Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test(self):
        obj = TerminalWriter()
        assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode == 'a+'

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.append)
        assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode == 'a+'

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.truncate)
        assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode == 'w+'

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.quiet)
        assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode == 'quiet'

        obj = TerminalWriter(None)
        assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode is None

        obj = TerminalWriter(redirection_file_path="test")
        assert obj.redirection_file_path == "test"
        assert obj.buffered_text is None
        assert obj._file_mode == 'a+'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, command_str, quiet=False):
        self.command_tokens = CommandStrategy.tokenize(command_str)

        redirection_tuple = \
        if redirection_tuple is not None:
            (redirection_type, redirection_filepath) = redirection_tuple
            self.print_wrapper = TerminalWriter(redirection_type,
        elif quiet:
            self.print_wrapper = \
            self.print_wrapper = TerminalWriter(None)

        self._is_regex_global = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
class CommandStrategy(object):
    usage_str = "Undefined"  # Should be overriden by subclasses
    def __init__(self, command_str, quiet=False):
        self.command_tokens = CommandStrategy.tokenize(command_str)

        redirection_tuple = \
        if redirection_tuple is not None:
            (redirection_type, redirection_filepath) = redirection_tuple
            self.print_wrapper = TerminalWriter(redirection_type,
        elif quiet:
            self.print_wrapper = \
            self.print_wrapper = TerminalWriter(None)

        self._is_regex_global = None

    def tokenize(command_str):
        """Tokenizes a string that is a command."""
        splitted = command_str.split()
        if len(splitted) == 0:
            return []
        if len(splitted) == 1:
            return [splitted[0]]
        tokens = []
        current_token = ""
        inside_token = False
        inside_regex = False
        for word in splitted:
            if inside_token:
                current_token += ' ' + word
                if word.endswith('"') and (len(word) < 2 or word[-2] != '\\'):
                    inside_token = False
                    current_token = ""
            elif inside_regex:
                current_token += ' ' + word
                if CommandStrategy._is_end_regex(word):
                    inside_regex = False
                    current_token = ""
            elif (    word.startswith('"') and word.endswith('"') \
                  and (len(word) < 2 or word[-2] != '\\')):
            elif word.startswith('"'):
                inside_token = True
                current_token += word
            elif word.startswith("/") and CommandStrategy._is_end_regex(word):
            elif word.startswith("/"):
                inside_regex = True
                current_token += word
            else:  # not inside a token and not starting with "
        if current_token != "":
        return tokens
    def _is_end_regex(word):
        """Returns `True` if `word` is the end of a regex."""
        return    word.endswith("/") or word.endswith("/g") \
               or word.endswith("/i") or word.endswith("/ig") \
               or word.endswith("/gi")

    def find_redirection_file_path(tokens):
        Finds the path of the file
        which the output of a command should be redirected to and
        returns it along with the type of redirection that it is (in a 2-tuple).
        The type of redirection is an enumeration item of type
        Returns `None` if no redirection was found.
        Returns `(RedirectionType.quiet, None)` if a redirection should be done
        to nowhere.
        (This can be achieved by using the redirections symbols and providing
        no filepath).
        if len(tokens) < 2:
            return None
        if tokens[-2] == REDIRECTION_APPEND_SYM:
            return (RedirectionType.append, tokens[-1])
        if tokens[-2] == REDIRECTION_SYM:
            return (RedirectionType.truncate, tokens[-1])
        if (   tokens[-1] == REDIRECTION_APPEND_SYM
            or tokens[-1] == REDIRECTION_SYM):
            return (RedirectionType.quiet, None)
        return None

    def get_unit_type_from_str(unit_type_str):
        Transforms the string `unit_type_str`
        into the corresponding `UnitType` value.
        Returns `None` if there exist no corresponding `UnitType` value.
        unit_type_str = unit_type_str.lower()
        if unit_type_str in ("alias", ALIAS_SYM):
            return UnitType.alias
        if unit_type_str in ("slot", SLOT_SYM):
            return UnitType.slot
        if unit_type_str in ("intent", INTENT_SYM):
            return UnitType.intent
        return None

