Ejemplo n.º 1
def _load_snapshot_chimera_obj(session, data, model_by_id):
    """Map data from _save_snapshot_chimera_obj back to a ChimeraX object"""
    if data is None:
        return None
    elif data['type'] == 'Atoms':
        if 'single_structure' in data:
            if data['single_structure'] is None:
                return Atoms()
            m = model_by_id[data['single_structure']]
            atoms = [m.atoms[x] for x in data['indices']]
            atoms = []
            for s, ind in zip(data['structures'], data['indices']):
        obj = Atoms(atoms)
        return obj
    elif data['type'] == 'Atom':
        return model_by_id[data['structure']].atoms[data['index']]
    elif data['type'] == 'Bond':
        return model_by_id[data['structure']].bonds[data['index']]
    elif data['type'] == 'Pseudobond':
        f = model_by_id[data['structure']]._get_features()
        obj = f.pseudobonds[data['index']]
        return obj
    raise TypeError("Don't know how to load snapshot %s" % str(data))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def apply_restraints(trs, rrs, adjust_for_confidence, confidence_type):
        template_as = []
        restrained_as = []
        for tr, rr in zip(trs, rrs):
            ta_names = set(tr.atoms.names).intersection(atom_names)
            ra_names = set(rr.atoms.names).intersection(atom_names)
            common_names = list(ta_names.intersection(ra_names))
            template_as.extend([tr.find_atom(name) for name in common_names])
            restrained_as.extend([rr.find_atom(name) for name in common_names])
            # template_as.append(tr.atoms[numpy.in1d(tr.atoms.names, common_names)])
            # restrained_as.append(rr.atoms[numpy.in1d(rr.atoms.names, common_names)])
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        template_as = Atoms(template_as)
        restrained_as = Atoms(restrained_as)

        template_coords = template_as.coords
        from math import sqrt
        for i, ra1 in enumerate(restrained_as):
            query_coord = numpy.array([template_coords[i]])
            indices = find_close_points(query_coord, template_coords,
            indices = indices[indices != i]
            for ind in indices:
                ra2 = restrained_as[ind]
                if ra1.residue == ra2.residue:
                if adjust_for_confidence:
                    if confidence_type == 'plddt':
                        scores = [
                            template_as[i].bfactor * confidence_multiplier,
                            template_as[ind].bfactor * confidence_multiplier
                    elif confidence_type == 'pae':
                        scores = [
                            pae_matrix[template_as[i].residue.number - 1,
                                       template_as[ind].residue.number - 1]
                    kappa_adj, tol_adj, falloff_adj = adjust_distance_restraint_terms_by_confidence(
                        scores, confidence_type)
                    if kappa_adj == 0:
                    kappa_adj = tol_adj = 1
                    falloff_adj = 0
                    dr = adrm.add_restraint(ra1, ra2)
                except ValueError:
                dist = distance(query_coord[0], template_coords[ind])
                dr.tolerance = tolerance * dist * tol_adj
                dr.target = dist
                dr.c = max(sqrt(dist) * well_half_width, 0.1)
                #dr.effective_spring_constant = spring_constant
                dr.kappa = kappa * kappa_adj
                from math import log
                dr.alpha = -1 - fall_off * log(
                    (max(dist - 1, 1))) - falloff_adj
                dr.enabled = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def added_atoms(session, atoms, to_atoms):
    amap = {(a.residue.chain_id, a.residue.number, a.name): a for a in atoms}
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    added = Atoms([
        a for a in to_atoms
        if (a.residue.chain_id, a.residue.number, a.name) not in amap
    added.selected = True
    session.logger.status('Added %d atoms' % len(added), log=True)
    return added
Ejemplo n.º 4
def paired_principal_atoms(aligned_residues):
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    result = [
        for aa in zip(*((a1, a2)
                        for a1, a2 in zip(aligned_residues[0].principal_atoms,
                        if a1 is not None and a2 is not None))
    if not len(result):
        return [Atoms(), Atoms()]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, structure):
        self._log = Logger('structuretugger.log' if write_logs else None)
        self.structure = structure
        self._minimized = False

