Ejemplo n.º 1
 def csConsistencyCheck(self):
     """Perform a consistency check of this record against chemspider. Raise a ValidationError on error."""
     if not self.custom:
         errorList = []
         cs = ChemSpider(settings.CHEMSPIDER_TOKEN)
         if self.CSID is None or self.CSID is '':
             raise ValidationError('No CSID set', 'no_csid')
             csCompound = cs.get_compound(self.CSID)
             if self.name not in ('', None):
                 nameResults = cs.simple_search(self.name)
                 if csCompound not in nameResults:
                         'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid name', code='invalid_inchi'))
                 self.name = csCompound.common_name
             if self.INCHI == '':
                 self.INCHI = csCompound.stdinchi
             elif self.INCHI != csCompound.stdinchi:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid InChi', code='invalid_inchi'))
             if self.smiles == '':
                 self.smiles = csCompound.smiles
             elif self.smiles != csCompound.smiles:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid smiles string', code='invalid_smiles'))
             if self.formula == '':
                 self.formula = csCompound.molecular_formula
             elif self.formula != csCompound.molecular_formula:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid formula', code="invalid_formula"))
             if len(errorList) > 0:
                 raise ValidationError(errorList)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def csConsistencyCheck(self):
     """Perform a consistency check of this record against chemspider. Raise a ValidationError on error."""
     if not self.custom:
         errorList = []
         cs = ChemSpider(settings.CHEMSPIDER_TOKEN)
         if self.CSID is None or self.CSID is '':
             raise ValidationError('No CSID set', 'no_csid')
             csCompound = cs.get_compound(self.CSID)
             if self.name not in ('', None):
                 nameResults = cs.simple_search(self.name)
                 if csCompound not in nameResults:
                         'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid name', code='invalid_inchi'))
                 self.name = csCompound.common_name
             if self.INCHI == '':
                 self.INCHI = csCompound.stdinchi
             elif self.INCHI != csCompound.stdinchi:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid InChi', code='invalid_inchi'))
             if self.smiles == '':
                 self.smiles = csCompound.smiles
             elif self.smiles != csCompound.smiles:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid smiles string', code='invalid_smiles'))
             if self.formula == '':
                 self.formula = csCompound.molecular_formula
             elif self.formula != csCompound.molecular_formula:
                     'A compound was consistency checked and was found to have an invalid formula', code="invalid_formula"))
             if len(errorList) > 0:
                 raise ValidationError(errorList)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_matches(matched_in_ChemSpider, massFile_Name):
    from chemspipy import ChemSpider
    cs = ChemSpider('dfdc677d-e7d3-435b-a74e-bfe6167a3899')
    for i in matched_in_ChemSpider.keys():
        print i
        # intialiaztion
        matched_compounds = []
        matches = {}
        # load mol file info of the product
        product_molFile = read_product_molFile(massFile_Name, i)
        # for each compound in data base with almost the same mass
        for CSID in matched_in_ChemSpider[i]:
            # extract the compound's mol file
            c = cs.get_compound(CSID)
            ChemSpider_compound_mol_info = c.mol_2d
            # compare the product's and compound's mol files
            is_the_same = compare_two_molFiles(product_molFile,
            # add the compound to the list if it's molfile is the same as the product's
            if is_the_same:
        # if at least one compound found as a match
        if matched_compounds != []:
            matches.update({i: matched_compounds})
    # return the whole matches for products
    return matches
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getLongNames(molsDict, pref=4, onlyLettersDigits=False, token="2228d430-a955-416b-b920-14547d28df9e"):
    cs = ChemSpider(token)
    names = {}
    for mol in molsDict:
        comp = cs.get_compound(mol[pref:])
        nName = comp.common_name.encode("ascii", "ignore")
        if onlyLettersDigits:
            nName = leftOnlyLettersDigits(nName)
        names[mol] = nName
    return names
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ChemSp(object):
    def __init__(self):
        sett = SettingsConstants()
        self.key = sett.get('CHEMSPI_KEY')
        self.url = sett.get('CHEMSPI_API_URL')
        self.cs = ChemSpider(self.key, api_url=self.url)

    def get_cmpd(self, csid):
        return self.cs.get_compound(csid)

    def search(self, query):
        print('Connected to ChemSpider API')
        print("Searching started")
        print("Searching for: " + query)
        i = 0
        results = []
        for result in self.cs.search(query):
            if i > 5:
            print("Compound " + str(i))
            formula = str(result.molecular_formula)
            csid = str(result.csid)
            inchi = result.inchi
            name = result.common_name
            cas = cirpy.resolve(inchi, 'cas')
            iupac_name = cirpy.resolve(inchi, 'iupac_name')