    def remove_quotes(text):
        Removes the double quotes at the beginning and end of `text` and
        returns it. Double quotes that shouldn't be considered are escaped.
        return text[1:-1].replace(ESCAPE_SYM + '"', '"')

    def split_exact_unit_name(text):
        Removes the double quotes at the beginning and end of `text` and
        splits `text` into a unit name and a variation identifier.
        Those two parts are separated in `text` by a hashtag `#` (unescaped).
        Returns a list with both those str inside it or the unit name and
        `None` for the variation identifier if it wasn't found.
        If `text` is not valid (several hashtags),
        raises a `SyntaxError`.
        no_quote_text = text[1:-1].replace(ESCAPE_SYM + '"', '"')
        splitted = no_quote_text.split(VARIATION_SYM)
        processed_splitted = []
        current_word = ""
        for word in splitted:
            if word.endswith(ESCAPE_SYM):
                if current_word == "":
                    current_word = word[:-1]
                    current_word += VARIATION_SYM + word[:-1]
            elif current_word == "":
                processed_splitted.append(current_word + VARIATION_SYM + word)
                current_word = ""
        if len(processed_splitted) > 2:
            raise SyntaxError("Too many hashtags in unit identifier.")
        if len(processed_splitted) == 1:
            return [processed_splitted[0], None]
        return processed_splitted

    def get_regex_name(self, name):
        If a regex is used within `name`,
        returns a compiled regex that is able to find all units with a name
        that matches some pattern.
        Returns `None` otherwise.
        if name.startswith(REGEX_SYM) and (   name.endswith(REGEX_SYM)
                                           or name[-2] == REGEX_SYM
                                           or name[-3] == REGEX_SYM):
            splitted_str = [e for e in name.split(REGEX_SYM) if e != ""]
            if len(splitted_str) == 1:
                return re.compile(name[1:-1].replace('\\'+REGEX_SYM, REGEX_SYM))

            flags = splitted_str[-1]
            text_without_flags = rchop(name, flags)
            self._is_regex_global = 'g' in flags
            if 'i' in flags:
                return re.compile(text_without_flags[1:-1].replace('\\'+REGEX_SYM, REGEX_SYM),
            return re.compile(text_without_flags[1:-1].replace('\\'+REGEX_SYM, REGEX_SYM))
        return None

    def next_matching_unit_name(self, parser, unit_type, regex):
        Yields the next unit name of type `unit_type`
        whose name matches `regex`.
        if unit_type == UnitType.alias:
            relevant_dict = parser.alias_definitions
        elif unit_type == UnitType.slot:
            relevant_dict = parser.slot_definitions
        elif unit_type == UnitType.intent:
            relevant_dict = parser.intent_definitions
            raise ValueError("Unexpected unit type when matching regex: " +
        if self._is_regex_global:
            for unit_name in relevant_dict:
                if regex.search(unit_name):
                    yield unit_name
            for unit_name in relevant_dict:
                if regex.match(unit_name):
                    yield unit_name
    def get_all_matching_unit_names(self, parser, unit_type, regex):
        Returns a list of unit names of type `unit_type`
        whose name matches `regex`.
        NOTE: this is used with 'delete' command since the generator that
              returns the same data cannot be used in that case (dict changes
              size during iteration).
        if unit_type == UnitType.alias:
            relevant_dict = parser.alias_definitions
        elif unit_type == UnitType.slot:
            relevant_dict = parser.slot_definitions
        elif unit_type == UnitType.intent:
            relevant_dict = parser.intent_definitions
            raise ValueError("Unexpected unit type when matching regex: " +
        if self._is_regex_global:
            return [name for name in relevant_dict if regex.search(name)]
        return [name for name in relevant_dict if regex.match(name)]

    def remove_redirection_tokens(self):
        Removes the tokens that represent a redirection
        from `self.command_tokens`.
        @pre: There are redirection tokens in the tokens.
        if (   self.command_tokens[-2] == REDIRECTION_APPEND_SYM
            or self.command_tokens[-2] == REDIRECTION_SYM):
            self.command_tokens = self.command_tokens[:-2]
            self.command_tokens = self.command_tokens[:-1]

    def flush_output(self):
        Asks the wrapper of print to flush its outputs
        to the redirected file (if such a file exists).

