Ejemplo n.º 1
    def plot_strategy_group_leverage(self):
        pf = PlotFactory()
        gp = GraphProperties()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("Leverage", "Group Leverage")

        pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._strategy_group_leverage), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plot_strategy_pnl(self):
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "Strategy PnL")

            pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._strategy_pnl), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
        except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def plot_individual_leverage(self):
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("Leverage", "Individual Leverage")

            pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._individual_leverage), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
        except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def plot_strategy_group_benchmark_annualised_pnl(self, cols = None):
        # TODO - unfinished, needs checking!

        if cols is None: cols = self._strategy_group_benchmark_annualised_pnl.columns

        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "Group Benchmark Annualised PnL")

        gp.color = ['red', 'blue', 'purple', 'gray', 'yellow', 'green', 'pink']

        pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._strategy_group_benchmark_annualised_pnl[cols]), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def plot_strategy_group_pnl_trades(self):
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("(bp)", "Individual Trade PnL")

        # zero when there isn't a trade exit
        # strategy_pnl_trades = self._strategy_pnl_trades * 100 * 100
        # strategy_pnl_trades = strategy_pnl_trades.dropna()

        # note only works with single large basket trade
            strategy_pnl_trades = self._strategy_pnl_trades.fillna(0) * 100 * 100
            pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(strategy_pnl_trades), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
        except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def plot_strategy_signals(self, date = None, strip = None):

        ######## plot signals
        strategy_signal = self._strategy_signal
        strategy_signal = 100 * (strategy_signal)

        if date is None:
            last_day = strategy_signal.ix[-1].transpose().to_frame()
            last_day = strategy_signal.ix[date].transpose().to_frame()

        if strip is not None:
            last_day.index = [x.replace(strip, '') for x in last_day.index]

        pf = PlotFactory()
        gp = self.create_graph_properties("positions (% portfolio notional)", "Positions")

        pf.plot_generic_graph(last_day, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, type = 'bar', gp = gp)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def plot_strategy_group_benchmark_pnl(self, strip = None):
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "Group Benchmark PnL - cumulative")

        strat_list = self._strategy_group_benchmark_pnl.columns #.sort_values()

        for line in strat_list:

        # plot cumulative line of returns
        pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._strategy_group_benchmark_pnl), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        # needs write stats flag turned on
            keys = self._strategy_group_benchmark_tsd.keys()
            ir = []

            for key in keys: ir.append(self._strategy_group_benchmark_tsd[key].inforatio()[0])

            if strip is not None: keys = [k.replace(strip, '') for k in keys]

            ret_stats = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, data = ir, columns = ['IR'])
            # ret_stats = ret_stats.sort_index()
            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Group Benchmark PnL - IR) ' + gp.SCALE_FACTOR + '.png'
            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Group Benchmark PnL - IR) ' + gp.SCALE_FACTOR + '.html'

            gp.display_brand_label = False

            # plot ret stats
            pf.plot_bar_graph(ret_stats, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def run_day_of_month_analysis(self, strat):
        from pythalesians.economics.seasonality.seasonality import Seasonality
        from pythalesians.timeseries.calcs.timeseriescalcs import TimeSeriesCalcs

        tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()
        seas = Seasonality()
        pnl = strat.get_strategy_pnl()

        # get seasonality by day of the month
        pnl = pnl.resample('B').mean()
        rets = tsc.calculate_returns(pnl)
        bus_day = seas.bus_day_of_month_seasonality(rets, add_average = True)

        # get seasonality by month
        pnl = pnl.resample('BM').mean()
        rets = tsc.calculate_returns(pnl)
        month = seas.monthly_seasonality(rets)

        self.logger.info("About to plot seasonality...")
        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        # Plotting spot over day of month/month of year
        gp.color = 'Blues'
        gp.scale_factor = self.SCALE_FACTOR
        gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' seasonality day of month.png'
        gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' seasonality day of month.html'
        gp.title = strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' day of month seasonality'
        gp.display_legend = False
        gp.color_2_series = [bus_day.columns[-1]]
        gp.color_2 = ['red'] # red, pink
        gp.linewidth_2 = 4
        gp.linewidth_2_series = [bus_day.columns[-1]]
        gp.y_axis_2_series = [bus_day.columns[-1]]