        # OpenMM requires the atoms to be sorted by residue number
        self._structure_atoms = sa = structure.atoms
        satoms = list(sa)
        satoms.sort(key=lambda a: (a.residue.chain_id, a.residue.number))
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        self.atoms = Atoms(satoms)

        # Atom being tugged
        self.atom = None


        # OpenMM objects
        self._topology = None
        self._system = None
        self._force = None  # CustomExternalForce pulling force
        self._platform = None
        self._simulation = None
        self._sim_forces = None  # Current forces on atoms

        # OpenMM simulation parameters
        global openmm_forcefield_parameters
        self._forcefields = openmm_forcefield_parameters
        self._sim_steps = 50  # Simulation steps between mouse position updates
        self._force_constant = 10000
        from simtk import unit
        #self._temperature = 300*unit.kelvin
        self._temperature = 100 * unit.kelvin
        #self._constraint_tolerance = 0.00001
        #self._time_step = 2.0*unit.femtoseconds
        self._integrator_tolerance = 0.001
        self._constraint_tolerance = 0.001
        self._friction = 1.0 / unit.picoseconds  # Coupling to heat bath
        self._platform_name = 'CPU'
        #self._platform_name = 'OpenCL' # Works on Mac
        #self._platform_name = 'CUDA'	# This is 3x faster but requires env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib Chimera.app/Contents/MacOS/ChimeraX so paths to cuda libraries are found.
        self._max_allowable_force = 50000.0  # kJ/mol/nm

        # OpenMM particle data
        self._particle_number = None  # Integer index of tugged atom
        self._particle_positions = None  # Numpy array, Angstroms
        self._particle_force_index = {}
        self._particle_masses = None  # Original particle masses

Ejemplo n.º 6
def indexLabel(session, models=None):
    from chimerax.core.objects import Objects
    from chimerax.atomic import AtomicStructure, Atoms
    from chimerax.label.label3d import label
    from SEQCROW.utils import contrast_bw

    if models is None:
        models = session.models.list(type=AtomicStructure)
    elif isinstance(models, AtomicStructure):
        models = [models]

    for m in models:
        for i, atom in enumerate(m.atoms):
            l = str(i + 1)
            ele_color = atom.color[:-1]
            if contrast_bw(ele_color) == "black":
                label_color = (0, 0, 0, 255)
                label_color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
                offset=(-0.11 * len(l), -0.2, -0.2),
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def atoms(self):
     Returns an unsorted `Atoms` object encompassing all atoms in chi dihedrals. Read only.
     from chimerax.atomic import concatenate, Atoms
     dihedrals = concatenate([r.chi_dihedrals for r in self])
     return concatenate([Atoms(d.atoms) for d in dihedrals]).unique()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def swap_equivalent_atoms(residue):
    rname = residue.name
    if rname in rings:
        rname = 'aromatic'
    equivalent_pairs = equivalent_heavy_atoms[rname]
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    paired_atoms = []
    for a1name, a2name in equivalent_pairs.items():
        a1, a2 = [residue.find_atom(name) for name in (a1name, a2name)]
        if a1 is None or a2 is None:
            # Bail out if any equivalent atom is missing
            return False
        pair = []
        for a in (a1, a2):
            group = [a]
            for n in a.neighbors:
                if n.residue != a.residue:
                    # Don't flip if any equivalent atom is bonded to something else
                    return False
                if n.element.name == 'H':
    for pair in paired_atoms:
        if len(pair[0]) != len(pair[1]):
            # Something weird going on - probably one of the atoms is missing a hydrogen. Bail out.
            return False
    for pair in paired_atoms:
        pair[0].coords, pair[1].coords = pair[1].coords, pair[0].coords
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def correct_o_position(res, psi):
    n, ca, c, o = [res.find_atom(name) for name in ['N', 'CA', 'C', 'O']]
    from chimerax.geometry import rotation, dihedral
    d = dihedral(*[a.coord for a in (n, ca, c, o)])
    r = rotation(c.coord - ca.coord, psi + 180 - d, center=c.coord)
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
Ejemplo n.º 10
def break_disulfide(cys1, cys2):
    from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    s1 = cys1.find_atom('SG')
    s2 = cys2.find_atom('SG')
    if s1 is None or s2 is None:
        raise UserError(
            'Missing SG atom! Are both residues complete cysteines?')
    if s2 not in s1.neighbors:
        raise UserError('These residues are not disulfide bonded!')
    has_hydrogens = ('H' in cys1.atoms.element_names)
    b = Atoms((s1, s2)).intra_bonds[0]
    if has_hydrogens:
        from chimerax.build_structure import modify_atom
        modify_atom(s1, s1.element, 2, res_name='CYS', connect_back=False)
        modify_atom(s2, s2.element, 2, res_name='CYS', connect_back=False)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_save_snapshot_chimera_obj(self):
        """Test save_snapshot of Chimera objects"""
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj,
                          'non-chimera object')
        session = make_session()
        state = src.io._RMFState(session)
        state2 = src.io._RMFState(session)
        residue = state.new_residue('ALA', 'A', 1)
        atom1 = state.new_atom('C', 'C')
        atom2 = state.new_atom('N', 'N')

