Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
dist : Dist
    The domain where the samples are to be generated

Optional parameters

box : int
    0 : The samples are mapped onto the domain using an inverse
        Rosenblatt transform.
    1 : Will only use distribution bounds and evenly
        distribute samples inbetween.
    2 : Non transformation will be performed.
edge: bool
    True : Will include the bounds of the domain in the samples.
        If infinite domain, a resonable trunkation will be used.
growth : int
    0 : Linear growth rule. Minimizes the number of samples.
    1 : Exponential growth rule. Nested for schemes 1 and 2.
    2 : Double the number of polynomial terms. Recommended for
        schemes 4, 5 and 6.
sparse : int
    Defines the sparseness of the samples.
    sparse=len(dist) is equivalent to Smolyak sparse grid nodes.
    0 : A full tensor product nodes will be used
scheme : int
    0 : Gaussian quadrature will be used.
        box and edge argument will be ignored.
    1 : uniform distributed samples will be used.
    2 : The roots of Chebishev polynomials will be used
        (Clenshaw-Curtis and Fejer).
    3 : Stroud's cubature rule.
        Only order 2 and 3 valid,
        edge, growth and sparse are ignored.
    4 : Latin Hypercube sampling, no edge or sparse.
    5 : Classical random sampling, no edge or sparse.
    6 : Halton sampling, no edge or sparse
    7 : Hammersley sampling, no edge or sparse
    8 : Sobol sampling, no edge or sparse
    9 : Korobov samples, no edge or sparse
        print "Warning: Sampler is depricated. Use samplegen instead"

        self.dist = dist
        self.scheme = scheme
        self.sparse = sparse

        # Gausian Quadrature
        if scheme == 0:
            segment = lambda n: _gw(n, dist)[0]
            self.trans = lambda x: x


            if box == 0:
                self.trans = lambda x: self.dist.inv(x.T).T
            elif box == 1:
                lo, up = dist.range().reshape(2, len(dist))
                self.trans = lambda x: np.array(x) * (up - lo) + lo
            elif box == 2:
                self.trans = lambda x: x

            if scheme == 1:
                _segment = lambda n: np.arange(0, n + 1) * 1. / n

            elif scheme == 2:
                _segment = lambda n: \
                    .5*np.cos(np.arange(n,-1,-1)*np.pi/n) + .5

        if scheme in (1, 2):
            if edge:

                if growth == 0:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(n + 1)

                elif growth == 1:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2**n)

                elif growth == 2:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2 * be.terms(n, len(dist)))


                if growth == 0:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(n + 2)[1:-1]

                elif growth == 1:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2**(n + 1))[1:-1]

                elif growth == 2:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2*be.terms(n, \

        elif scheme == 4:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(n + 1, len(dist))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme == 5:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random((n + 1, len(dist)))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random((2**n, len(dist)))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random(
                    (2 * be.terms(n + 1, len(dist)), len(dist)))

        elif scheme == 6:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: halton(n + 1, len(dist))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: halton(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: halton(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme == 7:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(n + 1, len(dist))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme == 8:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(n + 1, len(dist))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme == 9:
            if growth == 0:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(n + 1, len(dist))
            elif growth == 1:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth == 2:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        self.segment = segment
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, dist, scheme=1, box=True, edge=False,
            growth=0, sparse=0):
dist : Dist
    The domain where the samples are to be generated

