Ejemplo n.º 1
def encrypt_time_space(list_n):
    iterations = 1

    private = public = 0
    encrypt_timings = []
    aggregate_time = []
    aggregate_size = []
    private_space = []
    public_space = []
    for n in list_n:
        start = time.clock()
        for i in xrange(iterations):
            storage = generate_ciphertext_keys(n)
        end = time.clock()
        no_of_bits = len(list(bin(n)[2:])) + 1
        kpabe = KPabe(group)

        encrypt_timings.append((n, (end - start) / iterations))
        policy = policy_less_than(
            'A', n + 1, no_of_bits) + " and " + policy_more_than_equal(
                'A', 1, no_of_bits)
        start = time.clock()
        for i in xrange(iterations):
            secret_key = kpabe.keygen(storage['master_public_key'],
                                      storage['master_key'], policy)
        end = time.clock()
            (n, getsizeof(pickle.dumps(objectToBytes(secret_key, group)))))
        aggregate_time.append((end - start) / iterations)
        public, private = getStorageSize(storage)
        private_space.append((n, private))
        public_space.append((n, public))

    return encrypt_timings, aggregate_time, public_space, private_space, aggregate_size
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_ciphertext_keys(n):
    storage = {}
    storage['n'] = n

    kpabe = KPabe(group)
    more_than = 1
    storage['plain'] = [group.random(GT)]
    storage['cipher'] = [group.random(GT)]
    no_of_bits = len(list(bin(n)[2:])) + 1

    storage['master_public_key'], storage['master_key'] = kpabe.setup()
    frames_attribute = (num_to_attribute('A', i, no_of_bits)
                        for i in xrange(1, n + 1))

    for i in xrange(n):
        plain = group.random(GT)
            kpabe.encrypt(storage['master_public_key'], plain,

    # ct = storage['cipher'][1:n+1]
    # result = [kpabe.decrypt(cipher_text, secret_key) for cipher_text in ct]
    # print 'lol', result
    # print storage['plain'][1:n+1]

    return storage
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: KPABEnc.py Proyecto: caixl/FYP
    def decrypt(self, sk, cipher_matrix, vertices):
        Decryption requires master_public_key, user secret key, and cipher
        group = PairingGroup('SS512')
        kpabe = KPabe(group)
        hyb_abe = HybridKPABEnc(kpabe, group)

        N = len(vertices)

        resMat = [None] * N
        for i in range(0, N):
            resMat[i] = [None] * N
            for j in range(0, N):
                #convert to lower case
                s = vertices[i].lower()
                s2 = vertices[j].lower()

                cipher = cipher_matrix.get_cell_by_symbol(s, s2)
                resMat[i][j] = hyb_abe.decrypt(cipher, sk)
                if resMat[i][j] == False:
                    return False

        result = AdjMatrixDiGraph(mat=resMat)
        return SymbolDiGraphMat(vertices, G=result)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calculate_aggregate_size(list_q, n):
    kpabe = KPabe(group)
    more_than = 1
    iterations = 10
    aggregate_size = []
    aggregate_time = []
    storage = {}
    storage['n'] = n
    no_of_bits = len(list(bin(n)[2:])) + 1
    storage['master_public_key'], storage['master_key'] = kpabe.setup()

    for q in list_q:
        gen_timing = 0.0

        for i in xrange(iterations):
            more_than_equal, less_than = generate_range(storage, q)
            policy = policy_less_than(
                'A', less_than, no_of_bits) + " and " + policy_more_than_equal(
                    'A', more_than_equal, no_of_bits)
            start = time.clock()
            secret_key = kpabe.keygen(storage['master_public_key'],
                                      storage['master_key'], policy)
            end = time.clock()
            gen_timing += end - start

            (q, getsizeof(pickle.dumps(objectToBytes(secret_key, group)))))
        aggregate_time.append((q, (gen_timing) / iterations))
    return aggregate_time, aggregate_size
Ejemplo n.º 5
def kpabe_encrypt(group, mpk, ptxt, attributes):
    """Encrypts a plaintext using the Lewmko2008rws KP-ABE Scheme.