        st2_residue = state2.new_residue('ALA', 'A', 1)
        st2_atom1 = state2.new_atom('C', 'C')

        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(atom1)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Atom')

        # single structure
        atoms = Atoms((atom1, atom2))
        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(atoms)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Atoms')
        self.assertIn('single_structure', d)

        # list of zero atoms
        atoms = Atoms()
        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(atoms)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Atoms')
        self.assertIn('single_structure', d)

        # multiple structures
        atoms = Atoms((atom1, st2_atom1))
        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(atoms)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Atoms')
        self.assertIn('structures', d)

        bond = state.new_bond(atom1, atom2)
        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(bond)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Bond')

        pbond = state._add_pseudobond((atom1, atom2))
        d = src.io._save_snapshot_chimera_obj(pbond)
        self.assertEqual(d['type'], 'Pseudobond')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def all_connected_selector(session, models, results):
    """select all atoms connected to the current selection"""
    # TODO: right mouse mode for this
    cur_sel = selected_atoms(session)
    bond_sel = selected_bonds(session)
    for bond in bond_sel:
        cur_sel = cur_sel.merge(Atoms(bond.atoms))
    atoms = Atoms()
    for atom in cur_sel:
        if atom in atoms:
        elif atom.structure not in models:
        connected_atoms = get_fragment(atom, max_len=len(atom.structure.atoms))
        atoms = atoms.merge(connected_atoms)

Ejemplo n.º 13
 def new_feature(self, atoms):
     if len(atoms) == 2:
         # Make and return a pseudobond if the feature acts on 2 atoms
         state = atoms[0].structure
         return state._add_pseudobond(atoms)
         # Otherwise, return the list of atoms the feature acts on
         return Atoms(atoms)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def move_models_and_atoms(tf, models, atoms, move_whole_molecules, base_model):

