Ejemplo n.º 1
class AGHO(ElGamal):
    def __init__(self, eg):
        self.el = eg
        self.pairing = PairingGroup('BN254')
        self.params = self.el.params

    def keygen(self, h):
        generates an AGHO signature keypair
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :return: the AGHO keypair
        v = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        w = []
        W = []
        for i in range(0, self.params * 2):
        z = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        V = h**v
        Z = h**z
        sk = {'v': v, 'w': w, 'z': z}
        pk = {'V': V, 'W': W, 'Z': Z}
        return (sk, pk)

    def sign(self, g, sk, c, h):
        signs an encrypted ElGamal vote
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param sk: the secret signing key
        :param c: the encrypted vote
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :return: the AGHO keypair
        r = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        R = g**r
        S = (g**(sk['z'] - r * sk['v'])) * self.mprod(c, sk['w'])
        T = h**(1 / r)
        sig = {'R': R, 'S': S, 'T': T}
        return (sig, r)

    def mprod(self, c, w):
        calculates the product of the encrypted votes power w
        :param c: the encrypted vote
        :param w: the exponent
        :return: the product
        tmp = 1
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            tmp = tmp * (c['c1'][i]**(-w[i])) * (c['c2'][i]
                                                 **(-w[i + self.params]))
        return tmp

    def verify(self, pk, sig, g, h, cipher):
        verifies the AGHO signature by checking the verification euquations
        :param pk: the verification key
        :param sig: the AGHO signature
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :param cipher: the encrypted vote
        :return: result of the verification
        ve1_1 = (self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['R'], pk['V']))
        ve1_2 = self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['S'], h)
        ve1_3 = self.ciwi_prod(cipher, pk)
        ve1_4 = self.pairing.pair_prod(g, pk['Z'])
        ve1 = ((ve1_1 * ve1_2 * ve1_3) == ve1_4)
        ve2_1 = self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['R'], sig['T'])
        ve2_2 = self.pairing.pair_prod(g, h)
        ve2 = (ve2_1 == ve2_2)
        return (ve1 and ve2)

    def ciwi_prod(self, c, pk):
        calculates the product of the pairing product from the ciphers and the Wis
        :param c: the encrypted voted
        :param pk: the verification key
        :return: the product
        tmp = 1
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            tmp = tmp * self.pairing.pair_prod(
                c['c1'][i], pk['W'][i]) * self.pairing.pair_prod(
                    c['c2'][i], pk['W'][i + self.params])
        return tmp
Ejemplo n.º 2
class AGHOBlind(ElGamal):
    def __init__(self, eg):
        self.el = eg
        self.pairing = PairingGroup('BN254')
        self.params = self.el.params

    def keygen(self, h):
        generates an AGHO signature keypair
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :return: the AGHO keypair
        v = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        w = []
        W = []
        for i in range(0, self.params * 2):
        z = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        V = h**v
        Z = h**z
        sk = {'v': v, 'w': w, 'z': z}
        pk = {'V': V, 'W': W, 'Z': Z}
        return (sk, pk)

    def blind(self, vote, g):
        blinds the EV and calculates all needed parameters
        signs an encrypted ElGamal vote
        :param vote:  the encrypted vote
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :return: the blinded vote, the binded pad, G, e and the random decompositition f1, f2
        #blind Vote
        P1 = []
        P2 = []
        c1_bar = []
        c2_bar = []
        P1_bar = []
        P2_bar = []
        for i in range(0, self.params):
        P = {'P1': P1, 'P2': P2}
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            c1_bar.append((vote['c1'][i]) * (P['P1'][i]**(-1)))
            c2_bar.append((vote['c2'][i]) * (P['P2'][i]**(-1)))
        c_bar = {'c1_bar': c1_bar, 'c2_bar': c2_bar}
        #blind Pad
        e = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        f = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        (f1, f2) = self.randdecomp(f)
        for i in range(0, self.params):
        P_bar = {'P1_bar': P1_bar, 'P2_bar': P2_bar}
        #calculate G
        G = {'G1': g**e, 'G2': g**(f1), 'G3': g**(e * f2)}
        return (c_bar, P_bar, G, e, f1, f2)

    def sign(self, g, sk, c_bar, h, G, P_bar):
        signs a blinded EV
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param sk: the secret signing key
        :param c_bar: the blinded encrypted vote
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :param G: the client side signature randomness
        :param P_bar: the blinded Pad
        :return: the AGHO blind signature
        r = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        (z1, z2) = self.randdecomp(sk['z'])
        R_bar = g**r
        S1_bar = (g**z1) * (G['G2']**(-(r * sk['v']))) * self.mprod(
            c_bar, sk['w'])
        S2_bar = (G['G1']**z2) * (G['G3']**(
            (-r) * sk['v'])) * self.pprod(P_bar, sk['w'])
        T_bar = h**(1 / r)
        sig = {
            'R_bar': R_bar,
            'S1_bar': S1_bar,
            'S2_bar': S2_bar,
            'T_bar': T_bar
        return (sig, z1, z2, r)