            if type(cas) is list:
                c_cas = query
                sim_cas = difflib.get_close_matches(str(c_cas), cas, 3, 0)
                cas_ = sim_cas[0]
                cas_ = cas
            image = result.image_url
            i = i + 1
            result_line = {'csid': csid, 'name': name, 'iupac_name': iupac_name, 'cas': cas_, 'inchi': inchi, \
                           'formula': formula, 'image': image}

        print("Searching finished")

        return results

    def render_image(self, csid, image_id):

        image_png = self.get_cmpd(csid).image
        temp_image = '/home/marcin/Dokumenty/projekty/production/Chem/chembase/static/chembase/temp/temp' + image_id + '.png'
        with open(temp_image, 'wb+') as destination:
        image_path = '/static/chembase/temp/temp' + image_id + '.png?timestamp=' + str(
        return image_path
Ejemplo n.º 6
def database_setup():
    Download 2D & 3D molecule structure
    from ChemSpider server to create a database

    from chemspipy import ChemSpider

    # compile id list for calling molecules
    id_list = get_id()

    directory = DATABASE
    # make directory database_chemspider/ if needed
    if os.path.isdir(directory):
        print('Database folder already existed! Aborting... \n '
              'Please remove the folder and rerun')

    os.chdir(directory)  # change dir to database_chemspider/

    # access API key
    cs = ChemSpider('text')

    # go through each id
    for id_chemspider in id_list:
        if os.path.exists(str(id_chemspider) + '_2d.txt'):
            # pass if id already exist
            print('ID ' + str(id_chemspider) + ' already existed')

        # access molecule data
        c = cs.get_compound(id_chemspider)
        # write 2d coord and bond data
        f = open(str(id_chemspider) + '_2d.txt', 'w')

        # write 3d coord and bond data
        f = open(str(id_chemspider) + '_3d.txt', 'w')

Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_chemspider_structure(csid):
   Get a molecular structure from ChemSpider, generate a PDB file of the 
   structure, and return the name of the PDB file
    pdbpath = '{}.pdb'.format(csid)
    token = 'a03b1636-afc3-4204-9a2c-ede27680577c'  # XXX

    cs = ChemSpider(token)
    cmpd = cs.get_compound(csid)

    conv = ob.OBConversion()
    conv.SetInAndOutFormats('mol', 'pdb')
    mol = ob.OBMol()
    conv.ReadString(mol, cmpd.mol_3d)
    with open(pdbpath, 'w') as f:
    return pdbpath
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getChemspiderCompounds(token, list, pref, delim="_", longNames=True, onlyLettersDigits=False):
    cs = ChemSpider(token)
    names = []
    molecules = []
    for chsId in list:
        comp = cs.get_compound(chsId)
        name = pref + delim + str(chsId)
        if longNames:
            name += delim
            sn = comp.common_name.encode("ascii", "ignore")
            if onlyLettersDigits:
                sn = leftOnlyLettersDigits(sn)
            name += sn
            # .replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_').replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_').replace(',', '_').replace(' ', '_').replace(';', '_')[:25]
        smiles = comp.smiles.encode("ascii", "ignore")
        mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
        mol2 = Chem.AddHs(mol)
    return molecules, names
Ejemplo n.º 9
#read back in final list which is the two chem lists combined
#then extract SMILE and MW information using the csid 

df = pd.read_csv("chem_cidList_total.csv")
#make columns for new data
df['MW'] = 0
df['SMILE'] = 0

#write a loop that fills in these variables
i = 0
for index, row in df.iterrows():
	csid = row[7]
	if csid != 0:
		compound = cs.get_compound(csid)
		MW = compound.molecular_weight
		SMILE = compound.smiles
		df.ix[i, 'MW'] = MW
		df.ix[i, 'SMILE'] = SMILE
		i = i + 1
		i = i + 1
#write to csv

Ejemplo n.º 10
class CompoundForm(forms.ModelForm):
    A form for users to add compounds to the compound guide.

    Forces a check against the chemspider database to ensure no spurious compounds make their way into the compound guide.