    if move_whole_molecules and atoms is not None and len(atoms) > 0:
        models = list(models) + list(atoms.unique_structures)
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        atoms = Atoms()
    if atoms is None:
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        atoms = Atoms()
    global position_history
    position_history.record_position(models, atoms, base_model)
    for m in models:
        # TODO: Handle case where parent of volume has non-identity position.  tf is in scene coords.
        m.position = tf * m.position
    if len(atoms) > 0:
        atoms.coords = tf * atoms.coords
    position_history.record_position(models, atoms, base_model)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, triangle_range, description, atoms):
     # triangle_range is a range object that corresponds to the indices
     # of the triangles for that shape in the vertex array
     self.triangle_range = triangle_range
     self.description = description
     from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
     if atoms is not None and not isinstance(atoms, Atoms):
         atoms = Atoms(atoms)
     self.atoms = atoms
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _step_forward(self, *_):
        Move one step forward along the spline, and adjust the target
        positions accordingly.
        isolde = self.isolde
        xr = self._extended_residues
        xa = self._extended_atoms
        if abs(self._current_position_on_spline) >= abs(self._shift_length):
            # Our target has reached the end of the spline. Switch to a
            # final "polishing" routine
            self._handler = None
            self.finished = True
            self.triggers.activate_trigger('register shift finished', self)
            #self._handler = self.isolde.triggers.add_handler('completed simulation step', self._final_polish)
        self._current_position_on_spline += self._spline_step
        sp = self._positions_along_spline
        sp += self._spline_step
        outside = numpy.logical_or(sp < 0, sp > self._spline_length - 1)
        inside = numpy.argwhere(numpy.invert(outside)).ravel()
        outside = numpy.argwhere(outside).ravel()
        # Release restraints on atoms outside of the spline
        out_a = xr[outside].atoms
        if len(out_a):

        # Update the restraints on atoms inside of the spline
        in_a = xa[inside]
        in_pos = sp[inside]

        nspl = self.n_spline
        caspl = self._ca_spline
        cspl = self._c_spline
        cbspl = self._cb_spline

        splev = interpolate.splev
        #restraints = isolde._sim_pos_restr
        pr_mgr = self._pr_mgr
        k = self.spring_constant

        n_targets = numpy.column_stack(splev(in_pos, nspl[0]))
        ca_targets = numpy.column_stack(splev(in_pos, caspl[0]))
        c_targets = numpy.column_stack(splev(in_pos, cspl[0]))
        cb_targets = numpy.column_stack(splev(in_pos, cbspl[0]))
        #all_targets = numpy.column_stack((n_targets, ca_targets, c_targets, cb_targets))
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        for i, targets in enumerate(
            (n_targets, ca_targets, c_targets, cb_targets)):
            atoms = in_a[:, i]
            mask = atoms != None
            targets = targets[mask]
            atoms = Atoms(atoms[mask])
            prs = pr_mgr.get_restraints(atoms)
            prs.targets = targets
            prs.spring_constants = k
            prs.enableds = True
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, residues, cartesian, log = None):
         # Create interpolation function for each residue.
         from .interp_residue import internal_residue_interpolator, cartesian_residue_interpolator
         residue_interpolator = cartesian_residue_interpolator if cartesian else internal_residue_interpolator
         res_interp = {}
         t0 = time()
         cartesian_atoms = []
         dihedral_atoms = []
         nr = len(residues)
         for i,r in enumerate(residues):
                 if log and i%100 == 0:
                         log.status('Making interpolator for residue %d of %d' % (i, nr))
                 residue_interpolator(r, cartesian_atoms, dihedral_atoms)
         t1 = time()
         global rsit
         rsit += t1-t0
         from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
         self.cartesian_atom_indices = Atoms(cartesian_atoms).coord_indices
         self.dihedral_atom_indices = Atoms(dihedral_atoms).coord_indices
Ejemplo n.º 18
def split_connected(atoms):

    aset = set(atoms)
    reached = {}        # Map atom to tuple of connected atoms
    for a in atoms:
        j = set([a])
        for b in a.bonds:
            a2 = b.other_atom(a)
            if a2 in aset and a2 in reached:
        j = tuple(j)
        for a3 in j:
            reached[a3] = j
    cats = list(set(reached.values()))
    cats.sort(key = lambda cat: len(cat))
    cats.reverse()                              # Number largest to smallest
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    pieces = ([('', Atoms(cats[0]))] if len(cats) == 1
              else [('%d' % (i+1,), Atoms(cat)) for i,cat in enumerate(cats)])
    return pieces
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _pick_atoms(self, pick):
        if pick is None:
            return None

        a = None
        r = None
        if hasattr(pick, 'atom'):
            a = pick.atom
            r = a.residue
        elif hasattr(pick, 'bond'):
            b = pick.bond
            coords = [a.coord for a in b.atoms]
            from chimerax.geometry import distance
            distances = [distance(c, pick.position) for c in coords]
            a = b.atoms[distances.index(min(distances))]
            r = a.residue
        elif hasattr(pick, 'residue'):
            r = pick.residue

