def test_version(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['--version']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,)) self.assertEqual(io.combined, "{}\n".format( ToolBase.format_version_tuple(version)))
def test_version(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['--version']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, )) self.assertEqual(io.combined, "{}\n".format(ToolBase.format_version_tuple(version)))
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,)) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,submit,launcher,self-test} ... positional arguments: {sru,check-config,submit,launcher,self-test} sru run automated stable release update tests check-config check and display plainbox configuration submit submit test results to the Canonical certification website launcher run a customized testing session self-test run unit and integration tests optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit logging and debugging: -v, --verbose be more verbose (same as --log-level=INFO) -D, --debug enable DEBUG messages on the root logger -C, --debug-console display DEBUG messages in the console -T LOGGER, --trace LOGGER enable DEBUG messages on the specified logger (can be used multiple times) -P, --pdb jump into pdb (python debugger) when a command crashes -I, --debug-interrupt crash on SIGINT/KeyboardInterrupt, useful with --pdb """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_run_without_args(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main([]) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2,)) expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,submit,launcher,self-test} ... checkbox: error: too few arguments """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_run_without_args(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main([]) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2, )) expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [--providers {all,stub}] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} ... checkbox: error: too few arguments """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_run_without_args(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main([]) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2,)) expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [-c {src,deb,auto,stub,ihv}] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} ... checkbox: error: too few arguments """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, )) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [--providers {all,stub}] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} ... positional arguments: {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} sru run automated stable release update tests check-config check and display plainbox configuration script run a command from a job dev development commands checkbox-cli application for system testing driver-test-suite-cli driver test suite application certification-server application for server certification service spawn dbus service optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit provider list and development: --providers {all,stub} which providers to load logging and debugging: -v, --verbose be more verbose (same as --log-level=INFO) -D, --debug enable DEBUG messages on the root logger -C, --debug-console display DEBUG messages in the console -T LOGGER, --trace LOGGER enable DEBUG messages on the specified logger (can be used multiple times) -P, --pdb jump into pdb (python debugger) when a command crashes -I, --debug-interrupt crash on SIGINT/KeyboardInterrupt, useful with --pdb """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,)) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox [-h] [--version] [--providers {all,stub}] [-v] [-D] [-C] [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I] {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} ... positional arguments: {sru,check-config,script,dev,checkbox-cli,driver-test-suite-cli,certification-server,service} sru run automated stable release update tests check-config check and display plainbox configuration script run a command from a job dev development commands checkbox-cli application for system testing driver-test-suite-cli driver test suite application certification-server application for server certification service spawn dbus service optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit provider list and development: --providers {all,stub} which providers to load logging and debugging: -v, --verbose be more verbose (same as --log-level=INFO) -D, --debug enable DEBUG messages on the root logger -C, --debug-console display DEBUG messages in the console -T LOGGER, --trace LOGGER enable DEBUG messages on the specified logger (can be used multiple times) -P, --pdb jump into pdb (python debugger) when a command crashes -I, --debug-interrupt crash on SIGINT/KeyboardInterrupt, useful with --pdb """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['sru', '--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, )) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox sru [-h] --secure_id SECURE-ID [-T TEST-PLAN-ID] [--staging] [--check-config] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --secure_id SECURE-ID Canonical hardware identifier -T TEST-PLAN-ID, --test-plan TEST-PLAN-ID load the specified test plan --staging Send the data to non-production test server --check-config run check-config before starting """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['sru', '--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,)) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox sru [-h] [--check-config] --secure-id SECURE-ID [--fallback FILE] [--destination URL] [--staging] [-n] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --check-config Run plainbox check-config before starting sru-specific options: --secure-id SECURE-ID Associate submission with a machine using this SECURE- ID (unset) --fallback FILE If submission fails save the test report as FILE (unset) --destination URL POST the test report XML to this URL (https://certific --staging Override --destination to use the staging certification website execution options: -n, --dry-run Skip all usual jobs. Only local, resource and attachment jobs are started job definition options: -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN Run jobs matching the given regular expression. Matches from the start to the end of the line. -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression. Matches from the start to the end of the line. -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST Load whitelist containing run patterns """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
def test_help(self): with TestIO(combined=True) as io: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call: main(['sru', '--help']) self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, )) self.maxDiff = None expected = """ usage: checkbox sru [-h] [--check-config] --secure-id SECURE-ID [--fallback FILE] [--destination URL] [--staging] [-n] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --check-config Run plainbox check-config before starting sru-specific options: --secure-id SECURE-ID Associate submission with a machine using this SECURE- ID (unset) --fallback FILE If submission fails save the test report as FILE (unset) --destination URL POST the test report XML to this URL (https://certific --staging Override --destination to use the staging certification website execution options: -n, --dry-run Skip all usual jobs. Only local, resource and attachment jobs are started job definition options: -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN include jobs matching the given regular expression -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN exclude jobs matching the given regular expression -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST load whitelist containing run patterns """ self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")