Optional parameters

box : int
    0 : The samples are mapped onto the domain using an inverse
        Rosenblatt transform.
    1 : Will only use distribution bounds and evenly
        distribute samples inbetween.
    2 : Non transformation will be performed.
edge: bool
    True : Will include the bounds of the domain in the samples.
        If infinite domain, a resonable trunkation will be used.
growth : int
    0 : Linear growth rule. Minimizes the number of samples.
    1 : Exponential growth rule. Nested for schemes 1 and 2.
    2 : Double the number of polynomial terms. Recommended for
        schemes 4, 5 and 6.
sparse : int
    Defines the sparseness of the samples.
    sparse=len(dist) is equivalent to Smolyak sparse grid nodes.
    0 : A full tensor product nodes will be used
scheme : int
    0 : Gaussian quadrature will be used.
        box and edge argument will be ignored.
    1 : uniform distributed samples will be used.
    2 : The roots of Chebishev polynomials will be used
        (Clenshaw-Curtis and Fejer).
    3 : Stroud's cubature rule.
        Only order 2 and 3 valid,
        edge, growth and sparse are ignored.
    4 : Latin Hypercube sampling, no edge or sparse.
    5 : Classical random sampling, no edge or sparse.
    6 : Halton sampling, no edge or sparse
    7 : Hammersley sampling, no edge or sparse
    8 : Sobol sampling, no edge or sparse
    9 : Korobov samples, no edge or sparse
        print "Warning: Sampler is depricated. Use samplegen instead"

        self.dist = dist
        self.scheme = scheme
        self.sparse = sparse

        # Gausian Quadrature
        if scheme==0:
            segment = lambda n: _gw(n,dist)[0]
            self.trans = lambda x:x


            if box==0:
                self.trans = lambda x: self.dist.inv(x.T).T
            elif box==1:
                lo, up = dist.range().reshape(2, len(dist))
                self.trans = lambda x: np.array(x)*(up-lo) + lo
            elif box==2:
                self.trans = lambda x: x

            if scheme==1:
                _segment = lambda n: np.arange(0, n+1)*1./n

            elif scheme==2:
                _segment = lambda n: \
                    .5*np.cos(np.arange(n,-1,-1)*np.pi/n) + .5

        if scheme in (1,2):
            if edge:

                if growth==0:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(n+1)

                elif growth==1:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2**n)

                elif growth==2:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)))


                if growth==0:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(n+2)[1:-1]

                elif growth==1:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2**(n+1))[1:-1]

                elif growth==2:
                    segment = lambda n: _segment(2*be.terms(n, \

        elif scheme==4:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(n+1, len(dist))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: latin_hypercube(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme==5:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random((n+1, len(dist)))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random((2**n, len(dist)))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: np.random.random((2*be.terms(n+1,
                    len(dist)), len(dist)))

        elif scheme==6:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: halton(n+1, len(dist))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: halton(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: halton(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme==7:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(n+1, len(dist))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: hammersley(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme==8:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(n+1, len(dist))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: sobol(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        elif scheme==9:
            if growth==0:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(n+1, len(dist))
            elif growth==1:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(2**n, len(dist))
            elif growth==2:
                segment = lambda n: korobov(2*be.terms(n, len(dist)), \

        self.segment = segment
Ejemplo n.º 3
def samplegen(order, domain, rule="S", antithetic=None, verbose=False):
Sample generator

order : int
    Sample order
domain : Dist, int, array_like
    Defines the space where the samples are generated.
        Mapped to distribution domain using inverse Rosenblatt.
        No mapping, but sets the number of dimension.
        Stretch samples such that they are in [domain[0], domain[1]]
rule : str
    rule for generating samples, where d is the number of

    Key     Name                Nested
    ----    ----------------    ------
    "C"     Chebyshev nodes     no
    "NC"    Nested Chebyshev    yes
    "G"     Gaussian quadrature no
    "K"     Korobov             no
    "R"     (Pseudo-)Random     no
    "RG"    Regular grid        no
    "NG"    Nested grid         yes
    "L"     Latin hypercube     no
    "S"     Sobol               yes
    "H"     Halton              yes
    "M"     Hammersley          yes

antithetic : array_like, optional
    List of bool. Represents the axes to mirror using antithetic

    rule = rule.upper()

    if isinstance(domain, int):
        dim = domain
        trans = lambda x, verbose: x

    elif isinstance(domain, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
        domain = np.asfarray(domain)
        if len(domain.shape) < 2:
            dim = 1
            dim = len(domain[0])
        lo, up = domain
        trans = lambda x, verbose: ((up - lo) * x.T + lo).T

        dist = domain
        dim = len(dist)
        trans = dist.inv

    if not (antithetic is None):

        antithetic = np.array(antithetic, dtype=bool).flatten()
        if antithetic.size == 1 and dim > 1:
            antithetic = np.repeat(antithetic, dim)