    CAS_ID = forms.CharField(label='CAS ID', required=False)
    """Adding this field, not in the database, allows users to match compounds to a CAS_ID without us incuring issues for storing them."""
    CSID = forms.IntegerField(
        label='Chemspider ID',
        error_messages={'required': 'This value must be set or selected'})
    """If the user already knows the right value for this it allows them to skip a step."""
    abbrev = forms.CharField(label="Abbreviation", max_length=100)

    class Meta:
        fields = ('labGroups', 'CSID', 'abbrev', 'name', 'CAS_ID',
        model = Compound
        help_texts = {
            'A common or IUPAC name for the compound.',
            'The CAS number for the compound. Optional.',
            'The Chemspider ID for the compound. If this is not included, a list will be provided for you to choose from.'

    def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
        """Overridden version of the init method allows us to place the user's lab groups as a restricted set."""
        super(CompoundForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.compound = None
        self.chemSpider = ChemSpider(settings.CHEMSPIDER_TOKEN)
        self.fields['labGroups'].queryset = user.labgroup_set.all()
        if user.labgroup_set.all().exists():
            self.fields['labGroups'].empty_label = None

    def clean_CSID(self):
        """Check that the CSID is actually a valid id from chemspider."""
        searchResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
        if (len(searchResults) < 1):
            raise ValidationError('The CSID you have provided is invalid',
            self.compound = searchResults[0]
        return self.cleaned_data['CSID']

    def clean(self):
        """Verify that the CSID, CAS_ID (where supplied) and name are consistent."""
        self.cleaned_data = super(CompoundForm, self).clean()
        if 'labGroups' in self.cleaned_data:
            for labGroup in self.cleaned_data.get('labGroups'):
                if CompoundGuideEntry.objects.filter(
                        'A compound with this abbreviation already exists for the selected labgroup.'
        if self.cleaned_data.get('name'):
            nameResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
            if self.cleaned_data.get('CAS_ID') != '':
                CAS_IDResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
                compoundChoices = [
                    compound for compound in nameResults
                    if compound in CAS_IDResults
                # the CAS_ID always generates a more restrictive set
                compoundChoices = nameResults[0:10]
                # if the CAS_ID is not supplied, then we just create a subset
                # based on the name search alone

            if self.compound is None and len(compoundChoices) > 0:
                self.fields['CSID'] = forms.ChoiceField(
                    choices=((choice.csid, choice.common_name)
                             for choice in compoundChoices),
                # in essence, if a CSID was not supplied, but the chemspider
                # search returned chemspider results, then we offer those
                # results to the user to make a selection.
                return self.cleaned_data
            elif self.compound is None:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Your search terms failed to validate against the Chemspider database. Please contact a local administrator.',
                if self.compound not in nameResults:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'The name provided was not valid for the CSID provided. Please change the entry, or contact your local administrator.',
                elif self.cleaned_data.get(
                        'CAS_ID') and self.compound not in CAS_IDResults:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'The CAS ID provided is not valid for the CSID provided. Remove, replace, or contact your local administrator.',
                    return self.cleaned_data
            if self.compound is not None:
                # this is probably some of the most horrible code I have
                # written, but it is the only way to get this to work - Phil.
                data = self.data.copy(
                )  # because otherwise the query dict is immutable
                # replace the data directly, as bad as that is...
                data['name'] = self.compound.common_name
                # manually input an error message which is less demanding (this
                # is actually canonical method)
                self._errors['name'] = self.error_class(
                    ['Please review this suggestion'])
                self.data = data  # override the old data
            return self.cleaned_data

    def save(self, commit=True):
        """Create (and if appropriate, saves) the compound instance, and adds Inchi and smiles from chemspider."""
            self.instance = Compound.objects.get(
        except Compound.DoesNotExist:
            pass  # Hakuna Matata
        compound = super(CompoundForm, self).save(commit=False)
        csCompound = self.chemSpider.get_compound(compound.CSID)
        compound.INCHI = csCompound.inchi
        compound.smiles = csCompound.smiles
        compound.formula = csCompound.molecular_formula
        if commit:
            if 'labGroups' in self.cleaned_data:
                for labGroup in self.cleaned_data['labGroups']:
                        cgEntry = CompoundGuideEntry.objects.get(
                        cgEntry.compound = compound
                    except CompoundGuideEntry.DoesNotExist:
        return compound
Ejemplo n.º 11
backup_map = {
    'Propyne': 6095,
    'R236EA': 71342,
    'R245ca': 62827,
    'trans-2-Butene': 56442,
    'Oxygen': 952,
    'Fluorine': 22932,
    'Hydrogen': 762,
    'Deuterium': 22931,
    'HFE143m': 66577,
    'SulfurHexafluoride': 16425,
    'R114': 13853215

