def fix(filename):['fastfen', './fens/'+filename]) if __name__ == '__main__': pathPgn = './output.pgn' if sys.argv[1:]: pathPgn = sys.argv[1] print "opening PGN: %s" % pathPgn pgn = open(pathPgn) lineCur = 1 lineToOffset = {} while 1: lineToOffset[lineCur] = pgn.tell() if not pgn.readline(): break; lineCur += 1 print lineToOffset sys.exit(-1) gameNum = 1 while 1: game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) fen = game.headers["FEN"] print "offset:%d, game:%d, fen:%s" % (pgn.tell(), gameNum, fen) m = re.match(regexFen, fen)
def fix(filename):['fastfen', './fens/' + filename]) if __name__ == '__main__': pathPgn = './output.pgn' if sys.argv[1:]: pathPgn = sys.argv[1] print "opening PGN: %s" % pathPgn pgn = open(pathPgn) lineCur = 1 lineToOffset = {} while 1: lineToOffset[lineCur] = pgn.tell() if not pgn.readline(): break lineCur += 1 print lineToOffset sys.exit(-1) gameNum = 1 while 1: game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) fen = game.headers["FEN"] print "offset:%d, game:%d, fen:%s" % (pgn.tell(), gameNum, fen) m = re.match(regexFen, fen) if not m:
def read_game(self, idx): self.env.reset() = ChessPlayer(self.config, self.model) self.white = ChessPlayer(self.config, self.model) files = find_pgn_files(self.config.resource.play_data_dir) if len(files) > 0: random.shuffle(files) filename = files[0] pgn = open(filename, errors='ignore') size = os.path.getsize(filename) pos = random.randint(0, size) line = pgn.readline() offset = 0 # Parse game headers. while line: if line.isspace() or line.startswith("%"): line = pgn.readline() continue # Read header tags. tag_match = TAG_REGEX.match(line) if tag_match: offset = pgn.tell() break line = pgn.readline() game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) node = game result = game.headers["Result"] actions = [] while not node.is_end(): next_node = node.variation(0) actions.append(node.board().uci(next_node.move)) node = next_node pgn.close() k = 0 observation = self.env.observation while not self.env.done and k < len(actions): if self.env.board.turn == chess.BLACK: action =, actions[k]) else: action = self.white.sl_action(observation, actions[k]) board, info = self.env.step(action) observation = board.fen() k += 1 self.env.done = True if not self.env.board.is_game_over() and result != '1/2-1/2': self.env.resigned = True if result == '1-0': self.env.winner = Winner.white elif result == '0-1': self.env.winner = else: self.env.winner = Winner.draw self.finish_game() self.save_play_data(write=idx % self.config.play_data.nb_game_in_file == 0) self.remove_play_data() return self.env
def base_dataset(): # TODO get path from command line engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci('../stockfish_engine_x64') # TODO get numbers as args from command line initial_pgn_number = int(input("number of the first pgn to evaluate: ")) final_pgn_number = int(input("number of the last pgn to evaluate: ")) # procura arquivo com os scores salvos. Se ele existe, escreve no fim dele. Caso contrário, o arquivo é criado if os.path.isfile("scores.csv"): scores_file = open("scores.csv", "a") else: scores_file = open("scores.csv", "w") scores_file.write( "Id, Pgn Number, Event, Move Number, Move, Score, Comment, Label\n" ) # checa se existe um arquivo contendo o primeiro id dos movimentos a serem inseridos no dataset. Caso contrário, ele é criado if os.path.isfile("next_id.txt"): next_id = open("next_id.txt") move_id = int(next_id.readline()) next_id.close() else: move_id = 0 # loop principal de avaliação das partidas for i in range(initial_pgn_number, final_pgn_number + 1): game_path = f'../../pgn_files/pgn_{i}.txt' # checa se pgn i existe try: if (os.path.isfile(game_path)): print(f'Avaliando pgn {i}') # abre e lê arquivo pgn pgn = open(game_path) title = pgn.readline() # titulo da partida, que será inserido no dataset title = re.findall(r'"(.*?)"', title)[0] # cria objeto para representar a partida partindo do arquivo pgn game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) board = game.board() # limite de busca da engine limit = chess.engine.Limit(depth=15) move_number = 1 scores = [] # lista com as linhas a serem inseridos no dataset score_values = [ ] # lista com os scores numericos de cada jogada turn = 'W' # loop de avaliação de uma partida for node in game.mainline(): # insere próximo movimento da partida no tabuleiro board.push(node.move) info = engine.analyse(board, limit) # tag para diferenciar jogada das brancas e das negras if move_number == math.floor(move_number): turn = 'W' else: turn = 'B' # insere linha no dataset scores.append( f'{move_id}, {i}, "{title}", {math.floor(move_number)}{turn}, {node.move}, {info["score"].white()}, "{node.comment}"' ) # insere score numerico na lista # score_values.append(info["score"].white().score()) # para casos de jogadas proximos a um cheque mate, o score e substituido por um contador if info["score"].white().score() == None: # extrai sinal + (brancas) ou - (negras) do contador de jogadas ate mate mate_score = f'{info["score"].white()}' # score numerico para esta situacao vira +1000 ou -1000 score_normalized = int(f'{mate_score[1]}1000') score_values.append(score_normalized) else: score_values.append(info["score"].white().score()) #print(f'Analisado movimento {math.floor(move_number)}') move_number += 0.5 move_id += 1 pgn.close() # cria lista contendo as labels de ponto de virada pontos_virada = generate_labels(score_values) # escreve no dataset todas as linhas de avaliação desta partida j = 0 for score in scores: scores_file.write(f'{score}, {pontos_virada[j]}') scores_file.write("\n") j += 1 else: print(f'Arquivo pgn {i} não existe') except: print("Pgn com caracteres nao reconhecidos") log = open("log.txt", "a") log.write(f'{i}\n') log.close() scores_file.close() # salva o id do último movimento analisado next_id = open("next_id.txt", "w") next_id.write(f'{move_id}') next_id.close()