        N = np.sum(1 * np.array(antithetic))
        order_, order = order, int(order * 2**-N + 1 * (order % 2 != 0))
        trans_ = trans
        trans = lambda X, verbose: \
                trans_(antithetic_gen(X, antithetic)[:,:order_])

    if rule == "C":
        X = chebyshev(dim, order)
    elif rule == "NC":
        X = chebyshev_nested(dim, order)
    elif rule == "G":
        X = _gw(order - 1, dist)[0]
        trans = lambda x, verbose: x
    elif rule == "K":
        X = korobov(dim, order)
    elif rule == "R":
        X = np.random.random((dim, order))
    elif rule == "RG":
        X = regular_grid(dim, order)
    elif rule == "NG":
        X = regular_grid_nested(dim, order)
    elif rule == "L":
        X = latin_hypercube(dim, order)
    elif rule == "S":
        X = sobol(dim, order)
    elif rule == "H":
        X = halton(dim, order)
    elif rule == "M":
        X = hammersley(dim, order)
        raise KeyError, "rule not recognised"

    X = trans(X, verbose=verbose)

    return X
Ejemplo n.º 4
def samplegen(order, domain, rule="S", antithetic=None,
Sample generator

order : int
    Sample order
domain : Dist, int, array_like
    Defines the space where the samples are generated.
        Mapped to distribution domain using inverse Rosenblatt.
        No mapping, but sets the number of dimension.
        Stretch samples such that they are in [domain[0], domain[1]]
rule : str
    rule for generating samples, where d is the number of

    Key     Name                Nested
    ----    ----------------    ------
    "C"     Chebyshev nodes     no
    "NC"    Nested Chebyshev    yes
    "G"     Gaussian quadrature no
    "K"     Korobov             no
    "R"     (Pseudo-)Random     no
    "RG"    Regular grid        no
    "NG"    Nested grid         yes
    "LH"    Latin hypercube     no
    "S"     Sobol               yes
    "H"     Halton              yes
    "M"     Hammersley          yes

antithetic : array_like, optional
    List of bool. Represents the axes to mirror using antithetic

    rule = rule.upper()

    if isinstance(domain, int):
        dim = domain
        trans = lambda x, verbose:x

    elif isinstance(domain, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
        domain = np.asfarray(domain)
        if len(domain.shape)<2:
            dim = 1
            dim = len(domain[0])
        lo,up = domain
        trans = lambda x, verbose: ((up-lo)*x.T + lo).T

        dist = domain
        dim = len(dist)
        trans = dist.inv

    if not (antithetic is None):

        antithetic = np.array(antithetic, dtype=bool).flatten()
        if antithetic.size==1 and dim>1:
            antithetic = np.repeat(antithetic, dim)

        N = np.sum(1*np.array(antithetic))
        order_,order = order,int(order*2**-N+1*(order%2!=0))
        trans_ = trans
        trans = lambda X, verbose: \
                trans_(antithetic_gen(X, antithetic)[:,:order_])

    if rule=="C":
        X = chebyshev(dim, order)
    elif rule=="NC":
        X = chebyshev_nested(dim, order)
    elif rule=="G":
        X = _gw(order-1,dist)[0]
        trans = lambda x, verbose:x
    elif rule=="K":
        X = korobov(dim, order)
    elif rule=="R":
        X = np.random.random((dim,order))
    elif rule=="RG":
        X = regular_grid(dim, order)
    elif rule=="NG":
        X = regular_grid_nested(dim, order)
    elif rule=="LH":
        X = latin_hypercube(dim, order)
    elif rule=="S":
        X = sobol(dim, order)
    elif rule=="H":
        X = halton(dim, order)
    elif rule=="M":
        X = hammersley(dim,order)
        raise KeyError, "rule not recognised"

    X = trans(X, verbose=verbose)

    return X