        pf.plot_line_graph(bus_day, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        gp = GraphProperties()

        gp.scale_factor = self.SCALE_FACTOR
        gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' seasonality month of year.png'
        gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' seasonality month of year.html'
        gp.title = strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' month of year seasonality'

        pf.plot_line_graph(month, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        return month
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def plot_strategy_signal_proportion(self, strip = None):

        signal = self._strategy_signal

        # count number of long, short and flat periods in our sample
        long = signal[signal > 0].count()
        short = signal[signal < 0].count()
        flat = signal[signal == 0].count()

        keys = long.index

        # how many trades have there been (ignore size of the trades)
        trades = abs(signal - signal.shift(-1))
        trades = trades[trades > 0].count()

        df_trades = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, columns = ['Trades'], data = trades)

        df = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, columns = ['Long', 'Short', 'Flat'])

        df['Long'] = long
        df['Short']  = short
        df['Flat'] = flat

        if strip is not None: keys = [k.replace(strip, '') for k in keys]

        df.index = keys
        df_trades.index = keys
        # df = df.sort_index()

        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "")

            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy signal proportion).png'
            gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy signal proportion).html'
            pf.plot_bar_graph(self.reduce_plot(df), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy trade no).png'
            gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy trade no).html'
            pf.plot_bar_graph(self.reduce_plot(df_trades), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
        except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 10
        tenor = 'ON'

        # plot total return series comparison for all our crosses
        # in practice, we would typically make a set of xxxUSD total return indices
        # and use them to compute all other crosses (assuming we are USD denominated investor)
        for cross in ['AUDUSD', 'EURUSD', 'GBPUSD']:

            # create total return index using spot + deposits
            ind = IndicesFX()
            ind_df = ind.create_total_return_index(cross, tenor, spot_df, deposit_df)
            ind_df.columns = [x + '.PYT (with carry)' for x in ind_df.columns]

            # grab total return index which we downloaded from Bloomberg
            bbg_ind_df = tot_df[cross + '.close'].to_frame()
            bbg_ind_df.columns = [x + ".BBG (with carry)" for x in bbg_ind_df.columns]

            # grab spot data
            spot_plot_df = spot_df[cross + '.close'].to_frame()
            spot_plot_df = tsc.create_mult_index_from_prices(spot_plot_df)

            # combine total return indices (computed by PyThalesians), those from Bloomberg and also spot
            # with everything already rebased at 100
            ind_df = ind_df.join(bbg_ind_df)
            ind_df = ind_df.join(spot_plot_df)

            gp = GraphProperties()
            gp.title = 'Total return indices in FX & comparing with spot'
            gp.scale_factor = 3

            pf = PlotFactory()
            pf.plot_line_graph(ind_df, adapter = 'pythalesians', gp = gp)
    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
        start_date="01 Jan 1970",  # start date
        finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
        freq='daily',  # daily data
        data_source='quandl',  # use Quandl as data source
        tickers=['EURUSD',  # ticker (Thalesians)
        fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
        vendor_tickers=['FRED/DEXUSEU', 'FRED/DEXUSUK'],  # ticker (Quandl)
        vendor_fields=['close'],  # which Bloomberg fields to download
        cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data

    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    daily_vals = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)

    techind = TechIndicator()
    tech_params = TechParams()
    tech_params.sma_period = 20

    techind.create_tech_ind(daily_vals, 'SMA', tech_params=tech_params)

    sma = techind.get_techind()
    signal = techind.get_signal()

    combine = daily_vals.join(sma, how='outer')

    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_line_graph(combine, adapter='pythalesians')
Ejemplo n.º 12
if True:
    import pandas
    df = pandas.read_csv(
        "volsurface.csv")  # load a snapshot for a vol surface from disk

    gp = GraphProperties()
    gp.plotly_plot_mode = "offline_html"  # render Plotly plot locally (rather than via website)
    gp.file_output = "volsurface.png"  # save as static PNG file
    gp.html_file_output = "volsurface.html"  # save as interactive HTML file

    gp.title = "GBP/USD vol surface"
    gp.color = 'Blues'

