Ejemplo n.º 1
def issuerHandler(issueparam):
    group = ECGroup(security_dict[issueparam.L])
    g = group.deserialize(str.encode(issueparam.sg))
    h = group.deserialize(str.encode(issueparam.sh))
    # print(issueparam.yt)

    # xt = group.random(ZR)
    # yt = g ** xt
    # print('xt: ----====>>>')
    # print(xt)
    yt = point2Obj(int(issueparam.yt), group)

    gamma = group.init(ZR, int(issueparam.gamma))
    z = group.deserialize(str.encode(issueparam.sz))

    zu = z**(gamma**-1)
    v, u, d, s1, s2 = (group.random(ZR) for i in range(5))
    t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 = (group.random(ZR) for i in range(5))
    z1 = yt**v
    z2 = zu / z1
    a = g**u
    b1 = (g**s1) * (z1**d)
    b2 = (h**s2) * (z2**d)

    ret = [zu, v, u, d, s1, s2, \
           t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, \
           z1, z2, a, b1, b2,\
           bytes.decode(group.serialize(zu)), bytes.decode(group.serialize(z1)), bytes.decode(group.serialize(z2)),\
           bytes.decode(group.serialize(a)), bytes.decode(group.serialize(b1)), bytes.decode(group.serialize(b2))]

    return (str(k) for k in ret)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def readPoint(pointX, pointY):
     group = ECGroup(prime192v1)
     point = group.deserialize(b'1:' +
                               b64encode(a2b_hex('03' + pointX.zfill(48))))
     if str(group.coordinates(point)[1]) != str(int(pointY, 16)):
         #			print("inverting ("+str(group.coordinates(point)[1])+", "+str(int(pointY, 16))+")")
         point = point**-1
     return point
Ejemplo n.º 3
def twoHandler(twoParameter):
    group = ECGroup(security_dict[twoParameter.L])
    omega = group.init(ZR, int(twoParameter.omega))
    delta = group.init(ZR, int(twoParameter.delta))
    g = group.deserialize(str.encode(twoParameter.sg))
    h = group.deserialize(str.encode(twoParameter.sh))
    y = group.deserialize(str.encode(twoParameter.sy))
    zeta1 = group.deserialize(str.encode(twoParameter.szeta1))
    zeta2 = group.deserialize(str.encode(twoParameter.szeta2))
    roi = group.init(ZR, int(twoParameter.roi))
    sigma1 = group.init(ZR, int(twoParameter.sigma1))
    sigma2 = group.init(ZR, int(twoParameter.sigma2))

    tmp1 = (g**roi) * (y**omega)
    tmp2 = (g**sigma1) * (zeta1**delta)
    tmp3 = (h**sigma2) * (zeta2**delta)
    m = twoParameter.m
    return (str(omega + delta),
            str(group.hash((zeta1, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, m), ZR)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def oneHandler(oneParameter):

    group = ECGroup(security_dict[oneParameter.L])
    t1 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.t1))
    t2 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.t2))
    t3 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.t3))
    t4 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.t4))
    t5 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.t5))
    gamma = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.gamma))
    z1 = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sz1))
    z = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sz))
    a = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sa))
    b1 = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sb1))
    b2 = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sb2))
    g = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sg))
    h = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sh))
    y = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sy))
    message = oneParameter.M

    d = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.d))
    u = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.u))
    x = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.x))
    s1 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.s1))
    s2 = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.s2))

    zeta1 = z1**gamma
    zeta2 = z / zeta1
    alpha = a * (g**t1) * (y**t2)
    beta1 = (b1**gamma) * (g**t3) * (zeta1**t5)
    beta2 = (b2**gamma) * (h**t4) * (zeta2**t5)
    epsilon = group.hash((zeta1, alpha, beta1, beta2, message), ZR)
    e = epsilon - t2 - t5

    c = e - d
    r = u - c * x
    roi = r + t1
    omega = c + t2
    sigma1 = gamma * s1 + t3
    sigma2 = gamma * s2 + t4
    delta = d + t5
    xi = group.deserialize(str.encode(oneParameter.sxi))
    v = group.init(ZR, int(oneParameter.v))
    xiv = xi**v

    ret = [
        zeta1, zeta2, alpha, beta1, beta2, epsilon, e, c, r, roi, omega,
        sigma1, sigma2, delta, xiv,
    return (str(i) for i in ret)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Intersection(NonInteractiveSetIntersection):
    """Two-Client Set Intersect scheme"""
    client_count = 2

