(dL))))
     pre_v = F.matmul(S, D)
     return pre_v
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __call__(self, X, ht_enc, test=False):
        self._test = test
        WX = self.W(X)
        Vh = self.V(ht_enc)

        # copy Vh
        # e.g.
        # WX = [[[  0	1	2]
        # 		 [	3	4	5]
        # 		 [	6	7	8]
        # Vh = [[11, 12, 13]]
        # Vh, WX = F.broadcast(F.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)
        # WX = [[[  0	1	2]
        # 		 [	3	4	5]
        # 		 [	6	7	8]
        # Vh = [[[ 	11	11	11]
        # 		 [	12	12	12]
        # 		 [	13	13	13]
        Vh, WX = functions.broadcast(functions.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)

        if test:

        return self.pool(functions.split_axis(WX + Vh, self.num_split, axis=1))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __call__(self, x):
        Calucurate Minibatch Discrimination using broardcast.

        x: Variable
           input vector shape is (N, num_units)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        xp = x.xp
        x = F.reshape(x, (batch_size, -1))
        activation = F.reshape(self.t(x), (-1, self.b, self.c))

        m = F.reshape(activation, (-1, self.b, self.c))
        m = F.expand_dims(m, 3)
        m_T = F.transpose(m, (3, 1, 2, 0))
        m, m_T = F.broadcast(m, m_T)
        l1_norm = F.sum(F.absolute(m-m_T), axis=2)

        # eraser to erase l1 norm with themselves
        eraser = F.expand_dims(xp.eye(batch_size, dtype="f"), 1)
        eraser = F.broadcast_to(eraser, (batch_size, self.b, batch_size))

        o_X = F.sum(F.exp(-(l1_norm + 1e6 * eraser)), axis=2)

        # concatunate along channels or units
        return F.concat((x, o_X), axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, x):

        # Apply a mask to the filters (optional)
        if self.filter_mask is not None:
            w, m = F.broadcast(self.W, Variable(self.filter_mask))
            w = w * m
            # w = self.W * Variable(self.filter_mask)
            w = self.W

        # Transform the filters
        # w.shape  == (out_channels, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize)
        # tw.shape == (out_channels, output_stabilizer_size, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize)
        tw = TransformGFilter(self.inds)(w)

        # Fold the transformed filters
        tw_shape = (self.out_channels * self.output_stabilizer_size,
                    self.in_channels * self.input_stabilizer_size,
                    self.ksize, self.ksize)
        tw = F.Reshape(tw_shape)(tw)

        # If flat_channels is False, we need to flatten the input feature maps to have a single 1d feature dimension.
        if not self.flat_channels:
            batch_size = x.data.shape[0]
            in_ny, in_nx = x.data.shape[-2:]
            x = F.reshape(x, (batch_size, self.in_channels * self.input_stabilizer_size, in_ny, in_nx))

        # Perform the 2D convolution
        y = F.convolution_2d(x, tw, b=None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn)

        # Unfold the output feature maps
        # We do this even if flat_channels is True, because we need to add the same bias to each G-feature map
        batch_size, _, ny_out, nx_out = y.data.shape
        y = F.reshape(y, (batch_size, self.out_channels, self.output_stabilizer_size, ny_out, nx_out))

        # Add a bias to each G-feature map
        if self.usebias:
            bb = F.Reshape((1, self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1))(self.b)
            y, b = F.broadcast(y, bb)
            y = y + b

        # Flatten feature channels if needed
        if self.flat_channels:
            n, nc, ng, nx, ny = y.data.shape
            y = F.reshape(y, (n, nc * ng, nx, ny))

        return y
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def forward_one_step(self, X, ht_enc):
        pad = self._kernel_size - 1
        WX = self.W(X)[..., -pad - 1, None]
        Vh = self.V(ht_enc)

        Vh, WX = functions.broadcast(functions.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)

        return self.pool(functions.split_axis(WX + Vh, self.num_split, axis=1))
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def forward_one_step(self, X, ht_enc, H_enc, skip_mask, test=False):
        self._test = test
        WX = self.W(X)[:, :, -1, None]
        Vh = self.V(ht_enc)

        Vh, WX = functions.broadcast(functions.expand_dims(Vh, axis=2), WX)

        if test:

        # f-pooling
        Z, F, O = functions.split_axis(WX + Vh, 3, axis=1)
        Z = functions.tanh(Z)
        F = self.zoneout(F)
        O = functions.sigmoid(O)
        T = Z.shape[2]