    # plot surface with Plotly
    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='surface', adapter='cufflinks', gp=gp)

if True:

    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
        start_date="01 Jan 2013",  # start date
        finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
        freq='daily',  # daily data
        data_source='google',  # use Bloomberg as data source
        tickers=['Apple', 'S&P500 ETF'],  # ticker (Thalesians)
        fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
        vendor_tickers=['aapl', 'spy'],  # ticker (Google)
        vendor_fields=['Close'],  # which Bloomberg fields to download
        cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data
Ejemplo n.º 13

if True:
    import pandas
    df = pandas.read_csv("volsurface.csv")  # load a snapshot for a vol surface from disk

    gp = GraphProperties()
    gp.plotly_plot_mode = "offline_html"    # render Plotly plot locally (rather than via website)
    gp.file_output = "volsurface.png"       # save as static PNG file
    gp.html_file_output = "volsurface.html" # save as interactive HTML file

    gp.title = "GBP/USD vol surface"
    gp.color = 'Blues'

    # plot surface with Plotly
    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'surface', adapter = 'cufflinks', gp = gp)

if True:

    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
                start_date = "01 Jan 2013",                     # start date
                finish_date = datetime.date.today(),            # finish date
                freq = 'daily',                                 # daily data
                data_source = 'google',                         # use Bloomberg as data source
                tickers = ['Apple', 'S&P500 ETF'],                  # ticker (Thalesians)
                fields = ['close'],                                 # which fields to download
                vendor_tickers = ['aapl', 'spy'],                   # ticker (Google)
                vendor_fields = ['Close'],                          # which Bloomberg fields to download
                cache_algo = 'internet_load_return')                # how to return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def run_arbitrary_sensitivity(self, strat, parameter_list = None, parameter_names = None,
                                  pretty_portfolio_names = None, parameter_type = None):

        asset_df, spot_df, spot_df2, basket_dict = strat.fill_assets()

        port_list = None
        tsd_list = []

        for i in range(0, len(parameter_list)):
            br = strat.fill_backtest_request()

            current_parameter = parameter_list[i]

            # for calculating P&L
            for k in current_parameter.keys():
                setattr(br, k, current_parameter[k])

            strat.br = br   # for calculating signals

            signal_df = strat.construct_signal(spot_df, spot_df2, br.tech_params, br)

            cash_backtest = CashBacktest()
            self.logger.info("Calculating... " + str(pretty_portfolio_names[i]))

            cash_backtest.calculate_trading_PnL(br, asset_df, signal_df)
            stats = str(cash_backtest.get_portfolio_pnl_desc()[0])

            port = cash_backtest.get_cumportfolio().resample('B').mean()
            port.columns = [str(pretty_portfolio_names[i]) + ' ' + stats]

            if port_list is None:
                port_list = port
                port_list = port_list.join(port)

        # reset the parameters of the strategy
        strat.br = strat.fill_backtest_request()

        pf = PlotFactory()
        gp = GraphProperties()

        ir = [t.inforatio()[0] for t in tsd_list]

        # if we have too many combinations remove legend and use scaled shaded colour
        # if len(port_list) > 10:
            # gp.color = 'Blues'
            # gp.display_legend = False

        # plot all the variations
        gp.resample = 'B'
        gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type + '.png'
        gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type + '.html'
        gp.scale_factor = self.SCALE_FACTOR
        gp.title = strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type
        pf.plot_line_graph(port_list, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        # plot all the IR in a bar chart form (can be easier to read!)
        gp = GraphProperties()
        gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type + ' IR.png'
        gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type + ' IR.html'
        gp.scale_factor = self.SCALE_FACTOR
        gp.title = strat.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' ' + parameter_type
        summary = pandas.DataFrame(index = pretty_portfolio_names, data = ir, columns = ['IR'])
        pf.plot_bar_graph(summary, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        return port_list
        start_date="01 Jan 1970",  # start date
        finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
        freq='daily',  # daily data
        data_source='quandl',  # use Quandl as data source
            'EURUSD',  # ticker (Thalesians)
        fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
        vendor_tickers=['FRED/DEXUSEU', 'FRED/DEXUSUK'],  # ticker (Quandl)
        vendor_fields=['close'],  # which Bloomberg fields to download
        cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data

