Ejemplo n.º 1
def cross_compare(node, conode, proposal):
    ar = proposal.get(conode)  # y -> x'
    if ar == None:
        return (None, None)
    how = cl.how_related(node, ar.cod)
    if how == rel.disjoint:
        return (None, conode)  # conode ! node
    elif how == rel.eq or how == rel.gt:
        return (conode, None)  # conode <= node
    assert how == rel.lt  # node < back is inconclusive
    d_seen = None  # < both node and conode
    e_seen = None  # < conode only
    for child in cl.get_children(conode):
        saw = cross_compare(node, child, proposal)
        if saw:
            (d, e) = saw
            if d and e:
                return saw
            elif d:
                if e_seen:
                    return (d, e_seen)
                    d_seen = d
            elif e:
                if d_seen:
                    return (d_seen, e)
                    e_seen = e
    return (d_seen, e_seen)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cross_compare(node, conode, xmrcas):
  back = xmrcas.get(conode)
  if back == None:
    return (None, None)
  how = cl.how_related(node, back)
  if how == rel.eq:
    return (conode, None)    # conode <= node
  elif how == rel.gt:
    return (conode, None)    # conode <= node
  elif how == rel.disjoint:
    return (None, conode)    # conode ! node
  assert how == rel.lt    # node < back is inconclusive
  x_seen = None
  y_seen = None
  for child in cl.get_children(conode):
    saw = cross_compare(node, child, xmrcas)
    if saw:
      (x, y) = saw
      if x and y:
        return saw
      elif x:
        if y_seen:
          return (x, y_seen)
          x_seen = x
      elif y:
        if x_seen:
          return (x_seen, y)
          y_seen = y
  return (x_seen, y_seen)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def process(x):
     ar = proposal.get(x)
     if ar and ar.relation == rel.lt:
         proof = test_compatibility(ar.dom, ar.cod, proposal)
         if proof:
             retractions[x] = proof
     for child in cl.get_children(x):
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def process(node):
     children = cl.get_children(node)
     if children:
         if not cl.is_container(node):
             out.write("(%s" % cl.get_spaceless(node))
             for child in children:
                 out.write(" %s" % cl.get_spaceless(child))
         for child in children:
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def process(node):
     merged = inject(node, al)
     if not merged in parents:
         p = merged_parent(merged, al)
         if p:
             if dribble.watch(node):
                 (x, y) = p
                 dribble.log("# Merged parent(%s) = (%s, %s)" %
                             (cl.get_unique(node), cl.get_unique(x),
             parents[merged] = p  # Otherwise it's a root
             if dribble.watch(node):
                 dribble.log("# No merge(%s)" % cl.get_unique(node))
             if not merged in roots:
     for child in cl.get_children(node):
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def process(node, less):
   if not draft.get(node):
     e = extensional_match(node, xmrcas)
     if e:
       if e.relation == rel.lt:
         if less and e.cod == less.cod:
           print("# Suppressing %s because redundant with\n  %s" %
                 (art.express(e), art.express(less)))
           less = e
           ext[node] = e
         less = None
         ext[node] = e
       less = None
   for child in cl.get_children(node):
     process(child, less)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def filter(node):
   debug = dribble.watch(node)
   found_match = None
   for child in cl.get_children(node):
     ar = filter(child)
     if ar:
       found_match = ar
   if found_match:    # Some descendant is a particle
     if debug: dribble.log("# %s: descendant matches, not keeping: %s" %
                           (cl.get_unique(node), art.express(found_match)))
     return found_match
   elif node in amap:
     ar = amap[node]
     tw[ar.dom] = ar
     if debug: dribble.log("# %s is a tipward match, keeping: %s" %
                           (cl.get_unique(node), art.express(ar)))
     return ar
     if debug: dribble.log("# %s is unmatched" % cl.get_unique(node))
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def subinfer_partners(x, other):
   y = None
   for child in cl.get_children(x):
     child_ar = subinfer_partners(child, other) # an articulation
     if child_ar != None:
       child_y = child_ar.cod
       if y == None:
         y = child_y
         y = cl.mrca(y, child_y)
   if y != None:
     ar = art.extensional(x, y, rel.matches, "cross-mrca")
     ar = get_mutual(best, x)
   if ar:
     assert cl.get_checklist(ar.cod) != cl.get_checklist(x)
     if dribble.watch(x):
       dribble.log("# Cross-mrca: %s" % (art.express(ar)))
     xmrcas[x] = ar
   return ar             # in B
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_compatibility(x, y, proposal):