        # compute ungated hidden states
        for t in xrange(T):
            z = Z[:, :, t]
            f = F[:, :, t]
            if self.contexts is None:
                ct = (1 - f) * z
                self.contexts = [ct]
                ct = f * self.contexts[-1] + (1 - f) * z

        if skip_mask is not None:
            assert skip_mask.shape[1] == H_enc.shape[2]
            softmax_getas = (skip_mask == 0) * -1e6

        # compute attention weights (eq.8)
        H_enc = functions.swapaxes(H_enc, 1, 2)
        for t in xrange(T):
            ct = self.contexts[t - T]
            geta = 0 if skip_mask is None else softmax_getas[
                ..., None]  # to skip PAD
            mask = 1 if skip_mask is None else skip_mask[...,
                                                         None]  # to skip PAD
            alpha = functions.batch_matmul(H_enc, ct) + geta
            alpha = functions.softmax(alpha) * mask
            alpha = functions.broadcast_to(alpha, H_enc.shape)  # copy
            kt = functions.sum(alpha * H_enc, axis=1)
            ot = O[:, :, t]
            self.ht = ot * self.o(functions.concat((kt, ct), axis=1))

            if test:

            if self.H is None:
                self.H = functions.expand_dims(self.ht, 2)
                self.H = functions.concat(
                    (self.H, functions.expand_dims(self.ht, 2)), axis=2)

        return self.H
Ejemplo n.º 33
Archivo: model.py Proyecto: emakryo/mdn
 def __call__(self, x, y):
     h = F.sigmoid(self.l1_(x))
     coef = F.softmax(self.coef_(h))
     mean = F.reshape(self.mean_(h), (-1,self.NUM_MIXTURE,self.OUT_DIM))
     logvar = self.logvar_(h)
     mean, y = F.broadcast(mean, F.reshape(y, (-1,1,self.OUT_DIM)))
     return F.sum(
         coef*F.exp(-0.5*F.sum((y-mean)**2, axis=2)*F.exp(-logvar))/
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def __call__(self, x):
        h = x
        for l in self.conv_layers:
            h = self.activation(l(h))

        # Advantage
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        ya = self.a_stream(h)
        mean = F.reshape(F.sum(ya, axis=1) / self.n_actions, (batch_size, 1))
        ya, mean = F.broadcast(ya, mean)
        ya -= mean

        # State value
        ys = self.v_stream(h)

        ya, ys = F.broadcast(ya, ys)
        q = ya + ys
        return chainerrl.action_value.DiscreteActionValue(q)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def __call__(self, x):
     x = self.cnn_base(x)
     v = self.v_linear(x)
     a = self.a_linear(x)
     if self.mode == 'naive':
         v, a = F.broadcast(v, a)
         ret = v + a
     elif self.mode == 'avg':
         a_mean = F.mean(a, axis=1, keepdims=True)
         v, a, a_mean = F.broadcast(v, a, a_mean)
         ret = v + a - a_mean
     elif self.mode == 'max':
         a_max = F.max(a, axis=1, keepdims=True)
         v, a, a_max = F.broadcast(v, a, a_max)
         ret = v + a - a_max
         raise ValueError(f'Unknown mode {self.mode}')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __call__(self, x_block, y_in_block, y_out_block):

        batch = len(x_block)
        ex_block = F.dropout(self.make_input_embedding(self.embed_x, x_block),
        ey_block = F.dropout(
            self.make_input_embedding(self.embed_y, y_in_block), self.dropout)
        eyy_block = F.dropout(
            self.make_input_embedding(self.embed_yy, y_in_block), self.dropout)
        eys = F.transpose(ey_block, (0, 2, 1))
        eyys = F.transpose(eyy_block, (0, 2, 1))
        h = F.expand_dims(ex_block, axis=1)
        for i in range(self.stack):
            h = self.gcnn[i](h)
        h = F.dropout(F.squeeze(h, axis=1), self.dropout)
        eys2 = [i for i in eys]
        eyys2 = [i for i in eyys]
        _, _, oss = self.decoder(None, None, eys2)
        _, _, oss2 = self.decoder2(None, None, eyys2)
        ss = F.stack(oss, axis=0)
        ss2 = F.stack(oss2, axis=0)
        mask = (y_in_block[:, :, None] >= 0) * self.xp.ones(
            (self.batch, 1, self.n_units), dtype=bool)
        ss = F.where(mask, ss, self.xp.full(ss.shape, 0, 'f'))
        batch_A = F.batch_matmul(ss, h) * self.scale_score
        mask = (x_block[:, 0:len(x_block[0]) - self.stack *
                        (self.width - 1)][:, None, :] >=
                0) * (y_in_block[:, :, None] >= 0)
        batch_A = F.where(mask, batch_A,
                          self.xp.full(batch_A.shape, -self.xp.inf, 'f'))
        batch_A = F.softmax(batch_A, axis=2)
        batch_A = F.where(self.xp.isnan(batch_A.data),
                          self.xp.zeros(batch_A.shape, 'f'), batch_A)
        batch_A, h = F.broadcast(batch_A[:, None], h[:, :, None])
        batch_C = F.sum(batch_A * h, axis=3)