    @param group The `PairingGroup` used within the underlying crypto.
    @param mpk The master public key of type `mk_t`.
    @param ptxt The `bytearray` resulting from io.open or `io.IOBytes`
    containing the plaintext.
    @param attributes The set of `str` attributes used to encrypt the

    @return The encrypted data returned as a `bytearray`.
    kpabe = KPabe(group)

    session_key = group.random(GT)
    session_key_ctxt = kpabe.encrypt(mpk, session_key,
                                     [a.upper() for a in attributes])
    ctxt = io.BytesIO()

    iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
    symcipher = AES.new(sha(session_key)[0:32], AES.MODE_CFB, iv)


    session_key_ctxt_b = objectToBytes(session_key_ctxt, group)
    ctxt.write(struct.pack('Q', len(session_key_ctxt_b)))

    for b in read_data(bin_data=ptxt, chunksize=AES.block_size):

    return ctxt.getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def kpabe_decrypt(group, mpk, deckey, ctxt):
    """Decrypts a ciphertext using the Lewmko2008rws KP-ABE Scheme.

    The plaintext will be returned iff the set of attributes used to
    generate the cipher-text can be satisfied by the policy within the
    decryption key.

    @param group  The `PairingGroup` used within the underlying crypto.
    @param mpk    The Master Public Key of type `mk_t`.
    @param deckey The decryption key of type `sk_t`.
    @param ctxt   The `bytearray` resulting from `io.open` or `io.IOBytes`
                 containing the ciphertext.

    @return A `bytearray` containing the plaintext.

    @throw PebelDecryptionException if deckey cannot satisfy the
            policy within the ciphertext.
    kpabe = KPabe(group)

    ptxt = io.BytesIO()

    iv = ctxt.read(AES.block_size)
    session_key_size = struct.unpack('<Q', ctxt.read(struct.calcsize('Q')))[0]
    session_key_ctxt = bytesToObject(ctxt.read(session_key_size), group)
    session_key = kpabe.decrypt(session_key_ctxt, deckey)

    if session_key:
        symcipher = AES.new(sha(session_key)[0:32], AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
        for b in read_data(bin_data=ctxt, chunksize=AES.block_size):
        return ptxt.getvalue()
        raise PebelDecryptionException("Unable to decrypt given ciphertext")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def benchmark():
    groupObj1 = PairingGroup('MNT224')
    groupObj2 = PairingGroup('MNT224')
    ekpabe = EKPabe(groupObj1)
    kpabe = KPabe(groupObj2)

    t1_s = 0
    t1_k = 0
    t1_e = 0
    t1_d = 0
    t2_s = 0
    t2_k = 0
    t2_e = 0
    t2_d = 0

    attributes = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR']
    policy = 'THREE and (ONE or TWO)'
    msg1 = b"Some Random Message"
    msg2 = groupObj2.random(GT)

    for b in range(4):
        start = clock()
        (epk, emk) = ekpabe.setup(attributes)
        t1_s += clock() - start

        start = clock()
        (pk, mk) = kpabe.setup()
        t2_s += clock() - start

        start = clock()
        emykey = ekpabe.keygen(epk, emk, policy)
        t1_k += clock() - start

        start = clock()
        mykey = kpabe.keygen(pk, mk, policy)
        t2_k += clock() - start

        for i in range(50):
            start = clock()
            eciphertext = ekpabe.encrypt(epk, msg1, attributes)
            t1_e += clock() - start

            start = clock()
            ciphertext = kpabe.encrypt(pk, msg2, attributes)
            t2_e += clock() - start

            start = clock()
            erec_msg = ekpabe.decrypt(eciphertext, emykey)
            t1_d += clock() - start

            start = clock()
            rec_msg = kpabe.decrypt(ciphertext, mykey)
            t2_d += clock() - start

            assert msg1 == erec_msg
            assert msg2 == rec_msg

    print("yct14 s=%s k=%s e=%s d=%s" % (t1_s, t1_k, t1_e, t1_d))
    print("lsw08 s=%s k=%s e=%s d=%s" % (t2_s, t2_k, t2_e, t2_d))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def kpabe_setup(group):
    """Generates the master key pair for the Lewko2008rsw KP-ABE Scheme.

    @param group The `PairingGroup` used within the underlying crypto.

    @return The master public and private key pair `(pk_t, mk_t)` as defined within
    KPabe implementaton.
    return KPabe(group).setup()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def kpabe_keygen(group, msk, mpk, policy):
    """Generates an decryption key using the Lewmko2008rws KP-ABE Scheme.

