Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_feed_data(self):
        data = {}
        parsed = self.cleaned_data['url']
        data['url'] = parsed.url

        def try_to_get(feed_key):
                return to_utf8(parsed['feed'][feed_key])
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                return None

        data['name'] = self.cleaned_data['name']
        data['website_url'] = try_to_get('link')
        match = YOUTUBE_USER_URL_RE.match(data['website_url'])
        if match:
            data['website_url'] = 'http://www.youtube.com/user/%s' % (
        data['publisher'] = try_to_get('publisher')
        data['description'] = try_to_get('description')
            data['thumbnail_url'] = to_utf8(parsed['feed'].image.href)
        except AttributeError:
            data['thumbnail_url'] = None

        # Special hack for YouTube titles.
        # It's really a PITA to have to strip out 'YouTube :: ' from
        # the title all the time, and it certainly doesn't look good
        # to have channel names like that in Miro.  So we reverse that
        # and put it at the end.
        youtube_re = YOUTUBE_TITLE_RE.match(data['name'])
        if youtube_re:
            data['name'] = u'%s :: YouTube' % (

        return data
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_feed_data(self):
        data = {}
        parsed = self.cleaned_data['url']
        data['url'] = parsed.url
        def try_to_get(feed_key):
                return to_utf8(parsed['feed'][feed_key])
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                return None
        data['name'] = self.cleaned_data['name']
        data['website_url'] = try_to_get('link')
        match = YOUTUBE_USER_URL_RE.match(data['website_url'])
        if match:
            data['website_url'] = 'http://www.youtube.com/user/%s' % (
        data['publisher'] = try_to_get('publisher')
        data['description'] = try_to_get('description')
            data['thumbnail_url'] = to_utf8(parsed['feed'].image.href)
        except AttributeError:
            data['thumbnail_url'] = None

        # Special hack for YouTube titles.
        # It's really a PITA to have to strip out 'YouTube :: ' from
        # the title all the time, and it certainly doesn't look good
        # to have channel names like that in Miro.  So we reverse that
        # and put it at the end.
        youtube_re = YOUTUBE_TITLE_RE.match(data['name'])
        if youtube_re:
            data['name'] = u'%s :: YouTube' % (

        return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def from_feedparser_entry(entry):
     # XXX Added some hacks to get a decent item out of YouTube after they
     # stopped having enclosures (2008-1-21).
     enclosure = feedutil.get_first_video_enclosure(entry)
     if enclosure is None:
         if 'link' not in entry:
             raise exceptions.FeedparserEntryError(
                 "No video enclosure and ngo link")
         if entry['link'].find('youtube.com') == -1:
             if not filetypes.isAllowedFilename(entry['link']):
                 raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError('Link is invalid')
     rv = Item()
         rv.name = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['title'])
         if enclosure is not None:
             rv.url = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['href'])
             # split off the front if there's additional data in the
             # MIME type
             if 'type' in enclosure:
                 rv.mime_type = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['type']
                                                 ).split(';', 1)[0]
                 rv.mime_type = 'video/unknown'
         elif entry['link'].find('youtube.com') != -1:
             rv.url = entry['link']
             rv.mime_type = 'video/x-flv'
             rv.url = entry['link']
             rv.mime_type = filetypes.guessMimeType(rv.url)
         if enclosure is not None and 'text' in enclosure:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['text'])
         elif 'description' in entry:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['description'])
         elif 'media_description' in entry:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['media_description'])
         elif entry.get('link', '').find('youtube.com') != -1:
             match = re.search(r'<div><span>(.*?)</span></div>',
                               rv.description, re.S)
             if match:
                 rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(
         rv.description # this will raise an AttributeError if it wasn't set
     except (AttributeError, KeyError), e:
         raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError(e.args[0])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def from_feedparser_entry(entry):
     # XXX Added some hacks to get a decent item out of YouTube after they
     # stopped having enclosures (2008-1-21).
     enclosure = feedutil.get_first_video_enclosure(entry)
     if enclosure is None:
         if 'link' not in entry:
             raise exceptions.FeedparserEntryError(
                 "No video enclosure and ngo link")
         if entry['link'].find('youtube.com') == -1:
             if not filetypes.isAllowedFilename(entry['link']):
                 raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError('Link is invalid')
     rv = Item()
         rv.name = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['title'])
         if enclosure is not None:
             rv.url = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['href'])
             # split off the front if there's additional data in the
             # MIME type
             if 'type' in enclosure:
                 rv.mime_type = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['type']).split(
                     ';', 1)[0]
                 rv.mime_type = 'video/unknown'
         elif entry['link'].find('youtube.com') != -1:
             rv.url = entry['link']
             rv.mime_type = 'video/x-flv'
             rv.url = entry['link']
             rv.mime_type = filetypes.guessMimeType(rv.url)
         if enclosure is not None and 'text' in enclosure:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['text'])
         elif 'description' in entry:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['description'])
         elif 'media_description' in entry:
             rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['media_description'])
         elif entry.get('link', '').find('youtube.com') != -1:
             match = re.search(r'<div><span>(.*?)</span></div>',
                               rv.description, re.S)
             if match:
                 rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(
         rv.description  # this will raise an AttributeError if it wasn't set
     except (AttributeError, KeyError), e:
         raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError(e.args[0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def try_to_get(feed_key):
         return to_utf8(parsed['feed'][feed_key])
     except (KeyError, TypeError):
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Item(Thumbnailable):
    channel = models.ForeignKey(Channel, related_name='items')
    url = models.URLField(max_length=255)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    description = models.TextField()
    mime_type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    thumbnail_url = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
    size = models.IntegerField()
    guid = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    date = models.DateTimeField()