        # Tug heavy atoms instead of hydrogens
        if a:
            if a.element.name == 'H':
                h_mode = self._tug_mgr.allow_hydrogens
                if h_mode == 'no':
                        'Tugging of hydrogens is not enabled. '
                        'Applying tug to the nearest bonded heavy atom.')
                    a = a.neighbors[0]
                elif h_mode == 'polar':
                    for n in a.neighbors:
                        if n.element.name == 'C':
                                'Tugging of non-polar hydrogens is not enabled. '
                                'Applying tug to the nearest bonded heavy atom.'
                            a = n
            self._focal_atom = a  #a = self._focal_atom = pick

        tm = self.tug_mode
        if tm == "atom" and a:
            from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
            pa = Atoms([a])
        elif tm == "residue" and r:
            pa = r.atoms
            if a is not None:
                self._focal_atom = a
                self._focal_atom = r.principal_atom
            pa = None

        return pa
Ejemplo n.º 20
def tm_selector(session, models, results):
    """select transition metals using AaronTools' TMETAL dictionary"""

    atoms = []
    for model in models:
        if isinstance(model, AtomicStructure):
            for atom in model.atoms:
                if atom.element.name in TMETAL:

    #need to add a Collection, not just a list of atoms
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _label_objects(self, r):
     # Label CA atom so label does not jump around.
     la = [a for a in r.atoms if a.name == self._label_atom_name]
     from chimerax.core.objects import Objects
     if len(la) == 1:
         from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
         objects = Objects(atoms=Atoms(la))
         otype = 'atoms'
         # If no CA atom them label center of residue
         objects = Objects(atoms=r.atoms)
         otype = 'residues'
     return objects, otype
Ejemplo n.º 22
def shortcut_atoms(session):
    matoms = []
    sel = session.selection
    atoms_list = sel.items('atoms')
    from chimerax.atomic import concatenate, Atoms
    if atoms_list:
        atoms = concatenate(atoms_list)
    elif sel.empty():
        # Nothing selected, so operate on all atoms
        from chimerax.atomic import all_atoms
        atoms = all_atoms(session)
        atoms = Atoms()
    return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 23
def call_c_plus_plus(cpp_func, structures, return_collection, *args):
    import os
    num_cpus = os.cpu_count() if not None else 1

    from chimerax.atomic import Atom, Atoms, AtomicStructure
    groups = []
    for structure in structures:
        if not isinstance(structure, AtomicStructure):
        cpp_args = args + (num_cpus, return_collection)
        grps = cpp_func(structure.cpp_pointer, *cpp_args)
        if return_collection:
            # accumulate the numpy arrays to later be concatenated and turned into a Collection
    if return_collection:
        if groups:
            import numpy
            groups = Atoms(numpy.concatenate(groups))
            groups = Atoms()
    return groups
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def selected_items(self, itype):
     if itype in ('atoms', 'bonds'):
         from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
         atoms = Atoms(None)
         for s in self._selected_shapes:
             a = s.atoms
             if a is not None:
                 atoms |= s
         if itype == 'bonds':
             return atoms.intra_bonds
         return atoms
     elif itype == 'shapes':
         return list(self._selected_shapes)
     return []
Ejemplo n.º 25
def save_residue_graphs_to_text(residues, filename):
    import numpy
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    with open(filename, 'wt') as outfile:
        for r in residues:
            ratoms = r.atoms
            labels = ratoms.elements.numbers
            edges = numpy.array([ratoms.indices(Atoms(b.atoms)) for b in ratoms.intra_bonds])
            outfile.write(', '.join([str(l) for l in labels])+'\n')
            for e in edges:
Ejemplo n.º 26
def indexLabel(session, models=None):
    from chimerax.core.objects import Objects
    from chimerax.atomic import AtomicStructure, Atoms
    from chimerax.label.label3d import label