    def should_exit(self):
        Returns `True` if the program should exit the interactive mode.
        This method should be overriden by subclasses.
        return False

    def execute(self, facade):
        Executes the whole command represented by this object.
        `facade` is a facade to the whole system (contains links to the parser).
        This method can be overriden by subclasses if a different algorithm is
        # TODO support variations
        if len(self.command_tokens) < 3:
            self.print_wrapper.error_log("Missing some arguments\nUsage: " +

        unit_type = CommandStrategy.get_unit_type_from_str(self.command_tokens[1])
        if unit_type is None:
            self.print_wrapper.error_log("Unknown unit type: '" +
                                         str(self.command_tokens[1]) + "'.")

        unit_regex = self.get_regex_name(self.command_tokens[2])
        if unit_regex is None:
                [unit_name, variation_name] = \
            except SyntaxError:
                self.print_wrapper.error_log("Unit identifier couldn't be " + \
                                             "interpreted. Did you mean to " + \
                                             "escape some hashtags '#'?")
            self.execute_on_unit(facade, unit_type, unit_name, variation_name)
            count = 0
            for unit_name in self.next_matching_unit_name(facade.parser,
                self.execute_on_unit(facade, unit_type, unit_name)
                count += 1
            if count == 0:
                self.print_wrapper.write("No " + unit_type.name + " matched.")

    def execute_on_unit(self, facade, unit_type, unit_name, variation_name=None):
        Executes the command on a specific unit.
        This method HAS to be overriden by subclasses if they don't override
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def finish_execution(self, facade):
        This function is executed at the end of the command and
        can be overriden to implement things such as cleaning up or changing
        the size of dictionaries and list that were being iterated over.
        NOTE: it is called no matter what happened before (the command worked
              or failed).
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_print(self, capsys):
     obj = TerminalWriter(None)
     obj.error_log("this is a test")
     captured = capsys.readouterr()
     assert captured.out == "[ERROR]\tthis is a test\n"
     assert obj.buffered_text is None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_not_quiet(self):
     obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.append)
     assert obj.buffered_text == "something"
     obj.write("other line")
     assert obj.buffered_text == "something\nother line"
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_quiet(self):
     obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.quiet)
     assert obj.buffered_text is None
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_incorrect_state(self):
     obj = TerminalWriter()
     obj._file_mode = "incorrect"
     assert obj.get_redirection() is None
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test(self):
        obj = TerminalWriter()
        assert obj.get_redirection() == (RedirectionType.append, None)

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.append)
        assert obj.get_redirection() == (RedirectionType.append, None)

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.truncate)
        assert obj.get_redirection() == (RedirectionType.truncate, None)

        obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.quiet)
        assert obj.get_redirection() == (RedirectionType.quiet, None)

        obj = TerminalWriter(None)
        assert obj.get_redirection() is None

        obj = TerminalWriter(redirection_file_path="test")
        assert obj.get_redirection() == (RedirectionType.append, "test")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test(self):
     obj = TerminalWriter(redirection_file_path="test")
     assert obj.redirection_file_path is None
     assert obj.buffered_text is None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_not_quiet(self):
     obj = TerminalWriter(RedirectionType.append)
     assert obj.buffered_text == "[ERROR]\tsomething"
     obj.error_log("other line")
     assert obj.buffered_text == "[ERROR]\tsomething\n[ERROR]\tother line"