    def __init__(self, curve=prime256v1):
        self.group = ECGroup(curve)
        self.g = self.group.random(G)

    def setup(self, secpar):
        """Generate the clients' keys"""
        self.secpar = secpar

        sigma = self.group.random(ZR)
        msk = os.urandom(secpar // 8)

        return ((msk, sigma), (msk, 1 - sigma))

    def _phi(self, cipher, pt):
        """PRF mapping pt to a group element"""
        padding_len = 16 - (len(pt) % 16)
        pt = pt + b'\0' * padding_len

        encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
        ct = encryptor.update(pt) + encryptor.finalize()

        exponent = int.from_bytes(ct, 'big') % self.group.order()
        return self.g**exponent

    def _H(self, g):
        """Mapping of g to bytes
        Can be used to map a group element g to an AE key."""
        prefix = b'\x00'
        hashable = prefix + self.group.serialize(g)
        h = hashlib.sha256(hashable).digest()
        return h[:16]

    def _H_bytes(self, g):
        """Mapping of g to bytes
        Can be used to map a group element g to an AE nonce."""
        prefix = b'\x01'
        hashable = prefix + self.group.serialize(g)
        h = hashlib.sha256(hashable).digest()

        return h

    def encrypt(self, usk, gid, pt_set):
        """Encrypt a plaintext set under a gid using usk

        Returns a dict of ciphertexts."""
        msk, sigma = usk

        iv = gid
        cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(msk),

        ct_dict = {}
        for pt in pt_set:
            k = self._phi(cipher, pt)
            ct1 = self.group.serialize(k**sigma)

            # use deterministic authenticated encryption
            ae_key = self._H(k)
            ae_nonce = self._H_bytes(k)[:12]
            ae = AESGCM(ae_key)
            ct2 = (ae_nonce, ae.encrypt(ae_nonce, pt, None))

            ct_dict[ae_key] = (ct1, ct2)

        return ct_dict

    def eval(self, ct_sets):
        """Evaluates the ciphertexts for determining the cardinality of the set intersection
        Expects two dicts of ciphertexts."""
        pt_intersection = set()
        ct_intersection = ct_sets[0].keys() & ct_sets[1].keys()

        for k in ct_intersection:
            g1 = self.group.deserialize(ct_sets[0][k][0])
            g2 = self.group.deserialize(ct_sets[1][k][0])
            key = g1 * g2

            # decrypt using ct_sets[0]
            ae_nonce, ct = ct_sets[0][k][1]
            ae_key = self._H(key)
            ae = AESGCM(ae_key)
            pt = ae.decrypt(ae_nonce, ct, None)


        return pt_intersection
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def readScalar(s):
     group = ECGroup(prime192v1)
     return group.deserialize(b'0:' + b64encode(a2b_hex(s.zfill(58))))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Cardinality(NonInteractiveSetIntersection):
    """Multi-client Set Intersect Cardinality scheme"""
    def __init__(self, curve=prime256v1):
        self.group = ECGroup(curve)
        self.g = self.group.random(G)

    def setup(self, secpar, client_count):
        """Generate the clients' keys"""
        self.client_count = client_count
        usks = [self.group.random(ZR) for _ in range(client_count - 1)]
        return usks

    def encrypt(self, usk, gid, pt_set):
        """Encrypt a plaintext set under a gid using usk
        Returns a set of ciphertexts."""
        H = self.group.hash
        ct_set = {self.group.serialize(H(gid + pt, G)**usk) for pt in pt_set}

        return ct_set

    def eval(self, ct_sets):
        """Evaluates the ciphertexts for determining the cardinality of the set intersection
        Expects a list or set of ciphertexts."""
        one = self.g**0

        def intersection_count(ct_sets, product=one):
            # Recursive function call to compute the Cartesian product
            # Features:
            # 1) remember the partial product;
            # 2) avoid computations with elements for which we know that they
            #    belong to the intersection.
            ct_set, ct_sets = set(ct_sets[-1]), ct_sets[:-1]
            count = 0
            if ct_sets == []:
                for ct_str in ct_set:
                    ct = self.group.deserialize(ct_str)

                    if product * ct == one:
                        count = 1
                for ct_str in ct_set.copy():
                    ct = self.group.deserialize(ct_str)

                    found, ct_sets = intersection_count(ct_sets, product * ct)
                    if found == 1:
                        count += 1
                        # Note that we cannot break here: if we would break
                        # here, we might skip other ct's that are in the set.

            return (count, ct_sets)

        cardinality, _ = intersection_count(list(ct_sets))
        return cardinality