# Make sure the key works
c = cs.get_compound(2157)
assert(c.inchikey == 'BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYAW')

for fname in glob.glob('../fluids/*.json'):
    with open(fname,'r') as fp:
        jj = json.load(fp)

    fluid = jj['INFO']['NAME']

    def doset(result):
        jj['INFO']['INCHI_STRING'] = result.inchi
        jj['INFO']['INCHI_KEY'] = result.inchikey
        jj['INFO']['CHEMSPIDER_ID'] = result.csid
        jj['INFO']['2DPNG_URL'] = result.image_url
        jj['INFO']['SMILES'] = result.smiles
Ejemplo n.º 12
backup_map = {
    'Propyne': 6095,
    'R236EA': 71342,
    'R245ca': 62827,
    'trans-2-Butene': 56442,
    'Oxygen': 952,
    'Fluorine': 22932,
    'Hydrogen': 762,
    'Deuterium': 22931,
    'HFE143m': 66577,
    'SulfurHexafluoride': 16425,
    'R114': 13853215

# Make sure the key works
c = cs.get_compound(2157)
assert (c.inchikey == 'BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYAW')

for fname in glob.glob('../fluids/*.json'):
    with open(fname, 'r') as fp:
        jj = json.load(fp)

    fluid = jj['INFO']['NAME']

    def doset(result):
        jj['INFO']['INCHI_STRING'] = result.inchi
        jj['INFO']['INCHI_KEY'] = result.inchikey
        jj['INFO']['CHEMSPIDER_ID'] = result.csid
        jj['INFO']['2DPNG_URL'] = result.image_url
        jj['INFO']['SMILES'] = result.smiles
Ejemplo n.º 13
# read the API key from file and instantiate Chem Spider api client
with open("apikey", "r") as key:
    cs = ChemSpider(key.read().strip())

index = 0

# the "startfrom" file persists the ID of the molecule we last requested, check if that exists first
    with open("startfrom", "r") as f:
        index = int(f.read().strip())

while (True):
        compound = cs.get_compound(index)

        # if (compound.common_name):
        # print(compound.common_name)

        # save the image with the ID as the name
        with open("images/" + str(index) + ".png", "wb") as f:
        print(".", end="", flush=True)

    except ChemSpiPyServerError as err:
        # skip over invalid IDs
        if ("Invalid ID" in err.args[0]):
            print("x", end="", flush=True)
            print("ERROR", index)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class CompoundForm(forms.ModelForm):

    A form for users to add compounds to the compound guide.

    Forces a check against the chemspider database to ensure no spurious compounds make their way into the compound guide.

    CAS_ID = forms.CharField(label='CAS ID', required=False)
    """Adding this field, not in the database, allows users to match compounds to a CAS_ID without us incuring issues for storing them."""
    CSID = forms.IntegerField(label='Chemspider ID', min_value=1, error_messages={
                              'required': 'This value must be set or selected'})
    """If the user already knows the right value for this it allows them to skip a step."""

    class Meta:
        fields = ('labGroup', 'abbrev', 'CSID',
                  'name', 'CAS_ID', 'chemicalClasses')
        model = Compound
        help_texts = {
            'abbrev': 'A local abbreviation by which the compound is known.',
            'name': 'A common or IUPAC name for the compound.',
            'CAS_ID': 'The CAS number for the compound. Optional.',
            'CSID': 'The Chemspider ID for the compound. If this is not included, a list will be provided for you to choose from.'

    def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
        """Overridden version of the init method allows us to place the user's lab groups as a restricted set."""
        super(CompoundForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.compound = None
        self.chemSpider = ChemSpider(settings.CHEMSPIDER_TOKEN)
        self.fields['labGroup'].queryset = user.labgroup_set.all()
        if user.labgroup_set.all().exists():
            self.fields['labGroup'].empty_label = None

    def clean_CSID(self):
        """Check that the CSID is actually a valid id from chemspider."""
        searchResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
        if(len(searchResults) < 1):
            raise ValidationError(
                'The CSID you have provided is invalid', code='invalid_csid')
            self.compound = searchResults[0]
        return self.cleaned_data['CSID']

    def clean(self):
        """Verify that the CSID, CAS_ID (where supplied) and name are consistent."""
        self.cleaned_data = super(CompoundForm, self).clean()
        if self.cleaned_data.get('name'):
            nameResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
            if self.cleaned_data.get('CAS_ID') != '':
                CAS_IDResults = self.chemSpider.simple_search(
                compoundChoices = [
                    compound for compound in nameResults if compound in CAS_IDResults][0:10]
                # the CAS_ID always generates a more restrictive set
                compoundChoices = nameResults[0:10]
                # if the CAS_ID is not supplied, then we just create a subset
                # based on the name search alone

