Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_ten_crop(self):
        img = np.random.uniform(size=(3, 48, 32))

        out = ten_crop(img, (32, 48))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, (10, 3, 48, 32))
        for crop in out[:5]:
            np.testing.assert_equal(crop, img)
        for crop in out[5:]:
            np.testing.assert_equal(crop[:, :, ::-1], img)

        out = ten_crop(img, (12, 24))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, (10, 3, 24, 12))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_ten_crop(self):
        img = np.random.uniform(size=(3, 48, 32))

        out = ten_crop(img, (48, 32))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, (10, 3, 48, 32))
        for crop in out[:5]:
            np.testing.assert_equal(crop, img)
        for crop in out[5:]:
            np.testing.assert_equal(crop[:, :, ::-1], img)

        out = ten_crop(img, (24, 12))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, (10, 3, 24, 12))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _prepare(self, img):
        """Prepare an image for feeding it to a model.

        This is a standard preprocessing scheme used by feature extraction
        First, the image is scaled or resized according to :math:`scale_size`.
        Note that this step is optional.
        Next, the image is cropped to :math:`crop_size`.
        Last, the image is mean subtracted by an array :obj:`mean`.

            img (~numpy.ndarray): An image. This is in CHW format.
                The range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`.

            A preprocessed image. This is 4D array whose batch size is
            the number of crops.

        if self.scale_size is not None:
            if isinstance(self.scale_size, int):
                img = scale(img, size=self.scale_size)
                img = resize(img, size=self.scale_size)

        if self.crop == '10':
            imgs = ten_crop(img, self.crop_size)
        elif self.crop == 'center':
            imgs = center_crop(img, self.crop_size)[np.newaxis]

        imgs -= self.mean[np.newaxis]

        return imgs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _prepare(self, img):
        """Prepare an image for feeding it to a model.

        This is a standard preprocessing scheme used by feature extraction
        First, the image is scaled or resized according to :math:`scale_size`.
        Note that this step is optional.
        Next, the image is cropped to :math:`crop_size`.
        Last, the image is mean subtracted by an array :obj:`mean`.

            img (~numpy.ndarray): An image. This is in CHW format.
                The range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`.

            A preprocessed image. This is 4D array whose batch size is
            the number of crops.

        if self.scale_size is not None:
            if isinstance(self.scale_size, int):
                img = scale(img, size=self.scale_size)
                img = resize(img, size=self.scale_size)

        if self.crop == '10':
            imgs = ten_crop(img, self.crop_size)
        elif self.crop == 'center':
            imgs = center_crop(img, self.crop_size)[np.newaxis]

        imgs -= self.mean[np.newaxis]

        return imgs