Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_basis_dict(bso, x0):
    Return a dictionary with :py:class:`BasisSet` objects as values and
    element symbols as keys. The dictionary is composed based on the current
    parameters ``x0`` and attributes of the :py:class:`BSOptimizer` including
    the ``staticbs``

    bsdict = dict()
    for atom, functs in bso.fsopt.items():
        bsdict[atom] = BasisSet.from_optpars(x0, funs=functs, name='opt',
                                             element=atom, explogs=bso.uselogs)

    if bso.staticbs is not None:
        if isinstance(bso.staticbs, dict):
            common_atoms = set(bso.staticbs.keys()) & set(bsdict.keys())
            if common_atoms:
                for atom in common_atoms:
            diff_atoms = set(bso.staticbs.keys()) - set(bsdict.keys())
            if diff_atoms:
                for atom in diff_atoms:
                    bsdict[atom] = bso.staticbs[atom]
        elif isinstance(bso.staticbs, BasisSet):
            if bso.staticbs.element in set(bsdict.keys()):
                bsdict[bso.staticbs.element] = bso.staticbs

    return bsdict
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_basis(self, name=None, element=None):
        Construct the BasisSet object from the result of the
        optimized exponents and function definition.

            name : str
                Name to be assigned to the basis set
            element : str
                Element symbol for the basis set

            basis : chemtools.basisset.BasisSet
                :py:class:`BasisSet <chemtools.basisset.BasisSet>` object with
                the optimized functions

        bsdict = {}
        # get number of parameters per atom
        npars = [sum(get_num_params(t) for t in funs) for funs in self.fsopt.values()]
        x0peratom = sliceinto(self.result.x, npars)
        for (atom, funs), xpars in zip(self.fsopt.items(), x0peratom):

            bsdict[atom] = BasisSet.from_optpars(xpars, funs, name=name,

        if self.staticbs is not None:
            if isinstance(self.staticbs, dict):
                common_atoms = set(self.staticbs.keys()) & set(bsdict.keys())
                if common_atoms:
                    for atom in common_atoms:
                diff_atoms = set(self.staticbs.keys()) - set(bsdict.keys())
                if diff_atoms:
                    for atom in diff_atoms:
                        bsdict[atom] = self.staticbs[atom]
            elif isinstance(self.staticbs, BasisSet):
                if self.staticbs.element in set(bsdict.keys()):
                    bsdict[self.staticbs.element] = self.staticbs

        return bsdict
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_core_energy(x0, *args):
    Funtion for running two single point calculations and parsing the resulting
    energy (or property) as specified by the objective function, primarily
    designed to extract core energy.

        x0: list or numpy.array
            contains a list of parameters to be optimized, may be
            explicit exponents or parametrized exponents in terms
            of some polynomial
        args: tuple of dicts
            bsopt, bsnoopt, code, job, mol, opt, needed for writing
            input and parsing output
        parsed result of the single point calculation as speficied by the
        objective function in the "job" dictionary

    # unpack the args tuple for code readability
    bso = args[0]

    for atom, functs in bso.fsopt.items():
        ni = 0
        nt = 0
        for shell, seq, nf, params in functs:
            nt += nf
            if seq not in ['le', 'legendre'] and not bso.uselogs:
                x0[ni:nt] = np.abs(x0[ni:nt])
            ni += nf

    bsdict = get_basis_dict(bso, x0)

    # set the penalty value
    if bso.penalize:
        penalty = get_penalty(bsdict, bso.penaltykwargs)
        penalty = 1.0

    if bso.verbose:
        bso.log.write("Current exponents being optimized:\n")
        for atom, functs in bso.fsopt.items():
            basis = BasisSet.from_optpars(x0, funs=functs, name='opt',
                                          element=atom, explogs=bso.uselogs)
            bso.log.write(atom + "\n" + basis.print_functions())

    citote = []
    stats = []
    base = os.path.splitext(bso.fname)[0]
    inputs = [base + "_core" + str(sum(x)) + ".inp" for x in bso.core]

    for inpname, core in zip(inputs, bso.core):
        bso.code.write_input(fname=inpname, core=core, basis=bsdict,
                             mol=bso.mol, template=bso.template)

    outputs = bso.code.run_multiple(inputs)
    for output in outputs:
        citote.append(bso.code.parse(output, bso.objective, bso.regexp))

    if stats[0] and stats[1]:
        if bso.verbose:
            bso.log.write("x0 : " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in x0]) + "\n")
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30s} {2:>30s}\n".format("Terminated OK",
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30.10f} {2:>30.10f}\n".format(str(bso.objective),
            bso.log.write("-" * 84)
        coreenergy = citote[0] - citote[1]
        if coreenergy > 0.0:
            coreenergy = -1.0 * coreenergy
        if bso.verbose:
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30.10f}\n".format("Core energy",
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30.10f}\n".format("Objective",
                                                            coreenergy * penalty))
            bso.log.write("=" * 84)
        return coreenergy * penalty
        raise ValueError("something went wrong, check outputs {0:s}".format(", ".join(outputs)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run_total_energy(x0, *args):
    Funtion for running a single point calculation and parsing the resulting
    energy (or property) as specified by the objective function.

        x0 : list or numpy.array
            contains a list of parameters to be optimized, may be
            explicit exponents or parametrized exponents in terms
            of some polynomial
        args : tuple of dicts
            bsopt, bsnoopt, code, job, mol, opt, needed for writing
            input and parsing output

        parsed result of the single point calculation as speficied by the
        objective function in the "job" dictionary


    # unpack the args tuple for code readability
    bso = args[0]

    for atom, functs in bso.fsopt.items():
        ni = 0
        nt = 0
        for shell, seq, nf, params in functs:
            nt += nf
            if seq not in ['le', 'legendre'] and not bso.uselogs:
                x0[ni:nt] = np.abs(x0[ni:nt])
            ni += nf

    bsdict = get_basis_dict(bso, x0)

    # set the penalty value
    if bso.penalize:
        penalty = get_penalty(bsdict, **bso.penaltykwargs)
        penalty = 1.0

    if bso.verbose:
        bso.log.write("Current exponents being optimized:\n")
        for atom, functs in bso.fsopt.items():
            basis = BasisSet.from_optpars(x0, funs=functs, name='opt',
                                          element=atom, explogs=bso.uselogs)
            bso.log.write(atom + basis.print_functions())

    bso.code.write_input(fname=bso.fname, template=bso.template, basis=bsdict,
                         mol=bso.mol, core=bso.core)
    output = bso.code.run(bso.fname)
    if bso.code.accomplished(output):

        if callable(bso.objective):
            objective = bso.objective(output)
            objective = bso.code.parse(output, bso.objective, bso.regexp)

        if objective is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to parse the objective, check output")
        if bso.verbose:
            bso.log.write("{0:<s}".format("Job Terminated without errors\n"))
            bso.log.write("x0 : " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in x0]) + "\n")
            bso.log.write("\n{0:<20s} : {1:>30s}\n".format("Output", output))
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30.10f}\n".format(str(bso.objective), objective))
            bso.log.write("{0:<20s} : {1:>30.10f}\n".format("Objective", objective * penalty))
            bso.log.write("=" * 80 + "\n")
        return objective * penalty
        raise ValueError("something went wrong, check output {0:s}".format(output))