    if models is None:
        models = session.models.list(type=AtomicStructure)
    elif isinstance(models, AtomicStructure):
        models = [models]

    for m in models:
        for i, atom in enumerate(m.atoms):
            l = str(i + 1)
            label(session, objects=Objects(atoms=Atoms([atom])), object_type='atoms', \
                text=l, offset=(-0.11*len(l),-0.2,-0.2), height=0.4, on_top=True)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_fragment(start, stop=None, max_len=100000):
    see AaronTools.geometry.Geometry.get_fragment

    stack = deque([start])
    frag = [start]
    stop = set([stop])
    while len(stack) > 0 and len(frag) <= max_len:
        connected = stack.popleft()
        connected = set(connected.neighbors) - stop - set(frag)

    return Atoms(frag)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def apply_strict_ncs(template_atoms, ncs_map):
    Copy the transformed coordinates of the template atoms to the given NCS


        * template_atoms: a :class:`Atoms` instance
        * ncs_map: a list of (:class:`Place`, :class:`Atoms`) pairs. Each
            array of atoms must have a 1:1 correspondence to the template_atoms.
            Atoms will be sorted according to (chain, residue number, insertion
            code, atom name) before applying the NCS operators.
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    template_atoms = Atoms(
               key=lambda a: (a.residue.chain_id, a.residue.number, a.residue.
                              insertion_code, a.name)))
    for (place, ncs_atoms) in ncs_map:
        ncs_atoms = Atoms(
                   key=lambda a: (a.residue.chain_id, a.residue.number, a.
                                  residue.insertion_code, a.name)))
        ncs_atoms.coords = place * template_atoms.coords
Ejemplo n.º 29
def make_graph_from_residue(residue, label='element'):
    Create a graph representation of a residue's topology, with nodes labelled
    by either atomic number or an integer representation of their name.
    import numpy
    from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
    ratoms = residue.atoms
    if label=='element':
        labels = ratoms.elements.numbers
    elif label=='name':
        labels = numpy.array([simple_name_to_int(name) for name in ratoms.names])
        raise TypeError('"label" argument should be one of "element" or "name"!')
    edges = numpy.array([ratoms.indices(Atoms(b.atoms)) for b in ratoms.intra_bonds])
    return Graph(labels, edges)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def populate_clash_table_from_geometry(self, model):
        If no simulation is running, use ChimeraX's built-in clash toolset to find
        and list geometric clashes in decreasing order of overlap severity.
        atoms = model.atoms
        from chimerax.clashes import clashes
        clash_dict = clashes.find_clashes(self.session,
        t = self._geom_clash_table
        if not clash_dict:
        from functools import reduce
        # Clash dict is bi-directional, so number of clashes is half the total count
        clash_count = 1 / 2 * reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                                      for d in clash_dict.values()))
        seen = set()
        from chimerax.atomic import Atoms
        # Make list of unique clashing atom pairs and their distances
        clash_list = []
        for a1, clashes in clash_dict.items():
            for a2, dist in clashes.items():
                if a2 in seen:
                clash_list.append((Atoms([a1, a2]), dist))
        # Sort clashes in decreasing order of overlap
        clash_list = sorted(clash_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        from Qt.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItem
        for i, (catoms, overlap) in enumerate(clash_list):
            a1, a2 = catoms
            r1, r2 = catoms.residues
            data = ("{} {}{}: {}".format(r1.name, r1.chain_id, r1.number,
                    "{} {}{}: {}".format(r2.name, r2.chain_id, r2.number,
                                         a2.name), "{:0.2f}".format(overlap))
            for j, d in enumerate(data):
                item = QTableWidgetItem(d)
                item.data = catoms
                t.setItem(i, j, item)