Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testOAEPRoundTripEquiv(self):
     oaep = OAEPEncryptionPadding()
     m = b'This is a test message'
     ct = oaep.encode(m, 64)
     pt = oaep.decode(ct)
     self.assertEqual(m, pt, 'Decoded message is not equal to encoded message\n'\
                      'ct: %s\nm:  %s\npt: %s' % (ct, m, pt))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testOAEPRoundTripEquiv(self):
     oaep = OAEPEncryptionPadding()
     m = b'This is a test message'
     ct = oaep.encode(m, 64)
     pt = oaep.decode(ct)
     self.assertEqual(m, pt, 'Decoded message is not equal to encoded message\n'\
                      'ct: %s\nm:  %s\npt: %s' % (ct, m, pt))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testOEAPVector1(self):
        # OAEP Test vector taken from Appendix C

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Message:
        m = a2b_hex('d4 36 e9 95 69 fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49'.replace(
            ' ', ''))
        label = ""
        lhash = a2b_hex(
            "da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 af d8 07 09".
            replace(' ', ""))
        DB = a2b_hex(
            "da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 af d8 07 09 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 d4 36 e9 95 69\
                         fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49".replace(" ", ""))

        seed = a2b_hex(
            "aa fd 12 f6 59 ca e6 34 89 b4 79 e5 07 6d de c2 f0 6c b5 8f".
            replace(' ', ''))
        #dbmask = dbMask = MGF (seed , 107):
        dbmask = a2b_hex(
            "06 e1 de b2 36 9a a5 a5 c7 07 d8 2c 8e 4e 93 24 8a c7 83 de e0 b2 c0 46\
                         26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4\
                         77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b\
                         e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4e af f4 9c 8c 3b\
                         7c fc 95 1a 51 ec d1 dd e6 12 64".replace(" ", ""))
        #seedMask = M GF (maskedDB, 20):
        seedMask = a2b_hex(
            "41 87 0b 5a b0 29 e6 57 d9 57 50 b5 4c 28 3c 08 72 5d be a9".
            replace(' ', ''))
        maskedSeed = a2b_hex(
            "eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca 82 31 0b 26".
            replace(' ', ''))

        #EM = maskedSeed maskedDB
        EM = a2b_hex(
            "00 eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca 82 31 0b 26 dc d8 7d 5c\
                            68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67 c3 1b 2e 8b b4 25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9\
                            3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4 77 28 b4 a1\
                            b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82\
                            fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f 7b c2 75 19 52 81 ce 32 d2\
                            f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d".replace(" ", ''))

        if (False):
            print("Test Vector 1:")
            print("mesg  =>", m)
            print("label =>", label)
            print("lhash =>", lhash)  #Correct
            print("DB    =>", DB)  #Correct
            print("DBMask=>", dbmask)  #Correct
            print("seedMask=>", seedMask)  #Correct
            print("maskedseed=>", maskedSeed)

        c = OAEPEncryptionPadding()
        E = c.encode(m, 128, "", seed)
        self.assertEqual(EM, E)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testOEAPVector1(self):
        # OAEP Test vector taken from Appendix C 
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Message:
        m     = a2b_hex(bytes('d4 36 e9 95 69 fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49'.replace(' ',''),'utf-8'))
        label = ""
        lhash = a2b_hex(bytes("da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 af d8 07 09".replace(' ',""),'utf-8'))
        DB    = a2b_hex(bytes("da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 af d8 07 09 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\
                         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 d4 36 e9 95 69\
                         fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49".replace(" ", ""),'utf-8'))
        seed  = a2b_hex(bytes("aa fd 12 f6 59 ca e6 34 89 b4 79 e5 07 6d de c2 f0 6c b5 8f".replace(' ' ,''),'utf-8'))
        #dbmask = dbMask = MGF (seed , 107):
        dbmask= a2b_hex(bytes("06 e1 de b2 36 9a a5 a5 c7 07 d8 2c 8e 4e 93 24 8a c7 83 de e0 b2 c0 46\
                         26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4\
                         77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b\
                         e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4e af f4 9c 8c 3b\
                         7c fc 95 1a 51 ec d1 dd e6 12 64".replace(" ",""),'utf-8'))
        #seedMask = M GF (maskedDB, 20):
        seedMask = a2b_hex(bytes("41 87 0b 5a b0 29 e6 57 d9 57 50 b5 4c 28 3c 08 72 5d be a9".replace(' ',''),'utf-8'))
        maskedSeed= a2b_hex(bytes("eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca 82 31 0b 26".replace(' ',''),'utf-8'))

        #EM = maskedSeed maskedDB
        EM       = a2b_hex(bytes("00 eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca 82 31 0b 26 dc d8 7d 5c\
                            68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67 c3 1b 2e 8b b4 25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9\
                            3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4 77 28 b4 a1\
                            b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82\
                            fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f 7b c2 75 19 52 81 ce 32 d2\
                            f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d".replace(" ",''),'utf-8')) 

        if debug:
            print("Test Vector 1:")
            print("mesg  =>", m)
            print("label =>", label)
            print("lhash =>", lhash)    #Correct
            print("DB    =>", DB)       #Correct
            print("DBMask=>", dbmask)   #Correct
            print("seedMask=>", seedMask)   #Correct
            print("maskedseed=>", maskedSeed)

        c = OAEPEncryptionPadding()
        E = c.encode(m, 128,"",seed)
        self.assertEqual(EM, E)