    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    daily_vals = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)

    techind = TechIndicator()
    tech_params = TechParams()
    tech_params.sma_period = 20

    techind.create_tech_ind(daily_vals, 'SMA', tech_params=tech_params)

    sma = techind.get_techind()
    signal = techind.get_signal()

    combine = daily_vals.join(sma, how='outer')

    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_line_graph(combine, adapter='pythalesians')
        df = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)
        df.columns = [x.replace('.close', '') for x in df.columns.values]

        df = tsc.calculate_returns(df) * 100
        df = df.dropna()

        df_sorted = tsc.get_bottom_valued_sorted(df, "USDBRL", n = 20)
        # df = tsc.get_top_valued_sorted(df, "USDBRL", n = 20) # get biggest up moves

        # get values on day after
        df2 = df.shift(-1)
        df2 = df2.ix[df_sorted.index]
        df2.columns = ['T+1']

        df_sorted.columns = ['T']

        df_sorted = df_sorted.join(df2)
        df_sorted.index = [str(x.year) + '/' + str(x.month) + '/' + str(x.day) for x in df_sorted.index]

        gp = GraphProperties()
        gp.title = 'Largest daily falls in USDBRL'
        gp.scale_factor = 3
        gp.display_legend = True
        gp.chart_type = 'bar'
        gp.x_title = 'Dates'
        gp.y_title = 'Pc'
        gp.file_output = "usdbrl-biggest-downmoves.png"

        pf = PlotFactory()
        pf.plot_line_graph(df_sorted, adapter = 'pythalesians', gp=gp)
Ejemplo n.º 17
                start_date = "01 Jan 2014",                     # start date
                finish_date = datetime.date.today(),            # finish date
                freq = 'daily',                                 # daily data
                data_source = 'quandl',                         # use quandl as data source
                tickers = ['S&P500'],                            # ticker (Thalesians)
                fields = ['close', 'open', 'adjusted-close', 'high'],           # which fields to download
                vendor_tickers = ['YAHOO/INDEX_GSPC'],                           # ticker (quandl)
                vendor_fields = ['close', 'open', 'adjusted-close', 'high'],    # which quandl fields to download
                cache_algo = 'internet_load_return')                            # how to return data

        ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

        df = None
        df = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)

        pf = PlotFactory()
        pf.plot_line_graph(df, adapter = 'pythalesians')

    ###### download monthly quandl data for Total US nonfarm payrolls
    if True:
        time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
            start_date="01 Jan 1940",  # start date
            finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
            freq='daily',  # daily data
            data_source='quandl',  # use quandl as data source
            tickers=['US Total Nonfarm Payrolls'],  # ticker (Thalesians)
            fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
            vendor_tickers=['FRED/PAYEMS'],  # ticker (quandl)
            vendor_fields=['close'],  # which quandl fields to download
            cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data
Ejemplo n.º 18
        df_event_times.index = df_event_times.index.tz_localize(utc_time)    # work in UTC time

        from pythalesians.economics.events.eventstudy import EventStudy

        es = EventStudy()

        # work out cumulative asset price moves moves over the event
        df_event = es.get_intraday_moves_over_custom_event(df, df_event_times)

        # create an average move
        df_event['Avg'] = df_event.mean(axis = 1)

        # plotting spot over economic data event
        gp = GraphProperties()
        gp.scale_factor = 3

        gp.title = 'USDJPY spot moves over recent NFP'

        # plot in shades of blue (so earlier releases are lighter, later releases are darker)
        gp.color = 'Blues'; gp.color_2 = []
        gp.y_axis_2_series = []
        gp.display_legend = False