        e = F.transpose(batch_C, (0, 2, 1))
        e = F.squeeze(F.concat(F.split_axis(e, self.batch, axis=0), axis=1))
        ss2 = F.squeeze(F.concat(F.split_axis(ss2, self.batch, axis=0),
        t = (self.We(e) + self.Ws(ss2))
        t = F.dropout(t, self.dropout)

        concat_ys_out = F.concat(y_out_block, axis=0)
        loss = F.sum(F.softmax_cross_entropy(t, concat_ys_out,
                                             reduce='no')) / batch

        chainer.report({'loss': loss.data}, self)
        n_words = concat_ys_out.shape[0]
        perp = self.xp.exp(loss.data * batch / n_words)
        chainer.report({'perp': perp}, self)
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def __call__(self, x, test=False):
     Forward pass through the network.
     :param x: type numpy array, the input to the network
     :param test: type bool, true if network is in testing mode
     :return: type numpy array, the output from network
     self.h = self.activation(self.hidden(x))
     batch_size = x.shape[0]
     ya = self.a_stream(self.h)
     mean = fun.reshape(
         fun.sum(ya, axis=1) / self.n_actions, (batch_size, 1))
     ya, mean = fun.broadcast(ya, mean)
     ya -= mean
     ys = self.v_stream(self.h)
     ya, ys = fun.broadcast(ya, ys)
     q = ya + ys
     return q
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def __call__(self, u, z):
        batchsize = u.data.shape[0]
        dim = u.data.shape[1]

        b0 = F.broadcast(self.b0.W, u)[0]
        w0z = F.broadcast(self.w0z.W, u)[0]
        w0u = F.broadcast(self.w0u.W, u)[0]
        w0zu = F.broadcast(self.w0zu.W, u)[0]
        ws = F.broadcast(self.ws.W, u)[0]
        b1 = F.broadcast(self.b1.W, u)[0]
        w1z = F.broadcast(self.w1z.W, u)[0]
        w1u = F.broadcast(self.w1u.W, u)[0]
        w1zu = F.broadcast(self.w1zu.W, u)[0]

        return b0 + w0z*z + w0u*u + w0zu*z*u + ws*F.sigmoid(b1 + w1z*z + w1u*u + w1zu*z*u)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def check_forward(self, data):
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in data]
        bxs = functions.broadcast(*xs)

        # When len(xs) == 1, function returns a Variable object
        if isinstance(bxs, chainer.Variable):
            bxs = (bxs, )

        for bx in bxs:
            self.assertEqual(bx.data.shape, self.out_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def check_forward(self, data):
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in data]
        bxs = functions.broadcast(*xs)

        # When len(xs) == 1, function returns a Variable object
        if isinstance(bxs, chainer.Variable):
            bxs = (bxs,)

        for bx in bxs:
            self.assertEqual(bx.data.shape, self.out_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __call__(self, x, enc_out=None, mask=None):
                x: paralleled main features in the model
                   Variable in (batch, hidden_dim, length)
                u: hidden features from Encoder
                   Variable in (batch, hidden_dim, length)
                mask: padding-mask or future-mask
                   xp-array in (batch, length, length)
                   an element takes 'False' when pad/future, otherwise 'True'
        # ksize-1-convolution results in parallel linear projections
        if self.self_attention:
            qkv = F.squeeze(self.W(F.expand_dims(x, axis=3)), axis=3)
            query, key, value = F.split_axis(qkv, 3, axis=1)
            query = F.squeeze(self.W_Q(F.expand_dims(x, axis=3)), axis=3)
            kv = F.squeeze(self.W_KV(F.expand_dims(enc_out, axis=3)), axis=3)
            key, value = F.split_axis(kv, 2, axis=1)