    @param group The `PairingGroup` used within the underlying crypto.
    @param msk The master secret key of type `mk_t`.
    @param mpk The master public key of type `pk_t`.
    @param policy The policy `str` used to generate the decryption key.

    @return The generated decryption key of type `sk_t`.
    return KPabe(group).keygen(mpk, msk, policy)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
    kpabe = KPabe(groupObj)
    hyb_abe = HybridABEnc(kpabe, groupObj)
    access_key = '((ONE or TWO) and THREE)'
    access_policy = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
    message = b"hello world this is an important message."
    (pk, mk) = hyb_abe.setup()
    if debug: print("pk => ", pk)
    if debug: print("mk => ", mk)
    sk = hyb_abe.keygen(pk, mk, access_key)
    if debug: print("sk => ", sk)
    ct = hyb_abe.encrypt(pk, message, access_policy)
    mdec = hyb_abe.decrypt(ct, sk)
    assert mdec == message, "Failed Decryption!!!"
    if debug: print("Successful Decryption!!!")
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: KPABEnc.py Proyecto: caixl/FYP
    def decrypt_query(self, sk, cipher_matrix, queries):
        Decryption requires master_public_key, user secret key, and cipher
        group = PairingGroup('SS512')
        kpabe = KPabe(group)
        hyb_abe = HybridKPABEnc(kpabe, group)

        #convert to lower case
        msg = ""
        for query in queries:
            s1 = query[0].lower()
            s2 = query[1].lower()
            cipher = cipher_matrix.get_cell_by_symbol(s1, s2)
            msg += hyb_abe.decrypt(cipher, sk) + " "

        return msg
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: KPABEnc.py Proyecto: caixl/FYP
    def __init__(self, symbol_graph):
        # initialize CPABEnc object
        self._group = PairingGroup('SS512')
        self._kpabe = KPabe(self._group)
        self._hyb_abe = HybridKPABEnc(self._kpabe, self._group)

        # attributes should be vertices
        # since its diDraph, the query of two vertices sequence matters
        # row and col symbol is interpreted differently
        self._symbol_graph = symbol_graph
        symbols = self._symbol_graph.get_keys()
        for i in symbols:
            # r means row attributes
            self._attributes.append(symbols[i] + 'r')
            # c means column attributes
            self._attributes.append(symbols[i] + 'c')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def testKPabe(self):
        groupObj = PairingGroup('MNT224')
        kpabe = KPabe(groupObj)

        (pk, mk) = kpabe.setup()

        policy = '(ONE or THREE) and (THREE or TWO)'
        attributes = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR']
        msg = groupObj.random(GT)

        mykey = kpabe.keygen(pk, mk, policy)

        if debug: print("Encrypt under these attributes: ", attributes)
        ciphertext = kpabe.encrypt(pk, msg, attributes)
        if debug: print(ciphertext)

        rec_msg = kpabe.decrypt(ciphertext, mykey)

        assert msg == rec_msg
        if debug: print("Successful Decryption!")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def decryption_time(storage, q_list):
    iterations = 1
    timings = []
    aggregate_time = []
    aggregate_size = []
    no_of_bits = len(list(bin(storage['n'])[2:])) + 1
    kpabe = KPabe(group)
    for q in q_list:
        check = True
        timing = 0.0
        gen_timing = 0.0
        for i in xrange(iterations):
            more_than_equal, less_than = generate_range(storage, q)
            start = time.clock()
            policy = policy_less_than(
                'A', less_than, no_of_bits) + " and " + policy_more_than_equal(
                    'A', more_than_equal, no_of_bits)
            secret_key = kpabe.keygen(storage['master_public_key'],
                                      storage['master_key'], policy)
            end = time.clock()
            gen_timing += end - start

            cipher_text = storage['cipher'][more_than_equal:less_than]
            plain_text = storage['plain'][more_than_equal:less_than]
            start = time.clock()
            result = [kpabe.decrypt(ct, secret_key) for ct in cipher_text]
            end = time.clock()
            timing += end - start
            if (plain_text != result):
                check = False
        aggregate_time.append((q, gen_timing / iterations))
            (q, getsizeof(pickle.dumps(objectToBytes(secret_key, group)))))
        if (check == True):
            timings.append((q, timing / iterations))
            timings.append((q, 'error'))
    return timings