    def mprod(self, c_bar, w):
        calculates the product of the encrypted votes power w
        :param c_bar: the blinded EV
        :param w: the exponent
        :return: the product
        tmp = 1
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            tmp = tmp * (c_bar['c1_bar'][i]**(-w[i])) * (c_bar['c2_bar'][i]**
                                                         (-w[i + self.params]))
        return tmp

    def pprod(self, P_bar, w):
        calculates the product of the blinded pads power w
        :param P_bar: the blinded pad
        :param w: the exponent
        :return: the product
        tmp = 1
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            tmp = tmp * (P_bar['P1_bar'][i]**(-w[i])) * (P_bar['P2_bar'][i]**
                                                         (-w[i + self.params]))
        return tmp

    def deblindSig(self, sig_bar, e, f):
        deblinds the signature received from the server
        :param sig_bar: the blinded signature
        :param e: the secret exponent for blinding the pad
        :param f: the secret client side siganture randomness
        :return: the deblinded signature
        R = sig_bar['R_bar']**f
        S = sig_bar['S1_bar'] * (sig_bar['S2_bar']**(1 / e))
        T = sig_bar['T_bar']**(1 / f)
        sig = {'R': R, 'S': S, 'T': T}
        return sig

    def verify(self, pk, sig, g, h, cipher):
        verifies the AGHO signature by checking the verification euquations
        :param pk: the verification key
        :param sig: the AGHO signature
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :param cipher: the encrypted vote
        :return: result of the verification
        ve1_1 = (self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['R'], pk['V']))
        ve1_2 = self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['S'], h)
        ve1_3 = self.ciwi_prod(cipher, pk)
        ve1_4 = ve1_4 = self.pairing.pair_prod(g, pk['Z'])
        ve1 = (ve1_1 * ve1_2 * ve1_3 == ve1_4)
        ve2_1 = self.pairing.pair_prod(sig['R'], sig['T'])
        ve2_2 = self.pairing.pair_prod(g, h)
        ve2 = (ve2_1 == ve2_2)
        return (ve1 and ve2)

    def randdecomp(self, f):
        creates a random decomposition of a value f in ZR
        :param f: the value to be decomposed
        :return: the decomposition
        f1 = self.pairing.random(ZR)
        f2 = f - f1
        return (f1, f2)

    def ciwi_prod(self, c, pk):
        calculates the product of the pairing product from the ciphers and the Wis
        :param c: the encrypted voted
        :param pk: the verification key
        :return: the product
        tmp = 1
        for i in range(0, self.params):
            tmp = tmp * self.pairing.pair_prod(
                c['c1'][i], pk['W'][i]) * self.pairing.pair_prod(
                    c['c2'][i], pk['W'][self.params + i])
        return tmp

    def ZKPU(self, g, P_bar, pk, o, e, G, f1, f2):
        calculates the ZKP for the correct format of the blinded EV
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param P_bar: the blinded pad
        :param pk: the verification key
        :param o: the secret client side encryption randomness
        :param e: secret parameter for pad blinding
        :param G: the client side signature randomness
        :param f1: first part of the random decomposition of the secret client signature parameter
        :param f2: second part of the random decomposition of the secret client signature parameter
        :return: the ZKP parameters challenge and response
        (ch, r) = ZKP.ZKP_correctFormatU(g, P_bar, pk, o, e, G, f1, f2,
        return (ch, r)

    def ZKPU_verify(self, ch, G, r, c_bar, P_bar, m, pk, g):
        verifies a ZKP for the correct format of a vote
        :param ch: the challenge
        :param G: the client side signing randomness 
        :param r: the response
        :param c_bar: the blinded EV
        :param P_bar: the blinded pad
        :param m: the message (public attributes)
        :param pk: the public encryption key
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :return: the result of the verification
        return ZKP.verifyZKP_FormatU(ch, G, r, c_bar, P_bar, m, pk, g,

    def ZKPS(self, h, g, sig, pk, G, c_bar, sk, z1, z2, ri, P_bar):
        calculates the ZKP for the correct format of the signature
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param sig: the signature  
        :param pk: the verification key
        :param G: the client side signature randomness
        :param c_bar: the blinded EV
        :param sk: the secret signature key
        :param z1: first part of the random decomposition of the secret signature parameter
        :param z2: second part of the random decomposition of the secret signature parameter
        :param ri: the server side signature randomness
        :param P_bar: the blinded pad
        :return: the ZKP parameters challenge and response
        (ch, r) = ZKP.ZKP_correctFormatS(h, g, sig, pk, G, c_bar, sk, z1, z2,
                                         ri, P_bar, self.params)
        return (ch, r)

    def ZKPS_verify(self, h, g, pk, ch, r, c_bar, P_bar, G, sig):
        verifies a ZKP for the correct format of a signature
        :param h: the public parameter from G2
        :param g: the public parameter from G1
        :param pk: the verification key
        :param ch: the challenge
        :param r: the response
        :param c_bar: the blinded EV
        :param P_bar: the blinded pad
        :param G: the client side signature randomness
        :param sig: the signature
        :return: the result of the verification
        return ZKP.verifyZKP_FormatS(h, g, pk, ch, r, c_bar, P_bar, G, sig,