        # make q,k,v into (batch*parallel, dim/parallel, length)shape
        query = F.concat(F.split_axis(query, self.parallel_num, axis=1),
        key = F.concat(F.split_axis(key, self.parallel_num, axis=1), axis=0)
        value = F.concat(F.split_axis(value, self.parallel_num, axis=1),
        mask = self.xp.concatenate([mask] * self.parallel_num, axis=0)

        attention_weight = F.batch_matmul(query, key, transa=True) * self.scale
        attention_weight = F.where(
            mask, attention_weight,
            self.xp.full(attention_weight.shape, -np.inf, dtype=np.float32))
        attention_weight = F.softmax(attention_weight, axis=2)
        attention_weight = F.dropout(attention_weight, self.dropout_rate)
        attention_weight = F.where(
            self.xp.full(attention_weight.shape, 0, dtype=np.float32),
        self.attention_weight = copy.deepcopy(attention_weight.data)

        # attention: (batch, q-length, k-length) -> (batch, 1, q-length, k-length)
        # value: (batch, dim/parallel, k-length) -> (batch, dim/parallel, 1, k-length)
        attention_weight, value = F.broadcast(attention_weight[:, None],
                                              value[:, :, None])
        weighted_sum = F.sum(attention_weight * value, axis=3)
        weighted_sum = F.concat(F.split_axis(weighted_sum,

        weighted_sum = F.squeeze(self.linear(
            F.expand_dims(weighted_sum, axis=3)),
        return weighted_sum
Ejemplo n.º 42
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x_u_0, x_u_1):
        x_u_0: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.
        x_u_1: Variable
            Feature of unlabeled samples.

        ffnn_u_0 = self.layers["ffnn_u_0"]
        ffnn_u_1 = self.layers["ffnn_u_1"]
        f_0 = F.softmax(ffnn_u_0(x_u_0))
        f_1 = F.softmax(ffnn_u_1(x_u_1))

        mid_outputs_0 = ffnn_u_0.mid_outputs
        mid_outputs_1 = ffnn_u_1.mid_outputs
        L = len(self.dims[1:])
        similarities = self.similarities.values()

        # Efficient computation
        ## sample similarity W^l summed over l
        W = 0
        for l in range(L):
            W += similarities[l](mid_outputs_0[l], mid_outputs_1[l])

        ## class similarity 
        f_0_norm = F.sum(f_0**2, axis=1)
        f_1_norm = F.sum(f_1**2, axis=1)
        f_0_f_1 = F.linear(f_0, f_1)
        f_0_norm, f_0_f_1, f_1_norm= \
                                            F.expand_dims(f_1_norm, 1)])
        F_ = f_0_norm - 2 * f_0_f_1 + f_1_norm
        print(len((np.where(F_.data < 0)[0])), np.prod(F_.data.shape))

        loss = F.sum(W * F_) / (self.batch_size * 2)

        self.loss = loss
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def check_backward(self, data, grads):
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in data]
        bxs = functions.broadcast(*xs)

        # When len(xs) == 1, function returns a Variable object
        if isinstance(bxs, chainer.Variable):
            bxs = (bxs,)

        func = bxs[0].creator
        f = lambda: func.forward(data)

        for i, (bx, grad) in enumerate(zip(bxs, grads)):
            bx.grad = grad
            gxs = gradient_check.numerical_grad(
                f, data, tuple(bx.grad for bx in bxs))
            gradient_check.assert_allclose(gxs[i], xs[i].grad)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __call__(self, x, eta, test=False):
     h = self.lin(x)
     mu = F.sum(h, axis=0)/h.data.shape[0]
     self.mu = F.broadcast(F.reshape(mu, (1,h.data.shape[1])),h)[0]
     vr = (F.sum((h-self.mu)*(h-self.mu), axis=0)/h.data.shape[0])**0.5
     self.vr = F.broadcast(F.reshape(vr, (1,h.data.shape[1])),h)[0]
     bnh = (h-self.mu)/(self.vr+1e-7)
     z = bnh + xp.random.randn(x.data.shape[0], self.n_out)*eta
     if self.act is None:
         return z, F.broadcast(self.gamma.W, z)[0]*(z + F.broadcast(self.beta.W, z)[0])
         return z, self.act(F.broadcast(self.gamma.W, z)[0]*(z + F.broadcast(self.beta.W, z)[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def lighting(
        faces, textures, intensity_ambient=0.5, intensity_directional=0.5, color_ambient=(1, 1, 1),
        color_directional=(1, 1, 1), direction=(0, 1, 0)):
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(faces)
    bs, nf = faces.shape[:2]