            if self.compound is None and len(compoundChoices) > 0:
                self.fields['CSID'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(
                    (choice.csid, choice.common_name) for choice in compoundChoices), widget=forms.widgets.RadioSelect)
                # in essence, if a CSID was not supplied, but the chemspider
                # search returned chemspider results, then we offer those
                # results to the user to make a selection.
                return self.cleaned_data
            elif self.compound is None:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Your search terms failed to validate against the Chemspider database. Please contact a local administrator.', code='no_compounds')
                if self.compound not in nameResults:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'The name provided was not valid for the CSID provided. Please change the entry, or contact your local administrator.', code='name_csid_conflict')
                elif self.cleaned_data.get('CAS_ID') and self.compound not in CAS_IDResults:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'The CAS ID provided is not valid for the CSID provided. Remove, replace, or contact your local administrator.', 'name_cas_id_conflict')
                    return self.cleaned_data
            if self.compound is not None:
                # this is probably some of the most horrible code I have
                # written, but it is the only way to get this to work - Phil.
                data = self.data.copy()  # because otherwise the query dict is immutable
                # replace the data directly, as bad as that is...
                data['name'] = self.compound.common_name
                # manually input an error message which is less demanding (this
                # is actually canonical method)
                self._errors['name'] = self.error_class(
                    ['Please review this suggestion'])
                self.data = data  # override the old data
            return self.cleaned_data

    def save(self, commit=True):
        """Create (and if appropriate, saves) the compound instance, and adds Inchi and smiles from chemspider."""
        compound = super(CompoundForm, self).save(commit=False)
        csCompound = self.chemSpider.get_compound(compound.CSID)
        compound.INCHI = csCompound.inchi
        compound.smiles = csCompound.smiles
        compound.formula = csCompound.molecular_formula
        if commit:
        return compound
# print(tokenchoice())
if os.path.isfile('chemspiderdb.json'):
    spiderjsonfileid = []
    with open('chemspiderdb.json', 'r') as jsonfile:
        for f in jsonfile.readlines():
            the_dict = json.loads(f)
            # print(spiderjsonfileid)
    for csid in csids:
        # cskey = random.choice(cs_security_key)
        cs = ChemSpider(tokenchoice())
        if csid in spiderjsonfileid:
            print('{0} has been in the file'.format(str(csid)))
        compound = cs.get_compound(csid)
            doc = {'_id': int(compound.csid), 'common_name': compound.common_name}
            sleep(random.uniform(0.2, 0.5))
            doc['molecular_weight'] = compound.molecular_weight
            sleep(random.uniform(0, 0.5))
            doc['molecular_formula'] = compound.molecular_formula
            doc['stdinchi'] = compound.stdinchi
            sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5))
            doc['stdinchikey'] = compound.stdinchikey
            doc['smiles'] = compound.smiles
            # sleep(random.uniform(1, 1.1))
            with open('chemspiderdb.json', 'a') as jsonfile:
                json.dump(doc, jsonfile)
            print("{0} Thanks! ".format(str(csid)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
        cid = pcpCmpd.cid
        items["pubchem_cid"] = cid
        cid = items["pubchem_cid"]
        pcpCmpd = pcp.Compound.from_cid(cid)
    # ChemSpider
    if not "chemspider_id" in items:
        results = cs.simple_search(inchikey)
        csCmpd = results[0]
        csid = csCmpd.csid
        items["chemspider_id"] = csid
        items["name"] = csCmpd.common_name.lower()
        csid = items["chemspider_id"]
        csCmpd = cs.get_compound(csid)

    # NIH resolver
    nihCmpd = cirpy.Molecule(inchikey, ['stdinchikey'])
    if not "iupac_name" in items:
        name = nihCmpd.iupac_name # try NIH resolver
        if name is None: # try PubChem
            name = pcpCmpd.iupac_name
        if type(name) is ListType:
            name = name[0]
        if name is None:
            name = items["name"] # chemspider common name
        items["iupac_name"] = name.lower()

    if not "molwt" in items:
        items["molwt"] = pcpCmpd.molecular_weight
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def getMolecularWeight(self):
     cs = ChemSpider(settings.CHEMSPIDER_TOKEN)
     if self.CSID:
         csCompound = cs.get_compound(self.CSID)
         return Decimal(csCompound.molecular_weight)