    # Look for an intersection between any y-child and x
    # x is in A checklist, y is in B checklist
    # Let y1, y2, ... yn be y's children.
    # We seek a child yk with descendants (d,e) with d<yk and and e!yk,
    # and a second child yj with c<yj in x (i.e. c and x intersect).
    yk = c = d = e = None
    for yi in cl.get_children(y):
        if not yk:
            (di, ei) = cross_compare(x, yi, proposal)
            if di and ei:
                yk = yi
                d = di
                e = ei
            elif not di and not ei:
                c = yi
            c = yi
    if yk:
        return (yk, c, d, e)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def subanalyze_cross_mrcas(node, other):
   result = None
   probe = tipwards.get(node)
   if probe:
     # Could be: = < or >
     result = probe.cod
     children = cl.get_children(node)
     if children:
       m = None      # None is the identity for mrca
       for child in children:
         m2 = subanalyze_cross_mrcas(child, other)
         if m2 != None:
           m = cl.mrca(m, m2) if m != None else m2
       if m != None:
         result = m
   if result:
     assert cl.get_checklist(result) != cl.get_checklist(node)
     if dribble.watch(node):
       dribble.log("# Cross-mrca(%s) = %s" %
                   (cl.get_unique(node), cl.get_unique(result)))
     cross_mrcas[node] = result
   return result             # in B
Ejemplo n.º 11
def extensional_match(node, xmrcas):
  partner = xmrcas.get(node)      # node in other checklist; 'conode'
  if not partner:
    # Descendant of a particle
    if dribble.watch(node):
      dribble.log("# EM: %s is not tipward." % cl.get_unique(node))
    return None
  back = xmrcas.get(partner)    # 'bounce'
  if not back:
    # Not sure how this can happen but it does (NCBI vs. GBIF)
    dribble.log("%s <= %s <= nowhere" % (cl.get_unique(node),
    if dribble.watch(node):
      dribble.log("# EM: %s killed because aborted round trip." % cl.get_unique(node))
    return None
  # node <= partner <= back
  how = cl.how_related(node, back)    # Alway rcc5
  if how == rel.eq:
    # Should end up being eq iff name match or unique match
    # Can test for unique match by looking at xmrca of parent

    # Could be part of a 'monotypic' chain; fix later
    how = rel.matches
    reason = "mutual-cross-mrca"
  elif how == rel.gt:
    how = rel.matches
    reason = "monotypic-inversion"
  elif how == rel.disjoint:
    reason = "particle-set-exclusion"
  else:               # must be rel.lt
    # Assume resolution (node < partner) until conflict is proven
    reason = "refinement"
    # Look for an intersection between any partner-child and node
    # x is in A checklist, y is in B checklist
    for pchild in cl.get_children(partner):
      pchild_back = xmrcas.get(pchild)
      if pchild_back == None:
        # pchild ! node
        (d, e) = cross_compare(node, pchild, xmrcas)
        # d < node while e ! node
        if d and e:
          how = rel.conflict
          reason = ("%s is in; its sibling %s is not" %
                    (cl.get_unique(d), cl.get_unique(e)))
          dribble.log("** %s conflicts with %s because\n"
                      "   %s ! %s\n   (but sibling %s < %s)" %
        elif e:
          reason = ("%s is not in it" % cl.get_unique(e))

  ar = art.extensional(node, partner, how, reason)
  if dribble.watch(node):
    dribble.log("# Extensional articulation %s" % art.express(ar))
  return ar
Ejemplo n.º 12
def differences(uid1, uid2, props = None):  # mask
  (add, change, drop) = differences_in_record(uid1, uid2, props = None)
  if len(cl.get_children(uid1)) != len(cl.get_children(uid2)):
    change |= 1 << number_of_children.specificity
  return (add, change, drop)