    # arguments
    if isinstance(color_ambient, tuple) or isinstance(color_ambient, list):
        color_ambient = xp.array(color_ambient, 'float32')
    if isinstance(color_directional, tuple) or isinstance(color_directional, list):
        color_directional = xp.array(color_directional, 'float32')
    if isinstance(direction, tuple) or isinstance(direction, list):
        direction = xp.array(direction, 'float32')
    if color_ambient.ndim == 1:
        color_ambient = cf.broadcast_to(color_ambient[None, :], (bs, 3))
    if color_directional.ndim == 1:
        color_directional = cf.broadcast_to(color_directional[None, :], (bs, 3))
    if direction.ndim == 1:
        direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[None, :], (bs, 3))

    # create light
    light = xp.zeros((bs, nf, 3), 'float32')

    # ambient light
    if intensity_ambient != 0:
        light = light + intensity_ambient * cf.broadcast_to(color_ambient[:, None, :], light.shape)

    # directional light
    if intensity_directional != 0:
        faces = faces.reshape((bs * nf, 3, 3))
        v10 = faces[:, 0] - faces[:, 1]
        v12 = faces[:, 2] - faces[:, 1]
        normals = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(v10, v12))
        normals = normals.reshape((bs, nf, 3))

        if direction.ndim == 2:
            direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[:, None, :], normals.shape)
        cos = cf.relu(cf.sum(normals * direction, axis=2))
        light = (
            light + intensity_directional * cfmath.mul(*cf.broadcast(color_directional[:, None, :], cos[:, :, None])))

    # apply
    light = cf.broadcast_to(light[:, :, None, None, None, :], textures.shape)
    textures = textures * light
    return textures
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def proportions(self, doc_ids, softmax=False):
        """ Given an array of document indices, return a vector
        for each document of just the unnormalized topic weights.

            doc_weights : chainer.Variable
                Two dimensional topic weights of each document.
        w = self.weights(doc_ids)
        if softmax:
            size = w.data.shape
            mask = self.xp.random.random_integers(0, 1, size=size)
            y = (F.softmax(w * self.temperature) *
            norm, y = F.broadcast(F.expand_dims(F.sum(y, axis=1), 1), y)
            return y / (norm + 1e-7)
            return w
Ejemplo n.º 47
	def __call__(self, x):
		xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(x.data)
		batchsize = x.shape[0]
		if self.train_weights == False and self.initial_T is not None:
			self.T.W.data = self.initial_T

		M = F.reshape(self.T(x), (-1, self.num_kernels, self.ndim_kernel))
		M = F.expand_dims(M, 3)
		M_T = F.transpose(M, (3, 1, 2, 0))
		M, M_T = F.broadcast(M, M_T)

		norm = F.sum(abs(M - M_T), axis=2)
		eraser = F.broadcast_to(xp.eye(batchsize, dtype=x.dtype).reshape((batchsize, 1, batchsize)), norm.shape)
		c_b = F.exp(-(norm + 1e6 * eraser))
		o_b = F.sum(c_b, axis=2)

		if self.train_weights == False:
			self.initial_T = self.T.W.data

		return F.concat((x, o_b), axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def gaussian_likelihood(x, mu, var):
    """Returns likelihood of ``x``, or ``N(x; mu, var)``

        x(float, numpy.ndarray or chainer.Variable): sample data
        mu(float or chainer.Variable): mean of Gaussian
        var(float): variance of Gaussian
        chainer.Variable: Variable holding likelihood ``N(x; mu, var)``
        whose shape is same as that of ``x``

    if numpy.isscalar(x):
        x = numpy.array(x)
    if isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray):
        x = chainer.Variable(x.astype(numpy.float32))

    if numpy.isscalar(mu):
        mu = numpy.array(mu)
    if isinstance(mu, numpy.ndarray):
        mu = chainer.Variable(mu.astype(numpy.float32))

    x, mu = F.broadcast(x, mu)
    return F.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / var / 2) / numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi * var)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def f(*xs):
     return functions.broadcast(*xs)
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def f(*xs):
     ys = functions.broadcast(*xs)
     return [y * y for y in ys]
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def test_no_args(self):
     with self.assertRaises(type_check.InvalidType):
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def _concat(self, h, s):
     batch, src_len, hidden = s.data.shape
     concat_h  = F.reshape(F.concat(F.broadcast(F.expand_dims(h, 1), s), axis=1), (batch * src_len, 2* hidden))
     return F.softmax(F.reshape(self.WA(concat_h), (batch, src_len)))