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'cg_channel_item'
        ordering = ['-date', '-id']

    THUMBNAIL_DIR = 'item-thumbnails'
        (97, 65),
        (200, 134),

    def get_url(self):
        return '/items/%i' % self.id

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return util.make_absolute_url(self.get_url())

    def get_guid(self):
            return self.guid
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def get_missing_image_url(self, width, height):
        return self.channel.thumb_url(width, height)

    def thumb(self):
        url = self.thumb_url(97, 65)
        return util.mark_safe(
            '<img width="97" height="68" src="%s" alt="%s">' %
            (url, self.name.replace('"', "'")))

    def download_url(self):
        data = {
            'title1': self.name,
            'description1': self.description,
            'length1': str(self.size),
            'type1': self.mime_type,
            'thumbnail1': self.thumb_url(200, 133),
            'url1': self.url
        return settings.DOWNLOAD_URL + util.format_get_data(data)

    def linked_name(self):
        return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.download_url(), self.name)

    def update_search_data(self):
        raise NotImplementedError  # not doing this right now
        if self.search_data is None:
            #self.search_data = search.ItemSearchData()
            self.search_data.item_id = self.id
        self.search_data.text = ' '.join([self.description, self.url])
        self.search_data.important_text = self.name

    def download_thumbnail(self, redownload=False):
        if self.thumbnail_url is None:
        if (not self.thumbnail_exists()) or redownload:
            cache_path = os.path.join(settings.IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR,
            if os.path.exists(cache_path) and not redownload:
                image_file = file(cache_path, 'rb')
                url = self.thumbnail_url[:8] + self.thumbnail_url[8:].replace(
                    '//', '/')
                image_file = try_to_download_thumb(url)
                if image_file is None:
                util.copy_obj(cache_path, image_file)

    def from_feedparser_entry(entry):
        # XXX Added some hacks to get a decent item out of YouTube after they
        # stopped having enclosures (2008-1-21).
        enclosure = feedutil.get_first_video_enclosure(entry)
        if enclosure is None:
            if 'link' not in entry:
                raise exceptions.FeedparserEntryError(
                    "No video enclosure and ngo link")
            if entry['link'].find('youtube.com') == -1:
                if not filetypes.isAllowedFilename(entry['link']):
                    raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError('Link is invalid')
        rv = Item()
            rv.name = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['title'])
            if enclosure is not None:
                rv.url = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['href'])
                # split off the front if there's additional data in the
                # MIME type
                if 'type' in enclosure:
                    rv.mime_type = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['type']).split(
                        ';', 1)[0]
                    rv.mime_type = 'video/unknown'
            elif entry['link'].find('youtube.com') != -1:
                rv.url = entry['link']
                rv.mime_type = 'video/x-flv'
                rv.url = entry['link']
                rv.mime_type = filetypes.guessMimeType(rv.url)
            if enclosure is not None and 'text' in enclosure:
                rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['text'])
            elif 'description' in entry:
                rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['description'])
            elif 'media_description' in entry:
                rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['media_description'])
            elif entry.get('link', '').find('youtube.com') != -1:
                match = re.search(r'<div><span>(.*?)</span></div>',
                                  rv.description, re.S)
                if match:
                    rv.description = feedutil.to_utf8(
            rv.description  # this will raise an AttributeError if it wasn't set
        except (AttributeError, KeyError), e:
            raise exceptions.EntryMissingDataError(e.args[0])
        if enclosure is not None:
                rv.size = int(feedutil.to_utf8(enclosure['length']))
            except (KeyError, ValueError):
                rv.size = 0
            rv.guid = feedutil.to_utf8(entry['id'])
        except KeyError:
            rv.guid = ''
            updated_parsed = entry['updated_parsed']
            if updated_parsed is None:
                # I think this is a feedparser bug, if you can't parse the
                # updated time, why set the attribute?
                raise KeyError('updated_parsed')
            rv.date = feedutil.struct_time_to_datetime(updated_parsed)
        except KeyError:
            rv.date = None
        rv.thumbnail_url = feedutil.get_thumbnail_url(entry)
        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def try_to_get(feed_key):
         return to_utf8(parsed['feed'][feed_key])
     except (KeyError, TypeError):
         return None