        # last release will be in red, average move in orange
        gp.color_2_series = [df_event.columns[-2], df_event.columns[-1]]
        gp.color_2 = ['red', 'orange'] # red, pink
        gp.linewidth_2 = 2
        gp.linewidth_2_series = gp.color_2_series

        pf = PlotFactory()
        pf.plot_line_graph(df_event * 100, adapter = 'pythalesians', gp = gp)
Ejemplo n.º 19
                cache_algo = 'internet_load_return')                # how to return data

    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()
    tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()

    df = tsc.create_mult_index_from_prices(ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request))

    gp = GraphProperties()
    gp.html_file_output = "output_data/apple.htm"
    gp.title = "S&P500 vs Apple"

    # plot first with PyThalesians and then Bokeh
    # just needs 1 word to change
    gp.display_legend = False

    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'line', adapter = 'pythalesians', gp = gp)
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'line', adapter = 'bokeh', gp = gp)

# test simple Bokeh bar charts - monthly returns over past 6 months
if True:
    from datetime import timedelta
    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    start = end - timedelta(days=180)

    tickers = ['S&P500', 'FTSE', 'Nikkei']
    vendor_tickers = ['SPX Index', 'UKX Index', 'NKY Index']

    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
Ejemplo n.º 20
import datetime

from chartesians.graphs.plotfactory import PlotFactory

from pythalesians.economics.seasonality.seasonality import Seasonality
from pythalesians.market.loaders.lighttimeseriesfactory import LightTimeSeriesFactory
from pythalesians.market.requests.timeseriesrequest import TimeSeriesRequest
from pythalesians.timeseries.calcs.timeseriescalcs import TimeSeriesCalcs
from pythalesians.util.loggermanager import LoggerManager
from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

seasonality = Seasonality()
tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()
logger = LoggerManager().getLogger(__name__)

pf = PlotFactory()

# just change "False" to "True" to run any of the below examples

###### calculate seasonal moves in SPX (using Quandl data)
if True:
    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
                start_date = "01 Jan 1970",                     # start date
                finish_date = datetime.date.today(),            # finish date
                freq = 'daily',                                 # daily data
                data_source = 'bloomberg',                         # use Quandl as data source
                tickers = ['S&P500'],
                fields = ['close'],                                 # which fields to download
                vendor_tickers = ['SPX Index'],  # ticker (Quandl)
                vendor_fields = ['PX_LAST'],                          # which Bloomberg fields to download
                cache_algo = 'internet_load_return')                # how to return data
Ejemplo n.º 21
        ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

        df = None
        df = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)

        tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()
        df = tsc.calculate_returns(df)
        df = tsc.rolling_corr(df['EURUSD.close'],
                              data_frame2=df[['GBPUSD.close', 'AUDUSD.close']])

        gp = GraphProperties()
        gp.title = "1M FX rolling correlations"
        gp.scale_factor = 3

        pf = PlotFactory()
        pf.plot_line_graph(df, adapter='pythalesians', gp=gp)

    ###### download daily data from Bloomberg for AUD/JPY, NZD/JPY spot with S&P500, then calculate correlation
    if True:
        time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
            start_date="01 Jan 2015",  # start date
            finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
            freq='daily',  # daily data
            data_source='bloomberg',  # use Bloomberg as data source
                'AUDJPY',  # ticker (Thalesians)
            fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
Ejemplo n.º 22
Examples to show how to use PlotFactory to make charts (at present only line charts have a lot of support).

import datetime

from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties
from chartesians.graphs.plotfactory import PlotFactory

from pythalesians.market.loaders.lighttimeseriesfactory import LightTimeSeriesFactory
from pythalesians.market.requests.timeseriesrequest import TimeSeriesRequest

# just change "False" to "True" to run any of the below examples

if True:
    pf = PlotFactory()

    # test simple PyThalesians/Bokeh time series line charts
    if False:
        ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

        start = '01 Jan 2000'
        end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        tickers = ['AUDJPY', 'USDJPY']
        vendor_tickers = ['AUDJPY BGN Curncy', 'USDJPY BGN Curncy']

        time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
            start_date=start,  # start date
            finish_date=datetime.date.today(),  # finish date
            freq='daily',  # daily data
            data_source='bloomberg',  # use Bloomberg as data source